
Irish202's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 177 posts (1,854 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 32 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


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Hope everyone's last couple weeks has gone well. Checking in to make sure everyone is good for the next game.

I am also having character decision paralysis and am wondering if anyone has any preferences. I have the following in tier:

-Level 9 non-lethal damage monk
-Level 9 conjurer wizard
-Level 8 magus/vigilante
-Level 8 arcanist/wizard
-Level 8 watersinger bard
-Level 7 beast-rider cavalier
-Level 7 witch


Sounds like a plan!


Hello all!

I have way too many character options in tier, and was curious if anyone had any preferences for my selection of character. I have the following:


Level 8 diviner/white mage arcanist
Level 9 grapple monk
Level 9 conjurer
Level 10 illusionist arcane trickster
Level 11 evocation sorcerer
Level 11 necromancer
level 11 druid/monk grappler
level 11 bard/oracle/mystic theurge
level 11 grand-fathered summoner
level 11 shield-focused magus/paladin

Comments for GM:
Just to give a heads up, I have run/read the first quarter of this scenario for my local group, with the group not finishing the game.


Greetings, everyone!

I have several options to pick from and was wondering if the group had any preferences. Would you all like another front-liner (level 8 tripping monk), mixed healing/arcane (level 8 white mage arcanist), or straight arcane (level 8 conjurer)?


GM Cwethan wrote:
Also, one seat has opened up, so if you have an appropriately leveled character I'll take a first come first serve agent as well! Possibly two if the whole last call thing doesn't pan out.

Also color me interested as well. Would have a wizard in tier.


Mr. Madison wrote:
Satisfied with what he sees, Mr. Madison turns, to the Venture Captain. Something has you distracted, should we make our way inside so we can discuss that matter in some privacy?

"Not at all," Diya says to Mr. Madison, continuing to have the amused look. She turns to address Cassandra, Psycho, and Mr. Madison; though her gaze is focused somewhere generally to the right of Cassandra's shoulder. "Indeed, there is a rather urgent matter that you all are needed to assist with. Please, follow me and this mission can be clarified further." The Venture-Captain moves to enter the entrace to the Lodge, her dog slightly before her; a bell on its collar jingling occasionally in the still afternoon air.

Sense Motive (All):
After observing the Venture Captain's behavior, it is evident that she is blind or at least has impaired vision. She appears to rely the dog at her feet for navigation.

Sense Motive (Barnaby/Psycho):
While the Venture-Captain's demeanor seems calm/mildly amused, you detect a slight strain in her voice as if the situation at hand is slightly more dire.

Diya Akan leads the gathered Agents through the Lodge's hedge maze with ease, their path opening into a courtyard several minutes later that has a covered pavilion in the middle. The Venture-Captain motions for the group to approach the pavilion, in which two indivdiuals are sitting at a large table. A man with a large turban looks over a book with a bemused smile, while a blind-folded woman wearing Osirani garb appears to be cautiously sniffing several metal vials bearing marks of local alchemists. She mentions a name to the man while she smells each vial, though she pauses as the group approaches the table.

Knowledge Local(Barnaby/Jing):
The markings on the vials appear to be marks of several prominent alchemists in Merab. It appears to you that she is identifying the alchemist who made each concoction entirely by smelling its contents.

"Ah...the scent of blood, oil, and old books," says Tahonikepsu as a smile creeps on to her face. "This could only be our Pathfinder friends." Amenophus closes his book and pushes an ancient Azlanti coin over to her. "Should have know better than to wager with dragons..." he mutters softly. Amenophus motions to the several chairs arround the table as Tahonikepsu removes her blindfold, taking in the group with her intense purple eyes. "Please, have a seat," he says seriously now. "There are important matters to discuss.

Amenophus Image Link

Tahonikepsu Image Link





Sczarni 4/5

Schedule posted for December!

Sczarni 4/5

Scenario Schedule posted for November! I have not scheduled anything for Better World Books for the 24th, due to Thanksgiving. Let me know if there are any scenario requests, and I will adjust as needed. Thanks!

Sczarni 4/5

Clint, welcome! I should have sent you an email to the address you listed. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Additionally, the October scenario schedule has been posted on the Warhorn page. Enjoy, and hope to see all of you at Griffcon in a couple weeks!

Sczarni 4/5

I have made a separate page advertising Griffcon coming up in October, located here. Let me know if anyone has questions!

Sczarni 4/5

Hello all! Looking to boost awareness for an upcoming convention in Northern Indiana!

Griffcon is a gaming convention to be held on October 7th-8th at the Scottish Rite Building in South Bend, Indiana. While there will be PFS here, they have a lot of other events going on celebrating a major anniversary for the Griffon Bookstore; including a custom multi-table interactive special compatible with both DnD and the Pathfinder systems. For further information, such as the convention schedule/events and tickets, please check the Griffoncon website for more details. Sign ups for tables will occur at the event. Reach out to myself if there are any questions regarding PFS at the event!

October 7th

Slot 1 (5PM-8:30PM)

-The Wounded Wisp (Tier 1-2)
-True Dragons of Absalom (Special, Tier 4)
-Returned to Sky (Tier 7-11)

Slot 2 (8:30PM-12AM)

-The Consortium Compact (Tier 1-2)
-Beyond Azlant Ridge (Tier 3-7)
-Serpent's Ire (Special, Tier 8)

October 8th

Slot 3 (10:30AM-2:30PM)

-The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
-Ruins of Bonekeep, Part 1 (Special, Tier 3-7)
-Captives of Toil (Tier 5-9)

Slot 4 (2:30PM-6PM)

-We B4 Goblins (Tier 1-2)
-Ruins of Bonekeep, Part 2 (Special, Tier 3-7)
-Ageless Ambitions (Tier 7-11)

Slot 5 (6:30PM-10PM)

-Portent's Peril (Tier 1-5)
-Ward Asunder (Tier 3-7)
-Ruins of Bonekeep, Part 3 (Special, Tier 5-9)

Fri, Oct 7, 2016 5PM-12AM
Sat, Oct 8, 2016 10:30-10PM

Scottish Rite Building
427 N. Main
South Bend, IN

Sczarni 4/5

The Warhorn has been updated for September! Please note the week change for the Better World Books sessions.

Additionally, GriffCon is coming up in October! Please check out the scenario schedule if you have any feedback on the selection! I intend to submit a request for Event Support by Tuesday at the latest, so please submit any requests to me by then! I have a few spots left open for GM's, so feel free to add your name if you are interested!

Sczarni 4/5

The Warhorn has been updated with the schedule for July!

Sczarni 4/5

PFS has now expanded to Walkerton! Taking place at The Traveling Gamer, we will be setting up Adventure Card game and Core RPG sessions at the store. Games will be happening every other Wednesday starting at 6:30PM Eastern. Updated on the Warhorn page, hope to see you there!

Sczarni 4/5

The schedule has been updated for June!

Sczarni 4/5

The schedule has been posted on the Warhorn for May. Check it out for player and GM sign ups!

Sczarni 4/5

Hello all!

A GM is needed for the high table at the Griffon coming up this weekend (The Refuge of Time, Tier 7-11), as I will be running Pathfinder tables for the International Tabletop Day event at Better World Books that day. Please sign up to GM @ The Griffon if interested on the Warhorn page. We Be Goblins Free and other introductory scenarios are on deck for the Tabletop Day event over in Goshen for the same time slot (10-2).

Sczarni 4/5

The previous session's schedule did not go off due to lack of GM's, so the same scenarios are on deck for this coming weekend (Saturday, March 19th at 10:00AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore). I have also posted the schedule for the remainder of the month on the Warhorn website per player request.

Sczarni 4/5

For those who cannot make the drive out to Valpo this coming weekend, here is the PFS schedule at the Griffon for Saturday:

Saturday, March 5th @ 10:00AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: The Devil We Know Part 2 (Tier 1-7)

High Table: King Xeros of Old Azlant (Tier 7-11)

I will be absent from this weekend's session due to a professional convention that I am attending, so GM assistance is appreciated!

Sczarni 4/5

Thursday, February 25th @ 5:00PM EDT at Better World Books, Goshen:

Thornkeep Module: The Forgotten Laboratory (Tier 2-4)

Sczarni 4/5

A couple items for this week's schedule:

Saturday, February 20th @ 10:00AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore, South Bend:

Low Table: The Devil We Know Part 1 (Tier 1-7)

Mid Table: Glories of the Past Part 1 (Tier 5-9)

High Table: The Cultist's Kiss (Tier 7-11)

Saturday, March 3rd; Arcticon, Harre Union Building, Valparaiso:

Arcticon will be taking place coming up in Valparaiso at the beginning of March. I have the schedule from the people over in the Portage/Valpo area, and they are looking for GM's to assist with running tables. Please message me if you are interested, and I will pass your information along to the event planner. The link to the Con website is here. Here is what they have planned:

Slot 1 - 8 AM - Noon.

The Consortium Compact (Tier 1-2)
School of Spirits (Tier 1-5)
The Twisted Circle (Tier 1-5)

Slot 2 - 1 PM to 5 PM

Between the Lines (Tier 1-5)
Trouble in Tamran (Tier 1-5)
Faithless and Forgotten: Let Bygones Be (Tier 1-5)

Slot 3 - 6 PM to 10:00 PM (up to 11 PM)

The Deep Market Deception (Tier 3-7)
Six Seconds Till Midnight (Tier 3-7)

Sczarni 4/5

We'll be switching things up this week's session over in Goshen by running a module this time. Look forward to seeing people there!

Thursday, February 11th @ 5:00PM at Better World Books, Goshen:

Thornkeep Module: The Accursed Halls (Tier 1-2)

Sczarni 4/5

Hope everyone's week is off to a great start! Here is the breakdown on events coming up this week:

February 3rd - 7th, Winter Fantasy, Grand Wayne Convention Center, Fort Wayne:

Winter Fantasy will be hosting numerous Society tables throughout the event. Please check out their website for further details, including registration and table information.

Saturday, February 6th @ 10:00AM EST at The Griffon Bookstore, South Bend:

We will still be having Society tables going at the Griffon for those who are unable to make Winter Fantasy this weekend. I'm planning on only scheduling 2 tables this time, as I am sure some of our players will want to attend the convention.

Low Table: The Twisted Circle (Tier 1-5)

High Table: Rivalry's End (Tier 3-7)

Warhorn Signup Link

Sczarni 4/5

Hello again!

Pathfinder Society went off surprisingly well at Better World Books last a couple weeks ago, so let's keep it going!

Thursday, January 28th at 5:00PM @ Better World Books, Goshen:

Table 1: Between The Lines (Tier 1-5)

Back-Up: Slave Ships of Absalom (Tier 1-5)

Sczarni 4/5

Good question! Sessions over in South Bend meet every other Saturday from 10-2PM in the Griffon Bookstore. Funny you mention, as I was just thinking about posting the scenario schedule for this weekend. Additionally, with how full our tables were last time, I would like to open up a third table and see how it turns out.

Saturday, January 23rd @ 10AM EST at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Slave Ships of Absalom (Tier 1-5)

Mid Table: Way of the Kirin (Tier 3-7)

High Table: Shadows Fall on Absalom (Tier 7-11)

As always, please consider using the Warhorn site to sign up for a seat!

Sczarni 4/5

Starting PFS tables at a new venue over in Goshen! Swing by if you are in the area and interested in playing.

Thursday, January 14th @ 5:00PM EST at Better World Books (Goshen):

The Consortium Compact (Tier 1-2)

Sczarni 4/5

Saturday, January 9th @ 10:00AM EST at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Prince of Augustana (Tier 1-5)

High Table: The Flesh Collector (Tier 7-11)

Updated table sign-ups posted on the Warhorn :)

Sczarni 4/5

*Saturday, December 26th*** >_<

Sczarni 4/5

For those who are still in town over the holiday weekend, we will still be having tables at the Griffon!

Saturday, December 27th @ 10:00AM EST at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: The Horn of Aroden (Tier 1-5)

High Table: Vengeance at Sundered Crag (Tier 7-11)

Sczarni 4/5

Saturday, December 12th @ 10:00AM EST at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: The Beggar's Pearl (Tier 1-7)

High Table: Darkest Abduction (Tier 7-11)

Sczarni 4/5

Hello all!

I have a Google Doc set up to show player scenario/module history to assist me with setting up schedules for the Griffon. Feel free to fill it out!

Northern Indiana PFS History

(This was shamelessly copied off the Pathfinder Collective Website, and I encourage you to visit their website for online gaming shenanigans!)

Sczarni 4/5

Saturday, November 28th @ 10:00AM EST at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Library of the Lion (Tier 1-5)

High Table: Beacon Below (Tier 7-11)

I am uncertain what the turnout will be given the holiday weekend. For those in town, hope to see you there!

(Check out the Warhorn for sign-ups ^_^)

Sczarni 4/5

Here is the proposed schedule for this coming weekend at the Griffon! Danielle and I will be out of town (for real this time!), so GM's are appreciated as always!

Saturday, November 14th @ 10:00AM EST at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: The Dalsine Affair (Tier 1-7)

High Table: No Plunder, No Pay (Tier 7-11)

Back-up Table: First Steps Part 1 (Tier 1-2)

Check out the Warhorn for player and GM sign-ups!

Sczarni 4/5

Sorry for the late post for this weekend's schedule! If there is still enough interest, there will still be PFS going on during Halloween. I will be out of town, so GM's are appreciated!

Saturday, October 31st @ 10:00AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Among the Dead (Tier 1-7)

High Table: Fate of the Fiend (Tier 7-11)

Check the links in the above post for the Northwestern Indiana PFS Warhorn for player and GM sign-ups!

Sczarni 4/5

Here is what's on deck for this coming weekend!

Saturday, October 17th @ 10:00AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Destiny in the Sands Part 1 (Tier 1-5)

High Table: Fury of the Fiend (Tier 7-11)

Back-up Table: First Steps (Tier 1-2)

Be sure to use the Northwestern Indiana PFS Warhorn for GM/Player sign ups. Look forward to seeing you there!

Sczarni 4/5

Hello all! Here is the proposed scenario schedule for this coming weekend:

Saturday, October 3rd @ 10:00AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: From Under Ice (Tier 1-5)

High Table: Fingerprints of the Fiend (Tier 7-11)

Back-up Table: First Steps (Tier 1-2)

Please check out the Northwestern Indiana PFS Warhorn for GM and Player sign-ups for the session. Let me know if there are any questions!

Sczarni 4/5

I will plan on posting the scenario schedules Sunday evenings at the beginning of the week before the session. I'll also post here (as well as on the Pathfinder of Michiana FB page) when I have updated the Warhorn.

Sczarni 4/5

Hello again!

A while ago I was toying around with the idea of making a Warhorn sign-up for PFS sessions at the Griffon, as it would make my life a lot easier wrangling tables and GM's. Makes it easier for me to determine tiers, and interest in scenarios. I would like for people to give a test run, and get opinions from people tomorrow. I still intend to give notice of scenarios here and on the Paizo page, of course. Let me know if there are questions about how to use the Warhorn.

Here is a link to the website.

Sczarni 4/5

Here is the proposed scenario selection, barring any requests for something different. As always, volunteers to run tables are appreciated. With increased interest, I would love to have someone available on the back-up table for new players!

Saturday, September 19th @ 10AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Scions of the Sky Key Part 3 (Tier 1-5)
GM: Volunteer needed!

High Table: The Sealed Gate (Tier 7-11. Bring your A-Game to this one!)
GM: Sean O.

Back-up Table: First Steps Part 1 (Tier 1-2)
GM: Volunteer needed!

Sczarni 4/5

Schedule for tomorrow!

Saturday, September 5th at 10AM EDT @ The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Scions of the Sky Key Part 2 (Tier 1-5)
GM: Volunteer Needed!

High Table: The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet (Tier 5-9)
GM: Sean O.

Sczarni 4/5

Looks like the following:

Saturday, August 22nd at 10AM EDT @ The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Scions of the Sky Key Part 1 (Tier 1-5)
GM: Need GM!

Mid Table: Fires of Karamoss (Tier 5-9)
GM: Sean O.

Back-up Table: Hall of the Flesh Eaters (Tier 1-5)
GM: Need GM!

Sczarni 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello all! Looking to plot the schedule for this upcoming weekend at the Griffon. I will NOT be present to help with running tables, as I will at the Bloom&Zoom bike ride on Saturday. I suggest the following scenarios below, though I am certainly open to suggestions if someone has something specific you would like to play. I can provide PDF's of the scenarios to volunteering GM's, and chronicle sheets as well. Thanks!

Saturday, July 25th at 10AM EDT @ The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Murder on The Throaty Mermaid (Tier 1-5)
GM: Need GM!

Mid Table: Among the Living (Tier 1-7)
GM: Need GM!

Back-up Table: The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
GM: Need GM!

Sczarni 4/5

Here is the proposed schedule for this coming weekend!

Saturday, July 11th @ 10AM EDT at the Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Murder on The Throaty Mermaid (Tier 1-5)
GM: Volunteer Needed

High Table: Thornkeep, Sanctum of a Lost Age (Tier 6-8, completion from last week)
GM: Sean O.

Back-up Table: The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
GM: Volunteer Needed

Once again, let me know if you can help out running a table. Thanks!

Sczarni 4/5

Woops! Forgot to post the schedule for today!

Saturday, June 27th @ 10AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)
GM: Sean or Danielle

Mid Table: Perils of the Pirate Pact (Tier 1-7)
GM: Jim

Back-up Table: TBD.
GM: Sean

Sczarni 4/5

Hello all! I should have the schedule for this weekend posted by late tonight. I am looking for GM's to help run. If interested, please let me know. Thanks!

Sczarni 4/5

Saturday, June 13th @ 10:00AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: Perils of the Pirate Pact (Tier 1-7)
GM: Volunteer Needed!

Mid Table: Plunder and Peril Module (Hoping to finish, Tier 5-7?)
GM: William W.

High Table: The Emerald Spire: The Automaton Forge (Tier 9-11)
GM: Sean O.

Sczarni 4/5

Hello once again! Here is this weekend's proposed schedule for this weekend at the Griffon:

Saturday, May 30th @ 10:00AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore:

Lower Table: The Overflow Archives (Tier 1-5)
GM: Sean O.

Mid Table: The City of Strangers Part 2 (Tier 1-7)
GM: Jordan

High Table: Continuation of the Plunder and Peril Module (Tier 5-7?)
GM: William W.

Hope to see you all this weekend!

Sczarni 4/5

Sorry for the late notice, I have been having an interesting week. Here is the proposed schedule for this weekend at the Griffon:

Saturday, May 16th @ 10:00AM EDT at The Griffon Bookstore:

Low Table: City of Strangers Part 1 (Tier 1-7)
GM: Volunteer needed!

Mid Table: Continuation of the Plunder and Peril Module (Tier 5-7?)
GM: William?

High Table: The Emerald Spire, The Magma Vaults (Tier 8-10)
GM: Sean