Foxy Quickpaw |

As for the start of the sequence: You got one down and two more to go.
Your success cummulates. No matter how many fails you collect, once you got three, you're good and the AAI (a$+&+ artificial intelligence) will be no longer a problem.
BUT, for every failed attempt to hinder Eldreth, a terminal will explode in your face.
Can you skip that?
Sure. As the great railroad this adventure is, and as little creativity went into alternate actions: The cultist try to get the Stellar Degenerator out of the demiplane and that is what Eldreth is working on. If you hinder him, you'll do that.
The main difference is, that instead of Ostred supporting you all over the System, you get to keep Eldreth biting your ass whereever you go.

Takeda Mon'tar |

I have stretched myself too thin, particularly as we end teleworking and I am shifting back into the office. I thank you for the opportunity but I believe I need to withdraw. I hope that does not make things too inconvenient for you guys. God speed.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Which next space? If I remember right, no one told about moving on. Description for where you are is still valid. Minus the cultists.

Maxim Petrovich |

I assumed you attacked with your solar thingy, which is melee. And as you have to walk over, you only get one attack. And the first one wasn't a hit.
I have a Haste Circuit that I said earlier I wasn't turning off, and since we have moved from one encounter to another, it makes sense that I would leave it on. So I can move and get 2 attacks.

![]() |

Mmmmrmph. As much as SF is butt and I hate defending it, I think you're not gonna win this one.
For starts, the Haste circuit is counted off in 10 -rounds-. So it's really short lived. If we took even half a minute to go from one scene to the next, it's drained.
Also, I said I was taking a 10-min break to get my SP back.
Also also, the Haste circuit goes off its own battery. As long as you say you're changing it out in between combats, you'll have another 10 rounds in it, rather than the 5/10 or whatever at the end of the prior combat.
Also also also, you've been attacking twice, and subtracting the multi-attack penalty, which is something someone who wasn't hasted would do. If you were doing Haste at them, you don't have a penalty since you're taking two full actions. ^_^

Foxy Quickpaw |

The targeted creatures move and act more quickly than
normal. This extra speed has several effects.
When making a full attack, a hasted creature can also take
a separate move action in order to move. The movement can
occur before, after, or between the attacks from the full attack.
All movement must occur at the same time.
All of the hasted creature’s modes of movement
(including base, burrow, climb, fly, and swim speeds)
increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the
target’s normal speed using that form of movement.
This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and
it affects the creature’s jumping distance as normal
for increased speed. Multiple haste effects don’t
stack. Haste counters and negates slow.
Maxim gets the second attack and both attacks at -4 as a normal full attack.
Gorn doesn't get to make two full attacks.