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------End King Xeros of Old Azlant---------
--------Begin Fingerprints of the Fiend----------
A little more than a week has passed since the incident with the 'ghost' ship in Absalom's harbor. A missive is delivered to the group (and other Pathfinders interested in adventure work) from Venture Captain Adril Hestram again. The note is vague, even for Adril, and asks for the group to meet in his office in the morning. The note also mentions to be ready to depart immediately for a week or more of travel aboard a ship, potentially investigate some ruins, but does not give mention to the destination specifically.
This adventure literally dumps you right into the action with no ability to prepare; so this is the GM giving you time to buy things if desired. Will advance if consensus or by Wednesday evening, whichever comes first.

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I noted my purchases in discussion
Melisande is wearing a red, low-cut dress and lounging in a chair twirling a glass of wine when she sees the Society messenger come through the door, quickly scan the room and beeline for her. He holds out his note and she sighs, taking the missive and quickly scanning it. Idiot man. I've an important client lined up for tonight. Tides wait for no man he says. I'm not a man, lest you forget.
She frowns, considering and waves the messenger away. I'll be there. Give me a half hour to prepare myself and gather the necessary things. She watches the messenger depart, drains her wineglass, then stands up and walks slowly to the bar. Sven, please convey my regrets to the Baron and Baroness. I will need to postpone our planned engagement for this evening as I need to travel unexpectedly for a personal matter. I should be back within the month and will be in contact then to reschedule. The barkeep nods, making a note.
Melisande deposits her wineglass on the bar. Thank you Sven She head upstairs to a private room, then a few minutes later is out the door dressed in a much more practical, though still form-fitting outfit of leather and canvas, with a bag on her back and weapons on her belt.

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Andor is ready for his next mission. In his private life he prefers his human form but during missions he takes his true Kitsune shape, an anthropomorphic humanoid fox that is covered with a downy coat of auburn fur.
Andor is very thin and looks quite weak but agile.
He wears a unique kind of dragonhide armor that seems to shine. Beneath the armor he is wearing a noble's outfit and the necessary jewelry.
He has an adamantine rapier at his hip that is attached to his wrist with a very fine chain.
Under his clothing sometimes the holy symbol of Chaldira Zuzaristan is visible.
"Hello everybody, interesting that we’re together again!“

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Tereze glides into the room dressed not in her armor, but instead in comfortable traveling clothes. Her long wavy dark brown hair is tied back with a black, red and orange scarf, and she wears a practical red-brown divided riding skirt and soft bodice, over a v-neck white blouse. Only her high boots, and long golden necklace with the Angelic Ankh, both of which are of eye catching quality, show that she is anything more then a Varisian Wander new in the city.
Good to see you again Andor! You also Serang!
I wonder what zis is all about. It is sad zat we lost ze ship last time, zat would have been so interesting to study... Oh well, do you know who else was invited to join us zis time?
As she says this she reaches into her pack and pulls out a few ripe raspberries which she just holds in her hand for the moment.
When she see Andor look away she quietly offers the berries to Serang, smiling like she is getting away with something, but knowing full well that Andor would know what she is doing.

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Melisande glides onto the ship, sees Andor and Tereze talking on deck and joins them. Tereze, I'm a little disappointed you didn't make it over to see me this week. Or did you make it and Sven just forgot to tell me. I swear that man would forget his own head if it weren't attached. She looks up the dock. Do we know if Locke and Ery and Brallenera are joining us again? I do enjoy playing with them, to be sure. She grabs a passing deckhand, looking directly into his eyes. Fetch us some wine, dear? Thank you so much. The crewman scurries away and returns moments later with wine and glasses for the Pathfinders before returning to his business.

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I know... I intended to stop by. But... See I was invited to perform with a dance troupe in ze Ivy District. Between practice and ze performance last two nights well... Ze week it just got away from me.

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From down on the dock, a voice can be heard over the regular comings and goings. "Mead, 'xactly how 'm I s'posed ta know who's gonna be on the boat? Hmm. Ain't neither one o' us been on on 'er, 'n thanks ta you, we're proly the last 'ta arrive!" While not exactly running, a blonde-haired gnome is walking with purpose up the gangplank. Wrapped on his shoulder is what appears to be a tiny red dragon. Reptilian lips move, but whatever was said is eaten up by a ships bell. "Oh, don' you go playin' innocent now! Yer that one that said his hand was only two pair. 'N now ya tell me he had two pairs o' sevens! That's four sevens! FOUR! Ain't had ta run so fast 'n quite a spell. Jest as good we're leavin' town."
Walking into the room, the keen-eyed can make out a fine armored shirt under his surcoat. Hanging over his shoulder is a quiver and an exquisitely carved hornbow. "My 'pologies everyone. Seemed ta have run inta a bit of a bump on our way here. M'name's Spackle McGapfiller 'n this here spoiled 'n lazy beastie here be Mead. I uh..." He looks about the room, noticing the occupants for the first time. A low whistle escapes before he inquires, "Are ya all models 'r sumthin'? Cuz, this is far 'n away the best lookin' group o' Pathfinders Ah've ever been sent out on a mission with. Ah mean, any one o' ya 'r fit ta be a portrait or a sculpture." He thinks about what that could mean for the mission. "Coins ta kegs this has gotta be some kinda diplomatic hubbabaloo."

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Melisande looks up as the bard walks in. Help yourself to a glass of wine, Spackle. I am Melisande, and my friends here are Tereze and Andor. I suspect we will have a couple more on their way, so you are not the last. Locke and Brallenera should both be joining us I think, at least that's what the rumor mill tells me. She smiles languidly at the gnome. Tell me, does the carpet match the drapes?

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He blushes slightly. A knowing smile alights his face as he wags a finger in the aasimar's direction. "Ah'm knowin' the game yer playin' lass, 'n no doubt yer good at it. Ifin yer wantin' an answer ta that question, Ah'm thinkin' it's only fair fer both parties involved ta reveal that truth simultaneously, 'n maybe with less comp'ny about. How long 're we gonna be on this tub anyway? An' what kind o' quarters they got?" May hafta go find me some candles or somesuch. An' sumthin' good smellin'. This lady is all class! Gotta bring my best cards ta the table.
The gnome forgoes the wine. He pulls out a stein from his pack and mutters a brief prayer. Slowly the vessel fills with golden, foamy perfection. Meanwhile, Mead leaps off the bard and glides over to the table. He lands next to a tankard and taps it with his tail spine. Spackle rolls his eyes, "Ah ya lush! Ya drink enough ta ven'rate Cayden ten times more'n any normal person. Ah swear yer liver's shot 'n tail's hollow." The gnome repeats the blessing and the pseudodragon's tankard fills as well.
Two-World Magic trait to pick up Create Alcohol (Ale or Wine). Pretty on-brand for this character.

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Locke had been busy experimenting with her latest batches of extracts, the day prior, and was about to dispose of the degrading ones, when the messenger came in.
Huh. Mystery trip, and a rush no less.
Grabbing essentials and her gear, she didn't bother to change outfit to her recent stylish attire, keeping what she wore now.
"Hey there, little lady. Where ya goin' with them books. Wouldn' you rather hang out with me and the lads than be off to a stuffy library? How about a drink before your work starts?"
There is a sudden commotion outside, about where a drinks stall was posted.
Where just now were voices of three men repeatedly trying to pick up girls, are now three distorted voices, somewhere between granny and the normal version.
"Aah! Wha' the hell? I'm an old crone!
You too, we're crone triplets!"
"I can't go home like this, how am i to explain this to my wife?"
The door opens, and Locke walks in with a playful smile, which turns to a snort as the door closes.
"Good morning everyone. Hey, Andor, nice to see you with us again."
This time, she arrives in a more explorer type of outfit.
But the brooch is still worn, keeping her cloak in check.
Spotting the gnome, she nods.
"Greetings, i am Locke. What do you go by?"

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Awww, nice to see you again. How is everyone?
Brallenera- a blonde dwarfess, whose blue dress badly conceals a metallic armor-carries a big axe.
It seems we are soon to get aboard a ship again, no?
She winks

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The bard nods in Locke's direction. "Pleasure ta meetcha. Ah'm Spackle. It's looking like Ah'll be joinin' you 'n yer friends fer the next bit 'o days."

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Spackle, while I do appreciate the individual attentions afforded by privacy, there is definitely something to be said for a larger involved population, whether they choose to participate or not. Just something to consider.

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Spackle looks around the room. "That...is gonna be a lot of ale." Dregs! This lady has the appetite of a Calistrian High Priestess! Ifin Ah'm not careful, she's likely to chew me up, spit me out, 'n leave me a broken husk! He grins to himself, Still, sounds like a better ta go compared ta bleachin'.

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Tereze sips from her glass of wine as she watches the others with a small smile. Then as she walks past Spackle she says in a stage whisper:
Oh, I do not know it would take much ale to convince Melisande to perform with you for ze crew.
Her eyes twinkle as a smile blooms on her face before she glides to meet the others..
Brallenera and Lady Locke! So good to see you both again. Hopefully you had a chance to relax before zis boat tries to kill us.

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The group meets in Hestram's office at the appointed time...
“Rachikan has been discovered!” exclaims Venture-Captain Adril Hestram as he peers up from a collection of ragged maps, dusty tomes, and tarnished coins from behind a massive desk within the Grand Lodge in the heart of Absalom. His excitement quickly fades and Adril gestures toward an elderly man sitting by the hearth. “May I introduce a former Pathfinder and respected friend, Benton Grone. This gentleman has suffered a great loss to bring a grand discovery to us and he has agreed to trade all rights to his claim of locating lost Rachikan in return for locating his missing nephew. Go with him and make haste; he has agreed to guide you to the Pillars of Anferita in Cheliax.” Hestram then immediately shoos the group out of his office to have them unceremoniously boarded onto the ship departing from the harbor, departing immediately on the trip.

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Seven days at sea end at a view of the Pillars of Anferita bursting from the Chelaxian coastline, waves crashing against their rocky flanks. The central pillar’s curves, flora, and shape are perfectly represented on the discolored Jistka coins Adril sent along with the expedition. As sailors from the hired vessel row toward the central column, a second rowboat in tow, Benton Grone breaks his silence.
“It’s got to be here; the coin says so. Look at the picture on the back: A temple-foundry high atop this pillar awaits to be discovered. If old Rachikan of the Jistka Imperium is inside, then my nephew must reside there as well. Please hurry—find my poor Eldis.” As the sailors row away from the pillars, taking Benton Grone with them but leaving behind a rowboat to return to the waiting ship, the waves slowly begin to push higher up the rocky harbor, signaling the beginnings of high tide. An unguarded, well-maintained rope stretches up the cliff, beckoning to the plateau high above.
No map for this particular part of the adventure. The pillar appears to be about 200 feet tall from current vantage point. The numerous handholds and rope allow the pillar to be scaled with DC 5 Climb checks, or alternative modes of transportation can be used.

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History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Diplo (Gather Info): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34
"Ah think I be recollectin' a few bits 'n pieces 'bout the happenin's roundabout this place. As'n ah recall, them Jistka were a power house back in the Age 'o Anguish. Spread far 'n wide, from Cheliax ta Thuvia and all stops in-buh-tween. Came up with ways ta count we still be usin'."
He clears his throat before continuing. "Now, I heard tell thet some Pathfinder been spendin' these old Jistka coin near a coast town named Macini, jest inside Cheliax. Course'n the pathfinder ran his mouth 'bout findin' a treasure, 'n sure as ya please he's gone missin'. Ain't much of a mystery why."
"Now, not too far from here, there's been a run on minin' supplies all 'round Anferita. Can't keep 'em in stock. On toppa that, rumor is some lady who'd give Melisande here a run fer 'er money 'as been scoopin' up slaves from a desert trader near the Ole Arch o' Aroden 'n takin' em ta them Pillars."
"Now, Ah'm not one fer talkin' outta turn, but the skinny is thet the coin buh-hind all these purchases ain't nun other then that Aspis dog Haliduris Karn. Coins ta kegs he stabbed and kilt 'is way ta his position in the snake cartel. Be keepin' yer eyes open 'round that one, or he'll be addin' yer notch ta his blade no doubt."
**************At the bottom of the cliff******
Spackle blocks the sun with his hand as he looks up...and up...and up. "Oh Ah'm gonna be earnin' a thirst taday." He looks over at Mead, "An' Ah'm jest guessin' yer fer flyin' up ta the top pretty as ya please."
WIth a DC 5, Spackle can't fail the Climb check.

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Oh Ah'm gonna be earnin' a thirst taday." He looks over at Mead, "An' Ah'm jest guessin' yer fer flyin' up ta the top pretty as ya please."
Locke looks at Melissande and Tereze.
"Who wants a lift?"Locke spreads out her own wings, and flies to the top.

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kn history: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
diplomacy info gathering: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18
Andor listens to the group and just shakes his head.
"Spackle McGapfiller, good that you are here! I am looking forward to working with you!" Andor says a little too formally.
Andor then starts to prepare again!
Long term buffs:
- Orchid'S drop extract (8 hours): +2 alchemical bonus on all saving throws.
- alchemical grease (4 hours): +5 alchemical bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks made to escape a grapple, and to CMD to avoid being grappled
- Barkskin extract (80 minutes): +3 enhancement bonus to the creature's existing natural armor
- Resinous skin (80 minutes): DR 5/piercing. Any weapon, that strikes you becomes stuck unless its wielder succeeds at a Reflex saving throw (DC 19). Such a weapon can be pulled free of you only with a successful Strength check (DC 19).
- See invisibility (80 minutes): See invisible and ethereal
- heightened awareness (80 minutes): +2 competence bonus on Perception checks and on all Knowledge checks
- Infuse self extract (80 minutes): Choosing aphorite, gaining electricity resistance 5, +2 bonus on saves versus poison and mind-affecting effects, darkvision 60 ft and +2 size bonus to Constitution
- Mutagen Dexterity (80 minutes): +2 natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to Dexterity. -2 penalty to his Wisdom.
- heroism potion via alchemical allocation extract (100 minutes with Extend Potion talent/discovery 1/5 used): +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Short term buffs:
Andor drinks his extract of
- fly potion via alchemical allocation extract (10 minutes duration with Extend Potion talent/discovery 2/5 used): 60 ft fly speed
Andor then lifts off the ground and starts to fly up slowly.

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Melisande sighs at the sight of the cliff and the rope. Well, this is what I bought it for I suppose. She reaches into her haversack, pulls out a scroll, reads off a Fly spell, stows the scroll back in her haversack, grabbing a wand in it's place, taps herself with it and then begins ascending the air in front of the face.
Cast Fly from scroll, Heightened Awareness from wand, Mage Armor having been cast before she left the ship.

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Tereze in her Breastplate and tight fitting leather pants waves off Locke.
Locke, I can fly up myself, I kept ze boots we found near ze dragon. But maybe one of ze others wants help.
She points down to her fine boots that she wears.
Then she turns to the others.
Before we go up, do any of you object if I link us all together?
She looks the group over and then her eyes fall on the gnome.
Oh, Spackle! I forgot you have not worked with us before. If you are fine with it, I can link our souls and we can share a bit of our energy. Ask the others, it does not hurt, it just makes you be able to go longer zen you normally would as you can draw on my soul for energy.

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"Intres'tin'. Sure'n I heard o' talk 'bout this kinda thin' before. Do whatcha do." He looks towards Locke and lifts a finger, "Well now lass, ifin yer offerin' a quick trip ta the top, Ah'm not so prideful as ta turn that down ifin yer game fer liftin'. Yes please ma'am!"
I have a recently retired 12th level Oradin. Took a while to get going, but that character healed like gang-busters. Love the lifeline mechanic.

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Awww, a girl never reveals her age or weight, but yu would have an hard time caarying me in my armor, Locke. I'l take the slow way, it will be good to have some exercise and to feel stone and earth after so muchtime on the waves, if you don't mind.
Take 10 to climb for 13 (Skill+7, Armor penalty-4)
As for your magic trick, you know I can take quite a kicking and keep on fighting, but it's always useful. Does your spell go both ways? I mean by that, can you take some of my health to heal your own wounds if needed?

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Andor looks around.
perception: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (12) + 25 = 37
"Team, it is nice that we are exchanging so many pleasantries but we need to get up there. For all we know someone is suffering and we need to rescue them so let us get going!" Andor shouts down.
"If anybody needs a potion of fly then I have one here."

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Andor looks around.
At the base of the pillar, Andor does not notice much beyond the fact that the rope appears to be exceptionally well anchored; as if whoever put it there expected to use it repeatedly or to move heavy objects.
Perception Andor: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (3) + 25 = 28
Perception Brallenera: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Perception Locke: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Perception Melisande: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 16 + 2 = 23
Perception Spackle: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
Perception Tereze: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Stealth: 2d20 + 15 ⇒ (17, 5) + 15 = 37
Initiative Andor: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Initiative Brallenera: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Initiative Locke: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Initiative Melisande: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
Initiative Spackle: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Initiative Tereze: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Initiative Enemies: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
As the group advances upwards, around the halfway point everyone but Brallenera and Tereze notices the sound of flapping wings suddenly growing louder around them. Abruptly, two female humanoids borne aloft by stained black wings whip around the pillar into sight bearing bows that shimmer with the heat of fire!
Everyone but Brallenera and Tereze get one surprise round action. There is no map for this encounter, assume the encounter has occurred halfway up the pillar around 100 feet up from the ground. For those flying, indicate how far away from the pillar you are currently. Anyone with the surprise round action spots the flying creatures moving in to about 50 feet away from the group.
Initiative Order
Surprise Round:
Winged Enemies (Surprise action to zoom onto scene)
Round 1:
Winged Enemies (Surprise action to zoom onto scene)

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DC 23: They have damage reduction bypassed by good-aligned weapons and also have mild spell resistance
DC 28: To assist them with their vengeance, they can see clearly in even magical darkness and possess true seeing. They also have a variety of magic they can call on, ranging from conjuration effects for teleporting or summoning allies to necromantic and illusion effects for combat.

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Planes: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
"Whep! Ain't this a giant servin' ah poop-stew." Nuthin' else for it. With the lass holding both me hands, ah can't be floodin' the cliff with me usual nonsense o' smoke n' violence. Time ta go old school! "I gots ta say, this'n twert the best way ta start off. That said, sure'n as a drunk drains a mug, we'll be seein' this through. Jest keep an eyes out fer their hair. They can use 'em like a grippin' tail. Also, you casters kin skip the fire 'n poisons. better luck with ice 'n acid, but even they won't hit as hard as ye'd expect."
Inspire Courage. +2 to all the things (hit/damage/ saves vs Charm & Fear)
Round One of Twenty Two. Twenty one rounds remain.

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Note you all have life link with me.

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Kn. Planes: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
"Mr. Spackle, if possible, could hold onto my ankles for the moment?
With my hands free i can do a bit more."
If he agrees, is it an action to pull up my knees to get my ankles in grabbing range?

GM Irish202 |
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If he agrees, is it an action to pull up my knees to get my ankles in grabbing range?
If anything it would just be an Acrobatics check for him (1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27). Based on the natural 20 I just rolled, he could probably include a couple of flips in the air along the way if he wanted.

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kn planes, heroism, heightened awareness: 1d20 + 19 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 19 + 2 + 2 = 40
"Erinyes! Devils that hurl magical ropes and are immune to fire and poison and resistant to acid and cold. Use good-aligned weapons and they have spell resistance and can see through all illusions!" Andor shouts to the team.
Swift action to use his swordmaster's flair blue scarf to gain 5 ft reach with his Rapier for 1 minute.
"Serang, protect me!" Andor says and the little flying fox familiar sitting on Andor's shoulder nods.
Andor's flying fox starts to defend his master with his bodyguard ability and combat reflexes for the next two attacks!
Aid DC 10 for +2 AC, BAB +7, Str -1: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (3) + 7 - 1 = 9
Aid DC 10 for +2 AC, BAB +7, Str -1: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 - 1 = 14
DR5/Piercing due to resinous skin - 0/40 used.
Andor activates his boots of speed and flies up charging one of the devils to intercept the fiends and not let them attack the others!
With Haste from boots of speed (9/10 remaining) he has 90 ft speed and during a surprise round a standard action charge is possible. As ascending means half speed that is 45 ft and with 5 ft extra reach from swordmaster's flair Andor can charge one of the devils.
+1 Keen adamantine Rapier, Standard action charge +2 to hit, +2 inspire Spackle : 1d20 + 19 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 19 + 2 + 2 = 36
Damage; 15-20/×2 : 1d6 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 2 = 12
- -
In case Andor is attacked, he will parry and riposte!
Parry with 1 panache + 1 AoO , inspire +2 : 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 19 + 2 = 28
Riposte as immediate action : 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 19 + 2 = 28
Damage; 15-20/×2 : 1d6 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 2 = 14
Hit points: 94 = Normal 86 + 8 (Infuse self +2 size bonus Constitution)
DR 5 / Piercing
- AC 34 / 29 vs. traps, FF 26, Touch 19 (+8 Armor [lesser celestial dragonhide armor], +2 [Darkwood Buckler +1], +6 Dex + 2 Mutagen Dex, +1 deflection [Ring of Protection], barkskin +3 natural enhancement, +2 mutagen natural armor / ACP -2) * +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps.
- CMD 23 (28 vs. grapple from alchemical grease) (10 + BAB +7, Dex +6 + Mutagen Dex +2, Str -3, Deflection +1)
- Initiative +9 = +6 Dex +2 Mutagen Dex + 1 Dusty Rose Prism (Cracked) Ioun Stone
* Fort +14 / +2 vs. poison from infuse self = Normal 9 + 2 morale bonus Heroism + 2 alchemical bonus Orchid'S drop + 1 Con Size bonus by 2 via infuse self
* Reflex +23 / +25 vs. traps = Normal 17 +2 Mutagen Dex + 2 morale bonus Heroism + 2 alchemical bonus Orchid'S drop /
- Will +15 / +2 vs. illusions, +2 vs. mind affecting from infuse self = Normal +12 -1 Mutagen Wis decrease by 2 + 2 morale bonus Heroism + 2 alchemical bonus Orchid'S drop
- To hit calculation Rapier: +19 (BAB +7, Weapon Focus +1, Dex Finesse +6, Rapier +1, , Mutagen Dex +2, Heroism +2)
- Damage calculation: 1d6+9; 15-20/×2 (Fencing grace +6 from Dex, Mutagen Dex +2, Rapier +1)
- To hit calculation Bite: +18 (BAB +7, Dex Finesse +6, Rapier +1, , Mutagen Dex +2, Heroism +2)
- Damage calculation: 1d4+8; 15-20/×2 (Amulet mighty fist +6 from Dex, Mutagen Dex +2)
- CMB with Rapier is to hit: +19

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Kn(Planes): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37
Just take the rope, they said. It'll all be fine... Idiots. She shakes her head. [b]The gnome and the fox have it. Erinyes, good aligned weapons, no fire or poison, resistant to cold, acid and spells. True seeing.[/ooc]
Melisande casts Haste, targeting all party members with her surprise round action.
If they are close enough to both be caught in a 10ft radius, both will be affected, otherwise will be only one.
Rd 1 Melisande casts Glitterdust. DC21 Will or be blinded.
She continues moving up.

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Probably 10ft away from the pillar, just in case to better avoid things tumbling off the edge hitting me/us, for some reason.
Shield extract on surprise round, mutagen on round 1.

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Melisande will be flying about 10 feet from the pillar, close in case of danger or surprise attack.

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I would probably be in the middle of the group, so probably about 5' away from the pillar and just above the lowest climber for elevation.

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Melisande casts Glitterdust. DC21 Will or be blinded.
Will Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
The eryines engaged in combat with Andor is abruptly blinded by the glitter!
Andor activates his boots of speed and flies up charging one of the devils to intercept the fiends and not let them attack the others!
His strike lands, but does not seem to do as much damage as he was expecting!
Concealment vs. Andor (Low is Miss): 1d100 ⇒ 55
Ranged Touch vs. Andor: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35
Bow 1 vs. Melisande: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Bow 2 vs. Melisande: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Bow 3 vs. Melisande: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Bow Rapid Shot vs. Melisande: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Damage: 1d8 + 3d8 + 1d8 + 6 + 18 + 6 ⇒ (7) + (8, 8, 4) + (1) + 6 + 18 + 6 = 58
Fire Damage: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2) = 9
The erinyes Andor was attacking adjusts 5 feet to be out of his reach, then blindly tosses its hair rope at him! It strikes him with almost critical accuracy, potentially entangling him with its wriggling! Meanwhile, the other erinyes 20 feet away targets its bow at the glitter caster Melisande and unleashes a fusillade of arrows at the sorceress!
Need DC 20 Reflex to avoid entanglement from Andor. If Melisande's AC is 19 including Haste, she will take 58 physical and 9 fire damage.
Round 1:
Andor (DC 20 Reflex to avoid Entangle)
Round 2:
Melisande (-67)
Winged Enemies (Erinyes #1 -7)

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Melisande falls, unconscious, and begins floating toward the ground.
I think Tereze's lifelink should happen before she takes her next turn, leaving her at -2 and stable for that turn.
Edit based on Tereze's turn.
Melisande opens her eyes to see Tereze holding her up, again, and gives her a small smile, saying Thank you dear. Then her expression hardens as she looks at the Eyrines that shot at her. She fires back with another Glitterdust. DC 22 Will save or be blinded.

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Melisande don't count yourself out yet. I go before you. By the way you took 67 so should have been at -6
Feeling a sudden disturbance in her life force Tereze looks up at Melisande.
Life link Melisande heals 5 and Tereze takes 5 Damage.
Seeing Melisande falling Tereze flies over and reaches out blasting her with divine healing energy.
Cure Critical Wounds: 4d8 + 8 ⇒ (3, 4, 7, 3) + 8 = 25
That Leaves
Tereze (-5)
Melisande (-37)

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"Oi! Sure'n Ah'm wishin' there was more Ah could do."
With both hands occupied, not much Spackle can do. However, if Andor fails his save, Spackle will cast Liberating Command (vocal only) as an immediate action and give Andor and Escape Artist check at +14 to the roll.
Lingering Performance, Round 1 of 2.

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Slightly adjusted round 1 plan.
Hearing mr. Spackle's words, Locke takes a blue vial from her belt.
She tries bending forward, to extend it to Spackle.
"Then drink this. It will provide you with flight."
Hand over vial as a move, then drink mutagen as standard?

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reflex save: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (5) + 23 = 28
"Team, I cannot really hurt them but I can try to sicken one of them! Serang continue to protect me!" Andor says and the little flying fox nods.
Andor's flying fox starts to defend his master with his bodyguard ability and combat reflexes for the next two attacks!
Aid DC 10 for +2 AC, BAB +7, Str -1: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 1 = 22
Aid DC 10 for +2 AC, BAB +7, Str -1: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 7 - 1 = 19
* *
DR5/Piercing due to due to resinous skin - 40/40 used.
Andor flies to the Erinyes that is NOT blinded and studies her! He then attacks to sicken her!
Swift action: Study target on the non-blinded Erinyes.
SICKENING OFFENSIVE* (Ex): When the investigator damages a studied target, that creature is also sickened for 1 round.
+1 Keen adamantine Rapier, +2 inspire Spackle, study +4, haste +1 : 1d20 + 19 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 19 + 2 + 4 = 33
Damage; 15-20/×2 : 1d6 + 9 + 2 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 17
- -
In case Andor is attacked, he will parry and riposte!
Parry with 1 panache + 1 AoO: 1d20 + 19 + 2 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 19 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 34
Riposte as immediate action : 1d20 + 19 + 2 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 19 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 41
Damage; 15-20/×2 : 1d6 + 9 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 2 + 4 = 21
Hit points: 94 = Normal 86 + 8 (Infuse self +2 size bonus Constitution)
DR 5 / Piercing
- AC 34 / 29 vs. traps, FF 26, Touch 19 (+8 Armor [lesser celestial dragonhide armor], +2 [Darkwood Buckler +1], +6 Dex + 2 Mutagen Dex, +1 deflection [Ring of Protection], barkskin +3 natural enhancement, +2 mutagen natural armor / ACP -2) * +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps.
- CMD 23 (28 vs. grapple from alchemical grease) (10 + BAB +7, Dex +6 + Mutagen Dex +2, Str -3, Deflection +1)
- Initiative +9 = +6 Dex +2 Mutagen Dex + 1 Dusty Rose Prism (Cracked) Ioun Stone
* Fort +14 / +2 vs. poison from infuse self = Normal 9 + 2 morale bonus Heroism + 2 alchemical bonus Orchid'S drop + 1 Con Size bonus by 2 via infuse self
* Reflex +23 / +25 vs. traps = Normal 17 +2 Mutagen Dex + 2 morale bonus Heroism + 2 alchemical bonus Orchid'S drop /
- Will +15 / +2 vs. illusions, +2 vs. mind affecting from infuse self = Normal +12 -1 Mutagen Wis decrease by 2 + 2 morale bonus Heroism + 2 alchemical bonus Orchid'S drop
- To hit calculation Rapier: +19 (BAB +7, Weapon Focus +1, Dex Finesse +6, Rapier +1, , Mutagen Dex +2, Heroism +2)
- Damage calculation: 1d6+9; 15-20/×2 (Fencing grace +6 from Dex, Mutagen Dex +2, Rapier +1)
- To hit calculation Bite: +18 (BAB +7, Dex Finesse +6, Rapier +1, , Mutagen Dex +2, Heroism +2)
- Damage calculation: 1d4+8; 15-20/×2 (Amulet mighty fist +6 from Dex, Mutagen Dex +2)
- CMB with Rapier is to hit: +19

GM Irish202 |

Hand over vial as a move, then drink mutagen as standard?
This is fine.
Andor flies to the Erinyes that is NOT blinded and studies her! He then attacks to sicken her!
His attack strikes the devil, damages it (though once again not as extensively as expected), and sickens the creature.
Awww, I wish I could fly too.
The dwarf contemplates the wisdom of cliffside combat!
She fires back with another Glitterdust. DC 22 Will save or be blinded.
Will Save: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 - 2 = 19
The retching devil gets a blast in the face of glittery dust and is blinded!
The erinyes now no longer engaged in combat (e.g. previously attacked by Andor) blindly fires arrows at the support team flying nearby! It lands one arrow on Locke!
Concealment (Low is Miss): 4d100 ⇒ (35, 62, 77, 100) = 274
Bow 2 vs. Locke: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Bow 3 vs. Locke: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Rapid Shot vs. Locke: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Fire Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Will Save vs. Glitter: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
The erinyes 20 feet away and now in combat with Andor adjusts 5 feet away from him, not knowing about what the heck Swordsman's Flair does about reach, and lets off a full-attack of arrows at him! All of them miss!
Bow 1 vs. Andor: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 12 - 2 = 19
Bow 2 vs. Andor: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 12 - 2 = 25
Bow Rapid Shot vs. Andor: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 12 - 2 = 12
Will vs. Glitter: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 - 2 = 7
Round 2:
Locke (-19)
Tereze (-5)
Andor (Potentially able to make up to 4 AOO's if possible)
Round 3:
Melisande (-37)
Winged Enemies (Erinyes #1 -7, Erinyes* #2 -12) (* = near Andor)
Locke (-19)

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Melisande flies over to Brallenera and then reaches into her haversack and pulls her scroll of Fly back out. Just a moment, my delicious little crumpet. Then you can bash them to your heart's content.
Move to move, standard to pull out the scroll