[PFSACG] Flaxseed On Deck Adventure Card Guild Lodge

Game Master cartmanbeck

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Speaking of Outpost... player sign-ups are now open!

Outpost II 2019 Signup sheet

The ACG games are down at the bottom.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

For what it's worth, six months ago, I found learning how to sign up and play online quite daunting. I eventually figured it out, but it was difficult to (a) track down all of the moving parts and (b) figure out how they work.

If it helps, I've put together a single post that contains most of the information that a new online player would need to get started:

https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2144703/play-forum-pacg-outpost-ii-31119-t hru-5619

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

wkover, you are the best. Seriously.

I am interested in Joining in on a play online for the card game. I am a bit confused on how it works though. How do other players play stuff during your turn like blessings? How does exploring work if the cards are not in front of me? Will people be upset in my group if I choose not to play with an ultimate deck?

Also how do dice rolls work? Am I rolling the dic3 and reporting it or what?

Morph147 wrote:

I am interested in Joining in on a play online for the card game. I am a bit confused on how it works though. How do other players play stuff during your turn like blessings? How does exploring work if the cards are not in front of me? Will people be upset in my group if I choose not to play with an ultimate deck?

Also how do dice rolls work? Am I rolling the dic3 and reporting it or what?

All the players at the end of their turn will post what cards are in their hand and will often leave notes of cards that they are willing to have used in certain situations if needed. So you can just use them if those conditions come up. Alternatively, all the games I've been in have made use of a Google Hangout for real time chat, so you can just ask if you need some assistance.

Deck handling is done typically through a google sheet, and many people seem to add card text to their sheets so they can play without the cards as reference. Here's my sheet for reference. Nok-Nok's Sheet I've seen a lot of different versions and I keep iterating on mine as I find things I like. You can probably find a dozen different sheets running around that handle the same idea in different ways.

I've also found PACG Wiki to be really helpful for cards that I don't know or for upgrading on the road.

Ultimate decks do have some nice options, but primarily they exist to provide the player with more options for upgrade and maybe allow them to customize their build in a more unique fashion, but all of the class decks stood on their own prior to the Ultimates being a thing.

Dice rolls are done by a dice function within the paizo board... subbing out what would be an i with 1 so it shows the expression: [d1ce]1d10[/d1ce]

Not sure if you've taken a look at any of the games in progress, but here's a link to the game I run, so you can see how turns progress and how players interact.

Chasing Yellow Sails - Rhynn

Grand Lodge

Hey Morph, that post from player wkover two lines above you addresses all of your questsions. It’s a great overview.

I look forward to seeing you online!


Rhynn Davrie wrote:
Morph147 wrote:

I am interested in Joining in on a play online for the card game. I am a bit confused on how it works though. How do other players play stuff during your turn like blessings? How does exploring work if the cards are not in front of me? Will people be upset in my group if I choose not to play with an ultimate deck?

Also how do dice rolls work? Am I rolling the dic3 and reporting it or what?

All the players at the end of their turn will post what cards are in their hand and will often leave notes of cards that they are willing to have used in certain situations if needed. So you can just use them if those conditions come up. Alternatively, all the games I've been in have made use of a Google Hangout for real time chat, so you can just ask if you need some assistance.

Deck handling is done typically through a google sheet, and many people seem to add card text to their sheets so they can play without the cards as reference. Here's my sheet for reference. Nok-Nok's Sheet I've seen a lot of different versions and I keep iterating on mine as I find things I like. You can probably find a dozen different sheets running around that handle the same idea in different ways.

I've also found PACG Wiki to be really helpful for cards that I don't know or for upgrading on the road.

Ultimate decks do have some nice options, but primarily they exist to provide the player with more options for upgrade and maybe allow them to customize their build in a more unique fashion, but all of the class decks stood on their own prior to the Ultimates being a thing.

Dice rolls are done by a dice function within the paizo board... subbing out what would be an i with 1 so it shows the expression: [d1ce]1d10[/d1ce]

Not sure if you've taken a look at any of the games in progress, but here's a link to the...

Mmmm intersesting so far. I think I would be able to do this, even though haven’t played on mummy mask before. If I sign up do I need to have my character picked already or can I have time? I need to take a moment and see what class deck I can go get picked up and want to play

Morph147 wrote:
Mmmm intersesting so far. I think I would be able to do this, even though haven’t played on mummy mask before. If I sign up do I need to have my character picked already or can I have time? I need to take a moment and see what class deck I can go get picked up and want to play

You can decide later. I'd still recommend reserving a spot at a table by putting down your Paizo username and filling the rest out as TBD. Then do some research on what class deck you want and just make sure you have it in hand before the start of the event (March 11). Don't forget to update the sign up sheet once you figure out what class deck/character you're using.

If you need help narrowing down the class decks or have any more questions, feel free to ask us in the discussion page. Thanks!

redeux wrote:
Morph147 wrote:
Mmmm intersesting so far. I think I would be able to do this, even though haven’t played on mummy mask before. If I sign up do I need to have my character picked already or can I have time? I need to take a moment and see what class deck I can go get picked up and want to play

You can decide later. I'd still recommend reserving a spot at a table by putting down your Paizo username and filling the rest out as TBD. Then do some research on what class deck you want and just make sure you have it in hand before the start of the event (March 11). Don't forget to update the sign up sheet once you figure out what class deck/character you're using.

If you need help narrowing down the class decks or have any more questions, feel free to ask us in the discussion page. Thanks!

Reservation made. Hopefully joined a group who is willing to show me ropes a bit.

I added some information to wkover's thread to help with coding player macros to help speed up writing a ACG post as well as the Paizo campaign tools plugin. Information can found as a reply to the boardgamegeek thread at this Link. The process uses a macro plugin available in Chrome. I have used it only for a few days but am digging it so far. If anyone has any questions regarding it, please let me know.

wkover wrote:

For what it's worth, six months ago, I found learning how to sign up and play online quite daunting. I eventually figured it out, but it was difficult to (a) track down all of the moving parts and (b) figure out how they work.

If it helps, I've put together a single post that contains most of the information that a new online player would need to get started:

https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2144703/play-forum-pacg-outpost-ii-31119-t hru-5619

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Elinnea wrote:

Speaking of Outpost... player sign-ups are now open!

Outpost II 2019 Signup sheet

The ACG games are down at the bottom.

I am mustering a group for Season of Tapestry Tides in Outpost II and have 3 of a possible five gathered. We are looking for 1-2 more players to join true heroes like...Poog and Nok-Nok and Amli.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I’ve got a Reiko or a Flenta that could be available to make your table if needed. Are you still hunting? Send me a PM shout if so.

BR Nathan Davis wrote:
Elinnea wrote:

Speaking of Outpost... player sign-ups are now open!

Outpost II 2019 Signup sheet

The ACG games are down at the bottom.

I am mustering a group for Season of Tapestry Tides in Outpost II and have 3 of a possible five gathered. We are looking for 1-2 more players to join true heroes like...Poog and Nok-Nok and Amli.

We gained one player and lost one player so we still have space for one more!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

I only just discovered this forum and online ACG in general; if there are any late starting games that still need players, send me a PM.

Grand Lodge

Mhuirich, see the post from Nathan immediately above yours!

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Contact has been made :)

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Just finished Factions Favor online (Thanks Mork!) and looking for another group when one starts up.

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Hello guys. I'm looking for a group for my first PBP game. Hit me up if one starts. Thanks!:)

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Howdy Sonor and Welcome to the Lodge!

A lot of us are involved in an online convention known as Outpost II right now - many a season of ACG has launched from this convention.

Nevertheless, there's always new groups starting up. You will be notified in short order, to be sure!

You'll need to have a copy of the class deck you'd like to use handy (and a photo of it to send to your BR - Box Runner) when the game starts up, so you can get that ready now if you'd like. Also, you can make up your character profile and PFS #. If you need assistance with that, just shout.

It's a good time to get in on the ACG as we plan our transition to the Adventure Card Society and eagerly await the launch of the new version edition revision to our beloved game.

May all your dice be 20s.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am similarly desirous of joining. I have a gunslinger deck I've never gotten to play.

BR Dinketry wrote:

Howdy Sonor and Welcome to the Lodge!

A lot of us are involved in an online convention known as Outpost II right now - many a season of ACG has launched from this convention.

Nevertheless, there's always new groups starting up. You will be notified in short order, to be sure!

You'll need to have a copy of the class deck you'd like to use handy (and a photo of it to send to your BR - Box Runner) when the game starts up, so you can get that ready now if you'd like. Also, you can make up your character profile and PFS #. If you need assistance with that, just shout.

It's a good time to get in on the ACG as we plan our transition to the Adventure Card Society and eagerly await the launch of the new version edition revision to our beloved game.

May all your dice be 20s.

Thanks! I'll get right on it. I have an inquisitior class deck and the core set, so it should not be a problem. I'll see how I can get that number tomorrow!

BR Dinketry wrote:

Howdy Sonor and Welcome to the Lodge!

A lot of us are involved in an online convention known as Outpost II right now - many a season of ACG has launched from this convention.

Nevertheless, there's always new groups starting up. You will be notified in short order, to be sure!

You'll need to have a copy of the class deck you'd like to use handy (and a photo of it to send to your BR - Box Runner) when the game starts up, so you can get that ready now if you'd like. Also, you can make up your character profile and PFS #. If you need assistance with that, just shout.

It's a good time to get in on the ACG as we plan our transition to the Adventure Card Society and eagerly await the launch of the new version edition revision to our beloved game.

May all your dice be 20s.

This is my player ID: 2362909 and I have added a character as well. Let me know if i need to do anything else for now :)

Grand Lodge

Hello one and all! Happy Chocolate Egg Day! Guess what's at the bottom of your Easter Basket?

That's right, it's an opportunity to sign up for a new ACG Season, and probably one of the last new PbP ACG tables until the new version of the game drops at the end of May!

Who am I? I'm Dinketry. I'm a GM, I'm a BR, I'm a Pathfinder from way back. More importantly - who are YOU? And who do you bring to this ACG table?

We've already got three seats filled at this table - Sonor, magi210, and ScorchedOne may claim a seat at the table if they're still able (ha!), and if they're not, then do please let me know and we'll open a seat back up. The sweet spot for ACG I think is 4 players to a table, but I'm willing to roll with it and have a whopping 6 players join in on the fracas.

And what will we be playing, you might ask?

We will be playing the Season of the Plundered Tombs (Season 3).

Would you like a link to the recruitment page?


I wish you all good fortunes.

-BR Dink

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Has any thought been given to running one of the old Seasons with the new Core and organized play rules? The new rules haven't been officially released yet, obviously, but it seems like it could be a fun way to beta test the new ruleset in the old setting.

Maybe start with something short - like the goblin campaign?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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@wkover: It'd definitely be interesting. While I'm sure we don't have ALL of the rules changes quite yet, the majority of them have been made public at this point.

The biggest issue, I think, will be that class deck cards won't have a ton of local help, the way that new cards seem to. That could throw the balance quite a lot.

I'm more interested in the potential of putting together rules for using the Core box cards as a basis for re-running the older adventure paths. Rise of the Runelords could be given a fresh new coat of paint, with increased difficulty, just by subbing in Core for the majority of the cards, and then using the Core versions of the characters from the set instead of the original ones. Could be a lot of fun. This of course could be done for the Goblins as well, since they use Runelords as their base.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
cartmanbeck wrote:

The biggest issue, I think, will be that class deck cards won't have a ton of local help, the way that new cards seem to. That could throw the balance quite a lot.

I have to hope there's a plan for this. Otherwise there will be a lot of frustrated PACS players unhappy with their characters not being usable in the new format.

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cartmanbeck wrote:
The biggest issue, I think, will be that class deck cards won't have a ton of local help, the way that new cards seem to. That could throw the balance quite a lot.

Also any power on a boon or character that refers to Closed locations is unusable. Movement powers are arguably weaker than usual because sticking together can always be forced due to automatic movement-on-close (in particular, at least 2 pre-existing characters had power feats that let you move on closing your location, which is now an inherent rule).

Any location that has a lasting effect whilst closed is also nullified, and those locations exist in all 4 existing Base Sets. Siege scenarios are much harder since you can't sit at closed locations. A small number of scenarios I think have become unwinnable, or at least a lot harder (I know there was a base set Mummy's Mask scenario where the 5-Pointed-Star moved between locations, and the game was difficult to unwinnable until it moved to locations you'd already closed).

Some character have been implicitly weakened in other ways (like having an Avenge-like power which is now an inherent rule), and Recovery messes with a suite of characters (Zarlova, Crowe, WotR Seoni, anyone who only gained the Arcane/Divine skill while playing a spell or during an encounter, all Class Deck Witches, etc).

I'm hopeful that a very large amount of errata comes out to remove or alter pointless power feats and boons, and does a bit to rebalance effects to fit post-Core better, but it would have to be a monumental undertaking. Either way, I'm far more in preference of just sticking with playing post-Core characters with the post-Core rules, though for a while there will be absolutely no way around the fact that you'll be forced to use pre-Core boons from your Class Decks, it seems.

wkover wrote:

Has any thought been given to running one of the old Seasons with the new Core and organized play rules? The new rules haven't been officially released yet, obviously, but it seems like it could be a fun way to beta test the new ruleset in the old setting.

Maybe start with something short - like the goblin campaign?

Count me in! If somebody wants to run, that would be great!

Grand Lodge

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Hi everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to mention that we'll start recruiting Box Runners, and soon after that, players, for our next Online PACS convention, Cards Against Gnomanity TWO-POINT-OOOOOHHHHH!!!! LOL

We are just waiting to verify a few logistical things as far as exactly which adventures we can offer, but we're hoping the call for Box Runners will be coming early this coming week. We will be using the new Core and CotCT cards in our games being run during this convention, which starts June 21st and runs for exactly a month, endingo n July 21st.

Finally, I'm at PaizoCon currently, and will be running some custom scenarios using the Mummy's Mask base set and custom kobold characters on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons, so if you're around and want to check them out, just look for the "I Need My Mummy!" games on the schedule.

Looking forward to getting you all started with the new Core rules!!

Tyler "VC Nalshene" Beck

Grand Lodge

Count me IN!!!!!

New Core and Curse are here. Time to hit OP again and learn new cards.

Not sure if the signup sheets will account for this but I'm hoping to play at a Crimson Throne table and am wanting to play the Blackjack role.

It is instead of your other roles so I don't think many players will want it, But as I understand it there can only be 1 Blackjack per table so we will want to spread out the hopefuls.

Edit: Apparently this won't be an issue for a few months if at all.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Cards Against Gnomanity 2019 Player Signups are open!!



Note that we have a separate sheet to sign up for tables of the Pathfinder Playtest RPG version of "We Be Heroes?"

If tables of the ACG older seasons don't fill, we'll likely convert these to new Core/Curse adventures instead.

Looking forward to playing with all of you!!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have signed up and I'm looking forward to playing!

I started playing Pathfinder online a year ago at the last CAG event in July of 2018 and have really been enjoying the community and the gameplay here. You all are a great group of people (and elves, and dwarves, and goblins, etc.)!

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

WilderRedbeard wrote:

I have signed up and I'm looking forward to playing!

I started playing Pathfinder online a year ago at the last CAG event in July of 2018 and have really been enjoying the community and the gameplay here. You all are a great group of people (and elves, and dwarves, and goblins, etc.)!

And Skittermanders (you're welcome, Heather!)

cartmanbeck wrote:
If tables of the ACG older seasons don't fill, we'll likely convert these to new Core/Curse adventures instead.

Are the older seasons using the Core rules or the original rules? Just curious.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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We will be using Core rules for all new games, no matter which box they are run out of, as has been requested by the OP higher-ups. Any games that are continuing through an Adventure Path that had been started before the event starts can continue to do so through August 1st, at which point ALL official organized play games will be required to use the new ruleset.

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I'm very excited to see how the older campaigns fare under the new rule set, especially with new characters using some of the core/curse versions of their cards. The new campaigns are of course something I'm interested in, but to me this is a bigger unknown. (Hint, come join my Plundered Tombs table, it is my first time running a digital game!)

For CAG2, is it possible to use one of the new Goblin characters for We Be Heroes?

I don't see their names associated with any of the class decks, but I could be looking in the wrong place(s).

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All of the We Be Heroes characters were assigned Goblin decks in the new version of the guide (pg 8):

Crimsi Goblins Fight!
Grenek Goblins Fight!
Pizazz Goblins Burn!
Siathorn Goblins Burn!

They also can be used with class decks matching their classes.

I was looking at the OP class deck database. The new goblins haven't been added yet. Makes sense they would be in the guide...


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Hello Awesome GMs!

We're starting to recruit for PBP Gameday VIII. August 26-November 3rd, 2019
We will be running PFS1, PFS2, SFS and ACG.

Our specials will include 10-00 Hao Jin Cataclysm and 2-00 Fate of the Scoured God.

If you are interested in running a special for the Gameday, please respond to the Recruiting Form by June 10th. Thanks!


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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
MorkXII wrote:

All of the We Be Heroes characters were assigned Goblin decks in the new version of the guide (pg 8):

Crimsi Goblins Fight!
Grenek Goblins Fight!
Pizazz Goblins Burn!
Siathorn Goblins Burn!

They also can be used with class decks matching their classes.

I'm not able to register an Organized Play character for any of these. Will that be available before CAG II starts?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

It might not be, but I would say just register them as their class decks for the time being. The actual deck you use is less important than the fact that you're using the character.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
cartmanbeck wrote:
It might not be, but I would say just register them as their class decks for the time being. The actual deck you use is less important than the fact that you're using the character.

It's actually the characters themselves that are missing. None of the We Be Heroes? characters are available under their class decks, or under the goblins decks. It appears I can edit an OP character after the fact, so I'll just set the class deck for now and switch characters if they show up later.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Hello again everyone! I just wanted to remind you that Signups for Cards Against Gnomanity are going on, and we still have a bunch of seats available.

Specifically, we have a bunch of seats open in sanctioned Curse of the Crimson Throne, We Be Heroes?, and Fangwood Thieves tables. Tables of The Dragon's Demand sanctioned play are close to full, so if we need to convert another table to that adventure, we'll do so.

We are now no longer restricting the number of tables you can sign up for. You can sign up for as many tables as you want, with the sole restriction that we would prefer you NOT sign up for multiple tables of the SAME adventure. At the end of this week, we'll be examining the current signups to consider merging some tables if they do not fill up.

Cards Against Gnomanity II runs from June 21st through July 21st. If you're interested in trying out Pathfinder Adventure Card Society through play-by-post, OR if you want to play in the We Be Heroes module for the Pathfinder RPG Playtest, come sign up now!

Cards Against Gnomanity II Signups

If you're using one of the new Goblin heroes, I listed their starting decklists in this post.

Have fun!

Grand Lodge

Just curious - are there going to be physical cards for the new goblin heroes?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

BR Dinketry wrote:
Just curious - are there going to be physical cards for the new goblin heroes?

Not currently planned, as far as I know.

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Hi All!

Gameday VIII will take place between August 26, 2019 and November 3, 2019.

At this time we are looking for BR sign-ups for new tables, and to report existing tables that want to be included in convention rewards.
BR sign-up sheet for non-special games (new and existing) can be found here

If you need scenario support, you must register by June 30th, 2019.

Player sign-ups will be made available in the following weeks, so stay tuned!

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