Cottonseed PFS PbP (2E)

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XII Announcement
Data Tracking Form Link

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps
Redeux wrote:
For my VTT lodges we already have everyone reporting under a single event so we just switched it to a quarterly event in exchange for AcP. This does also require someone being added as a reporter the first time they GM, and then every 3 months the VO's need to spend a few minutes copying everyone over as a reporter for the new event.

That sounds really doable.

Would I give up my own event code for extra ACP? Yes, because I like helping my players get their boons.

If you had a quarterly event number I would love to be added as a reporter.

| Extinction | url= |

I definitely have no special attachment to my event code and would be willing to report my games under a common, rotating code.

For what it’s worth.

While I will fill out the form along with reporting, I would prefer to just report.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

Same here, though I don't tend to GM PFSv2. Would for v1 and SFS though.
I got into the habit of doing this for PFS1 a while back, but it kind of dropped away.

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GM redeux wrote:
The AcP multiplier would involve needing a new event code every three months and it would need to be a single event for the entire lodge. Would you (and other) GM's give up your personal event codes in favor of an AcP multiplier?

So, this is going to sound a bit angry, and I want to assure you that I have no anger towards you, personally.

The most complete answer is that I believe the necessity of a new event code every three months itself to be an artificial constraint imposed by TPTB.

I see no reason for the event codes to expire every three months. I presume it is because they want to weed out inactive Lodges, which is addressable in other ways.

The codes can run indefinitely, and with the proper tools, Paizo can simply look to see how many games have been reported in the past X days to figure out which codes are active and inactive. IMO, that we have to switch codes every quarter is an unnecessary burden imposed by someone because they can't assign, say, 1.25x to all games between Y date and Z date without assigning 1.25x to all games for all dates. It's a backend fail, which they've hacked their way around with quarterly event codes.

So, the two options here aren't "Paizo set up this great system, and all we have to do is fill out a simple form to make it perfect" vs "Paizo set up this great system, and it's good enough without additional forms." It's "this is an allegedly temporary, admittedly wonky system that people have put up with since Biden was vice-president, and now we have to fill out Google Forms because nobody can export the Paizo database into a SAS-readable format" vs "maybe if we don't fill out these forms it will give someone the kick in the pants they need to build a tenable system".

To answer your question directly: I'd not only be willing, but I'd prefer to have my games reported through an official lodge. For one thing, it ensures that, should I step away from the hobby, there's someone else who's able to answer a player's questions about the Chronicle they received. I'm willing to put up with a small lag (days) in reporting, but not a large lag (weeks). Personally, I think I now have a lifetime's supply of AcP, so I don't care about the multipliers, but I think many players do. And I'm very happy for Cottonseed to get the recognition it deserves - I ran a ton of games here through the pandemic, and its contribution to Pathfinder as a whole needs to be recognized (I suspect it isn't). That I report through my own code is a workaround, not a preference.

If I could submit a game to a VA and have it uploaded with, say, 90% accuracy within 24 hours, I'd absolutely use that code, even without the AcP bonus. But just broad strokes, I'm averaging 50-75% accuracy (that is, out of 3 games I submit, I find a reporting error in 1 of them) and 1-5 days wait. I set Outlook reminders to check on the reporting status for every game I GM at conventions and VTT games that I report through Lodges. And when players have questions about erroneous reporting, I as a GM am the contact person but have zero power - so all I can do is forward their questions to the VA. Self-reporting avoids all these problems.

The error rate isn't an indictment of the VAs I work with, just a general feature of relaying information - a player's PFS number goes from the player to a player's mind to a piece of paper, to the GM's eyes, to an API, to a VA's eyes, to Paizo's system. With each of those transfers, there's a potential for a problem, and the fewer steps there are, the fewer mistakes there will be. Self-reporting PbP games is fantastic because when I put in the PFS number, I get the nice autofilled name that I double check against the name that I've typed 100 times in the past 6 weeks. And if it's the wrong character number, I can just pull up their Alias page or search their posts and figure out the correct number. It's a burden, but it's a burden that I'm happy to take on because I have extremely high accuracy on reporting, and it takes less than 2 minutes between "I'd give this information to a VA" and "I have reported it myself" (I once claimed it took under a minute, and timed myself, and it look a minute an ten seconds, so now I say it's less than 2 minutes).

My ideal system would be an app (let's dispense with the "not everyone has cell phones" counterargument, it's 2023, the fight is about getting people off of cell phones, not onto them) where players put their information in directly, and at the end of the game, the GM just hits "Submit" and it goes to Paizo. Paizo can pull whatever statistics it wants from the database, because it's functional. It's the fewest transfers of information, and there's a clear chain of custody for the information. If VAs feel compelled to insert checks and balances into the system, it can be done through an approval system where the GM submits the data and the VA has to click Approve (much like any out of the box purchasing system that even small companies have now).

Edit: To be clear, I, too, will fill out the forms (especially if there's no second page and the first page is the entirety of the form); but prefer not to.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

I really love the idea that VTT has of every GM being an official reporter to the main event. How many GMs do we really have in this community?

Also, if I'm an official reporter, I can still use the paid version of RPG Chronicles to help me report to Paizo with a simple cut-and-paste.

If you make an event, and allow us to report to it directly, that would be awesome.

The rotating #'s thing is something I believe our local lodge is stopping because the hassle isn't worth it Hard agree, WS.


If the goal here is greater accuracy, a separate Google form does not seem like the best solution because many GMs will fail to fill it out (let's face it: you will not get 100% of GMs doing this even if you tell them it's required).

Integrating a solution into Paizo's existing reporting would be ideal.

Event codes already exist to filter things like… lodge event statistics. So, a solution could take the form of many designated reporters sharing the load of reporting under one even code (maybe promote more VOs to help out and recognize efforts!), or asking Paizo to put a button on the reporting page that flags the game as Cottonseed and using the Google Form in the interim.

You have a legion of passionate hard working people. Treat them as a solution not part of the problem like Hmm said.

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Watery Soup wrote:
a new event code every three months itself to be an artificial constraint

Depends on what you consider artificial. I consider the limitations of the current reporting web site a very real constraint. You also have a very real constraint with privacy laws and what can be shared between different entities.

The Organized Play Foundation is a different legal entities than Paizo. They are the ones wanting this data. They are also made up of a whole lot of people that are volunteering their time just to make Org Play work.

Watery Soup wrote:
with the proper tools,

That is one of the constraints. The reporting is currently on this web site.

How long has it been since you last saw the ‘backtracked too far’ message? I see it multiple times daily. How about the system down message? That seems to happen multiple times per month.


It is great to think about how things should be, but we also have to deal with how things are right now.

This is the solution that the PbP Online VOs came up with that they thought would best fit the current constraints including what Online GMs might be willing to do.

They had previously tried a tool to report once and forward it through to the Paizo site. My limited understanding is that people didn’t want to use it. I’ve seen people on these boards stating they didn’t want to change anything having to do with their event numbers. There is also the delay it causes in the reporting and makes it more difficult to correct errors when they occur.

I believe that all of the increased ACP activities have either been tied to a specific adventure or to an event number. Most of them are tied to event numbers because it is easier to change event numbers and have everything under that event number get different ACP. It doesn’t require changes to the back end.

I personally would be fine with reporting to a unique event number for each lodge. I could even deal with that event number changing each quarter. That would likely require that the GMs apply to be put as a reporter each quarter.

Although I know all about the problems such things cause, I am also willing to fill out duplicate information if that is the way things are going. The duplicated reporting is going to cause more bad data, but if it gets more of the community to cooperate then that is the way to go.

This is a volunteer organization. We do need people to cooperate if it is to work.

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

There seem to be some questions as to how/why RSP would work certain ways, which I can try to answer.

RSP requires a new event every quarter because the extra AcP has to be granted to an entire event for all time, and RSP approval is for a quarter.

As I said earlier, a shared event could either be implemented through adding all our GMs as reporters, or through everyone reporting to somewhere else and then the VO team reporting from there to Paizo. For the first possibility, we have many more VOs than other lodges, and I'm not sure the website would support that many reporters. For everyone reporting to the VOs and the VOs reporting to Paizo, this is a possibility in the future, but it will take time for us to try out different tools for reporting to find something that we could use. We are doing this by trying out different tools for our conventions. There is also at least one new tool being developed that might be exactly what we need.

We are going with the quick form for us for right now because we needed something we could implement really fast (we did not get much notice that this was going to be required of us) and that was a reasonable solution.

The VO team is discussing a survey this summer to see what the community would like to do in the long term. That gives us lots of time to try things out and research, and also time for the GMs to try out the form we have now, try out the reporting tools we use for conventions, and think about what they would like.

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)
GM Hmm wrote:

I really love the idea that VTT has of every GM being an official reporter to the main event. How many GMs do we really have in this community?

No one has any real idea how many GMs there are, because we have not counted them. I mean, we can get an idea by counting how many people are checked in at the lodge, and then guess what percentage are GMs. Or we could look at how many sign up to GM from this lodge at our conventions. Neither is a very good method, though.

This is one of the things this form will tell us. That will help us to make better decisions as to how to solve the data collection problem in the long term.

Dark Archive

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Scenario and AP Tracker

The only stats we had in the past were from Cons when it came to amount of different GM's and players. Here are those stats I have from the last 3 Cons.

Gameday XI Stats

GM: 85
Players: 306
PFS1E Games 29
PFS2E Games 111 (27 Bounties)
PFS1E Quests 0
SFS Games 34 (1 Bounties)

Total games: 174

★ -- ★ -- ★ -- ★

Outpost V Stats

GM: 67
Players: 269
PFS1E Games 12
PFS2E Games 97 (31 Bounties)
PFS1E Quests 0
SFS Games 34 (4 Bounties)

Total Games: 143

★ -- ★ -- ★ -- ★

Gameday X Stats

GM: 86
Players: 314
PFS1E Games 20
PFS2E Games 90
PFS1E Quests 38
SFS Games 33

Total games 181

I wouldn’t look forward to entering 90 or more GMs as reporters on an event. Especially if it had to be done every quarter.

Lantern Lodge

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SFS 05-99 BftB

It is a pity we can't just register our own events once and then have the reporting work automatically off that.
One off GM investment, rather than once every game...

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Thank you so much to all the GMs who have already filled out the form!

I think there are a few things I need to point out or explain, based on what has been said in the lodges and the tracking forms so far.

-We can't use games that happened before Jan 1 of this year.

-Games that you recruit entirely by PM or similar ways don't count as recruited from this lodge. Games that were recruited by 'hey, that was fun, how about another' in the threads of a game that was recruited from here still count as recruited from here. If you're not sure if a game counts as recruited from the lodge, please ask. You can post in the lodge discussion thread or you can contact a PbP VO to help.

In case anyone is curious, we have about 20 games in the tracker (this is all three lodges together).

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hey everyone,

Now that the GM role at several of the lodges has been transferred to me, I'd like to make the headers consistent, if I can. Before I make big changes, I'd like to know what it's helpful to have there. Can you let me know what you'd like to have linked in the header? You can do so either here or by PM.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

I really like the ones from Flaxseed.

Definitely a link to the online conventions.

this sheet.

I think another link to which ever is the CURRENT (or next if one is not running) convention.

There is the "help" google doc. While I don't use it much myself, it is likely handy for new folk. And thinking about it, I should read the discord stuff in there.


I guess the new tracking form would also make sense.
Again, I don't use the pregens, but I can see an advantage to having various game specific pre-gen sheets linked.

For Starfinder the modified version of Kludde's spaceship combat would be helpful too. I think the latest version is here

Oh and a link to the online guide for each of the games (well PFSv2 and SFS anyway, I guess a link to the season 10 guide for PFS v1).

Maybe a link to a document that has all of the helpful links listed there with a short description. I wouldn't want half of my campaigns page just being Cottonseed with a pile of links on it.

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)
Massee wrote:
Maybe a link to a document that has all of the helpful links listed there with a short description. I wouldn't want half of my campaigns page just being Cottonseed with a pile of links on it.

I can put stuff that is really nice to have but not quite so urgent on the campaign long description. Then it's only a single click to get to, but the header can be concise.

GM Redelia wrote:
I can put stuff that is really nice to have but not quite so urgent on the campaign long description. Then it's only a single click to get to, but the header can be concise.

That sounds like an excellent idea.

So I think the following would go into the campaign long description:
Preformatted pregens
PbP GM Kit
Data tracking link (GMs should be able to find this better than most players)
Probably a few other data resources that are good for PbP, either campaign specific or general.

The following should go into the short form:
Link to the guide for the the specific campaign. Castamir gets SFS Guide, Cottenseed gets PF2 guide, Flaxseed gets PF1 guide.
Link to Play by Post Lodges and Guides
Link to current or next PbP convention

Grand Lodge

Menace Under Otari map | Icons: ◆◇↺
BretI wrote:
GM Redelia wrote:
I can put stuff that is really nice to have but not quite so urgent on the campaign long description. Then it's only a single click to get to, but the header can be concise.

That sounds like an excellent idea.

So I think the following would go into the campaign long description:
Preformatted pregens
PbP GM Kit
Data tracking link (GMs should be able to find this better than most players)
Probably a few other data resources that are good for PbP, either campaign specific or general.

The following should go into the short form:
Link to the guide for the the specific campaign. Castamir gets SFS Guide, Cottenseed gets PF2 guide, Flaxseed gets PF1 guide.
Link to Play by Post Lodges and Guides
Link to current or next PbP convention

I second BretI list.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

I like everything Bret suggested except that I want the Data Tracking Link up top, but then I GM more than I play.

I guess it depends on how long people want the list. We can currently look at the various lodges and at this time Castamir has two lines, Cottonseed three, and Flaxseed four.

What do people think is a good limit?

Grand Lodge

m Human Commoner 10

A link to the blank Character Sheet would be awesome. It took me more than forever to find it anywhere in my digital resources!

Actually, I think I eventually found it on drivethru rpg and had to print it out at my local library.

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Isn’t there a link in the Guide to Organized Play?

Yup, here it is in the Character Creation section of the guide.

WRT the discord pbp conversation from recruitment...

DoubleGold wrote:
Atae wrote:
I have never played on Discord before, what does that entail?

Cons of Discord:

Harder to create an alias/more work.
Harder to see older posts, you really have to scroll up. On Paizo, you might remember a certain post was on post number 17 give or take and you can easily find it. On Discord you keep scrolling up until you see it as there is no reference point.
Rolls are separated. If you roll dice 1d20+6 on discord, it will show those results as a separate post, thus taking up more space.

Pros of Discord:
Updated live. In Paizo you can be ninjaed, as you are posting a new post can sneak up on you. Discord is a live-chat room, so you can't be ninjaed.

I find aliases and avatars on discord much easier to manage (the latter is customizable, naturally).

I use the search function to find old posts, but still sometimes scroll more than I should before doing so.

Rolls are a little different and that takes getting used to.
No previewing a result and then adjusting your post to account for a good or bad roll.
But GMs are able to react to the roll with an emoji indicating degrees of success or failure, so there are some upsides.

You have IC and OOC channels, and get notifications of new posts to either, so it's easy to keep an eye on whether anything is happening.

As you can tell, I'm a big fan.
I'm happy to play in either format - I go where the game is - but I'm on discord for a lot of other things beyond pbp, so it's nice to have games there too.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Games on Discord tend to go a lot faster (they also tend to fill faster). Personally, I like GM'ing on Discord, but prefer to play on Paizo.

For whoever did not try it, i recomend them trying discord as a playing medium. Without going into details, half of the games on outpost happens on discord, so by playing in both (forum and discord) you have access to wider range of tables. For differences from my end:
- Discord allows to post images, which lets GM to post part of the map with their posts which is superb. They can post fraction of dungeon, fight snapshot, so with update of round you can see when everyone is
- You can post easily from your phone, you can ping players which results in a notification
- The rolls are different, and when you have to roll a lot, it will fill out plenty of screen space, on a different note, you can configure secret rolls, so when players wish to recall knowledge on the subject they will not see the result
- You can pin posts, edit your old posts (so you can have one message with hero point count that is edited)
- sub-threads allow you to spin-off from the main thread for many different purpose (investigation thread, a thread with all NPCs etc.)

From the downsides:
- There is no concept of character profile, you create an avatar with name under which you post, but you need to include your sheet in a different way, (attaching a pdf, screenshot or filling an excel sheet that is shared)
- There are no history of games, folks on the discord servers archive tables as they happen, so you can't see the list of games that a player was part of simply by clicking around
- I feel that most posts are a bit shorter on discord, it can be the fact that it is easier to post, so the game have more chatty character. Conversations with NPC's sometimes feel more natural, but at the same time, the expression of PC's is sometimes lower
- You can't spoiler the rolls, on Paizo when you have some boring rolls to do (not secret ones, but 6 medicine checks to heal up your party), you can roll them in spoiler and RP around it. On discord if you have to roll those would take like a page of text, and then you would follow with description

All of the above are my personal opinions. Some people prefer one medium over the other, I think it is a good idea to try both

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I didn't want to play in discord, but now I'll give it a chance, mainly because it's Farol who recommends it. Okay .)

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

My favorite way to play is with a Paizo-Discord hybrid. I like playing and GMing on Paizo, because I like my games having a history and everyone having fun avatars, and the rich roleplay possibilities. But I simply adore using a Discord notification channel to keep discussion lively and keeping the players engaged. I've found it to be the best of both worlds.


Farol wrote:
Conversations with NPC's sometimes feel more natural, but at the same time, the expression of PC's is sometimes lower

I agree this is the case, but I can't figure out whether it's the player pool or the medium.

I play on Discord like I play on Paizo. I disable push notifications from Discord, so I check my games only when I log in. However, I think I'm in the minority. I think most people treat Discord more like texting - it pushes a notification, and people react immediately.

Discord is a medium that's absolutely worth trying, but it's not for everyone, so I absolutely second whoever said (maybe in Recruitment) that you should only start with one game on Discord.

And the whole posting-in-character thing is a lot easier now than it was a year or two ago, because there's a bot (at least on some servers) that will repost your messages in character and then delete your old messages. It worked really well the last game I played on Discord.

Just as a different perspective, I've played a total of 4 games on Discord and had a bad time with all of them.

All of them ended up taking significantly longer than an average game for me on Paizo. 2 of them the GM abandoned halfway through.

The bot that replaces your messages with the avatar type thing is cool but the way it posts double triggers notifications for me in an annoying way.

I really like being able to carefully craft my posts with dice rolls beginning mid and end etc.

I don't think the medium itself is a problem and I encourage folks to give it a try, I've just had a bad time in the past.

Grand Lodge

m Human Commoner 10

I'm willing to try/join a Discord PbP for Beginners after this current PbP Con.

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

I'll make sure to let our Discord crew know about your idea, roll4initiative!

Grand Lodge

Menace Under Otari map | Icons: ◆◇↺

Very fortuitous discussion on Paizo forums vs Discord. After taking a break from GMing on Paizo, I have been looking into which format to resume on even currently trying play-by-discord (PBD) as a player.

I like GM Hmm’s idea of the Paizo-Discord hybrid, I assume they use a personal discord server. I can see where you would use it to notify players that the GM post is up and post the occasional image to support the game. Could see the usefulness of having several threads for the game ooc, discussion, and/or chat. Also, would help keep the game going during the rare Paizo disruptions.

@GM Hmm are you using any discord dice or other bots?

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

So, I mainly use Discord Rollem's bot when I am doing VTTs because I do SUPER Primitive VTTs with Google Slides and the Rollem Bot on Discord. To make things easier, I developed these character templates for the Discord Rollem Bot:

Discord PF2 PC Character Template

Discord SF PC Character Template

This can help players make their rolls easily during a game.

What I do for PBP is different. I play the games on Paizo: Role play, dice rolls, etc. But I keep a Discord notification group chat going where the players and I can post. That channel can be for quick questions and posting notifications, and it keeps the game moving at a nice clip.

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I would characterize what you do as super simple, especially coming from PbP where people are used to Google Slides.

There is a learning curve to VTTs such as Roll20, Foundry and others. I have seen people get so involved in the process of managing the VTT system that it detracts from the game.

What you have done is taken the tools that worked for you in PbP and adapted them to VTT. It allowed you to focus on the game because the tools were already familiar to you.

Choose the right tools for the style of game you want. I have been in some excellent games using VTTs and I’ve been in others where it felt people were spending more time trying to figure out how to make the VTT do something than playing the game.

Make sure you have the tools that are comfortable for you as a GM.

I mean, frankly, when I was a kid playing D&D, whenever the GM got his dice confiscated (we only had one set and the GM's parents were very concerned about Satan), we'd just put slips of paper in a box.

I've rolled dice on Excel during a VTT game once. Heck, I used Excel during my Malevolence game a few weeks ago because I had to make like 30 research checks and just didn't want to deal with it on Paizo, lol.

Whatever it takes to keep the game moving IMO. It's all good.

Grand Archive

Thread for #3-08: Foundation's Price and #3-12: Fury's Toll | |

I've been GMing on the Paizo forums for about a year now and am comfortable with it. I played one game on Discord a while back and it seemed to drag on, much like Pirate Rob's Experience.

I found the PbP GM's Kit very useful in getting started on the Forums. I have had a hard time finding a similar repository for playing/running on Discord. I'll be trying Discord again during Outpost VI, so I am currently looking for all the info I need to be a good player on Discord.

Is there a repository of how to run/play information on Discord available that I have missed?

Silver Crusade

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GM Computerpro82 wrote:

I've been GMing on the Paizo forums for about a year now and am comfortable with it. I played one game on Discord a while back and it seemed to drag on, much like Pirate Rob's Experience.

I found the PbP GM's Kit very useful in getting started on the Forums. I have had a hard time finding a similar repository for playing/running on Discord. I'll be trying Discord again during Outpost VI, so I am currently looking for all the info I need to be a good player on Discord.

Is there a repository of how to run/play information on Discord available that I have missed?

I think you are signed up for my 4-01 and I can promise it won't drag on. I run fairly quick games and that is the norm in my experience. There are some discord GMs that run slower games but I've gotten to the point I just avoid those GMs and if you spend enough time in the discord lodges, you will likely find GMs who you enjoy being at their tables. In fact, with my 4-01, the other 4 players are all players who I have had and often seek my tables. All that to say, I think you will find discord to be enjoyable, albeit different than paizo in some ways better and some ways worse.

As for there being some sort of guide, it's a thing that has been discussed ad nauseam and each lodge has some form of guide but nothing "great" yet. Us VOs have really given it a lot of thought lately, especially with the influx of new players and GMs. While that isn't a super helpful answer, I just want you to know it is being worked on.

As for being a good player, the easiest thing to do is be attentive. Discord has the luxury of allowing notifications and pings so you know when there is new things to read without needing to log into the forums. As long as you are engaged, the rest of it is easy. For my table in particular, I just ask my players to use a tupper (bot that pushes an avatar) and maintain a post a day when there is movement. Feel free to hit me up on discord if you have any questions though as I am very responsive over there.

Envoy's Alliance

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820-2001 | "She / Her" | ♫ NG Female Gnome (Fey-Touched) Barrister Bard 9 ♫ | HP 98/98 | AC 24 | F +16 R +16 W +17 | Perc +14 | 35 Speed | Focus 2/2 | Spells 1st 3/3 Spell 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4th 3/3 5th 2/2 (DC 27) | Hero Points 2/2 | Campaign Coin 1/1 | Vestments 1/1 | Active Conditions: ---
GM Computerpro82 wrote:

I've been GMing on the Paizo forums for about a year now and am comfortable with it. I played one game on Discord a while back and it seemed to drag on, much like Pirate Rob's Experience.

I found the PbP GM's Kit very useful in getting started on the Forums. I have had a hard time finding a similar repository for playing/running on Discord. I'll be trying Discord again during Outpost VI, so I am currently looking for all the info I need to be a good player on Discord.

Is there a repository of how to run/play information on Discord available that I have missed?

The Guide to PBP Lodges has these suggestions on it:

  • Roll For Combat's PBD Guide

  • Discord Formatting

  • Lesrek wrote:
    For my table in particular, I just ask my players to use a tupper (bot that pushes an avatar) and maintain a post a day when there is movement. Feel free to hit me up on discord if you have any questions though as I am very...

    Is there anything that describes using Tupper? That came into use just after the last time I tried PbD.

    Envoy's Alliance

    820-2001 | "She / Her" | ♫ NG Female Gnome (Fey-Touched) Barrister Bard 9 ♫ | HP 98/98 | AC 24 | F +16 R +16 W +17 | Perc +14 | 35 Speed | Focus 2/2 | Spells 1st 3/3 Spell 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4th 3/3 5th 2/2 (DC 27) | Hero Points 2/2 | Campaign Coin 1/1 | Vestments 1/1 | Active Conditions: ---

    I've never used it either, but the RfC Guide describes the Tupper bot. I wouldn't mind trying it sometime (maybe in a bounty?)

    "Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

    Alright GMs, I have been assigned to run a Bounty Table (last minute) at Con of the North this Friday night.

    I'd love suggestions for which bounties you've found the most fun so that I can run some adventures that engage me as much as my players! Tell me... what bounties do you really love?

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    BretI wrote:
    Lesrek wrote:
    For my table in particular, I just ask my players to use a tupper (bot that pushes an avatar) and maintain a post a day when there is movement. Feel free to hit me up on discord if you have any questions though as I am very...

    Is there anything that describes using Tupper? That came into use just after the last time I tried PbD.

    I prefer to show my new players how to use Tupperbox more than just give them the guide, as not everyone is comfortable using a command line. This is a quick rundown I gave to my new Beginner Box players. Link is Google Slides.

    Tupperbox Quick Rundown

    Silver Crusade

    GM Hmm wrote:

    Alright GMs, I have been assigned to run a Bounty Table (last minute) at Con of the North this Friday night.

    I'd love suggestions for which bounties you've found the most fun so that I can run some adventures that engage me as much as my players! Tell me... what bounties do you really love?

    B10 continues to be my favorite bounty. If you have any new players, it brings out some childlike happiness.

    Envoy's Alliance

    820-2001 | "She / Her" | ♫ NG Female Gnome (Fey-Touched) Barrister Bard 9 ♫ | HP 98/98 | AC 24 | F +16 R +16 W +17 | Perc +14 | 35 Speed | Focus 2/2 | Spells 1st 3/3 Spell 2nd 3/3 3rd 3/3 4th 3/3 5th 2/2 (DC 27) | Hero Points 2/2 | Campaign Coin 1/1 | Vestments 1/1 | Active Conditions: ---
    GM Deneve wrote:

    I prefer to show my new players how to use Tupperbox more than just give them the guide, as not everyone is comfortable using a command line. This is a quick rundown I gave to my new Beginner Box players. Link is Google Slides.

    Tupperbox Quick Rundown

    That was quite helpful, thank you.

    Horizon Hunters

    "Eep!" | 820-2011 | Female Sylph Gnome Thief Rogue 3 | HP 35/35 | AC 20 | F +6 R +11 W +8 | Perc +8 | 30 Speed | Hero Points 2/2 | Campaign Coins 1/1 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Active Conditions: Darkvision
    Lesrek wrote:
    B10 continues to be my favorite bounty. If you have any new players, it brings out some childlike happiness.

    I've been holding off on running Hillcross Roundup because this character wants badly to play it.

    (She's currently got a large dinosaur egg in her backpack.)

    "Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

    But I will keep your recommendation for that bounty in mind! Other suggestions?

    I will 100% throw my vote to B10. Chasing baby dinosaurs around? I could run/play that 10x a week!

    (Played it thrice and run it 4 times!)

    I also enjoy playing/running B14: The Blackwood Truce. Like B1, there is a great opportunity to make an ally, not just kill everything in sight. And also a chance for your players to SPOILER ALERT fall face first in a pool of mud. How much fun is that? ;)

    Witch's Winter Holiday
    GM Hmm wrote:

    Alright GMs, I have been assigned to run a Bounty Table (last minute) at Con of the North this Friday night.

    I'd love suggestions for which bounties you've found the most fun so that I can run some adventures that engage me as much as my players! Tell me... what bounties do you really love?

    Bounty #9 Fishing in Anthusis is always a hit when I run it - lots of room for both player and GM creativity. And Bounty #5 Witch's Winter Holiday has such wonderful characters that are easy to bring to life (including, but not limited to, His Most Lordship Darbington). XD

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