Local Celebrity

James Noober--NPC's page

8 posts. Alias of Mustachioed.



Noober jumps down from the wall, spraining his ankle, and attempts to shake everyone's hands as they ride in.

Jhod the priest, Kesten the guard sergeant, and Oleg and Svetlana all raise their voices in welcome and gather about you to hear of your most recent adventures in the Stolen Land.

From the walls, a familiar figure waves and shouts.

"They are back! I told you all! Everyone thought you were dead. Oleg, you owe me 10 gold! Yippee! That's so wizard!"

perception to see arlen: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

"Ike! Ike! Tell me a story!

"Heya! Heya! They are back! Wow, gosh gee, I can't wait to hear your stories!"

Noober waves from the walls as you approach. The fort looks to be in the same condition as when you left. The bandit's bodies are still hanging, and are certainly rank and ripe in this heat. The guards are on the walls, and Oleg is tramping about, cleaning up this and that. Svetlana waves as you enter.

"Stew! Stew! Stew!" Noober runs to the table and bangs his utensils on the table.

"Wow! I'm holding an adventurer's shield! Look at me!" Noober runs about the trading post holding the shield and bashing into walls. Oleg looks on in dismay and Kesten buries his face into his hands.

Eventually Noober spits on the shield a few times and wipes it down with his shirt. He hands it back over to Brokk'r... not shined, just slimed.

"I'm happy to do it whenever you need a shine, Mr. Dwarf! "

Noober replies to Ike: "Heya! Something about you is really funny. A little strange. But I like that! Heya, you mighty adventurers, are you guys looking for someone to clean your clothes and polish your armor? Why, for some reason Sargent Garess says I can feel free to leave this place and never come back. Strange thing to say to a brand new guard, I thought. Then I thought to myself, hey, I could be an adventurer too! The glitz, the glamour, the women. Me, James Noober, could have it all! Here, Mr. Dwarf, let me take that shield for you. I shall polish and bring it back to you right away! Unless you want me to bear it. I could be your shield bearer!" Noober tries to pull Brokk'r's shield off this arm.

Meanwhile, the first guard who yelled "Heya!" from the post's walls approaches Ike and Brokk'r. When he gets closer you realize he is quite young, maybe 16-17 years of age. He smiles broadly and starts to gush. "Heya! Wow, real adventurers. You guys must be so tough. Hey, that is a nice shield? Can I hold it? Heya, why are you so squishy?" He pokes at Ike. "You guys seems really cool. I just joined the guard last week and this is my first assignment. Sure is fun!"