Kingmaker AP with GM Mustache (Inactive)

Game Master Mustachioed

Start: Pharast 1, 4710
Current Day: Gozran 10, 4710

Kingmaker Stats
Kingdom Building: City Buildings and Terrain Improvements
Mass Combat
Roll20 link

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N/A Human Shifter 6 (Oozemorph) | HP 64/64 | AC 21 T 15 FF 16 (DR 6/slashing)| F +8 R +10 W +4 | CMB +9 CMD 24 | Init +5 Perc +11

Ike seemed to suddenly realize his new form and the change disturbed him a bit. SO much so that his claw felt short and he started to shake a bit. Fighting the urge to absolutely fall apart, Ike felt his form shudder again, but held it together.

He caught sight of Brokk'r falling down and felt renewed vigor as he leveled his claws at the wolf between him and the dwarf. "Beat it, you flea bitten mongrel!" he yelled, before his torso practically spun itself on an axis, claws swinging wildly at the wolf. Less subtlety, more slashing!

Full Attack Action. I THINK I have a flanking bonus from Brokk'r, but I could be wrong...
Claw 1: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 71d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 +2 flanking, +1 rage song, -2 sickened
Claw 2: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 91d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 +2 flanking, +1 rage song, -2 sickened
Critical Fail Confirm: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 22

Male Elf Alchemist(Grenadier) lv 7, max HP 52, AC 17, touch 13, flat 13 ,F+4,R+7,W+3, init +9, perc+14

Rai draws his elven curved blade (move) and then draws his extract of shield as he prepares to enter the fray.

Male Dwarf Fighter 3 | HP: 19/37 | AC: 20 T: 12 FF: 18 CMD: 17 (22 vs bull rush, 21 vs trip) | Fort/Ref/Will: +5/+3/+2 (+5 vs charm/compulsion spells/SLAs) | Init: +2 | Perception: +7 (+8) | S. Motive: +1 | Status Effects:

"Gah!" Brokk'r cries out as one of the wolves gets another nip in and nearly takes him down, "... the hell offa me!"

Seeing the very large singing human move into a flanking position, Brokk'r attempts to slam his shield (standard action) into the wolf on his left (4), but misses and shuffles back into a more defensible position (5-ft. step).

Shield Slam Attack: 1d20 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 4 = 10 BAB + STR (Yikes! These rolls though...)

SUMMARY OF bottom of Round 2 and top of Round 3

Arlen is able to knock a wolf out of commission and deal damage, but all of his compatriots swing and miss at the fast moving creatures.

The two active wolves attack Pygmy and Sigurd. Pygmy is missed, but Sigurd takes a horrible blow! The wolf grabs his arms and yanks. Blood splurts everywhere, and Sigurd is barely standing (9 HP damage, 1 HP left due to his song).


wolf bite to-hit Pygmy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
wolf bite damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
wolf bite to-hit Sigurd: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
wolf bite damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

wolf bite crit confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
wolf bite extra crit damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

ROUND: Bottom of 3 and top of 4


Go if you are bold!

Grand Lodge

Male HP 12/26 | AC: 15 Touch: 13 FF: 12 CMD:16 | F:+6 R:+4 W:+5 | Init: +5 Per: +9 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

"This time for sure!" yells Diceros as he points his spear as straight at the wolf as he can and thrusts.

Spear Jab: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 Str, wow I wrote that flavor text before previewing my role!
Critical Confirmation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Spear Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Strx1.5
Crit Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Strx1.5

Sure enough, Diceros's aim is true, and he is able to impale the wolf before it runs away with Sigurd's arm.

Grand Lodge

Male HP 7/22 | AC: 21 Touch: 12 FF: 14 CMD:15 | F:+5 R:+5 W:+1 | Init: +2 Per: 7 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

Pygmy continues to buck and shake, trying desperately to get in front of the swift wolf that keeps running around his legs.

Rhino Horn Goring: 1d20 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 3 = 12 BAB+Str w/song
Rhino Horn: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Str w/song x1.5

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

Arlen moves up behind Sigurd and Diceros, calling out to Sigurd and Brokk'r with a friendly smile on his wrinkled old face.

"Never fear, my fine fellows. If the wolves manage to knock you out I'll have you back up on your feet again in no time."

Then his face twists in a weird anger as he stares at the wolf he dazed.

Evil eye penalty -2 on attack rolls on that wolf. Wolf 3, I think. That's not the one Diceros just destroyed, is it? Also, looking forward to the first critical hit card!

Male Elf Alchemist(Grenadier) lv 7, max HP 52, AC 17, touch 13, flat 13 ,F+4,R+7,W+3, init +9, perc+14

Rai drinks the extract of shield (actually 20 now)and advances with his curved blade staying just out of reach five feet away.

Male Dwarf Fighter 3 | HP: 19/37 | AC: 20 T: 12 FF: 18 CMD: 17 (22 vs bull rush, 21 vs trip) | Fort/Ref/Will: +5/+3/+2 (+5 vs charm/compulsion spells/SLAs) | Init: +2 | Perception: +7 (+8) | S. Motive: +1 | Status Effects:

Brokk'r moves back in to flank with Rai (5-ft. step). Leading with his shield, he attacks (standard action) the wolf north of him (3).

Shield Slam Attack: 1d20 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 4 = 10 BAB + STR (w/song) Wow...

N/A Human Shifter 6 (Oozemorph) | HP 64/64 | AC 21 T 15 FF 16 (DR 6/slashing)| F +8 R +10 W +4 | CMB +9 CMD 24 | Init +5 Perc +11

Shuddering again, Ike missed every single swing as he pulled back a second to regroup. Truth was, he'd never actually been in a fight before... not one this chaotic, at least!

Out of the corner of his sights, however, he saw a terrible burst of blood go everywhere as one of the wolves managed to get a nasty gash into Sigurd! Thankfully, it seemed like Diceros had that one taken care of before it could get away with the arm. Instead, he wobbled to one side before dropping to all fours and barreling for the remaining wolf, aiming to tackle it, melt over it, and do the one thing he knew he was good at: sticking to things!

Move action to approach the wolf that remains, and grapple it! Please work!
Grapple: 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 21 +4 CMB, +2 Improved Grapple,
+1 Rage Song, -2 Sickened

Brokk'r, when you flank, go ahead and add the +2 right into your roll. (Still misses, but not terribly)

With an accuracy and strength he never knew he had, Diceros thrusts his spear into the wolf's eye. The creature immediately straightens out into a tight line, and the spear runs all the way through him and comes out his back paw.

Crit Card: Well Ventilated: Multiplier + 1 and 2d6 nonlethal damage.

The elven branched spear is normally a x3 weapon, for future reference. So with a crit you can roll extra damage twice. In this case, the card is letting you do x4 damage.

Crit Damage: 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (6, 2) + 6 = 14
Nonlethal on top of it: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8

Total damage 27 lethal and 8 non-lethal. It is very very dead. How does one make something more dead than dead? You just did.


wolf will : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
wolf will : 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
wolf will : 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14
wolf will : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
wolf will : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
wolf will : 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Arlen aims another evil eye, and he is successful! (Wolf 3).

Meanwhile, Ike oozes all over Wolf 1, holding him tight (grapple successful).

Sigurd should yet go.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (Fated Champion) 3 | 23/29 HP | Int +2 | Perception +5 | 15 AC, 11 Touch, 14 Flat | F +5, R +3, W +3 | 7/9 RPD Raging Song (+2 STR/CON, +1 Will, -1 AC) | Rage Power (Lessor Spirit Totem)

The wolf before Sigurd lies dead, though not by his hand. If not for the protection of his god and the others fighting at his side, it would be him on the ground and not the wolf.

His song doesn't stop. Sigurd manages to continue singing in spite of the damage. He pulls a potion of cure light wounds out of his pouch and drinks it. (A real feat indeed, to drink while singing...)

Potion of Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8


Pygmy and Brokk'r miss, while Diceros skewers. Ike oozes onto a wolf and tries to hold him. Arlen eyes one strangely, as Rai gets into position.

The skald does a tremendous impressively move; with a great shout his voice reverberates across the field, and before the vibrations die down he quaffs a potion and starts up with the next note.

With two of their number down and being injured themselves, the wolves' flight instincts kicks in. Wolf 3 withdrawals from combat, running 100 feet across the field and disappears into the woods. Wolf 1 is grappled by Ike, and tries to break free. Ike has him well-pinned, however, and the wolf can't get away or do anything else.

escape artist check vs. Ike's cmd 16: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

ROUND: bottom of 4 and top of 5

bottom of 4
top of 5

Go if you are bold!

Decided to draw a line in the initiative to show the top/bottom of the rounds, and alter the order to make it easier for myself to know what is going on. Not that counting rounds is all that important or anything; but it does help me know when buffs/debuffs end.

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

Arlen eyes the wolf Ike is holding and moves up into position to be ready to help Sigurd or Brokk'r if either need healing.

"Perhaps we should kill this one for its pelt and meat? I know little of traveling the wilderness but it seems waste will not serve our purposes."

Evil eye on the wolf's attack rolls to make it harder for it to break free. I don't think I already have that evil eye on this wolf. If I do, then I'll apply the -2 to AC.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (Fated Champion) 3 | 23/29 HP | Int +2 | Perception +5 | 15 AC, 11 Touch, 14 Flat | F +5, R +3, W +3 | 7/9 RPD Raging Song (+2 STR/CON, +1 Will, -1 AC) | Rage Power (Lessor Spirit Totem)

Sigurd again grabs his hammer and moves into position, putting the last wolf between himself and this blob of ooze that is his new companion.

Aye, elf. Wolf meat is on the menu for tonight!

Then he brings his mighty hammer down on the grappled wolf's head.

Earthbreaker hit: 1d20 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 0 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 10 BAB + STR + song + flanking (?)
Earthbreaker damage: 2d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1, 6) + 4 + 1 = 12 1.5 damage for 2 handed + song

Really? A 4? I guess I'm thankful it's not a 1.

Don't forget- quotes around what you say.


wolf will : 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
wolf will : 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
wolf will : 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
wolf will : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
wolf will : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
wolf will : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

The wolf resists the evil eye, but still takes a temporary reduction in it's defenses.

Then Sigurd steps up, and thanks to the witch and grapple, is able to smash in the head of the remaining wolf.


The battle over, the danger passed, the group gets a chance to relax and look at the carnage. The deer is completely mauled, but the three dead wolves could possibly be skinned and their pelts sold for gold.

Unless it is morally objectionable, give me three survival checks (no taking 10s or 20s). They can all be the same person. Depending on the rolls, I will give you pelts of varying worth. But you only get one shot at each wolf. Can't skin it twice, after all.

Grand Lodge

Male HP 12/26 | AC: 15 Touch: 13 FF: 12 CMD:16 | F:+6 R:+4 W:+5 | Init: +5 Per: +9 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

Diceros sees a lone wolf trapped underneath the goo pile known as Ike, and his companions healing and surrounding the creature. He sees the tall human take a swing and realizes he must have missed on purpose, just to continue to scare it.

"If we move back, it will undoubtedly run. Nature may have something more in store for this creature. But if the group sees a need, the wolf's sacrifice may be worth it.

"Pygmy, come.
Handle Pygmy DC:10: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 3 = 27 +compentency +skill

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

Arlen looks around at his companions, taking in the situation. He comes over to Brokk'r

"If you are willing, I would be happy to provide some magical aid for your wounds."

CLW if Brokk'r accepts: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Then looking at the wolves, Arlen stands with his overly-large hat and his hands on the hips of his explorer's outfit.

"How should we best make use of these? I, personally, am not skilled in such endeavors but would be happy to assist with means both mundane and magical."

Will cast guidance and would be happy to aid another.

Diceros probably had an overlap with my posting. If you see this in time, Diceros, edit or delete.

Male Elf Alchemist(Grenadier) lv 7, max HP 52, AC 17, touch 13, flat 13 ,F+4,R+7,W+3, init +9, perc+14

Rai nods to the group with grim satisfaction and then says "we could skin the wolves, and I am sure I am not best but I can aid another in doing so."

N/A Human Shifter 6 (Oozemorph) | HP 64/64 | AC 21 T 15 FF 16 (DR 6/slashing)| F +8 R +10 W +4 | CMB +9 CMD 24 | Init +5 Perc +11

I would give it a try, but given my luck so far, I'm expecting I'll somehow set them on fire.

Recollecting himself up from the wolf, Ike reformed himself to a more solid figure before sitting down and panting. "Sorry for flinching. I... I've never actually had to fight anything or anyone before... Uh... I might have a way to get their pelts off cleanly... but I've never done that either. It's... messy... maybe?"

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

"I would be most interested to observe this unique method! Please, proceed."

Arthur smiles encouragingly and tries to help Ike with the pelts by holding parts of the pelt in place or whatever else may seem useful.

Aid another survival: 1d20 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 - 1 = 10+1 guidance -1 wisdom

Go for it! Arlen also casts guidance on Ike for a total of +3 bonus from Arlen.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (Fated Champion) 3 | 23/29 HP | Int +2 | Perception +5 | 15 AC, 11 Touch, 14 Flat | F +5, R +3, W +3 | 7/9 RPD Raging Song (+2 STR/CON, +1 Will, -1 AC) | Rage Power (Lessor Spirit Totem)

"Friend, I get the feeling that most of what you do is messy. No worries though. I say give it a shot. I expect where we're headed will be full of game. If we don't get anything off these mutts, Gorum will provide another source of food."

I apparently didn't put anything into survival. I do have a dagger in my belt, but I don't know how much that'd help.

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

I also need to buy a dagger. Can't believe I forgot something so basic.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (Fated Champion) 3 | 23/29 HP | Int +2 | Perception +5 | 15 AC, 11 Touch, 14 Flat | F +5, R +3, W +3 | 7/9 RPD Raging Song (+2 STR/CON, +1 Will, -1 AC) | Rage Power (Lessor Spirit Totem)

I feel you. My backstory talks about traveling through the wilderness to get here from the other side of Golarian and I forgot to put any points in survival.

Grand Lodge

Male HP 12/26 | AC: 15 Touch: 13 FF: 12 CMD:16 | F:+6 R:+4 W:+5 | Init: +5 Per: +9 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

"I've skinned many a beast, I am happy to show you all how it's done...err, if I may borrow your dagger, friend."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (Fated Champion) 3 | 23/29 HP | Int +2 | Perception +5 | 15 AC, 11 Touch, 14 Flat | F +5, R +3, W +3 | 7/9 RPD Raging Song (+2 STR/CON, +1 Will, -1 AC) | Rage Power (Lessor Spirit Totem)

"Ha Ha! What a team we make. Gorum sure had a sense of humor when he brought us all together. Here, take mine."

Sigurd hands his dagger to Diceros, handle first of course.

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

Haha. "I seem to be lost again. I wish there were any edible plants in this field of wild blueberries." I totally relate.

Diceros, Arlen will happily help you, Ike, or anyone else in skinning the wolf so whoever gets to it first can use the +2 from my aid another and +1 from guidance.

"Indeed we seem amusingly suited for each other! I look forward to exploring our individual personalities and friendships in addition to the lands around us. Let us prove our skeptical patron, the Lord Mayor, quite mistaken about our abilities."

Arlen is very confident after taking 5 rounds to kill a few wolves. XD

Grand Lodge

Male HP 12/26 | AC: 15 Touch: 13 FF: 12 CMD:16 | F:+6 R:+4 W:+5 | Init: +5 Per: +9 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

Survival Check: 1d20 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 19 1 rank + 2 Wis + 2 Nature Sense +3 class skill+aid+guidance

If this is successful, I'd be happy to do another check, but I'd love to see Ike give it a work over.

Diceros mutters as he works:
"Well, here goes nothing. I've never actually done this completely by myself. Usually Mom helps. But...she told me I've got to figure these things out on my own now. Sigh."

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

Arlen hums merrily while up to his skinny pale elbows in wolf interiors.

Aid another for wolf 2: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4
Aid another for wolf 3: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2

Happy to help anyone on the other wolves! XD But Arlen will only succeed in granting the +1 from guidance, not the +2 from aid another.

With Arlen's help, and a bit of arcane energy, Diceros aptly wields the knife and creates a respectable pelt from the skin. He figures that it would sell for about 50 gold.

Arlen gets so excited about the beautiful work that he takes to humming and dancing around a bit, and his hands are so shaky that Diceros is forced to ask him to leave as he works on the other two.

reason: aid another requires a 10 or higher to work. :D. :D

N/A Human Shifter 6 (Oozemorph) | HP 64/64 | AC 21 T 15 FF 16 (DR 6/slashing)| F +8 R +10 W +4 | CMB +9 CMD 24 | Init +5 Perc +11

Ike watched Diceros carefully as he skinned the wolf himself, before looking at the next one. Rubbing his chin a bit, Ike studied the beast a moment before dissolving into a puddle of gray goo again, swarming over to the dead wolf and slithering beneath it.

After a moment, tendrils of gray goop began to seep up and steadily cover most of the wolf pelt. A fizzy noise, almost like dissolving acid, rises up as Ike carefully, steadily sheered the skin off the wolf, using hid natural dissolving solution to try and skin most of the fur off.

Survival: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 1 = 17 +1 Guidance

After a moment, the furry flesh jerked and rose up, a part of Ike forming a vague limb shape and chucking what remained with a light *SPLAT* nearby. Pulling himself free from the somewhat smooth carcass, Ike curled into a ball nearby before lifting out what appeared to be a head, observing his work... somehow...

Nasty!! Remember to use present tense, Ike.

Ike uses his own special technique to produce a pelt that seems as just as good as what the druid was able to do.

Someone should record these pelts in the spreadsheet as loot to sell. I generally leave the loot handling to the party to do.

Grand Lodge

Male HP 12/26 | AC: 15 Touch: 13 FF: 12 CMD:16 | F:+6 R:+4 W:+5 | Init: +5 Per: +9 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

Diceros watches Ike in awe.

"In all my life, I have never heard of Nature like that. Is this some demon from Uncle's campfire stories?"

Meanwhile, Diceros goes ahead and starts work on the last pelt, happy with his work so far, and chuckling at the over-excited elderly elf working with him.

Survival Check: 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 12 1 rank + 2 Wis + 2 Nature Sense +3 class skill+guidance

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

Pelt 3 worth a little less?

Thrilled at Ike's demonstration of amoebic power, Arlen can't help but whistle happily for the rest of the afternoon. After the party packs up the pelts, he looks for a small nearby stream to wash off. If none is available, he spares some of his precious water to do so. Then Arlen picks up his walking stick and cheerily inquires

"Shall we move on to Oleg's?"

Without Arlen holding the carcass steady, Diceros slips and the knife slides straight through the middle of the pelt, ruining any financial value. Diceros tosses it aside, frustrated. Yet the wolf meat is still good to eat, if this is of interest.

If the party would like to set up camp and rest after the harrowing battle, that is fine. You estimate that you could arrive at the trading post by mid-afternoon tomorrow.

Natural Healing
With a full night's rest (8 hours of sleep or more), you recover 1 hit point per character level. Any significant interruption during your rest prevents you from healing that night. Slight alteration of mine: You also regain your Constitution modifier

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (Fated Champion) 3 | 23/29 HP | Int +2 | Perception +5 | 15 AC, 11 Touch, 14 Flat | F +5, R +3, W +3 | 7/9 RPD Raging Song (+2 STR/CON, +1 Will, -1 AC) | Rage Power (Lessor Spirit Totem)

"Yes. Let's keep moving. Arlen, do you know how much farther we have to travel?"

Sigurd wipes his hammer off on the grass and puts it on his back. After getting the dagger back from Diceros, he cleans that off too and puts it in his belt. After looking around to make sure he hasn't forgotten anything, he starts back along the trail with the rest of the group.

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

The elf thinks for a moment and consults his map of the region.

"I believe we could make it there some time tomorrow, later in the day. Perhaps we should journey a modest distance with the remaining daylight today then make camp?"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Skald (Fated Champion) 3 | 23/29 HP | Int +2 | Perception +5 | 15 AC, 11 Touch, 14 Flat | F +5, R +3, W +3 | 7/9 RPD Raging Song (+2 STR/CON, +1 Will, -1 AC) | Rage Power (Lessor Spirit Totem)

"Agreed. And we should set a watch. There might be worse than wolves in this forest."

The party proceeds down the road. It is very early spring, and while the weather is sunny, there is a distinct nip in the air. Trees have not even begun to bud, and there is still snow in the shade of tree trunks and underneath the skeletal branches of the woody shrubs. Still, birds are singing their praises to the gods and all in all, it is a good day to travel and have all limbs still attached.

As dusk approaches, the party comes across a rotting wooden bridge with a little stream running under it. Tracking the stream off the road a couple hundred feet, you find a suitable place to make camp for the night.

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

When they come to the appropriate spot, Arlen sighs contentedly then begins unloading some belongings off the mule. His first time camping in the wilderness, the old librarian tries to err on the side of caution to make up for the fact that he doesn't know what he is doing. He sets up his tent and places his bedroll and blanket inside of it while munching on some trail rations. He then places a camouflage netting over his tent and places caltrops (x10), marbles (x10), and bear traps (x10) around the campsite, carefully pointing out to everyone where he has placed the hazards and safe routes out of the camp. He hitches Mortimer to a tree in the middle of the camp. Concerned about Pygmy, he queries Diceros

"Will your companion stay safely near you? I would hate to accidentally bring him to harm."

Using some of his fishhooks and string, Arlen clumsily attempts to fish in the nearby stream with leftover bits of his food on the hook.

Survival: 1d20 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 + 1 = 10Wis+guidance

After his attempts at fishing, Arlen freshens up with a bit of soap in the stream. He then sheepishly asks the party as a whole.

"Did anyone happen to bring a tinderbox or other means of starting a campfire? I forgot and would love to make myself some tea... Also, would it be beneficial to us to have a fire all night? I anticipate that it would repel beasts but may attract bandits."

Arlen does indeed get a strike! He properly lands the fish, doing it exactly like the books always said. The thing is a foot if it is a yard!

arlen's knowledge nature with guidance: 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 1 = 15

He also recognizes the species thanks to the library's copy of 'Freshwater Fish of Golarion'. Sadly enough, it is just a white sucker. Considered a rough fish by many; it certainly isn't great eating.

Grand Lodge

Male HP 12/26 | AC: 15 Touch: 13 FF: 12 CMD:16 | F:+6 R:+4 W:+5 | Init: +5 Per: +9 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

Embarrassed that he messed up the last wolf pelt, Diceros leads Pygmy down the road again. After the fight, he's a bit more talkative, excited now about this diverse group he finds himself in, rather than intimidated.

Hopefully, he's not too annoying as he recounts his favorite parts of the wolf skirmish.
"So, what part did you like most? When Pygmy stuck his horn in one, or when I stuck my spear in the other?", he asks most every person and the group in general multiple times.

Even Pygmy seems to be in a bit more playful of a mood and snuzzles against the sides of different people as they walk along.

At camp, Diceros is ready to just plop his straw mat of a bedroll on the ground and go to sleep under the stars when he notices that others are actually setting up a mini-civilization in order to just go to bed. He watches in amazement as Arlen especially goes to such elaborate lengths, but he does decide he better start helping out.

First, he reassures Arlen.
"Hey, he actually understands how to guard, so we can give him part of the night to watch out for us. But he's pretty young yet, so he might get tired after too long."

"Pygmy, guard." Whenever we decide to give him the duty.
Handle Pygmy DC:10: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 3 = 14 +compentency +skill

Then, he rustles up some ordinary berries and makes them into Goodberries in case anyone needs some munchies and light healing yet.

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

The elf excitedly waves his giant floppy hat in the air, thrilled to have caught a fish for the first time in his life. Completely undeterred by its lack of edibility, he explains its zoological characteristics to whomever listens (or pretends to listen) before throwing it back in the stream with a satisfied smile. His comrades may perhaps then notice the white rabbit following Arlen around that was riding in his jacket earlier. It might not seem possible, but the rabbit has something of an exasperated expression on its face, a look quite out of place on a rabbit.

The elf smiles kindly at the half-elf and his young rhinoceros.

"Indeed the two of you struck some truly mighty blows to those nasty lupines! I think Pygmy deserves a treat, if you don't mind."

Arlen looks around in the surrounding vegetation for a particularly tasty morsel for a young rhino, attempting to piece together the dietary needs of rhinos with the nutritional composition of wild plants he's read about before.

Know Nat?: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 9 + 1 = 19+5 int, +1 rank, +3 cs, +1 guidance, roll twice take the higher from fortune hex.
Know Nat?: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 9 + 1 = 15

Nice to have a druid in the party. Goodberry alone makes wilderness exploration a LOT easier.

"What do you think of the idea of a fire? It will help us see better but also render us more visible..."

Goodberries stay fresh a day per level. Any time you are outside, you can give me a survival check (let's say DC 15) to find berries, and eventually you could create quite an inventory of them. You should probably mark them with the expiration date. The excel spreadsheet would work well for this. So starting now, give me a survival check to forage for berries, and you can get started on it!

Arlen knows that rhinos are not picky, and enjoy a variety of grasses. However, given the season, grass is not plentiful at the moment. You could do a perception or survival to find a nice patch of grasses for Pygmy

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

Unsure exactly what tasty grasses would be appropriate, Arlen consults his expert on the matter and tries to send the emotion of a need for tasty grasses to Rasputin the Rabbit.

Rasputin's perception: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 25CS+wis+rank+guidane with fortune.
Rasputin's perception: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 19

Assuming a 25 works for finding some nice grass. XD

Having fulfilled his wish to treat the young rhino, Arlen agrees to whatever the watch order is and tucks himself up in his small tent and falls asleep.

Thanks for indulging my camping RP! Arlen is fine with skipping to tomorrow morning whenever everyone wishes to.

Grand Lodge

Male HP 12/26 | AC: 15 Touch: 13 FF: 12 CMD:16 | F:+6 R:+4 W:+5 | Init: +5 Per: +9 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

Amended: Diceros heads off into the shrubbery to hunt for berries, hoping to find some early spring ones.

Survival Check: 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 16 +WIS +Nature Sense +Class skil +rank

Goodberry Production: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3

and comes back with 3 of them.

Male Elf Alchemist(Grenadier) lv 7, max HP 52, AC 17, touch 13, flat 13 ,F+4,R+7,W+3, init +9, perc+14

Rai will travel along with his companions quietly for a while a bit shaken as this too was his first combat. He also smiles a bit at the lack of daggers not feeling such a fool for his lack of equipment. When they arrive at camp Rai will look to use trees and set up small branched tipis and a fire pit with dried branches surrounded by rocks.

survival take 20

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