Rai Zon |

Alright thanks for the selection! I will buy equipment post haste, and in order not to bring gm hatred and wrath will remove comprehend languages from my envoy ability. Is there something we might replace it with?

GM Mustache |

For those who haven't, in your alias you need to enter your "vital" stats. These are what show up everytime you post. In your race line, add all of this (tailored to your own character of course):
Human Investigator (Sleuth) 2, 16/16 HP, Init +5 (+3 if have 0 luck); Perception +5 (+6 vs traps), 15 AC 12 Touch 13 FF; Fort +1 (+3 to poison), Ref +5, Will +3; 3/3 Inspiration, 2/2 Luck.
It is where we track current HP and anything that has a tally.

GM Mustache |

Feel free to take a look at the links on the top of the page to see some of the resources I built for the game.
The Kingmaker Stats sheet is the most important initially. I would like everyone to use that to track their inventory, loot found, loot to sell, etc. There is also a sheet in there for you to record the text of rolls that you are likely to make. This is for your own reference, so you can cut and paste rather than rewriting that same attack for the 100th time.

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Hey everybody. Glad to be aboard. I said this once before, but I want you all to know from the outset that you are playing with a noob. I'm very familiar with the Pathfinder concepts but I don't have all the details down yet, so tell me when I am forgetting something obvious!
In the meantime, I don't mean to be too quiet on the Gameplay tab, but right at the start my character also happens to be a noob, young, overwhelmed, and unsure of himself. (complete coincidence, I assure you)...so his lack of posts (ie silence) is supposed to be in character right now.

GM Mustache |

Ok good start. Couple of pointers to make things better.
1. Always post in the present tense. I think everyone was doing this but Ike, not to call him out or anything... but now is the time to set expectations.
2. When you talk, use bold, but also use quotes. I know this is different in different games, but I like quotes. If you still have the option to edit, go ahead and do it.
3. You can edit your post up to an hour after you first hit submit. After that, it is stuck and things are cannon. Always hit preview first to make sure things are in the right syntax and such.

GM Mustache |

Roll20 should be set up for everyone. Now if you go, you should see your character. roll20.net
1. Everyone can only see what their own character can see. Means you can't see around corners, or if the place was dark, you can only see what is lit. Our dwarf has darkvision, the elves all have low-light vision.
2. If you aren't crazy about your character, let me know and you can photoshop the original file. We are sticking with the art style though... if it doesn't look familiar to you, I need to expand your horizons!
3. Feel free to move your avatar around Oleg's Trading Post and get a feel for how things work. Oleg left all the doors open for you, because that is the kind of guy that Oleg is. (Not really).

GM Mustache |

Great to be included! These organizational tools look very helpful.
Hey Arlen, you probably noticed that I hate comprehend languages spells. Why don't you pick something else in its place.
(I think it is silly that a starter spell gets around the entire language system of the game... Why even bother having languages?)

GM Mustache |

Rai Zon-- remember present tense.
Although inexperienced in nature, he has the skills to handle himself. If only he had a few arrows... His quiver empty and not even holding food or a backpack. At least he has his clothes, his bow, his curved blade, and his life. He smiles and nods to Sigard for the hand and when Ike turns he stares for a good minute before he nods at Arien and listens intently.

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is it all black? You should be able to see the trading post and move around. if not, let me know
I had to pan around with the tools (and zoom out). I did end up getting it to work.
Does this mean we've arrived at the Trading Post, or might something happen first? Diceros finds the description of Oleg's life fascinating, as it might be the type of life he has himself been searching for. So he'll want to chat him up a bit.

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I'm trying out a dice roll here in discussion because I've never done it before on the forum, plus it isn't officially my turn but I figure Mustache may want to know this...
if you don't want it to count here, then call this a test and I'll do it on my turn in gameplay...
rolling for Handle Animal as Diceros gives attack command to Pygmy:
Handle Pygmy: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 3 = 27+druid competence bonus +skill score

GM Mustache |

Hey Diceros, yup, that is correct. But it can't count in the discussion tab. Not bad, starting with a natural 20.
Rai Zon, tell me what you see on the screen. Do you see the chat bar on the right side? If you pick the second tab, do you see your character? Is it the window on the left that is blank? Is it black?

GM Mustache |

Yeah, you really need to get on a normal computer, or a tablet. Do that, and let me know how it looks.
As we go further, good access to Roll20 will be essential for participating in kingdom building, and you will need a bigger screen (at least laptop sized) to do the work on the google spreadsheets.

Arlen Graytale |

No problem, GM. Swapped out comprehend languages for burning hands. On the topic of languages, can I choose regional languages as my bonus languages from int score or just the standard Elven bonus languages?
I can see the test page on roll20 just fine but I'm having some trouble with seeing Oleg's and the current battle map. How do I switch which map I see when I click "Launch Game"? Working on it now...

GM Mustache |

Ugh. I hear you man. 10,000 emails sounds like my life!
Arlen, you can't switch the maps yourself, unfortunately. It is a GM thing only. I can see Rai Zon moving himself around on the test map, so that is great! I am going to flip it back to the battle map now. Glad to know things are starting to work for people. Wolf update coming shortly.

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Diceros has not stated this in game, so let me ask the GM here. I picture Diceros as normally walking with his spear out in his hand (as a walking stick, basically.) If you disagree, let me know as I would have to draw it as my move action otherwise.

GM Mustache |

Diceros has not stated this in game, so let me ask the GM here. I picture Diceros as normally walking with his spear out in his hand (as a walking stick, basically.) If you disagree, let me know as I would have to draw it as my move action otherwise.
Absolutely. Big spear like that, you always have it drawn.

GM Mustache |

Ike, you have to help me out a bit with your character sheet. Your class is new and strange to me, which is great, but also invites confusion.
You have AC 12 (16) listed and I don't know what that means. AC 12 in ooze form, AC 16 when in human form and your armor is on? In that case, you have a AC 11 now with the skald song going.
You have a d10 spear listed, and I am guessing that is when you are in medium humanoid form, but in that case shouldn't it be a d8?
Also this from the oozemorph description: "An oozemorph can create a number of natural weapons to fight with from any portion of her body, regardless of her current form. At 1st level, as a move action, an oozemorph can form two primary natural attacks that each deal 1d6 etc etc etc" That is ridiculous, you should be able to form those claws as part of a movement, much like anyone else would be able to draw a weapon as they move for a single move action (if they have +1 BAB)
With that in mind, go ahead and take your attack. Single claw. If you get a full attack action in, then you can use both claws.

Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh |

Yeah, I might have to make a "blob" statblock and a "humanoid" block. The way I tried to work it was that, since he'll probably be spending more time as a puddle of goo than a human for now, I would list his base "blob" stats and put his "humanoid" stats in parentheses. He currently should be in humanoid form, so his hide armor should be applying (which I really should've specified). Otherwise, he couldn't call them fuzzy jerks. :P
As for the spear, yep, you're quite right. I went through a couple weapons with him and made a mistake. I'll correct that ASAP! Thanks for spotting that!
Also, that makes sense. I can dig that ruling.

GM Mustache |

Making great progress here getting off the ground.
Couple of other things:
1) Ike, get your vital stats line into your "race" line of your alias, and
2) Everyone except Diceros who did it, open up the Kingdom stats spreadsheet and put in at least your most common attack there with the proper numbers, in case of a botting situation. You are welcome to store anything here, though.

Arlen Graytale |

Haha. Who knows? Arlen's next question will probably be whether Ike has a one-way or two-way digestive tract. The party will probably prefer one-way...

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clarification on the wolf attack: I think the wolf bit Pygmy and not Diceros?
also, this is a bit where my noob status comes in. I'm a bit unclear about movement and engagement rules, and the AoO attacks. If I understand correctly, Diceros needs to have 1 square between him and an enemy because of my spear's reach? So if I back away 5 feet from my closest wolf, breaking engagement, does that give him an AoO or not, as it is a 5-foot move? Or, if I don't move, can I reach with my spear and attack one of the other wolves that seem to be 10 feet away already, or do I need to stay engaged with my closest melee foe?
Sorry, I have a few different systems in my head and I am not sure exactly where I am getting these rules from.

Brokk'r Battleforge |

not sure if it makes a difference cause i didn't look at the rolls but my CMD vs trip (and bull rush) should be 20, i just forgot to note it in my quick stats. just a heads up