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Tereze just sighs, shakes her head, and continues to keep her back to Eryzule waiting for anyone else to respond.

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The end of battle and the enthusiasm of the rest of the party members pulled Fiona back out of her near-endless ruminations. Getting back to her feet as the fog began to scatter (When did I fall down?) She eyed the battlefield and the others. Nobody seemed to be seriously hurt, and from the brief exchanges she could understand that Tereze was responsible for their victory. She nods her head slowly at the others, until she caught Eryzule picking up a skull and performing his own show with it. What's the point in doing so?, she asks herself. Elvira had some skulls in our cabin, although she only brought them out on certain occasions before we received some not-so-nice visitors. She somehow knew in advance when these would come, Fiona repeats in her head another thought she already had at least a dozen of times, and will continue to have in the foreseeable future.
She blindly follows the others and nods at most of what's being said, especially Tereze's plans of how to proceed. She seems to be in control, Fiona thinks to herself as she watches Tereze's lips move, barely hearing her words or understanding them. Eryzule responds with another series of words, but the only thing Fiona makes out is the word "beach". Surprising herself, she blurts out: "If these creatures were once sailors and part of a attack force, we should go look for them on the beaches around the city!" She looks around, wary of the others' possible response.

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The elf, now with a vial tucked away into his pocket, slowly removed the skull from his hand and tied it to his side. He looked to Fiona with a simple smile and gave a nod.
"All in good time. But first, we have to stop the codex from further use."

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Urbar kicks the pile of bones and sheathes his swords.
"That was quite something."
He says as he ignores the crazy elf. Tereze is able to hear a small snicker at her comment about being brainless.
"Where shall we head now?"
He walks out of the barn to get some fresh air.

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Vicard looks at the ceiling as Tereze talks and thanks Calistra that someone else of vision and intelligence had been assigned to this mission. It was nice to have someone else who could plan and organize a list of priorites. Then you had Ery....
The investigator turns back on the elf. “Ery, put that filth down! Who knows what ancient curses, diseases, or poisons are on it! You'll sicken us all....” Then he stops and looks harder at the sorcerer. “Actually, gather up all of these undead and their effects. Then we can destroy them so no crazy person can come along and...play with them.” The last phrase is weighted with malice.
Then he turns back to Fiona and Tereze. He shakes his head at Fiona's suggestion. “Yargos said they had been killed and buried in the city, not on the beach. I'm sure nothing remains of the old landing sites, Fiona." Then he turns to Tereze. “Hopefully, Yargos can fill in some of these questions. Either way, we have a long day ahead of us.”

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"I see now why your so depressing, Vicard. You obviously need to be bedded. When this is over, we'll hit a tavern and I assure you, I can get you into any bed with any skirt you see."
The elf gave an annoyed tone with Vicard's obvious lack of humor and general lack of understanding of undeath.
"I think I'll check upstairs real quick like. You'll here me scream if something terrible happens."
With that, he gave a generalized, discarding wave with a hand that swung loosely at the wrist. He approached the stairs, gracefully hopping to each step until he reached the top, his eyes skimming over an area and his ears ready to hear anything.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

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Gwen rejoins the others after Tereze blasts the remaining undead into piles of bone and rotting flesh... at which time she notices a few bits of gangrenous meat stuck into her armor from where she had grappled with the foul undead. She wrinkles her nose in disgust as she uses her dagger to pry the hunks of rotting flesh from her mail. "That is disgusting... Blood, teeth, broken bones those don't bother me, but this..." She flings what appears to be part of a cheek onto the ground with a wet splat.
She laughs at Ery's antics, the adrenaline dump making the rather morbid joke much funnier than it might normally be as she continues to clean herself. She does glance up at Vicard's suggestion of gathering the undead's gear and destroying it. She gives him a knowing look with a nod. "An excellent idea, Vicard."

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There's nothing else of interest to be found in the granary. Yargos joins you inside, and shakes his head when Tereze lays out several steps. "There's no time for all that. The only surefire way to stop the undead Black Echelon is to get to Nessian."
While some of you destroy and dispose of the undead, Yargos thinks deeply about what to do. "I see only one solution... We have to go to the Siphons, where a certain man lives. It's a bit of a desparate solution, but he's likely to know where we'll find Nessian."
Yargos takes you into the Puddle District, where you enter the sewers. He leads you through a waterlogged labyrinth of dangerously flooded tunnels, explaining these to be the Siphons. You arrive in front of a sturdy wooden door, but before you enter Yargos turns around to face you. "Listen carefullly," Yargos whispers. "We're at the place of Grandmaster Torch, one of Absalom's most notorious information brokers. Keep your weapons sheathed while inside. The man has powerful friends and a couple of dangerous bodyguards."
"We've come for an audience with Grandmaster Torch, " Yargos explains after knocking on the door. Moments later the door opens to reveal a man who looks much like a servant. He motions for you to enter, and you're brought before the Grandmaster: a charming, soft-spoken man, but one whose entire body is covered in horrible burn scars.
Grandmaster Torch lounges in a shallow pool nursing his scars while two servants gently recycle the water over his charred form. Two heavily armored, half-orc bodyguards remain close at hand. "Good day," the Grandmaster says. "It seems you know who I am, and I do recognize Yargos, but I'm unfamiliar with everyone else. You may call me Grandmaster Torch. May I know who you are, and to what I own this visit?"

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Once inside the hall of grandmaster Torch, Eryzule slowly drops the ceremonial case from his shoulder and kneels next to it. Sliding the lid off, also slowly, the elf removes a couple cups and the kettle which possessed a polished black paint lined with a few yellow strips angled diagonally. A single dagger seemed to be engraved at the spout. Continuing his slow movements, he reaches into a robed pocket at retrieves one of his higher quality herbal teas. While he does this, he speaks, his focus on the tea set up.
"Eryzule, if you will. Simply Ery will also suffice. We come for the information regarding the whereabouts of a curtain fool who may or may no- Oh, do you mind if I get some of that water? We cant enjoy tea without it."
The elf looked up toward the Grandmaster and his servants with a soft smile. holing up two dagger etched cups, pinched between his for fingers.

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Grandmaster Torch? Vicard suppresses one single shudder. The name was known in the lower circles he traveled in. The world of information brokers was not known to the investigator. On one hand he hated them, and their money grubbing, indolent ways, stealing information and trading it for gold (or blood). On the other hand, many of his cases had been solved by a soft word or a single letter from them. But Torch was in a class of his own, surely above his own pay-grade. Yargos certainly has a pair, Vicard thought to himself, as he listened to Grandmaster Torch introduce himself.
His guts turned to ice as Ery behaved in his usual idiotic fashion. taking stock, he moved forward, pushing by and past the kneeling elf. “Idiot. Stay silent. You'll get us killed.” he muttered as he passed. Looking at the information broker Vicard said, bowing “We are Pathfinders, Grandmaster Torch.” Quickly he gives the names and rank of the rest of party, passing over Ery.
“I know something of your reputation, Grandmaster. I consider it…an honor to meet you. Yargos here, indicated you may have some information for us. I know this is your stock in trade. In short we are looking for a crimelord named Nessian. Is that information you are willing to sell?” Vicard looks at the resplendent surroundings, and the servants.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Diplomacy to try and flatter Torch. Local to see if I know anything about him to help our case. Sense Motive to see if he is about to order the guards to kill us.

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As she is introduced Tereze steps forward and begins to curtsy, realizes she doesn't have a skirt and smoothly transitions to a respectful bow before stepping back.
Listing to Vicard's fumbling attempt to butter up Torch she winces silently....
Oh well if this is the hand we are played we run with it. The die cast can't be put back in the cup. she thinks to herself.
While listening she keeps a careful eye on how the others are reacting.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

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Fiona blushes as Vicard rejects her opinion, but nods to Yargos' suggestion since he seems to know what to do. She seemed better on the way to Grandmaster Torch's abode than earlier during the day and was aware of most of her surroundings for most of the time, or so she thought at least. Torch's name ringed a bell somewhere in her mind, but she couldn't really point out where she heard the name before. I'm bad with names, she thought to herself. To tell you the truth, you're bad with much more, a voice in her head told her. Fiona opened her mouth to answer but managed to catch her tongue on time, while the voice disappeared deeper into her mind.
The group entered Torch's bathroom, or something like that, Fiona noticed. She eyed the hideous half-orc bodyguards nervously, and waited silently as Eryzule spoke. Vicard began to introduce the others, and Fiona opened her mouth to speak, but decided to stay silent for now. Even in her half-demented state, she could realize that Vicard's words were inappropriate for the occasion, and after Tereze says nothing she moves half a step toward and speaks slowly, with a somewhat strange rhyming accent which is clearly not her regular one.
"Grandmaster Torch. We are here because we need your help to enlighten the situation here like a fire in the night, and time is of the essence and is now right. As my colleague here said, we are seeking this Nessian in order to stop his infernal plans, to bring them to light, or in other words, to use your information to make the situation to shine bright. Help us if you way, and set us on the path towards the fight, so we can Nessian and his undead friends smite. For if you fail to give us aid outright, the city will fall with you tonight." As she finished her speech, the voice in her mind snickered, Good job, you've just threatened one of the most dangerous men in the city.
Charm Hex on Grandmaster Torch, Save vs. Will, if he fails, his attitude improves by one step.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

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With wide eyes and a hollow complexion, Ery lowers his cups and begins to slowly repack his ceremonial tea set.
"Ah, I see were doing this with lest rest and leisure than I would have preferred."
He spoke carefully as he placed the case over his shoulder and took back to his feet.

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Gwen stands quietly to allow her more verbose companions to speak with the Grandmaster as she stands in awe of the burnt man. She had heard rumors of him spoken around Absalom, but to be standing before the man... that was another story. Her attention at Grandmaster Torch is only interrupted when she begins to listen to the words spoken by the dainty little Fiona.
Gwen's eyes widen at the young girl's audacity in speaking to Torch in such a manner and she slides herself a few steps away from Fiona. "Fiona, be quiet!"

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Urbar waits in in the back of the group. He puts one of his hands on his sword seeing the situation turning wrong.
"Too late for that..."
He whispers to himself as Gwen tries to get Fiona to shut up.

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Grandmaster Torch looks amused when Eryzule unpacks his tea set. "It'd be a bad idea to use this water, there's soap in it. Though I suppose my servants could boil some."
The Grandmaster casts a glare at Vicard. "It is indeed an honor for you to meet me. Know I like flattery, but you're doing a bad job at i..."
Fiona steps forward and starts her hex. Torch listens at it, his expression unchanging from the glare he gave Vicard. When she's done speaking Torch stays quiet for a while. "Lass," Torch finally says to Fiona. "Were it not that I like rhymes I would've snapped your neck for what you just tried to do to me."
One of the half-orc bodyguards puts a hand on Urbar's arm and shakes his head at the ranger. Torch's gaze stays fixed on Fiona as he addresses Urbar. "You don't have to come to her defense, lad. I like her guts for trying what she did, and I appreciate creative people."
Torch points a finger at Fiona. "But do not. Ever. Try a hex on me again."
Grandmaster Torch's eyes soften as he turns back to Eryzule and smiles. or at least it looks like he smiles. His burned and scarred face makes it hard to tell. "You're obviously cracked in the head, but I like you. My servants will get you some boiled water, and we'll have tea while discussing the terms that come with the information you desire."
As one of the servants leaves to get boiled water, Torch continues to speak. "I was initially going to charge you 6000gp for the information you desire, but I've decided I like you. You piqued my interest with the tea and the lovely rhymes."
Torch waits for the servant to return with boiled water for Eryzule, which takes a painfully awkward five minutes, before he speaks again. Till the servant's back he doesn't even look at you, and just enjoys his bath.
"I’ve recently come into possession of a series of safes," Torch says when Eryzule's made a cup of tea for him. "Unfortunately, the safecracker I employed has turned out to be quite useless. If you can coax even three of the five safes open, I could be persuaded to disclose Nessian’s location and dispense with my regular fee entirely. These chests are remarkably unique and I have the foreboding suspicion that, in this case, the receptacles just might be worth more than their contents, so I’d rather you didn’t smash them open. Oh! One more thing: if my diviner warns me you have crossed me and stolen the contents, there will be repercussions." The last word Torch says is emphasized.
Grandmaster Torch looks at all of you and smiles again. Or at least you assume it's a smile, as there's little else the crack in the man's burned and scarred face could be. "Agreeable?"

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Sipping on his own tea, the elf refrained from saying anything further. He was content to have met another person who enjoyed the finer things in life. Baths and tea.
With a coy smirk behind his cup he looked go vicard, raising a brow.

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Gwen takes a deep breath and shifts into a fighting stance, prepared to fight her way out of Torch's sanctum as she listens to his words. She frowns when he mentions what Fiona had tried to do to him. 'What did that foolish girl do?'
Torch points a finger at Fiona. "But do not. Ever. Try a hex on me again."
Gwen's mouth drops open and she quickly shuts it, grinding her teeth to avoid saying anything in the presence of the already perturbed Grandmaster. 'She chooses this moment to get a backbone?' She casts a sideways glare at Fiona, but stays quiet to allow those whose skills lay in the job Torch offered. Instead she looks at Ery, then nods to his teacups, and then shrugs as she mimics taking a drink indicating she would like a cup of tea as well.
'Might as well try it... Especially if Torch decides to kill us anyway. Best to die without a dry mouth.' She muses.

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Looking to fiona, Ery gave a nod. The kettle had two cups worth of tea left and there were two cups still in their wooden holders.

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Vicard grinds his teeth in utter silence. To be silenced, while this odd-ball elf has the ear of the greatest information broker in the city? It was intolerable, but…it must be tolerated. For the good of the case, Vicard must remain silent. he didn’t even dare to agree to the safe-cracking, for fear Torch would turn on him again, and the whole affair would be blown.
He looks at Ery’s rasied eyebrow and, barely, manages to keep his silence. He hoped someone would agree to the broker’s offer soon. If not, Vicard might well explode and strange the crazed tea-obsessed maniac.

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"After tea, Lord Torch, Then we'll crack your safe's mysteries...if you will. Then laughter will be had. We get information you get baubles. Best of all, I get tea."
Finishing his cup, he placed it neatly back into its holding case. An issue remained. There was one cup's worth of tea left in the kettle.
"No body panic! There is still tea. Gwen, Lord Torch, and myself have already experienced the greatness of Chelexian Spiced Herb...Vicard! It would be rude of you not to partake. Join Lord Torch in finishing this tea. Please?"
The elf poured the rest of the tea into a cup and handed it off. Being less than a pound, it levitated carefully to the Sleuth while Ery cleaned the kettle with Prestidigitation.

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It wasn’t easy. Calistra knew it wasn’t easy. But it needed to be done. Under Torch’s and Ery’s watching eyes Vicard reaches out and grabs the tea cup. No one notices the gritted teeth it pours through, the constricted throat is passed through or the shaking hand that holds it. Vicard manages to pen in his irritation and rage at the farce with this tea. Tipping the cup, he drinks it rather quickly then nods in faux approval to Torch and Ery. How long would this painful and awkward moment linger on? He wished he was back in the granary fighting for his life. At least that had some dignity and seriousness to it. Not bandying words with a witless tea maker and some half-charred information broker.
Vicard sucks on his teeth, making no sound. The tea wasn’t even any good.

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With the tea cups now secure, cleaned and primed for later, the elf hoisted the wooden carrying case over his shoulder, strapping it to a buckle near his shoulder.
He took to his feet, waiting to go after these mystery boxes, get the information, kill the man behind the summoning and enjoy some well earned R&R.
Looking to the others then back to Torch...
"So. Where is this vault?"

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Tereze leans over and whispers to Vicard.
When we get to ze chests we are going to need you to tell us what we are dealing with... Ze rest of probably will not have any idea what we are up against. If you want it I may be able to grant you some small amount of luck in your endeavors. You only need to ask.
She then stands and watches the others in the room (including the party) very carefully.

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Fiona falls silent as Torch addresses her directly and harshly, obviously threatening her. While she makes a token attempt to appear defiant, perhaps a shade of her former personality, the combined effect of Torch berating her and the voice in her head bursting into evil-sounding laughter and berating her stupidity makes her just want to disappear somewhere as quickly as possible. Even worse, she moves to pick up a cup of tea to at least try to relax, but Vicard - of all people - takes the last cup right before she can reach it, leaving her ashamed once again. Thoughts begin to fly in her head, or to be more precise, repeat themselves in further endless circles. Once again she ruminates about her former life, her fate, her sorry state in the present and the hopelessness of it all, missing most of what Torch had to say and hearing only his final word, reprecussions, which makes her shudder. This might not be the life for me, she thinks in a moment of clarity. I'd be much better working for some street gang, making their potions, healing their wounds and cursing their enemies - and most importantly, they'll leave me to myself otherwise and pay me well enough. Once we finish this mission, I'll have to decide.

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Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Catching Wind of Tereze's comments, he took a couple mental notes. He remained still, continuing to wait on the others.
"Fiona, when this is over. We'll have a wonderful time."
The elf shot a wink to the distracted and seemingly down woman.

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Urbar sheathes his sword again and keeps listening to the conversation. He looks fairly annoyed at the situation. He stays back in the group, as to avoid attention from the bathing man.

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Grandmaster Torch grins and points at a door. "You'll find the safes there."
One of the servants walks you to the door of the side room and lets you in.
Safe 1. The Devil Dial
The lock of this iron cask contains a laughing devil's head.
Safe 2. The Box of Golden Faces
This red box has been inset with a trio of golden faces: the first appears stern, the second angry, and the third fumes with hatred.
Safe 3. The Riddle Vault
The lid of this stone chest is covered with a relief of carved ivy.
"Though different now sounds my name, the spelling still remains the same.
Once prior leap of might, now becomes bird of white."
Safe 4. The Smooth Stone Chest
This sealed stone chest has no visible lock or hinges. No decoration or writing of any kind can be found.
Safe 5. The Holed Safe
A strange stylized writing wraps around the whole of this rectangular chest. Stranger still are the ten small pores that run along the box’s lid.

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"Woo! Lets see what we have... Oh sleuthy one..."
Ery shook his head as he skipped into the room, looking over the safes but being extra careful not to touch them..yet.
Looking over box one...
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
He looks around the devils head, nearly touching his nose to the decoration.
"Ha. This one twists... But there are no numbers and it makes no sense to me..."
With that the elf slid over to the next box, looking it over with golden faces. He placed a hand to his chin, his poise as if he was actually addressing people.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
After a moment of scrutiny, Erzyule shrugged...
"Well, You are the most dull persons I've had the pleasure of speaking to. And I know dull... Vicard is here..."
...Moving over to the next box, the elf stared most blankly.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Not noticing anything unusual, the elf chuckled, shifting to the next chest...Or in this case, a stone cube.
Ery couldn't help but marvel at the oddity that was the stone...box? His curiosity was piqued and demanded to know it's secrets.
He looked to the other chest with mid disinterest and waved it off like a street cat. He took a seat near the stone cube and set out his tea set...
The elf was now sitting down cross-legged near the stone cube and staring at it with a singular intent.
I don't suppose professions involving the exotic arts...which cause a type of metaphorical music, count for the toher box skill?

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Urbar enters the room and takes some time to inspect every safe.
Perception Devil Dial: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
"No use on this one. Only if you know the mechanics of this thing could you open it I think. Maybe one of you is able to disable it?"
He moves to the next one.
Perception box of golden faces: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Sense motive box of golden faces: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
He shies back a bit as he notices the reaction of the faces.
"Negative emotions apparantly make this thing react. Not sure if I want to touch it..."
He moves to inspect the next one. He takes a close look and finds some text on the lid of the chest.
Perception Riddle vault: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
He softly murmers the words to himself
"Though different now sounds my name, the spelling still remains the same. Once prior leap of might, now becomes bird of white."
He shrugs and moves to the next one.
"Can't find anything on this one."
He says as he moves to the last one.
"And neither on this one for what it matters."
He moves to the box of golden faces and sits down in front of it. He tries to look really angry at it.
Bluff: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1
He quickly loses focus and seems to stare at the ceiling.

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Vicard’s irritation at Eryzule slips away, even at the elf’s remark on his boring personality. His eyes are fixed on the collection of most interesting safes sitting in front of him. They looked unusual, but he had opened unusual boxes before. mentally, he rubbed his hands together and cackled but outwardly he was his same stolid self, his lean face taking in the details of the first box with no expression.
Perception of First Box: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
It is straight-forward if..odd. A combination lock with no numbers? How would even the lawful owner know how to open it? Shrugging silently, Vicard sets down to work. He sets his ear against the lock, listening for the tumblers he hopes are inside, trying to pry their secrets. he gestures for the others to be quiet as he does so.
Perception of First Box- to Crack Lock: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Perception of First Box- To Crack Lock: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Perception of First Box- Disable Device : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19.

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Vicard detects a faint clicking as the lock's individual tumblers fall into place. By carefully listening to the tumblers he easily opens the iron cask. Inside he finds a lost treatise entitled "The Inward Facing Circle" written by Coganaris the Wracker, a famed Chelish devil-binder, along with scrolls of protection from evil and protection from good.
Safe 1 was opened! Four more safes to go, if you want to open all! :)

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Vicard grunts in satisfaction as the safe opens under his fingers. It is good to know I still have the touch.. getting up, he says to Tereze, I think the contents are more in your line, Tereze.. He avoids touching them, or thinking too hard how Torch got the safe.
Instead he approaches the second one, a more ornate safe in every way. Once again his eyes take in the safe, looking for any clue, no matter how minor.
Perception on Box of Golden Faces: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Sense Motive on Box of Golden Faces: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
This one is odd Vicard thinks, as he realizes the box reacts to emotion. What an odd way to store one's valuables. Outside his usual ken, he shrugs and thinks very angry thoughts at it, grimacing as best he can. In his mind he pictures breaking the box himself, or just handing it over to Gwen to destroy.
Intimidate on Box: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
While he is doing this and waits to see if anything happens, he catches Urbar's muttered rhyme.
A dove, Urbar? I think I heard that one as a boy. A smile almost breaks through as remembering his brother and himself arguing over the stupid riddle.

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Eryzule's right eye flares to life as he stares at the stone cube, still entirely intent on being the one to solve it.
"Reveal your secrets!"

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I used to be good with riddles, Fiona thought to herself as they were taken to the room with the five chests. The puzzles surrounding her seemed to focus her attention on the tasks at hand, and for the first time in a long while, she actually felt something like happiness while facing the intellectual challenge in front of her and the others. She smiled as Vicard was able to get two boxes open rather quickly, and approached the other three.
The second box was supposed to respond to negative emotions, as Urbar pointed out. The faces inset on it seemed to fit that description. Well, I am definitely not a stranger to negative emotions, Fiona grimaced to herself as she approached the box and held it in both her hands. Now how would this work? She began by working her own anger and focusing it on the box, threatening that if it will not open she'll break it to pieces, grind them to dust and scatter it over the open seas.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
The fourth box was mysterious indeed, with no marks or anything similar. She examined it carefully, trying to discern any irregularities which would show that it is really a chest rather than a normal rock. Magic might be of some use here, she realizes as she quickly casts a couple of cantrips on the chest.
Cast Detect Magic and Read Magic at the box, and use the former to look around the room for other magical items.
The fifth chest had some sort of writing on it, and Fiona found a hidden panel on its side rather quickly, but couldn't find a way to open it. She tried using her skills to figure out the meaning of the small symbols, although that approach seemed like having a slim chance of success.
Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (15) + 0 = 15
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Use Magic Device: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

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I failed to put that Ery cast detect magic...Le sigh. Imagine that he also has done this. and is screaming about it revealing things.

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Stepping to the side and letting the others examine the chests first Tereze mumbles a series of a short prayers before scanning the whole room.
Casts Guidance, Read Magic and Detect Magic on herself
As Vicard opens the first chest s stray thought runs through her head He has skilled hands for one so scarred. Maybe I misjudged this one... the though trails off as he addresses her and motions to the open box.
She walks over and focuses on the Devil box and it's contents.
Detect magic and Perception + Guidance: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Her examination slightly is distracted by Urbar's announcement of the strange riddle and Vicard's quick answer. Again the stray though comes. Impressive, there may be more under that brown hair and ratty clothing then there appears.
She looks back down assuming she sees no other strange details/magic auras in the box outside of the two scrolls carefully picks up each item in the box and announces to the group. Ze box contains two magic scrolls of protection, and a book zat appears to be about summoning.
She quickly flips though the book looking to see if the contents match the title.
Carefully putting the contents of the chest back after the brief examination, She mumbles a few more prayers and moves on to three remaining unopened chests.
casts Guidance again before each perception check
The Golden Faces
Perception + Guidance: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
As she examines the box in her mind the three faces suddenly morph into faces from her past. Elder Romano's stern face, as he declared her exile, Papa's angry bloody face that fateful night, and the hated on Aunt Esmeralda's face as she held her dead mother at my feet. A suddent revulsion ran through her as she realized the box was triggering the emotions. With a shudder she puts the box down. Urbar is right, zis thing makes me feel horrid, maybe fear is the key to zis box?
The Smooth Stone Chest
Tereze stands behind Ery and focuses on it then extends her will to push at it in various places.
Detect Magic to examine, then Mage Hand to push at it all over
the Holed Safe
Perception + Guidance: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
She picks up the Safe, but can't seem to make much of it. Can anyone make anything of zis one?
Question, Is Perform:Dance considered a music related perform check? I'm guessing no, but it's pretty hard to dance with no music.If it is then Perform:Dance: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

StephNyan |

Maybe Vicard's thoughts aren't angry enough, but the Box of Golden Faces doesn't react to Vicard's attempt to open it.
Vicard has better luck with the Riddle Vault, which opens as soon as Vicard says 'dove'. Inside the Riddle Vault is a collection of over 40 rare incenses along with a book of instruction. Flipping some of the book's pages quickly reveals that if burned in the proper combination, the incense collection can replicate a single use of incense of meditation.
Eryzule stares intently at the Smooth Stone Chest and learns that it has illusion magic cast on it.
Fiona grimaces at herself as she approaches the Box of golden Faces. She focuses her anger on the box, mentally threatening it to open or face grave consequences. There's a faint click as the box opens, revealing a collection of ancient stone miniatures of a Viking army from the Land of the Linnorm Kings.
After opening the Box of Golden Faces, Fiona uses detect magic to scan the Smooth Stone Chest and everything else in the room. Just like Eryzule she's able to sense illusion magic from the stone chest. She also senses magic from all of the magic items the party retrieved from the opened safes. Fiona's then able to point out the hidden panel of the Holed Safe.
Tereze uses detect magic as well, and discovers the same as Eryzule and Fiona did when they used the spell. Her experience with choosing music to dance to then makes Tereze realize something while inspecting the Holed Safe: the strange lettering on the Holed Safe is actually the notes to an ancient forgotten tune.
The Smooth Stone Chest and Holed Safe are the only safes left! You got at least 3/5, as Torch requested. (Maybe something good will come from opening more!)

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Better and better. Out of the five safes, three swung open, their contents ready to be rifled through by Torch. Vicard shook his head. The information broker was a nasty character and part of him hated giving the charred man more ill-gotten gain. But the job needed done. With that driving thought in mind, he glanced at the other two safes.
“Anyone play any music or anything?” he asks lightly, looking at the musical notation on the last safe. “That is probably the trick to it. Just play that music and it pops open. Huh, a musical lock.” Shrugging, he moves to the smooth stone, and sits down in front of it.
Ery said something about illusion magic. So it isn’t just a solid piece of stone then. Interesting. It was a an interesting puzzle. Vicard shrugs, reaches into his pocket, grabs some chalk and starts marking lines and X’s over the stone block’s surface, seeing if he feels anything ‘under’ an illusion or if the illusion show his chalk marks.
Perception on chalk marks and feeling the safe surface as I write: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

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Fiona smiles as the group works through two more safes, continuing to enjoy the challenge. Having little musical talent, she joins Vicard in looking at the Smooth Stone chest. This is obviously not real, she thinks to herself as she examines the smooth stone more carefully. There's no way to open it. Let's try a different approach here, she thinks to herself, straining her mind to see pass the simple illusion on the object.
Fiona will attempt to disbelieve the illusion, Will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

StephNyan |

Tereze's mage hand doesn't reveal anything useful about the Smooth Stone Chest.
Vicard tries to determine what will likely open the Holed Safe, but then shifts his attention to the Smooth Stone Chest. He makes chalk marks on the chest, and now it's a Smooth Stone Chest With Chalk Marks.
Fiona smiles as the party opens a couple more safes, enjoying the challenge. She inspects the Smooth Stone Chest With Chalk Marks and tries to disbelieve its illusion. Fiona feels the chest's illusion does no longer affect her, but in front of her is still the same stone chest (with chalk marks).

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Vicard cups his chin in his hand. Any ideas, Fiona? I'm stumped. . The witch had been staring hard at th chest and he hoped she had come up with something.
Illusion, illusion. Was there a lid somewhere, an obvious handle, something he just couldn't see? The chalk marks had been the easy way,but it had failed. The other way was a bit more...demanding. Gritting his teeth, his eye bored holes into the stone, willing himself to see the stone, to see what was really there.
Will Save against illusion magic: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Perception on ANY CHANGE WHATSOEVER: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

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Tereze examines the Holed Safe again thinking about it in relation to music.
Although I am not in the class of musician in my family, I did have to take my turn singing and playing the drums or pipes at times in the Wagons.
With a brief prayer to Shelyn, she attempts to blow through the holes in the safe to see if they can make a musical note. She tries different combinations of covering holes and blowing into the ten different holes to see if she can produce different musical notes.
If she is successful she will attempt to reproduce the song written on the Safe. If not, she will do her best to sing the musical song written on the safe.
Perform:Wind Instrument or Sing + Guidance: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 4 + 1 = 23
When she's done she looks at the others with a self-conscious smile and says: I'm sorry to subject you all to zat, it had to be tried.

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Fiona looks closely at the chest for a couple of minutes, trying to look through the illusion and find some hidden mark or something on the chest.
Take 20 on a Perception check.

StephNyan |

"This sealed stone chest has no visible lock or hinges. No decoration or writing of any kind can be found."
It nowhere says the smooth stone chest has no lid.
Tereze experiments a bit with blowing through the pores of the Holed Safe, and notices each hole creates another note. Reproducing the song written on the safe itself by blowing through the pores causes
the hidden panel on the box's side to iris open. Inside is a scroll collection of a complete symphony written by a Taldan master, now lost to time.

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Sorry guys, had the little-man yesterday while mom was working. It was just too nice outside to be inside.
Gwen smiles as the others delve headlong into the puzzles of the chest, thoroughly enjoying a little mental stimulation. While she may not have the keen intellect of Vicard, she still enjoys a good puzzle. She sits back while the others inspect the strange, solid rock chest. When she hears the others mention something about illusion magic she wills herself to try and work through the magic; however, she is unsure whether or not she actually succeeded... "Does it look different to anyone else?"
Will Save vs. Illusion: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

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You know the lid may just be stuck on zat box. Someone could just try pulling on it, or prying at ze lid

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"It's mine!
The elf dives onto the stone chest, wrapping his arms aroun dinto a large hug while the lower half of his body slides into the laying position, which eventually leaves him on his stomach.
Will save vs illusion: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
"I know you're not real! But I feel you! So reveal your damn secrets before Vicard ruins my night! Or worse...My tea!"
Ery shouts at the chest.

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Gwen stares at the Touched elf for a moment before a smile begins to appear at the corners of her mouth and quickly grows into a grin, which leads in to laughter. "Ery, by the gods, you are insane. You know that, don't you?" She smiles as she watches him.

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"None Sense! I'm merely suffering from a bout of inescapable boredom."
He looks back and up toward Gwen. A moment after he speaks a smirk forms over his face.
"Im sure those muscles could alleviate my boredom if they'd join me a soothing spa."