Nathan Davis Obsidian Entertainment |
Seeing if there’s interest beyond me out there...
Looking for a group and BR to play Season of the Righteous. At this point, it’s the box I have played least and it will feel pretty fresh to me. It will also be slightly more challenging given the new Core restrictions on feats. I’m m also excited to try a Shackles Merisiel with it.
If this gets going, we could line up the start time to outpost but I’m flexible.
Bigguyinblack |
Seeing if there’s interest beyond me out there...
Looking for a group and BR to play Season of the Righteous. At this point, it’s the box I have played least and it will feel pretty fresh to me. It will also be slightly more challenging given the new Core restrictions on feats. I’m m also excited to try a Shackles Merisiel with it.
If this gets going, we could line up the start time to outpost but I’m flexible.
Sanctioned? PbP or TTS? Do you have a specific number of players in mind?
Nathan Davis Obsidian Entertainment |
Nathan Davis Obsidian Entertainment |
Nathan Davis Obsidian Entertainment |
It look likes we've got a solid set of 5 players and 1 BR thanks to EmpTyger!
Abraham Z
Nathan Davis
And timeline-wise I'm flexible, I figure whenever EmpTyger builds the the forum and we get our characters together, we'll start. But I leave that mostly up to the BR, and am okay starting as late as Outpost and as early as ASAP.
TColMaster |
Season 2 - Season of the Runelords
My local gaming group starting playing the ACG around season 3. While we have looked forward and played future seasons, COVID and other reasons have limited our time so that we only look forward, not backwards and haven't played seasons prior to 3.
Starting a 4 man playthrough of Season 2. First three players to join me are in!
wkover |
Alrighty folks, player sign-ups for Outpost IV are live per Redelia's post here! Please read the instructions carefully. Link to the game spreadsheet may be found in this post here.
Now, go forth and sign up! :)
Just a reminder that Outpost IV runs from February 16 - April 27, so there are 10 days left to join. (Sign-up link here.)
Signups for play-by-post seem to be lower compared to previous years, but that's probably not a surprise. Thanks to covid, people are already doing a lot of virtual gaming, and it's possible that folks have switched their PACG focus from pbp to live Tabletop Simulator (TTS) games.
Regardless, anyone with a pbp interest - please join in!
Generally, I do find it odd that events like Outpost IV don't get front-page coverage on the Paizo website - nor are these events showcased in the official events page - but there may be other places to advertise. (I've posted an announcement on BGG here, including resources for new players.)
TColMaster |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Man, it sucks that Paizo is ending PFSACG. However, there is still a ton of content out there that has been released over the years.
I am looking for 3 more ACG adventurers to travel the entire release from Season 0 up to Year 7. Yep, I am looking for a few adventurers to join me on a very long, and (hopefully) very enjoyable sendoff to a wonderful game system. As this is expected to take quite some time (5 Seasons and 2 Years worth of content) please only consider this journey if you plan and intend on playing the entire adventure.
New players welcome! Discord Required!
Post here if interested!
MorkXII |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Looking for 4 mighty heroes to explore the ruins of Bonekeep! This 3-scenario adventure was originally the 2018 Open, so expect a challenge. You will be building a new Tier 3 character specifically for this adventure.
See the campaign's recruitment thread for more details.
MorkXII |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
September 06, 2021 - November 15, 2021
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★
Join us for PACS play as part of the upcoming PbP Gameday X! This year we are pleased to offer the 2021 multi-table special, 7-99 The Protean's Prank. Signups start August 16, 2021, midnight UTC. (GMs and BRs for the event can sign up now.)
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★
Important dates:
Signup - August 16, 2021
Start of PBP Gameday X - September 06, 2021
Start of Multi-Table Special - September 20, 2021
End of PBP Gameday X - November 15, 2021
★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★
Bigguyinblack |
I found the FAQ here.
Can I sign up to play in all specials?
You may only sign up for one special. We will lift this restriction if more tables are needed.
MorkXII |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I found the FAQ here.
Can I sign up to play in all specials?
You may only sign up for one special. We will lift this restriction if more tables are needed.
Thank you, I was just coming to post a correction to my previous post, but I see you beat me to it.
That restriction only applies to the PFS/SFS specials though. You may sign up for any one PFS/SFS special PLUS the PACS special.
MorkXII |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
NostalgiaCon (Play by Post) is going to run from January 10 through March 6, 2022. This event's main focus is the first edition of Pathfinder RPG, but we are also hoping to offer some new PACS games.
IF YOU WOULD REQUIRE SCENARIO SUPPORT, YOU MUST SIGN UP BY DECEMBER 12, NOON EASTERN. We will accept late BR signups, but can not offer scenario support past that date. As always, we appreciate your help!
Sign up with this google form.
If you are currently running a PbP campaign that will continue through the dates of NostalgiaCon, please also register your games with the link above.
MorkXII |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
NostalgiaCon (Play by Post) is going to run from January 10 through March 6, 2022. This event's main focus is the first edition of Pathfinder RPG, but we have a couple of PACS games for you to sign up for as well!
The links below are for the recruitment threads for the two new games that are starting up. Please click through to see the details.
TColMaster |
Experienced box runner looking for a group of players, plus myself for a maximum of 6 players, to run through the entire seasons 0-7 of Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. This is a marathon, not a sprint, as this is a long term game. Vacations, holiday breaks, etc will happen. Everything is, of course, core legal. Recruitment will be up until Monday (11th) unless we don't get at least 3 players, then it will be up longer. RNG for spots if more than 5 sign up. If a lot of players sign up I will open up a 2nd group.
TColMaster |
Corbrae Illynel |
I have a problem with this character, Corbrae.
I wanted to make her a Core character, but somewhere along the way, I might have forgotten (Silly me, as my Core characters name begin with Cor- most of the time).
I played a first Core adventure with her, which was registered as Core with no problem. But now I am in a Core Emerald Spire campaign, so on long term.
Could someone switch Corbrae PFS registration to a Core character? Or should I do a Copy/Paste of the character on Core?
redeux |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I have a problem with this character, Corbrae.
I wanted to make her a Core character, but somewhere along the way, I might have forgotten (Silly me, as my Core characters name begin with Cor- most of the time).
I played a first Core adventure with her, which was registered as Core with no problem. But now I am in a Core Emerald Spire campaign, so on long term.Could someone switch Corbrae PFS registration to a Core character? Or should I do a Copy/Paste of the character on Core?
Hi there! This is Flaxseed On Deck for the Card Game. Looks like you're looking for the original Flaxseed Lodge. They should be able to help you there. I suspect you may need to reach out to Customer Service though if you need the character switched to Core.