Aardvark's "Nothing Venture Captained, Nothing Gained" Shattered Star Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Troy Malovich

Newly joined Pathfinders are sent on their first foray into the history of Varisia.

1) A nat 1 on a skill check gives an additional -10 to the roll.
2) A nat 20 on a skill check gives an additional +10 to the roll.
3) The take 10/20 mechanic has been removed.
4) Weapon Finesse is a free feat for all (treat it as a quality of a finesse weapon).
5) All PC's get an extra skill point at 1st level in either a craft, perform, or profession.
6) Group stealth, when sneaking as a group, the stealth total is the average of all those sneaking.
7) Aiding the best, when aiding another on skills or ability checks the highest roll is the base, all others are aiding.
8) All magic items have a chance of being either Cursed or Intelligent

Cursed/Intelligent Rules:
The determining rolls will be made in the Gameplay thread under GM rolls spoilers.

1-5% means it's Intelligent
6-25% means it sheds light
96-00% means it is cursed

Armor, Shields, Rings, Rods, and (non-consumable) Wondrous Items:
01% means it's Intelligent
96-00% means it is cursed

All others (including consumables):
96-00% means it is cursed (consumables cannot get a result over 60 on the curse results chart)

When crafting, a Nat 1, will make a cursed item (as well as if you fail making an item by 5 or more). Every item can be cursed.

For Intelligence, first is a Nat 20 on the Skill check when crafting:
if it's a weapon, rolling 17-20 on a second d20 means it's Intelligent
if it's an Armor, Shield, Ring, Rod, or (non-consumable) Wondrous Item, rolling a 20 on a second d20 means it's Intelligent.
No items other than weapons, armor, shields, rings, rods, or (non-consumable) wondrous items can be intelligent.
Intelligent items will be within one alignment step of their crafter.

Monster Knowledge Checks:
Almost all monsters are the base DC 10.
- Common monsters (base DC 5) include things like PC races, low-level/frequent problem humanoids (gobs, orcs, ogres, etc..), and widely discussed popular mythos monsters (werewolves, vampires, dragons, giants, etc..).
- The few monsters that are rare (base DC 15) are the very unusual off-the-wall oddities.

The results of the checks (in order of known based on base DC and each 5 pts over the DC) will usually be:
Base DC - Name, type, subtype, and what that means (knowing even the lowest devil means you know the traits that all devils share)
+5 - Usually the most common attack/defense/power they use (whcih would be easier to find in tomes of lore).
+10 - Common special defenses (DR/type, SR, Immunities/Vulnerabilities, etc..)
+15 - Special powers/abilities they use/have less often, or special case effects.
+20 - Pretty much just read the monster entry, you great big know-it-all, just take the book and read it smarty-pants. (that is, only after I've declared it as passing the DC by 20).


Harrow Point Uses:

Intelligence Rerolls: Spend a Harrow Point to reroll any one Intelligence-based skill check. You must abide by the new result (although if you have additional Harrow Points remaining, you can use them to attempt additional rerolls).

Flash of Insight: Spend a Harrow Point to be able to make a skill check in an untrained skill you don't normally have ranks in. You gain a one-time +5 insight bonus on this skill check.

Arcane Wrath: Spend a Harrow Point to increase the strength of an arcane spell as it is cast. This spell gains a +2 bonus on its save DC, a +4 bonus on its caster level check to overcome spell resistance, and a +2 bonus on any attack rolls needed to strike the target.

Dareon: 2 points
Esmeralda: 2 points
Faedrin: 2 points
Kascio: 2 points
Tanjvats: 0 points (Used saving Dareon)



Finding Natalya (completed):
Find out what happened to her, and to this item she and her gang discovered.
Find the item, and bring it back to Lady Heidmarch. reward: 100 gp each.
If you can bring Natalya back alive. reward: 100 gp each.

You Dirty Rat:
Kill Natalya's ex-boss, the leader of the Tower Girls, Ayala.
reward: She will give your her special boots.

Mysteries of the Crow:
Sir Canayven Heidmarch is excited about the discovery of new chambers in the Crow. Alas, other responsibilities prevent him from joining you or mounting his own expedition, and so he
settles for the next best thing, he'll reward you for every significant new piece of information you can learn about the ancient empire of Thassilon while they're exploring the Crow.
reward: significant discoveries each earn a payment of 500 gp once they're reported in writing (with illustrations if possible) to Sir Canayven Heidmarch.

Map of Magnimar
Natalya's Map

NPC's (that I can find pics of):
Sheila Heidmarch
Natalya Vancaskerkin
Canayven Heidmarch
Koriah Azmeren
The Amazing Zograthy
Fenster the Blight


[spoiler=Initiative]Dareon [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Esmeralda [dice]1d20+5[/dice]
Faedrin [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Kascio [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Penance [dice]1d20+1[/dice]
Tanjvats [dice]1d20[/dice][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Group Stealth][ooc}Dareon [dice]1d20-1[/dice]
Esmeralda [dice]1d20+1[/dice]
Faedrin [dice]1d20+2[/dice]
Kascio [dice]1d20+9[/dice]
Penance [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Tanjvats [dice]1d20-3[/dice][/ooc}[/spoiler]