cuatroespada |

Thanks to Diceros' keen eyes, everyone gets a few seconds to collect their thoughts and prepare! You all are on your feet, weapons in hand. No one, though, is wearing armor. Wearing armor and sleeping do not mix. Brokk'r has enough time to pick up his shield. On your turn in the surprise round, please let me know your AC without armor on.

GM Mustache |

Just in case you missed it, cuatro pointed out that light armor wearers can sleep in light armor.
Also, Ike-- I looked at morphic weapons and I agree with you! They do 1d6 RAW. However--shifter is written terribly, so we can house rule somethings. Now is the chance to determine if size changes your weapon damage. Because eventually you will be able to shift to large and huge. If we say you benefit at a larger size, we also need to say you get penalized for a smaller size. Your opinion? a d6 would go down to a d4.

GM Mustache |

You know, I was thinking that difficult terrain prevented five-foot steps, and then I went to look it up on this page and didn't see it. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/exploration-movement/
But like all rules, it was probably just written somewhere else.
For this battle, we will assume five-foot steps are fine in difficult terrain but in future battles I will be more picky about it.

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So let me see if I get a few things:
1. In difficult terrain, we can't make a 5 foot move without an AoO? (which is to say, we can move up to 1/2 our distance, but it's a move action, and that could trigger an AoO)
2. If they get within my reach, I have to move in order to get them. (I don't see any way to attack with a reach weapon, except maybe with the other end as a little blunt attack?)
3. Should the new thyingy have triggered an AoO from me when he approached, or did I have to be readied? If I am readied with my spear and something comes at me, would I get an attack when it reaches in range, and then if it goes closer (out of the hex I threatened) I get an AoO attack?
4. Can I charge with a reach weapon? Like I run up but then stop short 10 feet out, does that still count as a charge?

GM Mustache |

1. That's right
2. That's right, with a reach weapon you can't attack them when they are right next to you.
3. He charged, which avoids AoO. These things live in the woods, they aren't slowed down by pesky trees and shrubs. And your next part, that is right.
4. I am not 100% sure on that. I think that it is the case. Maybe someone can confirm a yes to number 4.

Rai Zon |

Even one step further you cannot avoid aoo unless you try using acrobatics and some Spears have the ability to brace. If Rai charges a large giant and does not use acrobatics that giant can play hide the club up side his head. It's what makes combat reflexes and reach so damn good.

GM Mustache |

Ok, thanks Cuatro and Rai. You are right. The act of charging doesn't provoke an AoO, but leaving a threatened square still provokes, which gives Diceros an advantage against anyone approaching him, either charging or normal action. So I will give Diceros an AoO. I'll roll that myself when I update the combat in just a bit here.

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Thanks everyone for your patience. i think that combat tactics are probably what I know the least, are the most important, and are also the most tricky! a perfect storm of confusion.
another question: I am working on good acrobatics so I can tumble around, which may eventually get me even more AoO opportunities. Is there any penalty or restriction to tumbling in this terrain? Tumbling allows me to move 1/2 speed, the terrain also limits speed to 1/2...do those stack?
(it would be handy to me if I could tumble out of the place I am and head north, and avoid AoO attacks on the way...)
OK, just one more...can I reach across the campfire?

Arlen Graytale |

Yeah we should probably work on our tactics a bit... This fight was unusual in that enemies were coming from all directions. Usually it will be easier for me to keep my frail self out of harm's way.

GM Mustache |

Yeah we should probably work on our tactics a bit... This fight was unusual in that enemies were coming from all directions. Usually it will be easier for me to keep my frail self out of harm's way.
Your group is so powerful that I am always going to need to come up with unusual tactics. A straight forward fight will provide no challenge for you. So the burden is on me to make it interesting!

Arlen Graytale |

Arlen Graytale wrote:Yeah we should probably work on our tactics a bit... This fight was unusual in that enemies were coming from all directions. Usually it will be easier for me to keep my frail self out of harm's way.Your group is so powerful that I am always going to need to come up with unusual tactics. A straight forward fight will provide no challenge for you. So the burden is on me to make it interesting!
Awesome! I love new challenges, even if it means making a new character. XD

cuatroespada |

Is there any penalty or restriction to tumbling in this terrain? Tumbling allows me to move 1/2 speed, the terrain also limits speed to 1/2...do those stack?
(it would be handy to me if I could tumble out of the place I am and head north, and avoid AoO attacks on the way...)
so the way i understand it is this: tumbling to avoid attacks of opportunity reduces your speed to ½. difficult terrain and obstacles cost double to move through. so they sort of stack, but you should think of them as separate.
so while tumbling you can move 15 ft. if it's through difficult terrain, the squares cost double so 10 ft each unless it's an even numbered diagonal which costs 20 ft.

GM Mustache |

You guys will have to help me with what you are trying to do with the heal skill. Treat deadly wounds? Does anyone have a healer's kit? I have never seen anyone do this before. It takes a DC20 and would regain 2 HP for Arlen. If you want to get him on his feet, it would take 4 successful checks. Arlen, how do you roll to regain consciousness?
Requirement: You must expend two uses from a healer’s kit to perform this task. You take a –2 penalty on your check for each use from a healer’s kit that you lack.
When treating deadly wounds, you can restore hit points to a damaged creature. Treating deadly wounds restores 1 hit point per level of the creature. If you exceed the DC by 5 or more, add your Wisdom modifier (if positive) to this amount. A creature can only benefit from its deadly wounds being treated within 24 hours of being injured and never more than once per day.
Action/Time: 1 hour.
Retry? Varies. Generally speaking, you can’t try a Heal check again without witnessing proof of the original check’s failure.

Arlen Graytale |

Right now I count as recovering without help since the DC 15 heal check wasn't met.
"Recovering without Help: A severely wounded character left alone usually dies. He has a small chance of recovering on his own. Treat such characters as those attempting to recover with help, but every failed Constitution check to regain consciousness results in the loss of 1 hit point. An unaided character does not recover hit points naturally. Once conscious, the character can make a DC 10 Constitution check once per day, after resting for 8 hours, to begin recovering hit points naturally. The character takes a penalty on this roll equal to his negative hit point total. Failing this check causes the character to lose 1 hit point, but this does not cause the character to become unconscious. Once a character makes this check, he continues to heal naturally and is no longer in danger of losing hit points naturally."

GM Mustache |

Diceros, for simplicity sake, we will say that you regularly mediate and gain your spells before turning in for the night. That way you can heal Arlen tonight yet, and that you always have your spells fresh when you are ambushed in the middle of night like this time. This can apply to the other casters also.

Arlen Graytale |

I'm good now as long as a particularly heavy pine cone doesn't fall on my head. I rolled it as +1-4 (since that's how much I'm missing now) against DC 10 but it's equivalent to +1 against DC 14. But I agree that we might want to make some considerations... Probably buy a party wand of CLW since we have 3 characters capable of using it.

Arlen Graytale |

I'll make some adjustments, guys. I'll start casting mage armor on myself. I know Brokk'r will be a great defender at level 4. Other ideas?

Rai Zon |

at level four I am taking infusion for my elixirs so I will start being a secondary healer. This is leading up to mass action economy as my tumor familiar will then be able to both give elixirs to me and other players while I am blowing people up.

Arlen Graytale |

Haha! Oh yeah! That is the way to go! Have you thought about taking tanglefoot bombs at some point? Those things are amazing! Area of effect damage+debuff is pretty sweet, especially when you hit level 8 and can throw out mutliple bombs a round. Alchemists are awesome.

Rai Zon |

When your character is not in immediate danger or distracted, you may choose to take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, calculate your result as if you had rolled a 10. For many routine tasks, taking 10 makes them automatically successful. Distractions or threats (such as combat) make it impossible for a character to take 10. In most cases, taking 10 is purely a safety measure—you know (or expect) that an average roll will succeed but fear that a poor roll might fail, so you elect to settle for the average roll (a 10). Taking 10 is especially useful in situations where a particularly high roll wouldn’t help.

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

Sorry for the quiet, everyone! I've actually been spending the last coupe of days getting the finishing touches on my mom's mother's day gift. I do woodworking with my little brother, and actually wanted to make my mom a breakfast in bed tray like she has, but with a no-slip surface. Turned out really nice, but sucked up a lot of my time. And since I won't be with her next week on actual Mother's Day, I'm trying to do it today.
I also had to help my little sister move home from college, so... that ate up a lot of time yesterday. I certainly don't mind, but... yeah, that's where I've been.
Gimme a minute and I'll catch up! I have a plan for the bandits~

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For this skill challenge, do you want us to post in order or should we post whenever and you'll resolve them in order?

GM Mustache |

Everyone can go for Round 1. Things will resolve as the posts come in.
I will nudge you for Round 2. We can treat this like a battle, so I will give everyone about a day, maybe less if we are waiting on one person only. Usually if we are waiting multiple hours on one person, I will just bot them (in this situation) or delay them (in a normal battle).
Ike is NOT stuck. Just heavily damaged. Someone could heal Ike but I would count that as a check on the failure list since you are not actively trying to escape the situation.

Arlen Graytale |

Does throwing fortune on a party member count as a failure? I can also attempt a skill check in the same round. I think this is a good and necessary time to start cackling, unless the party disagrees.

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

Question: do bear traps deal slashing or piercing damage? Or both? I ask because, I confess, I forgot that at level 2, I get DR 4/slashing, which could save some of my butt for this... only 4 damage, but still!