Kingmaker AP with GM Mustache (Inactive)

Game Master Mustachioed

Start: Pharast 1, 4710
Current Day: Gozran 10, 4710

Kingmaker Stats
Kingdom Building: City Buildings and Terrain Improvements
Mass Combat
Roll20 link

Current Characters

Jadrenka the Crone
Arlen Graytale

Elf Witch 3, 19/23 HP, Init +7; Perception: +4 (+7 familiar), 14 AC 13 Touch 11 FF; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2| Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: None

played by caster4life (439 posts)
Brokk'r Battleforge

Male Dwarf Fighter 3 | HP: 19/37 | AC: 20 T: 12 FF: 18 CMD: 17 (22 vs bull rush, 21 vs trip) | Fort/Ref/Will: +5/+3/+2 (+5 vs charm/compulsion spells/SLAs) | Init: +2 | Perception: +7 (+8) | S. Motive: +1 | Status Effects:

played by cuatroespada (145 posts)
Grand Lodge Diceros the Half-Elf Druid

Male HP 12/26 | AC: 15 Touch: 13 FF: 12 CMD:16 | F:+6 R:+4 W:+5 | Init: +5 Per: +9 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

played by fishrking (251 posts)
GM Mustache

played by Mustachioed (2,501 posts)
Hag Eye Ooze
Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh

N/A Human Shifter 6 (Oozemorph) | HP 64/64 | AC 21 T 15 FF 16 (DR 6/slashing)| F +8 R +10 W +4 | CMB +9 CMD 24 | Init +5 Perc +11

played by CaptainFord (106 posts)
Ike - Medium Humanoid Form

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)

played by CaptainFord (41 posts)
Kobold Master Trapper
Ike - Small Humanoid Form

Male Human/Ooze Shifter 1 (Oozemorph)

played by CaptainFord (39 posts)
Kutholiam Vuere
Jhod Kavken--NPC

played by Mustachioed (4 posts)
Grand Lodge Pygmy the Rhino

Male HP 7/22 | AC: 21 Touch: 12 FF: 14 CMD:15 | F:+5 R:+5 W:+1 | Init: +2 Per: 7 Current Buffs: None | Current Debuffs: none

played by fishrking (35 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Rai Zon

Male Elf Alchemist(Grenadier) lv 7, max HP 52, AC 17, touch 13, flat 13 ,F+4,R+7,W+3, init +9, perc+14

played by Edelsmirge (437 posts)
Gorvald Thrimbyrson
Grand Lodge Sigurd Jarlson

Male Human Skald (Fated Champion) 3 | 23/29 HP | Int +2 | Perception +5 | 15 AC, 11 Touch, 14 Flat | F +5, R +3, W +3 | 7/9 RPD Raging Song (+2 STR/CON, +1 Will, -1 AC) | Rage Power (Lessor Spirit Totem)

played by Beardy2004 (252 posts)
Unfamiliar Halfling

played by caster4life (18 posts)

Previous Characters

Churgri of Vapula

Dungeon racing rules and FAQ
(1,797 posts)

Male Arrancar (1,362 posts)

(377 posts)
Scarab Sages Orell Destiny

Male Human Lv 5 Gunslinger (Bolt Ace)/ 2 Ranger init+7, perc 11,Current HP 41, AC 18, fort +7, ref +10, will +7, cmd 17(heroism +2 morale bonus saves attacks skill checks)

played by Edelsmirge (317 posts)

Previous NPCs

Millech the Hump

(11 posts)
Local Celebrity
James Noober--NPC

(8 posts)
Superstitious Mercenary
Kesten Garess-- NPC

(10 posts)
Oleg Leveton- NPC

(23 posts)
The Fat Woman
Svetlana Leveton-NPC

(10 posts)