About Jinx FabreA Story!:
Jinx's parents were blacksmiths by trade, and they struggled in the years before her birth, to the point that they were going to lose their storefront and home. They thought they had done whatever they could have in order to keep their business afloat, but at the edge of desperation they turned to diabolism like so many other Chelaxians had. They prayed to Mammon to bring them monetary prosperity, pledging that they would do whatever he asked if he would only keep them from being homeless.
Mammon answered, depositing a coin on their bedside table with his unholy symbol inscribed on it and the instructions that they were to eat the coin before going to bed together, and that they were to pray to Mammon daily, and that for every hundred gold they made, one would be sacrificed to Mammon. They of course did so, and they not only found that Jinx's mother, long thought to be menopausal, to be pregnant but their profits skyrocketed. Soon Jinx was born (named so for her curious connection to their increase in fortunes) and soon her parents were wealthy. Unfortunately, wealth has a way of making you care about wealth and Jinx went through a lot of her early life being ignored by her parents and raised by her siblings, of which she had three. She forged a great bond with her siblings, for their life wasn't very easy despite the luxury and wealth they were benefiting from. When Jinx began to show diabolical traits at the age of sixteen, her parents rejoiced and took it to mean even greater favor by Mammon. They began to pay more and more attention to her and keep her in the house, because "it wasn't safe for her" outside of the house. (and really, it wasn't. Tieflings get a lot of negative attention in Cheliax). Unfortunately, their monetary fortune only lasted as long as Jinx's parents lived, and they were old when they prayed for Mammon's aid. Jinx was nineteen when her mother died and her father followed only a year after. She moved in with her brother Ethan, then, because she still wasn't mature enough to live on her own - she was trapped in the body of a child and would be for another half-dozen years. That, combined with the transition from well-off to relative poverty made her brother extremely impatient with Jinx. He was constantly pressuring her to find some way to bring money into the household instead of being some sort of parasite, constantly sucking resources from the family. Driven by the shame that he was imposing on her, little Jinx began to get out into the streets and steal - only bits and bobs that were left out at first, but she started to cut purses after just a few weeks. She did this for almost a year, and her brother Ethan never did ask where she was getting the money from. He only greedily grabbed it when she brought it to him. Jinx's life was thus ruled by the greed of her family members for years, until she tried to cut the purse of an Iomedaen cleric wandering the streets. He looked wealthy enough, and he didn't look like he was from around here - an easy target. He caught her in the act, though, and without any words he grabbed her wrist and starting pulling her through the streets. She protested, saying that he couldn't take her to the dottari! She was sorry! He didn't have any words for her, and he brought her into his temple after a few minutes. Once there, he told her very firmly to wait while he went to get something - he was away for a minute, and he returned with a sack of platinum, which he gave to her wordlessly. She took what she thought was a chance to escape and ran for it, taking the platinum with her. Her family was ecstatic when she brought it back to them, but she didn't really know what to think or say about it. Why had the man simply given her the money? She returned the next day and was introduced to an entire world that she had never been exposed to before - that of the faithful of the Inheritor. The priests taught her much, and they supported her as well. She gave up stealing, moved out of her brother's house, and pored over the Acts of Iomedae day after day, trying to find wisdom in the texts that could allow her to be like the goddess that she had begun to admire. It's been more than thirty years since she's been part of the Church, a number of things have happened around her. Her brother Ethan died childless, grasping at every bit of cash he could possibly get. It ruined his love life, and ended his business and he died unhappy.
Appearance: Jinx is tall and broad, with lean muscles and wide shoulders. Her skin is red and thick, and she has small horns growing out of her forehead that curve forward. She's very plain of face, though her red eyes reflect light like a cat's in darkness. Her fingers end in long and sharp claws that can be used for ripping and tearing things, though they appear to be carefully maintained and clipped. Reason to Protest: Tagging Along - - - - - Jinx Fabre
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex)
- - - - - Pearl
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural, +1 Dex, -1 size)