Argent Wings Take Flight (Hell's Rebels AP)

Game Master Sensen

Current Chapter: In Hell's Bright Shadow
In which a tyrant rises, argent birds take flight, and a secret history is uncovered.
Date: Toilday, the 12th of Abadius (I) 4715 AR
Time of Day: Midmorning
Season: Mid Winter
Weather: 33° F (0° C), Clear Skies

4715 Calendar

Kintargo Skyline

Rumors Gathered & Leads to Follow

Geographical Maps
Ravounel, Cheliax

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Hello and welcome, rebels-to-be! So, now our journey in the fine city of Kintargo is beginning, we should probably do a little discussion about what's going on, whose characters might know each other, etc.

I'm not quite prepared for the first IC post, but it should be happening later today. In the meantime, welcome!

Huh. Also, it seems I ended up choosing all female PCs. That wasn't at all deliberate, but it's an interesting fact!

... I don't have anything else to say, but please ask questions if you'd like!

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Wow, I can’t believe I was actually picked! There was a great deal of competition. And it’s nice to see an all female party, I can’t count the number of games I’ve played as the only female character.

Celi is an alumnus of Alabaster Academy, so if anyone else has connections there, they might know her that way.

Hope someone took ranks in UMD, because I’m not seeing a healer here…

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Thank you for the selection, it is great to be here!

And yes. We will either need someone to take UMD, (and/or) someone to take heal along with a healer feat or two. At low levels a wand of CLW is plenty. At higher levels Healer’s Hand Conduit with Heal and Knowledge Planes can easily replace a divine healer.

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Amusingly, my first Hell's Rebels game also had four female characters, but only one male.

Adolina can use wands/scrolls of CLW - she casts bard spells, and thus doesn't need UMD to activate them. But yes, you'll want to be... careful in your first few combats. I'll arrange for an at least partially charged wand to come into your possession as early as I can.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Thank you so much for the selection. I hope Ginetta proves worthy.

My most memorable AP that was played to completion was War for the Crown, which was an all-female cast. It was also, coincidentally, the AP where I met Adolina's player - Nikolaus de'Shade.

If we need someone other than Adolina for UMD, then Ginetta can throw some points in that direction.

Currently, Ginetta only knows Adolina and Adolina has met her alter-ego, Rose.

@Ghorza ... If it's the type of weapon that Ghorza would have crafted, it would interesting if the rapier that Rose was gifted was crafted by her. Ginetta never carries it openly, but I would imagine that Ghorza would recognize it the first time she meets Rose.

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Adolina D'Jhaltera
- Human (Noble) Mastermind Investigator

Ghorza Thursisdottir
- Dwarf (Smith) Mercantile Fencer Swashbuckler

Celi Wordsmith
- Gnome (Sacred Order of Archivists) Exploiter Pact Wizard

Ginetta Cicerdos
- Half-Elf (Performer) Stalker Vigilante

I love how it's an all female cast, with different races/social backgrounds/classes that tie into the city. I knew that the choice on making a party would be difficult, but I have to say, that the theme of the group is great!

Ginetta Cicerdos wrote:

Thank you so much for the selection. I hope Ginetta proves worthy.

My most memorable AP that was played to completion was War for the Crown, which was an all-female cast. It was also, coincidentally, the AP where I met Adolina's player - Nikolaus de'Shade.

If we need someone other than Adolina for UMD, then Ginetta can throw some points in that direction.

Currently, Ginetta only knows Adolina and Adolina has met her alter-ego, Rose.

@Ghorza ... If it's the type of weapon that Ghorza would have crafted, it would interesting if the rapier that Rose was gifted was crafted by her. Ginetta never carries it openly, but I would imagine that Ghorza would recognize it the first time she meets Rose.

'Mountain's Edge' rang with the sound of hammer on anvil, as well as cursing. The door was locked as Ghorza toiled away, sweat beading down her brow. While it was certainly hot in the forge, that was not the reason for her discomfort. She had been hired to forge a sword. There was no problem in that, it was common enough. But this one? This was one was to be a rapier. And that was something she had never done before. She had just taken the steel out and it glowed yellow. Now was the time to shape the material and flatten the blade.

Now a gladius? A falcata? A northern-style broadsword? Now those were durable weapons. Weapons you could put some 'oomph' into. But a rapier? That required finesse. Compared to the swords that she was used to making, it just seemed like a weak design to her. The kind of sword that an elf would prance about with, or one of those human "swashbucklers" as they called themselves. She had dueled the like before, and in her experience, they found it quite hard to parry something designed to break stone! And therein lay the problem.

When most uneducated people heard 'rapier' and thought that they would be twigs. No. Not at all. Maybe the kind you'd see nobles carrying around for style, but when a blade was made for combat, it had to be able to hold up. A broken sword was worthless. Both to the user, and to the smith whose reputation would surely break with it. And she *refused* to make anything that wouldn't be recognized as proper dwarven craft. Flipping the blade over, she continued to hammer away. There was much work to be done, and she swore that she would prove that she would be the dwarf to do it.

Craft Weapon with Masterwork Tools...from before they were taken by the State: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Eventually the door was unlocked, and the blade was ready. She held it up to look at it, satisfied with its construction. She smiled, filled with pride. Her first rapier! Every detail was taken in. She knew that soon it would be leaving her. The order was for someone who called themself 'Rose.' She didn't ask questions. Was it a name, or a title? Humans were odd when it came to that. Perhaps it was to be for a noble duelist? A street gang member who had come into some coin and wanted to make a name for himself? A merchant with inordinate dreams (such as herself, she had to admit)? She knew not, only that she had been told to make a proper sword, rather than a display one. Regardless, it would no longer be hers. But for the moment it was, and as such, she held it with the weary pride of a satisfied artisan.


As above, Ghorza has now made the rapier! And she'll be able to recognize it. If you'd like, she can express dismay at the state of it's hilt, and will insist that it be fixed. As the above check was enough to make it masterwork, she will upgrade it once we have the funds.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

@Ginetta: I see that you took Intimidate too. I think one of us should get UMD in case Adolina goes down, do you want to? If not, I can drop Intimidate and Bruising Intellect for UMD and Pragmatic Activator. That would probably make more sense, given that Rose is a melee fighter and Celi definitely is not.

Shame, I was looking forward to having Celi play the part of the creepy deranged gnome in order to get information out of the enemy. :P

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Adolina's Mastermind archetype means you can borrow her Intimidate ranks if you're so inclined! But it's definitely up to you.

Big introductory post forthcoming!

Take a gander over at our gameplay thread!

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Yeah, Ginetta's here to find the man with one black glove.

Maybe she see him if he wasn't standing directly behind her. XD

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

Hi Everyone,

Firstly thank you to Kintargo GM for the selection, I'm looking forward to this! Itzi and I are old partners in crime but normally I'm the high cha face and he's the sneaky brains so this is going to be amusingly different for us!

Adolina has a lot of skill ranks and will be running both Dip and Int at full ranks, probably all the way through, mostly with the aim of lending them out to you girls with one of her main class features. One person with some UMD might be wise - I'm happy to be healer, but it's definitely not something I'm especially good at! Maybe try not to get hurt? ;)

As for character links, Adolina could absolutely be a fan of Celi's. She likes books more than a lot of people (far more predictable and less likely to whisper behind her back) so meeting one of her favourite authors would be a great moment if she manages to say anything at all! Should her next book need a patron... well, Adolina knows a few people!

I don't imagine she and Ghorza have ever met, but that might be a good thing anyway. It's a bit odd in AP's like this one when everyone goes "Hey, you random people I just happen to know!"

A final thing - I live in the UK, which puts me several hours ahead of most (all?) of you. Just something to be aware of since if you all post in the afternoon/evening it'll be several hours at best before I respond.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'
Celi Wordsmith wrote:

@Ginetta: I see that you took Intimidate too. I think one of us should get UMD in case Adolina goes down, do you want to? If not, I can drop Intimidate and Bruising Intellect for UMD and Pragmatic Activator. That would probably make more sense, given that Rose is a melee fighter and Celi definitely is not.

Shame, I was looking forward to having Celi play the part of the creepy deranged gnome in order to get information out of the enemy. :P

Don't let that stop you! Creepy, deranged gnome sounds like fun! :)

I'll have Ginetta drop a point in UMD at 2nd level. I'm sure we can survive until then. Right?


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Ginetta Cicerdos wrote:

I'll have Ginetta drop a point in UMD at 2nd level. I'm sure we can survive until then. Right?


Don't go in the water.

EDIT: Also, good to know vis-a-vis timezones, Adolina.

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If you'd like to change your action, Adolina - Silencing groups is Intimidate or Bluff, not Diplomacy. (Unfortunately.)

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor
Adolina d'Jhaltera wrote:

As for character links, Adolina could absolutely be a fan of Celi's. She likes books more than a lot of people (far more predictable and less likely to whisper behind her back) so meeting one of her favourite authors would be a great moment if she manages to say anything at all! Should her next book need a patron... well, Adolina knows a few people!

I don't imagine she and Ghorza have ever met, but that might be a good thing anyway. It's a bit odd in AP's like this one when everyone goes "Hey, you random people I just happen to know!"

A final thing - I live in the UK, which puts me several hours ahead of most (all?) of you. Just something to be aware of since if you all post in the afternoon/evening it'll be several hours at best before I respond.

The thing about A Quiet Word is that the recipient has to use their own ability modifier, and I had to dump Cha in order to get enough Dex and Con to (hopefully) keep me alive. Enough ranks on Adolina's part might make that a moot point though. Hm. Something to ponder.

Celi would be thrilled to meet a fan! She knows people are buying her books, but getting a payment from the publisher is very different from actually meeting a random person on the street who likes her stories.

No worries on the time zones. Two of my three other games have players from Europe, I'm used to it.

Ginetta Cicerdos wrote:

Don't let that stop you! Creepy, deranged gnome sounds like fun! :)

I'll have Ginetta drop a point in UMD at 2nd level. I'm sure we can survive until then. Right?


Doesn't it though? :D Still debating whether to just piggyback off of Adolina or invest my own skill points.

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:
Kintargo GM wrote:
If you'd like to change your action, Adolina - Silencing groups is Intimidate or Bluff, not Diplomacy. (Unfortunately.)

Damn it! Clearly got confused after reading too many actions.

Let's say listening for rumours then. I'll pass my second roll to gather info as penance for being silly and not reading the spoilers right!

Also, someone else needs to fix the undesirables!

re. Skills: There's lots of other things I can do if you'd like to stay with Intimidate. Inspiration rewards investigators spreading themselves very wide so I could focus on Diplomacy and let our spooky gnome be spooky all by herself!

Also, I'm going to switch one of my known spells to CLW, since we don't have any other healing. No particular reason, just a feeling that it might help...

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Understood, Adolina. Also, with regards to the undesirables, Ghorza gets a +2 to Bluff & Intimidate checks at the protest.

Also, are you guys willing to have me roll Fortitude against the cold? It is very cold out, and I do want to emphasize that somewhat. However, it could lead you to having nonlethal damage when if things get violent. I'll definitely allow you to have retroactively purchased a cold-weather outfit, should you have the funds.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

I'm fine with the Fortitude saves. Granted, Ginetta has a +0, but it seems totally appropriate. And she would have bought/brought suitable clothing if that's the case.

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Noted - you can definitely retroactively add it to your sheet, if you've got the 8 gp for it.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Gah!!! I think that's quite enough 1's rolled for now.

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Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Went back and forth on it. Ghorza has 11 gold to her name. 11 gold! That isn't much at all. But...she is also effectively homeless. And it is cold outside. So, would she spend over 70% of her remaining money on warm clothing?

I decided to buy it. I once had the misfortune of being stuck outside in the cold for 8 hours at night wearing long sleeves, but no warm weather clothes, up at the Canadian border. It was a less than pleasant experience. Enough that I'd warrant that someone facing the very real possibility of having to sleep outside would invest in not dying from the cold. So, I'll have the gold spend on it. It seems like the reasonable thing to do.

Also, more than happy to have Kintargo GM make any dice roll that is needed for Ghorza, to include ones that I should have made (for example, if you feel that a diplomacy check was warranted for something she said).

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Plus, in a society without common access to heaters and so on in homes, I think it's reasonable to ensure that you're warm enough when you head out into the cold.

I'll make sure to throw in some sort of mechanic to ensure that NPCs get the nonlethal damage, too, at least potentially, so it's not solely impacting you lot. Maybe just... give a rough percentage for each NPC and such? Dunno. I'll think on it.

EDIT: I wonder if this AP is cursed? I feel like my previous players also had incredibly bad luck during the protest. And afterwards. And for much of their first level. Hm.

Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Ginetta had hoped to keep the connection between her mild-mannered guise and her heroic alter-ego a secret for a little longer. Hence why ...

In a sense of compromise, she wore her leathers under a heavy cloak and stowed her rapier on her back.

Although, reading that now, I can see that it wasn't really clear that the weapon is under her cloak.

No worries. I can make this work. :)

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Oh, right, I meant to ask - are Ginetta and Rose's alignments the same? Further, to be clear, Ghorza discovering this definitely won't risk revealing her identity to... pretty much any NPC. (I doubt anyone thought it would, but I find being clear is important over the Internet.)

Also, I was wondering who Adolina's patron deity is, given that she has a faith trait. I may have been told, but I've apparently forgotten.

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Female Half-elf Vigilante 1 | HP 8 | AC 17 Touch 14 FF 13 | Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc +7 - Low-light vision | Speed 30'

Both Ginetta and Rose are Neutral Good.

Mechanically and story-wise, I wasn't really worried about an identity leak to NPCs or the other PCs as a whole. In fact, it would be hard to keep the secret from the other PCs for very long anyway. I'm just hoping to make it a story moment for possible drama with Adolina.

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:
Kintargo GM wrote:
Also, I was wondering who Adolina's patron deity is, given that she has a faith trait. I may have been told, but I've apparently forgotten.

You weren't told because I haven't thought about it. She had a different and frankly more useful) trait before, but then I saw that one and thought "that's really characterful for members of a family who basically run Kintargo's largest spy network" so I picked it for that reason.

If you'd like it to matter I'll go hunting for gods etc who would fit but it wasn't something I was originally thinking about.

As for the cold weather I already described Adolina as having warm clothes so sure, I'll spend 8 gold. I have... a lot. But that fits!

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Since you're okay with it, GM, I'll retroactively buy cold weather gear for Celi along with all her other stuff. She's lived in Kintargo for about ten years, she would know the local climate.

I go and do other stuff all day, then I come back to all these posts...

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Our dice rolls do seem to be quite cursed...

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Okay, who pissed Desna off? Do we need to make an apology offering?

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

Perhaps a drink of hot cocoa is good for a couple of points of NL damage healing? Adolina is providing because she's a nice person!

@GM: let me know how much this useful hot chocolate costs. ;)

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Interestingly, two cups of coffee reduces the penalties on fatigued! But I'll say... a 5 cp cup of various hot beverages on sale here would allow a reroll of the Fort save (with, say, an additional +2 bonus) and, if successful, negate that nonlethal damage from the last hour.

Because I do feel bad about the cold.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Yeah, I would have expected the cold in Wrath of the Righteous, Reign of Winter, or Jade Regent. Not so much in this AP. I thought Cheliax had a Mediterranean type climate, I could have sworn I read about them being known for producing wine.

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It is, in fact, temperate. I'm even using sea-level for the Ultimate Wilderness' rules, so the baseline temperature is 40° F (4-ish° C). I did roll a negative number on the temperature variation, so it's a bit of a cold snap.

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:
Celi Wordsmith wrote:
Yeah, I would have expected the cold in Wrath of the Righteous, Reign of Winter, or Jade Regent. Not so much in this AP. I thought Cheliax had a Mediterranean type climate, I could have sworn I read about them being known for producing wine.

Northern France can be really cold, but south eastern France is thoroughly mediterranean and does produce wine... as long as the country is big enough there's no reason both can't be true! And Kintargo is right on the western end so it could have a different climate to central/eastern Cheliax.

Adolina will buy a dozen hot chocolates and has distributed about half of them by the end of this round.

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Wow, I'm just realizing I totally messed up the date in my first post. It's 4715, not 4711. Wrong game I'm running! Dammit. xD

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Just so you're aware, Celi - while hitting them with color spray is definitely an option, she's going to hit a bunch of normal people, too.

This doesn't mean "don't do it." I merely wanted to remind you that this is a consequence that would be obvious to your character, but might not be to you.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

Oh yeah. How many normal people, approximately?

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Also just wanted to jump in to say that as Ghorza doesn’t speak elven I can’t in good faith act on the info of an incoming color spray. Though it would be very effective!

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

I decided against the color spray, leaving any number of bystanders unconscious in a riot is a spectacularly bad idea. Edited my IC post accordingly.

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Probably wise. You can fit a lot of people in a 15 foot burst, especially when they're not being careful and keeping apart from one another in the more combat-focused way.

F Gnome Exploiter Pact Wizard (Shadow) | HP 8/8 | AC: 13 (13 tch, 11 ff) | CMB -2, CMD 10 | W +2, R +2, F +2 | Init +2 | Perc 0, SM 0 | Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 20 ft | +3 saves vs illusions | +2 saves vs fear and despair | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Arcane Reservoir 3/4 | Effects: mage armor

So… if I shoot and miss, am I going to hit the crowd? Because Celi is not much use in melee.

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It's a possibility, yeah. Not a high one, necessarily, but it is plausible. I'd say she can shout a warning and have even a miss not hit anyone (except maybe on a natural 1 or something). That said, they would have soft cover if you move away from them, so it'd be much harder to hit them.

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Happy Holidays!

Also, as a headsup when it comes to Ghorza.

Vengeful Heart (Ex):
* Some swashbucklers are driven by vengeance above all else. At 1st level, the swashbuckler gains the samurai’s resolve class feature, treating her swashbuckler level as her samurai level. She can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every two levels beyond 1st. Whenever the swashbuckler spends a use of resolve, she must also spend a point of panache or a use of charmed life, or the use of resolve has no effect. This deed replaces the derring-do deed and opportune parry.

Therefore, Ghorza has no panache right now (she only has 1 point). Also her archetype trades away charmed life, so it will always be panache that she spends to activate vengeful heart.


- Resolute: Whenever she is required to make a Fortitude or Will save, he can spend one use of his resolve as an immediate action to roll twice and take the better result. She must decide to use this ability before he rolls the saving throw.

This is somewhat difficult in play by post. At a table I could say "wait a minute, don't tell me. I'm using the resolute option." On the boards? Not so much. How would this best be used? I could give a list of options as towards when I'd use it, if you like. But I don't want to add more to your plate as towards things to keep track of.

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Understood on the panache... but you did just land a killing blow with an appropriate piercing weapon, so you get that back, no? Twice, even.

With regards to Resolute: I'll say... hm. I'll try to remember to take initiative to do it when you roll exceptionally low on a save that I think is obviously going to matter. Other than that, you can let me know if you want to use it when you see something that might have unpleasant save effects. Finally, you can give me a short list that I'll put in my notes to use, but I might not remember.

EDIT: Ginetta isn't fatigued any more - it goes away with the nonlethal for the cold saves, so you don't need the -1 on your rolls.

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Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

Completely forgot about getting it back! Thanks for the reminder. And a fair ruling on the use of resolute.

For using it, it will be used whenever it would appear that failing the save would be debilitating. Such as…fatigue is fine to let slide. But paralyzed? Take the re-roll. Except at lvl3 when down to 1 panache. At that point she’ll need to make sure that she always keeps 1 point in the pool.

Silver Crusade

HP: 10/10 | AC:16/13/13 | F:+1 R:+5 W+3 | Init +3 | Rapier +4, d6 18-20 | 1: 2/2 |Insp: 2/4, AQW: 1/1, CLW 27/27 | Active:

Hate to spoil things, but Adolina goes before Ginetta and pulls her rapier so I think Ginetta can still have flanking (based on her position). Don't know if it would change anything though :)

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I'm actually going in block initiative - posting order is turn order, with different blocks going separately. So you're all good.

Ginetta can have flanking, either way.

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My goodness! I have been following your adventures from the sidelines and you are giving those thugs a right drubbing! I must compose a poem! Hmm... what goes with 'splatter'?

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)
Beorn the Divine wrote:
My goodness! I have been following your adventures from the sidelines and you are giving those thugs a right drubbing! I must compose a poem! Hmm... what goes with 'splatter'?

And happy holidays to you as well! :) Perhaps platter? Flatter? Scatter? Uhm…I’m not a bard.

Also Int is my dump stat. I got Ghorza’s HP wrong. So she has 15HP.

10 (swashbuckler 1) +2 (Con) +3 (Toughness) = 15

Ghorza, Dwarven Swashbuckler Wounds (4) HP (15) AC (18/12/16) Saves (3/4/3, +1 Mind Affecting) CMD (15, +4 Stability) Initiative (+2) Perception (+8) Resolve (0/1) Panache (1/1)

I have a move action left…what is better: flank the dottari so we cut our way through or just head for the nearest edge?

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I honestly recommend retreating. The more heat you get in this the more enemies are going to flock to you.

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