[PFSACG] Flaxseed On Deck Adventure Card Guild Lodge

Game Master cartmanbeck

Deck HandlerDeck Handler Instructions
Box Runner Instructions
Organized Play Online Discord Server

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I am recruiting players for two new play-by-post PACS games:

  • Curse of the Crimson Throne (looking for up to 4 players, plus I intend to play)
  • The Dragon's Demand (looking for up to 5 players, I will just BR this game).

    Recruitment is open until June 6 at 8:00AM EDT. See the individual recruitment threads for details.

  • 1 person marked this as a favorite.


    So, I know this thread is for Play-By-Post, but I imagine there might be some folks here who are interested in more live PACG play, so I'm breaking the rules just this once.

    We're starting a new weekly event for live virtual PACS games! Since playing via Tabletop Simulator and the acg.orgplayonline site worked so well for Paizocon Online, we decided to make this an ongoing thing!

    Sign up for the event at Warhorn.

    For more information, see the new #mindscape-vtt-lodge channel in the Org Play Online discord server at pfschat.com.

    Playing games via PBP has been my favorite pastime in the last several years, and I am excited to be part of the team to offer the next evolution of online PACG! Hope you can come join us!

    I would sign up for a https://acg.orgplayonline.com game.

    Were you interested in playing this weekend during ConCurrent (chance for a boon or Paizo credit!) but didn't find the game you were looking for? Good news! I will be doing pickup games on Saturday and Sunday from 11am-10pm EDT (GMT-04). Let me know what you are interested in playing on Tabletop Simulator this weekend and we shall play! Find me on Discord in the ConCurrent server as GM Sarah B (Katlyn99). =)

    We Be Heroes? Heroic difficulty pickup game starting at 7am PDT/10am EDT on Tabletop Simulator. Table will be up 30 minutes before the start time so feel free to jump in early to get all settled.
    Table Name: [PACS] Kat's table
    Password: concurrent
    concurrent voice & text channel: 9
    Starting in about 10minutes.

    I will be running pickup games all weekend long so let me know if there is something you want to play!

    The first pickup game run by Sarah B (aka Katlyn99 or Kat) will start at 6am PDT/9am EDT (roughly 90 minutes from this post).

    Discord server info for voice/text -
    Discord serve: Paizo Organized Play Online Events (aka ConCurrent)
    Voice Channel #s: PACS Table 9
    Text Channel #s: pacs-table-9-chat

    Tabletop Simulator (TTS)Info-
    Table Name: [PACS] Kat's table
    Password: concurrent

    We will play whatever folks want to play. I can run any PACS legal scenario pre or post core. =) If there are multiple suggestions we can roll off to see who gets first pick and then rotate to the next pick with the next session.

    The TTS game will be up 30 minutes before the slot so feel free to jump in and get situated.

    I am going to go get some breakfast and finish waking up so will be afk for a little bit bu should be in voice 30 minutes before the game starts.

    First PACS pickup game run by Sarah B (aka Katlyn99 or Kat) will start at 8am PDT/11am EDT (in roughly 45minutes)

    Discord server info for voice/text -
    Voice Channel #s: PACS Table 9
    Text Channel #s: pacs-table-9-chat

    Tabletop Simulator (TTS)Info-
    Table Name: [PACS] Kat's table
    Password: concurrent

    We will play whatever folks want to play. I can run any PACS legal scenario pre or post core. If there are multiple suggestions we can roll off to see who gets first pick and then rotate to the next pick with the next session.

    The TTS game will be up 30 minutes before the slot so feel free to jump in and get situated.

    If you miss this slot, no problem! JOin the Discord info above and just look for the next pickup game we are running there. Either me or another BR will most likely be in there until the end of the con tonight, running pickup games. Hope to *see* and game with you soon!

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    Hi everybody! I recently got the Core and Curse boxes and I’ve been playing some solo games. (I’ve finished Dragon’s Demand and just started Curse of the Crimson Throne.) I started reading about organized play and I’d love to try out some play by post. I have a brand new Kess that I created using Adventure Packs. Let me know if you’ve got an opening and you’re open to having a new player join your pbp group.

    Sorry to post so much for live play in the pbp channel. No one has pointed me yet to a PACS Virtual Live-play looking4game forum thread (theres a place to post in discord but not everyone who reads these forums may know about it). Feel free to point me in the right direction if there's somewhere more appropriate to post PACS Virtual Live-play game recruitments. ;)

    Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Yeah we aren't yet sure if there's a need for a separate thread. Let me ask the people here:

    As a player coming here to find games, would you prefer we make a separate recruiting thread for live-play games?

    Please just reply here if you have an opinion on it. Thanks!!

    one thread, no need for separate

    Agree. One thread pls.

    naterg1 wrote:

    Hi everybody! I recently got the Core and Curse boxes and I’ve been playing some solo games. (I’ve finished Dragon’s Demand and just started Curse of the Crimson Throne.) I started reading about organized play and I’d love to try out some play by post. I have a brand new Kess that I created using Adventure Packs. Let me know if you’ve got an opening and you’re open to having a new player join your pbp group.


    Welcome! If you could answer a couple of questions, folks may then know what you may be wanting to do. For example, I am running a game of 3 folks so have room but is at tier 4.

    Are you looking to jump in at the start of a campaign or willing to start at a higher tier? Can you provide a list of characters and tier do you have?

    Zalarian wrote:

    Welcome! If you could answer a couple of questions, folks may then know what you may be wanting to do. For example, I am running a game of 3 folks so have room but is at tier 4.

    Are you looking to jump in at the start of a campaign or willing to start at a higher tier? Can you provide a list of characters and tier do you have?

    Thanks. Right now I only have 1 character, a Tier 1 Kess. I would be willing to jump in at a higher tier, but I don’t have a character that’s in that place. I played some solo Dragon’s demand with a team of Sajan, Seoni, and Kyra, and a couple of scenarios of Curse. I wasn’t playing them with PACS rules in mind, so they don’t have the proper deck building or whatever.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I have a small group of tier 1 characters who are finishing up a mini module and might be interested in continuing on to a full AP. Hit me up on discord and I'll add you to the relevant threads. I'm Eddie#0220.

    eddiephlash wrote:
    I have a small group of tier 1 characters who are finishing up a mini module and might be interested in continuing on to a full AP. Hit me up on discord and I'll add you to the relevant threads. I'm Eddie#0220.

    That sounds great. I’m Krathan#8991 on Discord. I’ll reach out to you there.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Looking to setup a long term ACG TTS group to run Season 6.

    Sign up here

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I have scheduled a second weekly real-time play game for the Mindscape lodge on Friday mornings at 8am PDT/11am EDT. We will start on July 17th with We Be Heroes? After Gencon, we will switch to Season 7.

    Mindscape Lodge Warhorn

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Howdy folks! It's a bit late (literally for me, since it's currently 02:21 AM here) but in case anyone was waiting for an official go-ahead to start Early GM Sign-Ups(!!) then wait no more! Early GM Sign-Ups for PbP Gameday IX are now open! :D

    Remember: This is limited to one RPG table (which can be a regular game or a seat at one of the Specials) and one ACG table and to convention GMs only. General sign-ups for the greater online public will open August 12th. Tell your friends!

    *edit* Added a note about ACG games!

    How do I signup? Isnt there an spreadsheet again?

    AH found it: Spreadsheet

    Lots of season 7 games and nobody offering CoCT what a shame.

    Zalarian has you covered: https://www.warhorn.net/events/acs-mindscape-lodge-weekly-adventure-run/sch edule/sessions/e0f96b78-fb37-4b94-beec-adae68e2dfef

    Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Linkified that for you

    Since there's been a little confusion, I wanted to add:

    Gameday IX Event Listing <-- This link will take you to the spreadsheet that displays all of the tables currently on offer for Gameday IX. (Thanks for posting a link earlier, Kulko!)

    As per the original Gameday IX announcement there will be no universal sign-up spreadsheet, such as what we had for OutPost. Instead, GMs must post a Recruitment link for their game(s) on the Event Listing spreadsheet and interested players will use those to sign up for games. GMs will also need to mark their tables as 'Full' once all seats have been filled.

    Apologies for not being more clear!

    To expound on the link above, I will be running a few sessions this month using PACS on orgplayonline for the Mindscape Lodge. Should this medium not be popular enough then I will likely look into running using VTTS in the future. Below are a bunch of links with additional information.

  • General Link for Mindscape Lodge Sign up
  • Link for PACS on orgplayonline website
  • Link for Youtube Instructions on how to use orgplayonline and deckbuilders by cartmanbeck
  • Link for Org Play Online Discord Server for chat/text
  • Link for Yewstance Deckhandler Index can be found under his profile

    August 2020 Mindscape Lodge PACS orgplayonline

    Wednesday 8/12/2020 9PM Eastern
    Link for PFSACG 2B-1A: We Be Goblins! Part A: The Big Bonfire Warhorn Signup

    Wednesday 8/26/2020 9PM Eastern Link for PFSACG 2B-1D: We Be Goblins! Part D: Revenge of the Longshanks Warhorn Signup

  • Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
    Lady Ladile wrote:

    Since there's been a little confusion, I wanted to add:

    Gameday IX Event Listing <-- This link will take you to the spreadsheet that displays all of the tables currently on offer for Gameday IX. (Thanks for posting a link earlier, Kulko!)

    As per the original Gameday IX announcement there will be no universal sign-up spreadsheet, such as what we had for OutPost. Instead, GMs must post a Recruitment link for their game(s) on the Event Listing spreadsheet and interested players will use those to sign up for games. GMs will also need to mark their tables as 'Full' once all seats have been filled.

    Apologies for not being more clear!

    PACS specifically does have a sign-up spreadsheet, the same event listing link you posted, on the "PACS Signups" tab :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Gameday IX PACS Sign-up list This will take you directly to the PACS tab

    August 5 - BR Early sign-up. Limit 1 table.

    August 12 - General signups. PACS limits - 1 special and 1 non-special

    August 26 - no signup limit

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Zalarian wrote:

    To expound on the link above, I will be running a few sessions this month using PACS on orgplayonline for the Mindscape Lodge. Should this medium not be popular enough then I will likely look into running using VTTS in the future. Below are a bunch of links with additional information.

  • General Link for Mindscape Lodge Sign up
  • Link for PACS on orgplayonline website
  • Link for Youtube Instructions on how to use orgplayonline and deckbuilders by cartmanbeck
  • Link for Org Play Online Discord Server for chat/text
  • Link for Yewstance Deckhandler Index can be found under his profile

    August 2020 Mindscape Lodge PACS orgplayonline

    Wednesday 8/12/2020 9PM Eastern
    Link for PFSACG 2B-1A: We Be Goblins! Part A: The Big Bonfire Warhorn Signup

    Wednesday 8/26/2020 9PM Eastern Link for PFSACG 2B-1D: We Be Goblins! Part D: Revenge of the Longshanks Warhorn Signup

  • The link for the We Be Goblins game isn't working. Try here.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Alrighty! It's now Midnight (UTC) August 12th and general sign-ups for PbP Gameday IX are now open! \o/

    You will find the event listing here --> Gameday IX Event Listing.

    Scroll down, find the RPG game(s) you seek, and click on the recruitment link! For PACS games, sign up directly on the spreadsheet!

    Please remember...

    Can I sign up to play in both specials?

    You may only sign up for one special. We will lift this restriction on August 19th if more tables are needed.

    How many games can I sign up for?

    No set limit but please only sign up for the number of games you can handle. It’s better to enjoy one or two games than to get overwhelmed. Also, please remember other people also are excited to play, so please don't sign up for a whole lot of games right away.

    Now, go forth and fill those tables! :D

    As a new BR I have a question. What do I have to do to add the players to my game? Currently I cannot find the new charcters of my players and I also could not add my new one myself.

    Also Is there some ind of signup deadline where I would know my game is complete?

    Kulko wrote:

    As a new BR I have a question. What do I have to do to add the players to my game? Currently I cannot find the new charcters of my players and I also could not add my new one myself.

    Also Is there some ind of signup deadline where I would know my game is complete?

    Players need to sign in to the acg site themselves, and click on "New Character". There they'll enter in the character name and number (presumably they've already registered on Paizo and know their character's number).

    If your table is full you can go ahead. But you can always add characters to an existing table, so nothing is stopping you from creating the table, and getting set up now.

    Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

    ^^ Note that you need to choose at minimum one character when you set up the table.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm recruiting for a Dragon's Demand game, geared towards those new to PBP. I've got 2 open seats. This is the recruitment thread.

    Hello! I am recruiting up to 5 more players to join me in Pre-Core season 3 and then moving on to season 4. With 6 adventures per season and generally 5 scenarios per level this is a very long commitment for anyone considering joining in the fun.

    Signups close 9/27 with an expected start day on/about 1 October.

    Signup here!

    Late notice, but I'll be starting a weekly TTS run of Year 7 via our Mindscape online lodge TONIGHT! About 4 hours from this post.

    Sign up on Warhorn

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I will be running PACS 7-1 at Nuke Con the first weekend of October. If you are interested in playing via Tabletop SImulator with me at this convention, please head over to https://www.nuke-con.com/ for more information.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Every year the small town of Foghollow has a unique race during the Fall known as simply as the Coffin Race...Several different riders compete in this unusual race where each person brings their own horse, cart, and an empty makeshift or actual coffin. To win the race is simple, the participant needs to be the first person to get their coffin over the finish line. It isn't even unusual to have the winner not have their cart or horse able to make it. The race brings in a gambling aspect never seen in the area any other time and with that a much seedier group of people are often skulking around. The current mayor of the town won the race over a decade ago; He can be found in the pub nearest to the race start where he is all too willing to tell the tale of how he lost a few fingers and an eye...

    A PACS adventure set up using the rules as outlined in The Dragon's Demand, 3 Aeteperax Redux, C: The Wandering Way. I will be running these at Tier 2 so that Tier 1, 2, or 3 characters can join.

    If you have VTTS and want to participate in this custom adventure then head on over to the Mindscape Lodge.

  • General Link for Mindscape Lodge Sign up
    Check out the calendar to see what games are being run. For the next couple of Wednesdays at 9PM Eastern, I will look into running this adventure. Other judges are running their own versions of this customizable scenario as well as other sanctioned mods so sign up if interested.

  • Link for Org Play Online Discord Server for chat/text

  • Starting a PbP game of Curse of the Crimson Throne. Check out the Recruitment Thread for more information and status updates.

    Anyone interested in running season 4?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    If you don't mind a first time Box Runner, and can actually find 2 more players (I would want to run 4 players max, including myself), I will runit.

    I don't mind.

    Well, then, if 2 more players are interesting in Season 4, shoot me a PM and I'll start up a gameplay thread and go from there.

    Actually someone brought up a good point. I'm hoping to play on PbP. I don't own VTT.

    Well, thankfully our thoughts match. I'm not a fan of VTT or TTS or similar anyway unless it is a virtual convention or something otherwise it is hard enough scheduling gametimes that work for everyone.

    Season 4? PbP? I'm your Huckleberry.

    Thats 2. Room for 1 more.

    I'd be interested in joining, though I have not played the ACG via PbP before.

    It's not hard. Once you get used to managing your deck online, and reading the box-runner's posts that have the scenario text and location info, it goes pretty smoothly.

    I've also had pbp games that were supported by something like discord for some of the more interactive elements. Such as "I found the villain, everyone needs to guard" that drive people to the post (rather than waiting for their daily page-refresh as you see in an rpg scenario) or "tough check came up - can I get a blessing from Kyra?"

    Iceman, Bigguyinblack, and Grizzly, report for fun!

    TColMaster Season 4 PbP

    I've got a group of 3 that finished Dragon's Demand and are going to run Night at Bloodthorne Manor at tier 4. We are looking to recruit one more player.

    Post here if you are interested in joining.

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