About Tereze AmnellStat Block:
Tereze Amnell Female human (Varisian) oracle 9 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42) NG Medium humanoid (human) Init +5; Senses Perception +1 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield) hp 83 (9d8+35) Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +8 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor) Melee +1 morningstar +8/+3 (1d8+2) or . . mwk silver dagger +8/+3 (1d4/19-20) or . . spiked gauntlet +7/+2 (1d4+1) Ranged sling +7 (1d4+1) Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 18, 5d6) Oracle Spells Known (CL 9th; concentration +13) . . 4th (5/day)—cure critical wounds, death ward, restoration, summon monster IV . . 3rd (7/day)—cure serious wounds, dispel magic, neutralize poison, prayer, summon monster III . . 2nd (7/day)—cure moderate wounds, hold person (DC 16), levitate, minor image (DC 16), resist energy, lesser restoration, silence (DC 16), summon monster II . . 1st (7/day)—bless, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, detect undead, protection from evil, sanctuary (DC 15), summon monster I . . 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound (DC 14), guidance, light, mage hand, mending, purify food and drink (DC 14), read magic, stabilize . . Mystery Life -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 13, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18 Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 18 Feats Augment Summoning, Improved Initiative, Selective Channeling, Spell Focus (conjuration), Superior Summoning[UM], Toughness Traits dangerously curious, master of pentacles Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 to jump), Diplomacy +16, Heal +5, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +12, Perform (dance) +13, Sense Motive +11, Use Magic Device +17 Languages Common, Varisian SQ oracle's curse (haunted), revelations (energy body, life link, channel) Combat Gear potion of touch of the sea (2), scroll of align weapon, comprehend languages, enthrall, hide from undead, obscuring mist, remove paralysis, silence, scroll of communal protection from evil, remove curse, remove disease, scroll of endure elements, magic weapon, wand of cure light wounds (13); Other Gear +1 breastplate, +1 buckler, +1 morningstar, mwk silver dagger, sling, spiked gauntlet, cloak of resistance +1, handy haversack, winged boots, bedroll, courtier's outfit, entertainer's outfit, fishhook, flint and steel, hooded lantern, hot weather outfit[APG], jewelry[UE], jewelry[UE], jewelry[UE], medium tent[APG], mirror, scroll case, sewing needle, silk rope (50 ft.), small cask (worth 1 gp, 2 lb), trail rations (4), traveler's outfit, Cold Weather Outfit, waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Sarenrae, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 300 pp, 198 gp, 3 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Augment Summoning Summoned creatures have +4 to Strength and Constitution. Energy Body (1d6+9, 9 rounds/day) (Su) Elemental subtype and deal 1d6+9 to undead who touch you or heal 1d6+9 to allies who enter your square. Haunted Retrieving stored gear is a Standard action or worse, dropped items land 10' away. Life Link (9 max bonds, 190 feet) (Su) As a standard action, establish bond that drains your HP to heal others who have taken 5 dam. Oracle Channel Positive Energy 5d6 (5/day, DC 18) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect. Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy. Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC. Superior Summoning When summoning more than one creature, summon an extra one Treasure & Fame:
Treasure Log and Prestige Tracking Tracking Sheet Chronical Sheets
Hydra's Fang Incident: Andora reguards as an upstanding free citizien of the republic. Hydra's Fang Incident: Entitled to one free casting of divination from Church of Asmodius in Egorian. Ritual of Stardust: Guiding Stars: Once as a standard action, you can throw the handful of sand into the air, causing the air to sparkle faintly for 1 minute in a 40-foot radius centered on your space. All creatures in the area gain a +2 luck bonus on saving throws against any effects that would give them the confused condition, and any confused creature in the area that would act normally or babble incoherently on its turn receives a new saving throw against the confusion effect; if successful, the creature ends the effect for itself only. Frozen Fingers of Midnight The Yagevna family in Irrisen recognized you as a close associate for freeing their daughter, Natalya, from her icy prison. When in Irrisen, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all diplomacy rolls when you mention the Yagevna family and how you assisted them. Description:
The door to the Inn opens, and an attractive young female comes in carrying an overstuffed backpack with a buckler tied on the outside. Her long wavy dark brown hair is held out of her face by a white, blue and violet headscarf that is folded neatly on top of her head. She wears a lose fitting white linen blouse, multi-layered brown wool skirt and the orange sash tied around her waist all of which are dusty but otherwise look in good repair.
Although she does nothing overt to draw attention to herself, many of the patrons in the inn find their eyes drawn to her as she walks to the bar, for she moves confidence and the fluid grace uncommon among humans. She reaches the bar, smoothly turns around and rises up on her tip-toes to rest her pack on the bar, providing her watchers a peek of her dark leather boots under her long skirts. As she slides her arms out of the straps, she seems to notice the patron’s gazes for her hazel eyes widen slightly and just the hint of a knowing smile appears as she turns back to the bar. She glides up onto a barstool and states in a musical but commanding voice, “Master Innkeeper, a glass of wine and room for ze night. For ze road has been long and ze rest well needed.” Behind her unnoticed by the patrons who are just beginning to resume their conversations, the mugs of ale on the table behind her suddenly switch positions.
Of course I fear death. Anyone who is intelligent does. Some churches say that after death you go to your eternal bliss. But I know for a fact that those churches lie.
It all started before I had this curse, when I was just a little girl growing up in the clan. I remember my time in the wagons fondly. It was a happy time, the family traveling between small villages entertaining the townsfolk and 'Nana reading what fortunes can be found in these dark days. Father came from one of these villages originally, a journeyman wizard who helped to provide that special spark to our performances. He stayed after Mother captured his heart with her singing and ignited the flames of his soul with her dancing. Although he was never accepted as a member of the clan, 'Nana allowed him to join our family as an adopted member and my mothers husband. As a child of the wagons I was taught all the skills that is dutiful daughter should know. I learned to dance from my aunts and cousins, attempted to sing with help from my Mother and even assisted Nana with her séances for the recently dead. It was this last that was the first steps of my doom. The Séances always fascinated me. The idea of calling someone back from the dead.... to really bring someone from another world and then talking to them, that concept delighted and fascinated me. I talked to Nana about me helping her but she seemed to give me tasks that were insignificant. Setting the chant, preparing the table, lighting the candles. Looking back now I see she was giving me the basic skills I would need to follow her someday, but at the time I couldn't see it. I was far too inpatient. One fateful night I snuck into my fathers cabinet and took his big book of magic. Although most of it was incomprehensible to me one small portion seemed to be amazingly clear. This portion dealt with the calling of things from other places. I copied that portion and combining it with what I have seen from Nanas rituals, constructed what I thought was the same séance ritual ‘Nana used. In the dark of night, I snuck out of the wagon and attempted to contact some of the dead. What happened that next I can never really say for sure. The best guess I can make is that instead of the souls of the recently departed coming to me, my corrupted ritual caused me to be drawn towards those souls. I felt something tear and before me was a glowing river heading far into the distance. The river bobbed and churned and was made of faces of glowing creatures beyond imagination.
As I watched some of the black things consumed one of the glowing bird like creatures. They then sped away in the direction of another silver creature. Yet as I watched I saw that two of the small black things broke from the river and headed in my direction. Inside my head, something screamed to run, but movement was beyond the ability of my body to attempt. I was paralyzed with fear, and the things caught me in an instant. Black tentacles shot out of the things and started to pull me toward the river. The touch of those tenticles were freezing and in moments I felt so cold and exhausted that knew I could not go on. It was then that I felt the being of pure glowing sunlight. It passed through me suddenly filling me with heat and then moved in front of me tossing me back. The being grabbed the tentacles and there was suddenly a screaming in my mind that seemed to echo forever. As I fell into blackness I saw the tentacles pull the glowing thing into the river. When I opened my eyes again I found myself lying in the middle of what looked like the aftermath of a deadly storm. Parts of our wagon had been ripped apart and tossed all the way back to the road. All around camp the family was tending wounded and comforting screaming children. Near me stood my father looking exhausted and with blood running down his face. At his feet lay 'Nana her crumpled body lifeless and face frozen in an expression of horror. Around her I could see shadows flickering oddly for just a moment before they flashed away. I've been haunted by those shadows to this day. They are always there, just lurking in the corner of my eye, but never around when I look directly at them. I believe that was also when I developed the power to heal with just a touch. If I had known about this at the time maybe the elders would not have exiled me from my clan. Maybe if I had healed the wounded, and cured the sick, I could have stayed.... Then again, given what I had done, I just don't know if anything could have prevented me from being cast out of the people and told I was never to return to the wagons until I had earned back the value of one great woman's soul. |