Arlen Graytale |

Perhaps we should consider all of us having mules? Then we're going from 20 to 40 instead of 20 to 30. Should make it more like one hex per day. Now we'd all need a bit of ride skill in the harder parts but perhaps this is worth it? Thoughts?

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Perhaps we should consider all of us having mules? Then we're going from 20 to 40 instead of 20 to 30. Should make it more like one hex per day. Now we'd all need a bit of ride skill in the harder parts but perhaps this is worth it? Thoughts?
I think actually we should go ahead and order 4 horses and saddles from Oleg, and then they'll show up eventually. He doesn't have enough mounts in stock for all of us, and mules/ponies are really only temporary fixes.
Horse & saddle would be 85gp, and raise our speeds to 50.
[however, pygmy will always be 40...not sure we can do anything about that. We could leave him home if needed.]
we can all easily afford it right now.
I don't want to spend other people's money, so let me know what you all think.

Arlen Graytale |

Yeah Pygmy makes getting a speed above 40 less valuable. One of the main reasons I like mules is that they are more willing to enter scary places than horses.

Arlen Graytale |

Perhaps you are looking that the mule from Dnd 3.5 rules? It is the first google result for me and has 30 ft speed. In the animals and mounts section, mules are stated to have the same stats as ponies except for their willingness to explore scary places. Ponies have speed 40 ft.

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Cool, I see that now.
The only other question is mount size, which I see from forums is a fuzzy rule. So as long as we can all ride a mule, we totally should.
One way to think of it all...we have 1 pony, and Ike usually rides in a pouch (but we could get him a pony if he'd like to join the party), Oleg has 2 on hand, so we special order 2 and get them the next time we get back to Oleg. OR, we buy the 2 ponies or horses and use them now. If we get to a "scary place" we slow down anyway, probably.

Arlen Graytale |

Good catch, cuatro. It's not in the ride rules but you're right that the undersized mount feat strongly implies that we can't ride mules. Hmmm...
Rai: I think the guy wants to be free to get antlers for himself to sell. I don't know that he's interested in having antlers for his man cave, but you know... who isn't?

GM Mustache |

Sigurd is like 6'8 so I can't see him riding a mule.
The others would probably be fine. It isn't such a big deal to me. If you want mules that is okay (except Sigurd). I can't really see myself giving you bonuses of a mule over a horse. I mean, mules are also thought to be stubborn so maybe they will be more unlikely to go some place. :)

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so, to recap...let's buy the 2 horses and 2 mules. We have 1 mule already, and the ooze can ride in a bag. then we are ready to move at 40.
cost: 18 x2 for mules & saddles: 36
85 x 2 for horses & saddles: 170
party pool: 28gp
everybody pays 30gp in addition, unless anyone wants to outright buy one and claim it as theirs, rather than "party-owned". Before we move out, we should finalize this.
(then, I am in favor of going for the radishes!)

Arlen Graytale |

After buying scrolls, I have a bit less than 30 gp (I have 25 gp) but I have my own mule already too. Are we ok with that?
Edit: Ah. I need to get a riding saddle and saddlebags for my mule... That's 14 gp. So I have 11 gp to contribute to equipping the rest of the party!

Arlen Graytale |

Yeah I had my mule but I didn't realize I didn't have packs for him.
GM: I think we're good with heading south on our new animals (still figuring out the exact gold on that) to get the moon radishes today. Does that sound alright, everyone?

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OK, our inventory and gold have been updated. the "party" now owns 2 horses, 2 mules, 4 saddles and 4 saddle bags.
Arlen has been tracking his own purchases, but did throw 11 gp back for the good of the party. Librarians are always prepared, I guess.
Everyone else, you have 118 gold from all our loot in our adventure so far, plus your own starting gold you may have not spent. Again, if you track it on your own, take note. Or, go ahead and port your inventory over to the sheet.
(Sigurd, my only question for you is if you had any starting gold left over. other than that, you seem to be updated on the sheet.)

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yeah, i had to remove some more. Here's the finally tally:
Mules 2 x 8
Horses 2 x 75
Saddles 4 x 10
Saddlebags 4 x 4
Total Cost: 222gp
26 party gold
11 gp contribution by Arlen
185 / 5 = 37gp each.
We all had 155 gp after initial loot. I subtracted 37 for 118 remaining.
I realize all that was convoluted and maybe next time we just say "first to post gets the mule" and let everyone sort it out individually.

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personally, I don't think so. you spent your own money on a mule, and having that mule made it possible for us to get the 5 we needed.
the rest of us got what we needed...some paid less for using a horse, some paid more for a mule, but not terribly so. really, you didn't need to throw in the 11gp, but I took that as a "let's get the group everything we need" gesture.
again, if anyone just wants to own on of the mounts outright, they can do the math and decide who owes what. Not everybody responded (which is fine) but then we wanted to move on and start adventuring, so splitting seemed the way to move forward.

Arlen Graytale |

Ok. I'm fine with moving on and not sweating the book-keeping any more than we already have (especially since it's not going to be an important gp quantity). Thanks for managing things, Diceros!

GM Mustache |

So it makes me laugh when everyone says "I wait for the more social members of the group..." Basically that is only Sigurd. I am not a fan of you all doing things perfectly and only have the bard talk. I want to see inelegant and real conversations! Like when Rai gets a 3 on diplomacy, that is great stuff!

Arlen Graytale |

Haha. Yeah it does get old to be the wizard or barbarian who is never allowed to speak to an NPC. XD Especially in pbp where that can be a week of talking to npcs with the low-cha characters not getting to do anything. Plus accidental insults are hilarious.

Arlen Graytale |

I also have a question. Do I understand correctly that I cast ear-piercing scream on her even if I'm not sure where she is? I just need line of effect and within range, I believe.

GM Mustache |

Cuatro-- you can charge, this is not difficult terrain, and you can ignore that bush on the map. As for concealment, since you have darkvision, it is not even an issue for you right? You aren't affected by dim light? You know the rules better than I do so I will accept your judgment.
Everyone else, go ahead and roll a d100 if you attack while in dim light area. 1-20 means automatic miss. If you forget I will roll for you.
Arlen- I don't think you can cast it on her. You have no idea where to direct it, right? She might not even be here as far as you know.

GM Mustache |

If you stand behind a friend while attacking with reach, the enemy will be given +4 AC in what is called "soft cover". Soft as in Sigurd is fleshy and flabby.
If the enemy is partially obstructed, he will be given +2 AC in what is called "partial cover". In general, you will want an open line of sight to maximize your chances at hitting.
Same thing applies to ranged attacks just fyi for everyone.