RotRL: The Alkenstar Expedition (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

Guns vs. Magic in Rise of the Runelords.

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A nice Barbarian or Fighter for me to flank with would be nice.

NPC is fine, unless someone knows someone that would be great and can deal with this style

dude halfling

an Invulnerable Rager NPC would be great -- and I think it would be pretty Alkenstar-seque. if only we could find a guy who knew how to design and run such a thing...



Ive got a 9th level invul rager thats a beast..

Im at folks house for holidYs btw so posting is limited..

If I'm building it, it will likely be something weirder. Already set to play one of those in a home game.

I really have little enough desire to run an NPC though. Heck, I barely did it already with Yap.

If I build one, one of you folks can run it.


build me a halfling flank buddy!


i don't mind running him

just something simple.

Why a halfling?


What could be better than ANOTHER HALFLING! Hilarious

Poor Bo.

No more halfings for yoo!

dude halfling

In fact, it just so happens Red Lobster is having a big promotion right now -- I can easily get posters for Shrimp Fest to use as banners for the party!

Tirion will shop for a scroll with a few Reduce Person spell on it, so Bo can fit in with the team every now and then...


I think a permanent reduce person on Bo is fair

Found a replacement player who made a melee build.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Hello! I present Januarius ibn Fahlad, the tragically over-named fighter and shieldmarshal (in the world, not the class!) of Alkenstar. Doc Buzzard said a melee flanker was needed so I busted out my nastiest flanker build.

Note: you get +4 instead of +2 when you're flanking with Januarius.

Ninja 10/Halfling Opportunist 5 TRAP SPOTTER IMP invis 10
HP 90/123 AC 33(37)/26(-)/19(23);CMD 31 F 10 R 21 W 16(+2 Fear, +2 Poison); Ki 6/7 Init +8 Revolver 6/6
Acro +30 Appraise+21 Bluff +18 Climb +6 Disguise +14 Diplomacy +14 Disable Device +27 Escape +18 Perception +26 Stealth +29 Local +14 Dungeoneering +13 UMD +19 Sense Motive +11 SoH +21 Swim +6[/spoiler]

yay, i get to use my trait again!

Take it that you teleported Janarius instead of Drainy. We'll call it part of the error from the spell. He was on call in Williamson's office.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Well met! Ill try not to shoot you in the back..

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Yes, that would be...most unpleasant.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Whoops! Forgot to add traits, picked Giant Slayer and Dirty Fighter if those are OK?

Traits are fine.

dude halfling

evidently this new guy smells a little more normal and doesn't pick his nose as much -- seems like an upgrade via Teleport error -- cool! Maybe next error will get Tirion a better brother...


Or give Bandy a better brother

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Shouldn't Jan be 12th level btw?

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

I thought I was supposed to be level 11?

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Did the other PC really pick his nose? Because my character is sort of a fantasy cowboy so I'm happy to have him eat beans and fart a la Blazing Saddles.

Oops, you're supposed to be 12. See I can't even keep track anymore.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Awesome. Now what can I do with 26000 extra gp?

Kidding, I can do a lot with it.

Cloak of Resistance +3, Amulet of Natural Armor from + 1 to + 2, Ring of Protection +2 and then 3000 extra gp I'll either save for an dusty rose ioun stone or jingasa of the fortunate soldier.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

I would make my armor +2 over the amulet.. Same AC bump but cheaper.. Would allow you to purchase the ioun stone or the jingasa.. Alternatively you could make your armor and shield +2 for the same price. Amulet is the last thing i bump personally..

Yeah, I have a full order for AC upgrades based on cost and utility. Natural armor is towards the bottom of the heap since it is quite expensive, but also does not contribute to touch AC. The first point isn't so expensive, but the rest are. Jingasa or dusty rose prism ioun stones should come before +2 on the amulet. Jingasa in particular is well worth the money since it negates a crit per day as well.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Double good if you have fates favored trait..

Since we're based on WBL I would prob go in this order:

Armor +1
Shield +1
RoP +1
Amulet +1
Dusty Rose
Armor +2
Shield +2
Rop +2
Armor +3
Shield +3
Armor +4
Shield +4
RoP +3
Armor +5
Shield +5
Amulet +2
Amulet +3
RoP +4
RoP +5

Making it any higher than that isn't likely.. Also that Cloak of Resist should be the first to +5 lol..

Well I'd probably go to +2 on the amulet sooner than that, and certainly before the +3 RoP since those are steep. I can see the logic on RoP before +5 armor, but it's close since the armor is cheaper.

I would also do the armor to +2 before the ioun stone, and possibly the jingasa.

Of course priorities vary. When I do AC, I try to be all in on it.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Solid arguments - let me play around and see what's best in Hero Lab and I'll finalize when I get home from work.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

OK, updated.

Went with +2 shield, +2 armor, +3 CoR, +1 RoP, Jingasa of the fortunate soldier and Shield Master Feat.

Januarius is now officially ridiculous.

At that level my PFS fighter had an AC probably around 38. I'm pretty sure you are not ridiculous.

Anyway, I'll just screw you over with magic.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Ah, but did you build your gear or buy it at WBL? My experience is that building your gear level by level makes you a much stronger stat-wise than building at high level.


Pfs must be purchased

Vars was built up level by level, run from 1st through 18th now (though I expect we will not continue as there is a dearth of options). PFS generally gives out enough money that you are ahead of WBL (though I doubt he was since he often had to play down in tier) because they assume a lot of consumable use.

It's hard to say which makes you better off, starting at a given WBL, or working there. The former doesn't have you burning money on consumables, and also you never have to sell off stuff to buy better stuff. The latter sometimes grants more money than WBL. If you were stuck with a strict GM giving out WBL money only, then the fresh from Zeus' brow option is definitely better.


Wish we could make it to 20 somehow

Would be nice, but I get the impression that high level stuff is just no generally in much demand. Hence I doubt they will ever write a module past Witchwar Legacy, and the only adventure path to take you all the way to 20 is WotR as I understand.

Ext Hero(200m), Ext See Inivis(200m), Height Awareness(90m), Ext Airwalk(70m)
HP 178/192 | AC 49 | T 27 | FF 43 | CMD 41 | Fort +29 | Ref +28 | Will +26 | Init +13 | Perc +28(24) | SM +20
Bane 14/15, Grit 5/6, Smite Evil 2/4, Judgement 3/4, LoH 8/8, Divine Bond 0/1, Illum Touch 2/6(+4), Aura of Enlighten 8/8, Swap Teamwork 3/3

Avoreal's at 19 so all she needs is the Seige of Diamond City or something else for 1 xp.. COuld i run a game and tag it to her? I think Seige requires like 4 tables to run it so thats prob unlikely..

I'd have to check when I took the half level. Vars is either at 18 or 19. In theory I could play that with Vars since he was already retired when it came out. I can use a GM star to give it a replay.


id be game to monkey around with it. one more xp would make me 19

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Ugh, I'm a glutton for punishment but let me know, I can always use more GM experience. In theory.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Side note: I apologize but I can't manipulate Google Drive docs at work. Please move me towards the giant!

Don't worry about it, he already moved to you.

It should be noted that the bad guys are modified slightly so they don't get splatted immediately (usually means I put them in armor instead of a loin cloth, or maybe a level or two of warrior). If I didn't do that, they would likely last maybe a round each with all the firepower present.

The current area was mostly scoured already, so I wouldn't expect too much trouble.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

While I'm no stranger to the frustration of DM'ing as-written mobs vs. optimized PC's I'm a wee bit worried about my build now; it sort of assumes normallish AC (which I loosely define at AC=CR + (12 to 14) as the average AC; it of course varies with type).

If you feel a need to modify, feel free. I don't want to to have to use a build you don't think will work.

Male Keleshite Fighter (Trench Fighter) | Level 17 | HP 170/208, AC 34, T 21, FF 26 | F 20 R 19 W 16 | CMB 18 CMD 40 | Init + 11 | Perc +22 | SQ: Clustered Shots

Well, I need more data to make a conclusion. Ideally I want a high chance to cause a Fort save for Dazing Assault to work. The damage is almost a bonus.

I guess the other problem is I'm not using a gun to bypass armor per the modified gun rules.

Well switching to fighting one handed would help a bit. The big penalty from Dazing assault isn't going to help your cause much.

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