Arlen Graytale |

Arlen enjoys the camping in the wilderness, though he always wakes up so tired when camping, and has a merry journey back to Oleg's with his new friends.
Seeing the body of the bandit leader, Arlen's face falls. "What a pity! I had a marvelous plan for how to interrogate him. Did you get good information from him? And by the by, it is a fine thing to have some sturdy warriors like yourselves holding down the fort here. How may we be of assistance? Aside from exploring the countryside and dealing with any bandits we may encounter, of course." he asks Oleg and the taller soldier.
Darn. Don't have knowledge nobility yet either. Going to soon, though! The untrained checks thing is kind of weird. With one skill rank I'll go from unable to make a check to +6 in that check... But I get the balance it brings. Makes bardic knowledge awesome too!

Kesten Garess-- NPC |

"Ahem. It is certainly the case that I did not come to this fort merely for the nice scenery. A few months back, I was traveling with a group on the way to Restov, and one of the members of said group was a man named Falgrim Sneeg. He robbed us one night and disappeared south. Without a tracker with us, we lost his tracks. Last we saw, he was headed south though, and I think he disappeared into the Greenbelt. You find him for me, and I'll make it worth your while. Can't get out and look myself, since I'm stuck inside here. "
New sidequest added to Roll20!

Oleg Leveton- NPC |

Oleg is all too happy to tell everybody what happened. "So you see, after you left, the bandit woke up. Seeing you all gone, he did his best to berate me and insult me. Of course, he was stuck in the midden and I just ignored him. But then he started to insult Svetlana, so I decided to throw rocks at him until he passed out again, and then I slit his throat." Oleg starts to whistle happily.

James Noober--NPC |

Meanwhile, the first guard who yelled "Heya!" from the post's walls approaches Ike and Brokk'r. When he gets closer you realize he is quite young, maybe 16-17 years of age. He smiles broadly and starts to gush. "Heya! Wow, real adventurers. You guys must be so tough. Hey, that is a nice shield? Can I hold it? Heya, why are you so squishy?" He pokes at Ike. "You guys seems really cool. I just joined the guard last week and this is my first assignment. Sure is fun!"

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

Ike currently remains lost in his thoughts, so the sudden poke catches him off guard, causing him to slosh away and "stare" at the young guard, before curling up and reforming into a humanoid form. Placing his hands on his hips, Ike stares a bit more, before smiling and offering a handshake.
"Hi! My name's Ichorius... but you can call me Ike! I'm an ooze!" he replies with equal enthusiasm, happy to have someone eager to interact with him.

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"Well met Garess! I'm sure Oleg is glad you're here, although I must say, we were able to handle those bandits pretty well on our own. I guess it's good you and your men are here now though, as we're busy with our explorations. And we'll keep an eye out for your robber too, while we're at it.
You look familiar though. Have we met before? Have you ever traveled through the Land of the Linnorm Kings?"
Knowledge Nobility: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 INT + Bardic Knowledge
That's right. I told you I was saving my 20s for out of combat interactions.

Arlen Graytale |

Arlen clucks with disappointment at Oleg.
"My dear sir. That outlaw may have still held a great deal of valuable information. Did he tell you where his friends were concealed, how many of them there were, or when they would be likely to return to your fine establishment?"
The librarian sighs and composes himself.
"But do not fear. I believe we will still be able to help bring this brigand threat under control.
To Kesten, he says
"Good sir. We will indeed seek to bring this rascal to justice. You have my word as a librarian." He holds his journal over his heart while uttering this solemn vow.
Arlen then helps unload the items to be sold and looks to purchase a few small scrolls from Oleg.
That's what we get for leaving the informant with an NPC who had a major grudge...

GM Mustache |

Sigurd considers Kesten. Sigurd wasn't in Restov long, but he remembers hearing about this fellow. There was a bit of a the scandal when an affair between Kesten and a lowborn woman named Tania, a weaver’s daughter, became public knowledge. His father Evan,a cousin of the Garess family patriarch, disowned Kesten, who fled to Restov to serve as a mercenary. So a low ranking noble, disowned and houseless, now a low ranking guard at a trading post on the edge of nowhere. No wonder Kesten is a bit grumpy.

James Noober--NPC |

Noober replies to Ike: "Heya! Something about you is really funny. A little strange. But I like that! Heya, you mighty adventurers, are you guys looking for someone to clean your clothes and polish your armor? Why, for some reason Sargent Garess says I can feel free to leave this place and never come back. Strange thing to say to a brand new guard, I thought. Then I thought to myself, hey, I could be an adventurer too! The glitz, the glamour, the women. Me, James Noober, could have it all! Here, Mr. Dwarf, let me take that shield for you. I shall polish and bring it back to you right away! Unless you want me to bear it. I could be your shield bearer!" Noober tries to pull Brokk'r's shield off this arm.

Brokk'r Battleforge |

Brokk'r considers the lad a moment, then lets him take the shield with a dramatic sigh.
"I don't suppose ye can hurt it."
Sorry, Thursdays are long for me. I meant to do some more stuff retroactively, but now I'm really tired.

James Noober--NPC |

"Wow! I'm holding an adventurer's shield! Look at me!" Noober runs about the trading post holding the shield and bashing into walls. Oleg looks on in dismay and Kesten buries his face into his hands.
Eventually Noober spits on the shield a few times and wipes it down with his shirt. He hands it back over to Brokk'r... not shined, just slimed.
"I'm happy to do it whenever you need a shine, Mr. Dwarf! "

Arlen Graytale |

Arlen bows in gratitude.
"Noble Sir Kesten, your offer is generous but we would not dream of depriving you of such a valuable asset needed here in the defense of the fort."
Bluff: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18
Oh! I didn't expect that to work... Huh that changes things a tiny bit...
Arlen tries to take some of his companions aside and whisper to them.
"We should enjoy Svetlana's lunch and buy what we need then go explore further before James can attempt to join us again! I, for one, love enthusiasm but I do think he's a bit reckless and loud."
GM, can we make some ooc purchases now? Does Oleg have spell scrolls? If not, I'd like to place a couple of orders.
Hey guys, let's do one of the side quests while we explore some more hexes. How brave do we feel? Do we want to look for Tuskgutter? If we're not feeling quite that bold, we could go for Moon Radishes. That would help us get in good with the Leveton's too. Or dealing with Kobolds could be fun. We probably need to level up at least once before we're ready to go deal with the bandit hideout. Twice might be better as Diceros and I would have 2nd level spells, which are pretty great. My vote is we head south for the Moon Radishes for now. Should take two or three days to go 16 miles there and 16 miles back.
I'll make a knowledge nature roll to see if I know anything about how tough tuskgutter might be. If we lured him into a trap, I bet we could take him if we were very smart about it.
Knowledge nature: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 9 + 1 = 185 int+1 rank+3 cs+1 guidance

Arlen Graytale |

All rightey! I'd like to place an order for a scroll of peacebond, reduce person, forced quiet, ray of enfeeblement, and summon monster I. This is going to get really fun. Total should be 125 gp, which I deducted from my gold in the spreadsheet.

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The Moon Radish quest seems innocent enough to me. Of course, that's when things always go south but that's what makes it fun. I agree about the leveling up. 1 or 2 levels will give me more/better spells too.
To Svetlana: "My dear, once again this was a wonderful meal. I see you're in need of some special radishes for a soup. That sounds like a noble quest indeed. Can you give us any more information about where they might be found?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 To flatter
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Bardic Knowledge to what I know about moon radishes

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Diceros nods in agreement. "Moon radishes would certainly add that certain something to soup. It was one of my mother favorite ingredients. Let's take our new mounts out for an expedition and find Svetlana these radishes!"
Natural Knowledge: 1d20 + 1 - 1 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 1 - 1 + 2 + 3 = 181 rank -1 int +2 Nature Sense +3 class
"You see, Sigurd, moon radishes..." and then Diceros drones on as everyone discovers that he can be just as boring um, thorough...as Arlen.

Brokk'r Battleforge |

"Thanks, lad..." Brokk'r says to little Jimmy rather unenthusiastically, trying not to get the boy's spit all over him as he takes the shield back.
To Oleg he asks, "Have ye got any healin' potions on hand? If not, order me some if ye don't mind."

Svetlana Leveton-NPC |

"Well, the moon radishes... They are to the south I think. That is what the last hunter said who gave them to me. In the woods, he said. But none of you are leaving tonight, right? I have some delicious stew and your beds are waiting for you!"
Moon radishes are most easily found under the light of the moon! Their bright white color reflects the moonlight and make them light up like a white torch!

Brokk'r Battleforge |

"Aye, two'll do," Brokk'r tells the trader. "Thank ye."
"Lad! Settle down, there," he says as they sit to eat and James begins to cause a ruckus.

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"Well, of course we're going to eat some stew. That's a given. I say we rest up and head south in the morning. We can map through the day and do some searching for these radishes once the moon comes up."

GM Mustache |

After a relaxing evening and night, the party sets of forth again. To the southwest, a section they had not yet visited.
Pharast 8
Terrain: Plains ; max PC speed: 40 ; days to explore: 1
Entering Unknown Hex 5%: 1d100 ⇒ 171d100 ⇒ 621d100 ⇒ 471d100 ⇒ 831d100 ⇒ 83
Explore Day 1 15%: 1d100 ⇒ 731d100 ⇒ 321d100 ⇒ 421d100 ⇒ 601d100 ⇒ 99
Explore Day 2 15%: 1d100 ⇒ 41d100 ⇒ 71d100 ⇒ 1001d100 ⇒ 331d100 ⇒ 34
Explore Day 3 15%: 1d100 ⇒ 141d100 ⇒ 71d100 ⇒ 701d100 ⇒ 251d100 ⇒ 96
Explore Day 4 15%: 1d100 ⇒ 201d100 ⇒ 771d100 ⇒ 471d100 ⇒ 901d100 ⇒ 46
Explore Day 5 15%: 1d100 ⇒ 201d100 ⇒ 501d100 ⇒ 681d100 ⇒ 551d100 ⇒ 41
A cool spring day. No effects
On your mounts, you feel like the exploration is quicker and more efficient. You often need to get off your mounts to take notes, or examine things in closer detail, but the long stretches of fields pass by much more quickly.
Everyone give a appropriate roll and appropriate role for exploring this field hex.

Rai Zon |

know nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Rai is riding along through the plains and starts to note the lovely flora and fauna starting a conversation with Arlen and Diceros about the various colored plants.
"say Arlen, that blue daffodil is an elven plant which normally grows better in shade. I bet it blew in by wind or it was carried by insect from one of the elven ruins. Diceros did you see that lady slipper Lily? It's actually able to be eaten raw, but if you cook it, it's a day in the privy in the worse way."
Rai says as he gets a block of wood steering with his knees and starts to carve a copy of Pygmy.

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

Ike initially had planned to keep back at the fort and let the others go on their way. He wasn't feeling terribly useful after failing so hard with those elk... but meeting Noober gets his spirits back up, and spends as much time conversing with him as possible.
As the group heads out in the morning, Ike slithers out from his pouch, feeling more like rolling along with the group. He's feeling a bit more chipper now, rolling ahead to try and help navigate through dangerous conditions safely!
Survival: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Uuuuunfortunately, as he roils along in his gooey form, he fails to take into account the troubles that legged creatures like the horses would have in travel, forgetting that his sloshy form can tackle landscapes that more solid forms have trouble with.

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Diceros enjoys yet another day on the plains, this time enjoying his time with Rai, learning about some plants not found in his land. He in turn shows Rai some Plains survival tricks.
"If you look for that grass with the serrated bright green leaves -- there is one over there -- the root is an edible tuber. Pretty bitter, but it will keep you alive."
One may not think that Pyg would be cognizant that Rai has started to carve a wooden rhinoceros, but he does seem to be obsessed with walking on the left as if showing his best side, and lifting his horn up in a most manly manner.
Diceros, feeling content with his knowledge of the plains, decides to keep an eye out for anything unusual.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 281 rank +2 Wis +2 Keen Senses +3 class
GM, Diceros also has a "detect magic" level 0 spell...is it possible to also cast this as part of my turn, or do we only get that one "exploration action" as we go? In other words, I wouldn't use it if it was the only action I had, but I would use it if it went along with my other check...

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Sigurd could get used to these nice days, charting such beautiful land. However, in spite of the nice weather, he remembers to keep an eye out for a place where these moon radishes would likely grow.
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

GM Mustache |

As the day grows dreary, the group looks for a protected place to sleep. As you do that, you see a campfire in the distance. You decide to approach carefully, but thinking it could be a hunter... one of those that frequents Oleg's Trading Post, and thus someone you would enjoy meeting.
"I heard that large beast about a mile away, so just come out and let me see who you are." A woman's voice.
You do come out, carefully, and see a beautiful woman, in fine clothes, with a tent set up a few feet away. She sits on a log by the fire. She looks elven.

Arlen Graytale |

Arlen looks around the lovely land that they are exploring and sighs, contemplating how great civilizations rose out of the wilderness and the natural resources that strengthened their rise.
Knowledge History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
He listens intently to Rai's description of the flower.
"Fascinating, my fine fellow! A delightful and wonderful specimen!"
Upon meeting the woman, Arlen defers with a respectful nod to his more sociable companions but watches carefully for any signs of trouble while Rasputin also looks around for anything a rabbit would find of note.
Sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11-1 wis+2 alertness (familiar)
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21-1 wis+1 rank+2 alertness (familiar)
Rasputin Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14+1 wis+1 rank+3cs

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Diceros can't help himself.
"Wow, you look a lot like my mom! I am Diceros of the elven tribe M'skuma! Where are you from?"
Diceros also casts detect magic as he looks around the camp site.

Rai Zon |

Rai turns an ear trying to catch a phrase or accent linguistics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
"I am Rai of Zon, of Wrestwald. We are pleased to share your camp and have some elk meat if you would like?

GM Mustache |

"Sit then, and tell me of yourselves. Why are you out here in the wilds where so few dare to travel?"

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Diceros grabs a spot on a log, strangely enthusiastic about this woman. He gabs on in Common,
"We are wilderness explorers. Right now, we're looking for moon radishes. But we are open to whatever adventure Nature brings us, and it seems to have led us to you."
"But really, where are you from?"
I'll give Diplomacy a shot too...: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13

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Sigurd doesn't understand what Rai and the strange elf woman say to one another, but it doesn't bother him. He is, however, a bit embarassed by his friend's manners.
"Well met friend. Thank you for your hospitality and sharing your fire. I am Sigurd. I have journeyed far from the Land of the Linnorm Kings to survey this beautiful land. What is your name and how have you come to be in this place?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Arlen Graytale |

"Well met indeed, my good lady. As my companions say, we are here to EXPLORE!! Who knows what ancient wonders, natural, historical, or something else altogether, this land holds? I don't! And I am here to find out."
During his brief monologue, the spry old librarian marches around the campsite, flourishing grandly with his skinny arms and oversized floppy hat against the night sky. The rabbit in his coat pocket wrinkles up its tiny nose in annoyance at Arlen's antics.
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

GM Mustache |

"Moon radishes? Go that way." She points to the southeast. "My name is whatever it is and I am from the only place that matters. You say you are here to explore and that is my goal as well. I am searching out six small statues, trinkets really, of no concern to you except that know I will pay well if you find them. Far more money than you could ever imagine. They were lost in these lands long ago. Old family heirlooms, with no real worth except sentimental and historical. Are you interested in helping in my search? They look like five green fingers and a palm on which the others connect."

Arlen Graytale |

Arlen bows deeply.
"As my good friend averred, we would be thrilled to help you while we explore this land. These statuettes sound a marvelous and tasteful heirloom indeed. Regarding the future of this land, our main goal other than exploring is to bring peace and safety to this place. The bandit scourge is an offense against nature, justice, and reason itself."
Inspiring speech diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

Ike seems intrigued by the curious elven woman, staying in Pygmy's pouch and watching from his place with a protruding limb poking out, watching the interactions and waving with another tendril as people look his way.
More importantly, he was studying the new woman, pondering how to best take on a similar shape should he ever need it in the future. The more folks he encountered, the more options he had. Females... were odder for him, for some reason. He had a really hard time discerning what other species found attractive, so he simply sat and studied carefully.
He liked her, though! She had no name she wanted to give... it reminded him a bit of himself, strangely. He had no form to really call his own, since it constantly changed...

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At this woman's reply, Sigurd becomes somewhat suspicious. After all, he and his friends were perfectly polite. Her abruptness and mention of this strange quest make him suspect that there is more to her than she's letting on.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17
He is also intrigued by the mention of these small statues and racks his brain to try and remember if he's heard of them before.
Knowledge History: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 1 = 11 Skill + Bardic Knowledge