Sentir Damutu |

"Anyone care to join me?"
Vicard sits down heavily in a chair opposite the lounging elf. The bags under his eyes, the slight tremor in his left hand and slumped stance all point to a nasty habit of drinking until dawn.
His voice is clear enough when he speaks however, "Tea, eh? I usually drink something stronger but..." a shaky laugh.
"Maybe it would do me some good." The Investigator reaches for a cup, "Gnmoish you say, did you catch the actual name? I speak a little Gnomish myself, very interesting people." Talking seems to revive the tired looking man,a nd his eyes brighten a bit as he grabs the tea cup.

ElterAgo |

rorek55 wrote:are aasimars still allowed in PFS?As I understand it no.
I think they used to be allowed, but have been removed In the latest season of the PFS as a playable race.
They are only allowed if grandfathered in. If you had a chronicle sheet on an Aasimar or Tiefling before the rule change, you can keep playing it. Otherwise only allowed with a race boon sheet.

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"Unfortunately, I never did get the name. I simply refer to its as Gnomish Garden Tea. I am confident that it will sooth that hang over you seem to possess."
The elf smiled, giving Vicard a nod as he reached for the kettle, pouring the blue tinted tea into his cup.
"The gnomes are a rather exciting people, to say the least." Placeing the kettle back down on the tray, Eryzule sat back in his chair, placing the his own cup to his lips.
"There is creme and honey on the tray if you are so inclined." He added, motion with his eyes toward the tray.

Sentir Damutu |

Vicard grabs the cup and swirls it. He doesn't have the grace or finesse of the elf, but he sips it politely enough. The small blue cup is oddly cradled gently in Inck's scarred hands. After a brief taste, the investigator puts the cup down.
"Hmm, interesting flavor. I detect mint, chamomile, watercress and maybe rose? Very traditional Absalom tea, at least for gnomes. Tastes good, let's see if the honey is..." as he speaks, he sips a tiny spoonful of honey.
"Ah, no. The honey is from the River Kingdoms, you can tell by the aftertaste of rice flowers. Thank you, my friend.

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With a smirk behind his cup, Ery nodded to Vicard as he sipped on his tea. He lowered the cup, holding it with both hands on his lap. Listening to the gent before him run over the ingredients, he chuckled, impressed with his palette.
"You are most welcome, sir. By the way. Whats your name?"
Standing from his seat, he placed his cup on the table and reached out a hand, a soft smile over his face.
"My name is Eryzule, or simply, Ery."

Sentir Damutu |

Vicard stretches out a rough hand and clasps the elf's warmly. "My name is Vicard, formerly of the Puddles. Pleasant to meet you." He brings the cup back to his lips and drinks deeply, feeling the warm gentle tea pulse through his body. After a long day's night.....
Then the investigator sits up straight, eyeing the smirking elf closely, with some suspicion. "It IS just ordinary tea, isn't?" he asks, worryingly.

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Eryzule returned to his seat, leaning back into the wall, placing the heels of his feet upon the table, one over the other.
As he sipped his tea, The sudden movement of Vicard caused him to raise a brow. He pondered a moment, his words of concern.
"Vicard, my friend..." The elf twisted in his seat, bringing his feet to the ground. He leaned forward, looking Vicard over with a light, condescending eye.
"...There is no such things as ordinary tea." The elf smirked, the cup rising to his lips again.

Badslacker |

Hope I'm not too late! I'd like to play Fiona, a human witch.
Human Witch (Patron: Elements)
Level: 1 (0/ xp)
HP: 8
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 14 (+2)
Initiative: +1 (dex)
BAB: +0 (class):
Ranged: +1 (dex) Melee: +0
Fort(con): +1
Ref(dex): +1
Will(wis): +2
Languages: Common, Goblin, Sylvan, Orc, Infernal
Skills: total = points + mod + bonus
Intimidate(Cha): 6 = 1+2+3
Heal(Wis): 4 = 1+0+3
Knowledge(Arcana): 8 = 1+4+3
Knowledge(History): 8 = 1+4+3
Craft(Int): 8 = 1+4+3
Spellcraft(Int): 8 = 1+4+3
Use Magic Device(Cha): 6 = 1+2+3
Extra Hex
Extra Hex
Spells: (bold means memorized), DC: 14 (10+int+half level)
Level 0: 3
Dancing Lights, Spark, Message, all other cantrips.
Level 1: 2 (1+1)
Burning Hands, Sleep, Enlarge Person, Summon Monster 1
Feat 1: Healing (once per day on each ind., cure light wounds: 1d8+1 heal)
Feat 2: Charm (vs. Will, for 4(=int) rounds - improve attitude by one step)
Level 1: Slumber (vs. Will, sleep effect, any HD)
Familiar: Ferret
Witch's outfit, 21 days of rations, light crossbow (/w 100 bolts), 3 daggers.
Fiona was born in a small village to a peasant family. Unfortunately, a pentagram shaped birthmark on her arm, or the fact that she was born at midnight, during a lunar eclipse, did not bode well for the young child. Indeed, when strange things began happening near her, her parents decided they've had enough with such a bad-luck girl (sometimes they would even refer to her as cursed), and brought her as an offering to a wise woman (a euphemism for a witch) in an attempt to improve the annual crops.
Fiona - who received her name from the Elvira, the wise woman - grew up secluded from most other human beings, with only a few scared villagers showing up every once in a while at Elvira's hut in order to ask for blessings for themselves, curses for their enemies, good harvests and healthy animals. For all she knew, Elvira was her real mother. Fiona had to work quite hard - Elvira always believed real education can be brought only through hard labor - but all in all, she sometimes reminisces, life was good. She was generally respected, if not loved, had a place of her own and learned quite a lot about the magic behind that thin layer of reality most people can perceive. Elvira taught Fiona some of what she knew, and after a while Fiona began to take over some of the easier requests of the nearby villagers.
Elvira was already an old woman when Fiona was born, and after twenty-some years of raising Fiona it was clear that her days were numbered. The end dragged on for much too long, and Fiona dutifully took care of her adoptive mother for several long months. On her deathbed, Elvira urged Fiona to leave the place after burying her in the small garden she loved in order to find herself in the world, foretelling her a great fortune. She ended the conversation by telling Fiona the truth about her parents. Fiona was shocked to hear that Elvira was not really her mother, and stormed out of the small hut for a few hours. When she returned, Elvira was already dead. Fiona buried her in the garden but refused to leave the hut, beliving that this was her place.
At that point things began to get bad. When more villagers started showing up with requests, Fiona quickly discovered she was unable to indulge all of them adequately. Even worse, a series of unusual occurances - a potion turned black, a jar falling from a shelf in the middle of the night, Elvira's favorite blanket strangely disappearing - raised doubts in Fiona's mind about her course of action. Being stubborn, she refused to leave.
Fiona woke up one night a few weeks later to strong pounding on the door. When she opened it she saw a group of ten peasants carrying torches, tridents and other simple weapons. The villagers blamed her for brewing a potion that killed one of their children, whose corpse they brought with them. Fiona was shocked and refused to believe that. The men showed her proof - a half-full potion she brewed which she had brewed; it had unexplicably changed from a healing draught to a deadly poison meant to deal with rodent infestations, and her explanations about the aforementioned events only seemed to make things worse. The angry men decided to hang Fiona in their village, but before doing so they destroyed the hut in which she left her entire life, breaking everything inside and eventually burning it in front of her eyes. Fiona could not control her tears as her life was ruined in an hour. On the way to the village Fiona was roughed up by the villagers, who continued to insult and hit her until she lost her consciousness.
Fiona woke up shortly before dawn. Half the peasants disappeared from sight, while the other half were lying dead all around her. Fiona would spend many a night with herself wondering what exactly happened there. Her own hands were covered with blood that was not hers, so she must have done something, but there were also plenty of tracks around - a bear, a wolf and a boar - all of which seem to have attacked the villagers as well. One of the villagers was frozen inside a huge ice cube - a magic spell Fiona never heard of before or ever since. Even more in shock, Fiona realized that her only chance to live is to run away as far as she can, and she did exactly that. For the next couple of years she moved between villages and small towns, sometimes receiving food and shelter but more often being chased away by dogs once mentioning her skills; when she tried being discreet, people would try to exploit her in various ways. The world, she quickly discovered, is not a friendly place for a single female traveller.
After reaching a larger city and unsuccessfully trying her luck brewing potions and taking care of the simple magic needs of the poor, she decided to enlist in the Pathfinder Society. Rather than big tales of riches and fame, it seemed to her a place of misfits to which she could finally belong, an organization that would provide her with legitimacy to make herself the life destined for her.

StephNyan |

Just to make it clear to those who only see this thread now:
Recruitment's officially closed!
Thank you for all the submissions! I'm currently looking into them, and hope to soon announce who I've picked for the run! :)
Final submissions:
Daniel Cedric Espoir (rorek55) - Paladin
Eryzule, Lord of Tea (Sovliss) - Sorcerer
Fiona (Badslacker) - Witch
Gwendallyn (Faelyn) - Brawler
Sago Joles (Dragonflyer1243) - Brawler
Tereze Amnell (ScrubKai) - Life Oracle
Urbar Anden (Dinuci) - Ranger
Vicard Inck (Mowque) - Investigator

StephNyan |

I'm terrible at making these choices... So I did what I usually do: change the plan somewhat. I've accepted 6 players. The "5th" player mentioned in the original recruitment post will become the "7th" player. GMs are allowed to have 7 players in a party if it means they'd otherwise have to turn someone down, so no problem there.
This decision has advantages and disadvantages. An disadvantage is that the season 0 scenarios were originally written for parties that consist of 4 members. However, I've read rumors that season 0 has some pretty nasty tricks up its sleeves. Being with more characters will certainly increase your survivability when those nasties show up.
Also, to be realistic and very honest, I expect at least 1 or 2 players to drop out over the course of the run. I've seen that happen so often that I decided to calculate it in. (No offense meant, just stating what I've seen happen many times.) Starting with 6/7 players is actually also a way for me to ensure myself I'll still have a party with set members as we advance.
Chosen players:
Eryzule, Lord of Tea (Sovliss) - Sorcerer
Fiona (Badslacker) - Witch
Gwendallyn (Faelyn) - Brawler
Tereze Amnell (ScrubKai) - Life Oracle
Urbar Anden (Dinuci) - Ranger
Vicard Inck (Mowque) - Investigator
Chosen players, could you check in at both the Gameplay and Discussion thread?
Those who weren't chosen, I hope you'll find another game to play in! DM Kludde runs a lot of games, and you can sign up for them. There are also similar threads on the boards where GMs constantly recruit players. Thanks for showing interest in this run!