Foxy Quickpaw |

Ok, have fun in the game.
Just two more notes:
Please change Reynotto's dot to something meaningful.
Because I like to keep the gampeplay free of technicalities. A line ooc in addition to a gameplay post is ok, but pure ooc posts I like to keep to discussion.
And if you need the DM Geraek dot, then please in ooc formatting

Foxy Quickpaw |

I assumed, that you read at least the last two or so pages of the game to get an idea for an appropriate entering. You're a Starfinder, who got ordered to Castrovel as support for the group that is going to do an expedition. You can either arrive by spaceship like Corporal Jazzming Brokato did (check her first post on the last gameplay page, or you are already on Castrovel at the university, for example and got the orders.
Please write something that binds into this storyline. If time is running out, delete you post and write a new one, before the hour of editing time is over.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Deko that seems like it'll work. There are two possible entry points at this moment
1) You are a member of the Starfinder Society sent to help Manteca and EH-RK investigate an archeological mystery
2) You are a member of either the University OR Castrovelian authorities searching for a missing Professor from the local University.
I can see Humans being in either category. What really matters is your dedication to posting 1x per day.
Just looked up where in recruitment that was already mentioned.

*Rolan |

Sure, let me grab some links right fast.
Lexi, Artur, and Jun Valanthe.
As far as my stats go, they are correct as far as I can tell. If you'd like me to break them down I can.

Takeda Mon'tar |

Takeda grew up in Qabarat. From the earliest age he was transfixed by the stories of brave warriors, hardy soldiers, and those who would stand against evil. His mother hoped he would outgrow such ideas but he never did. Instead he learned more of the ways of the Qabarat guard. Finally convincing his parents there was no other venue for him he won their support. When he graduated secondary school he applied for and was accepted into the Qabarat Military Academy. Upon graduation he was commissioned a junior officer. Then he attended training in his selected military vocation, infantry. The infantry course was grueling but he managed to graduate in the top half of his class.
His term of service was six years which was good and bad. He loved the training and the opportunities to defend others but he loathed some of the political types who put themselves above those around them. At the end of his term he joined Varne Skanush Insinsidor (translated to common that is Black Raptor Security). With Black Raptor he was placed as security on everything running through the galaxy to include freighters, corporate yachts, and diplomatic missions.
Recently he found himself in a situation that has brought him into contact with those contending with the Cult of the Devourer.
As far as posting, my aliases of Alistair, Alexio, and Brand are fair though Brand and Alexio were in short lived games. Oh, Kul'Theraka has a bit of posting as well. Tiger lilly, Emmy, and Coacoa are my daughters so don't check those, not my stuff.