New class options you're really hoping to see?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Any particular class options people are really hoping to see in the future? Like, druid orders, rogue rackets, barbarian instincts or anything? There's a fair few conceptual spaces from first edition that don't have any equivalent in the new edition, or just crazy new things that haven't been done at all yet.

I personally really want to see a blight order for druid, because detritivores deserve respect too, danggit! Or a Lunar mystery oracle, though I'm not sure if I'd prefer to see a lycanthropic curse or a moonstruck lunatic. More wizard Arcane Schools would also be really cool (Whispering Way, anyone?)


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New wizard schools is top of the list, both for thematic and balance reasons. (But let's not start another wizard thread).

I'm also hoping the new design space opened by the fact alchemist doesn't have perpetual infusions anymore means that we can get new research fields that aren't strictly tied into one kind of item, like a generalist field, or something weirder I can't think of right now.

I also just generally want more feats and feat lines for certain classes, especially the non-core ones that haven't seen any since their release.

I want to see more champion causes, especially some sort of Green Knight defender of the wild cause.

I want some specific environment druid orders. The desert druid was one of my favorites in 1e.

I also want a class archetype that turns the wizard into an occult caster.

I'd like to see more eidolons. Aberrations, devils, and some sort of ancestral spirit are the top of my list right now.

And second me for causes and research fields. I'd like to see a cause devoted to defeating the undead, as well as one specifically for becoming one. I'd also like to see a more corruption-focused unholy cause; Desecration doesn't feel very desecrator-y, more about protecting yourself at all costs.

I'd really like to see a research field centered around permanent alchemical equipment, like all the items from Treasure Vault. Something that lets your versatile vials work as whatever item is required to power an alchemical device, for example.

I'd also like to see some more barbarian instincts, particularly ones focused on alchemical transformation and various outsider families. Really I just want a massive selection of instincts, like the bloodrager had for bloodlines in 1E.

I'd also like another couple thaum implements too, that'd be neat, and some more gunslinger ways and magus hybrid studies.


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Perpdepog wrote:

I'd like to see more eidolons. Aberrations, devils, and some sort of ancestral spirit are the top of my list right now.

And second me for causes and research fields. I'd like to see a cause devoted to defeating the undead, as well as one specifically for becoming one. I'd also like to see a more corruption-focused unholy cause; Desecration doesn't feel very desecrator-y, more about protecting yourself at all costs.

I'd really like to see a research field centered around permanent alchemical equipment, like all the items from Treasure Vault. Something that lets your versatile vials work as whatever item is required to power an alchemical device, for example.

I'd also like to see some more barbarian instincts, particularly ones focused on alchemical transformation and various outsider families. Really I just want a massive selection of instincts, like the bloodrager had for bloodlines in 1E.

I'd also like another couple thaum implements too, that'd be neat, and some more gunslinger ways and magus hybrid studies.

You know, an alchemy-focused book could be quite a lot of fun. IK alchemists get plenty of items almost every book, but new alchemical archtypes for other classes, weirder items that don't fit elsewhere, and so on, would be fun to play around with.

I'd love more sorcerer bloodlines, especially more bloodlines unrelated to specific monsters. Also, more arcane bloodlines too. Stuff like Astral Bloodline, as something connected to the astral plane, or an arcane bloodline (like the one from 1e, different from the Imperial bloodline which is more about you having a powerful spellcaster ancestor). Just more bloodlines, love sorcerer options.

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Nanomachine Bloodline for Sorcerer is my single favorite impossibly-niche 1e player option - I'd really enjoy seeing that again in a Numeria book.

More Eidolons could be cool. Like "demon" eidolon can represent any fiendish eidolon if you squint, but daemons/devils/qlippoths would also be neat things to bind to your will. I also don't believe anything represents a Protean well. You could even have some summoners draw power from creatures of leng, the netherworld, hunduns, etc... There's lots of extraplanar options still to be explored.

Mostly though I want more items for Eidolons, and Companion Animals. What's the point of Eidolons only being able to use items with the Eidolon trait if nothing has that trait? If you don't count "greater" versions of items, there are 2 Eidolon items. 2. That's it. And they are good items but it's an illusion of choice.

It's not something I really care about, but one of my players wish that there was some sort of "beastmaster cleric" subclass alongside cloistered/warpriest/upcoming divine mysteries subclass whose name I forget. They used to play a cleric with some sort of pet in 1st edition, but they don't feel like Cleric with Beastmaster Archetype scratches the same itch. I never played 1e so I don't really know what he means.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

More Wizard Schools and Focus Spells and a way to pick up a second school(Double Major) and a way to get more than two focus spells in class.

A Divine Magus or a good Divine Gish
A Spontaneous Magus (Like 1E Eldrich Sion)
A Primal/Shifter Magus that gains animal like natural attacks with which they can spell strike through.

A MORE Wild Shap focused Druid order that starts with the 3rd level heightened Wild Shape. Gets access to feats that gives them unique ways to do things while shifted(Like Shift and Stride or Shift and Strike as a compressed 2 action ability, and can stay shifted for longer. Drop spell progression to Wavecaster and Master/Master in attacks and spells(unless they can sub wisdom for Str or something than they may not need Master in attacks)

More fun Druid orders including the different totem orders from 1E(Shark, Dragon ect.)

A replacement for the 1E Shifter wether as a Druid order or it's own class. Barbarian Animal instinct gets close but it locked to one animal type.

Would love to see Divine fighting techniques return.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Perpdepog wrote:
I'd like to see a cause devoted to defeating the undead, as well as one specifically for becoming one.

For defeating undead, a champion could totally take either the soul warden or undead slayer archetype from Book of the Dead.

For becoming undead, there are the (Rare) archetypes for ghost, ghoul, lich, mummy, vampire, and zombie characters (also in Book of the Dead). Or the (Rare) skeleton ancestry, if you don't want to use class feats.

Perpdepog wrote:
I'd really like to see a research field centered around permanent alchemical equipment, like all the items from Treasure Vault. Something that lets your versatile vials work as whatever item is required to power an alchemical device, for example.

Or a research field for the alchemical foods.

Perpdepog wrote:
I'd also like to see some more barbarian instincts, particularly ones focused on alchemical transformation and various outsider families. Really I just want a massive selection of instincts, like the bloodrager had for bloodlines in 1E.

We are getting the bloodrager class archetype for the barbarian with War of Immortals next month.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

And no, we do not need to turn PF2 into PF1...

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I want an unchained book with:

Unchained Wizard

Unchained Summoner

I think I'd like some alternate archetype builds. Maybe some Unchained Archetypes or class modifications like the following:

Sorcerer Magus

Divine Magus

A real blood rager.

Grand Lodge

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There's a couple different things I'd like to see, personally:


First off, I'd like to see some more Conscious and Subconscious Minds.

I'd like to see a three new Conscious Minds: One focused on healing, another focused on altering the body, and one focused on necromancy.

As for the Subconscious Minds, I think it would be interesting if Paizo created two that made Wisdom the Psychic's casting attribute.
One could be themed around faith, while the other would be about relying on Intuition/Instinct over Knowledge or Feeling.


Yeah, some extra implements might be interesting. As an example, a Dagger implement (representing ceremonial daggers used in rituals) that makes a Thaumaturge more effective at rituals.

Another interesting idea could be a Thaumaturge Class archetype that only lets a Thaumaturge have a single implement (ever) but in exchange, they get additional abilities with their chosen implement.


Well, in addition to the Slingslinger idea (with some sort of trick bullet mechanic), I thought of two interesting ideas for new Ways:
A psychic gunman that can fire mind bullets and alter the path of the bullet in flight (think Hol Horse's The Emperor from JoJo).
And a Gunkata way that lets the Gunslinger treat pistol whipping as unarmed strikes?


Well, first of all... while this isn't directly related to the Magus... I DESPERATELY WANT either an archetype or feat that lets you use the Unfurling Brocade hybrid studies ability with other classes!!!!!

Second, I think Magus deserves a few more options for recharging their Spellstrike without having to spend an action on SOLELY that. Would be especially nice if each Hybrid Study got some kind of feature that was basically "Do [X] and you recharge your Spellstrike".

Lastly, a Hybrid Study that lets a Magus use their Spellbook or possible paper scrolls/talismans sounds interesting. What do you guys think?


I'm all for more Arcane Schools (as well as a simple "How to make your own Arcane School" primer.

Another thing that I think would be interesting is a Wizard Class Archetype focused on Magical Crafting. Maybe with individual specialties based on Magical Item (potions, scrolls, oils, magical morsels, etc.), especially since it feels like a niche not covered by Alchemists or Inventors.
It could be called Enchanters after Dragon Age. The Iconic could even be a beardless Dwarf.

Dragonchess Player wrote:

Or a research field for the alchemical foods.

Not only do I agree with this, but I think it should be taken even further:

An Entire Book Focused on Food!
Whether it be mundane, alchemical, or magical. Just an entire book focused on food related items, feats, and Character options (like a ginger bread poppet/construct!).
Heck, it could be a Lost Omens book covering the food and food culture of Golarion!
...Heck, maybe I should make an entire thread dedicated to this idea...

Silver Crusade

I'm not sure if a Druid subclass would be the way to go but I'd really like to see a character more or less totally focused on wild shape. Ideally with SOME spell casting left (something like the Magus in that it would be a martial/caster hybrid)

The Playtest Animist was actually fairly close to what I'd like to see.

Or it could be built from a monk or a barbarian chassis.

Of course, as part of that they'd have to clarify lots of things about how Battle Form spells actually work and they seem unwilling (or unable) to do that.

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I think pretty much all the PF1e content I wanted to be converted is pretty much already on PF2e since we are about to get the inquisitor in WoI, so I'm not missing anything right now. In regards to other stuff I would want to see, a Wis-based rogue racket (though it is entirely possible the new avenger racket is exactly that).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I want the oracle's soul returned to its empty shell of a class.

Edit: More specifically, I would like it's mysteries to keep their little mechanical quirks.


I'd like Battle to have true martial weapon proficiency and proficiency in medium armor.

I'd like Cosmos to retain damage resistance and light weight.

BotBrain wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
I'd really like to see a research field centered around permanent alchemical equipment, like all the items from Treasure Vault. Something that lets your versatile vials work as whatever item is required to power an alchemical device, for example.
You know, an alchemy-focused book could be quite a lot of fun. IK alchemists get plenty of items almost every book, but new alchemical archtypes for other classes, weirder items that don't fit elsewhere, and so on, would be fun to play around with.

I’d like to see a whole other class that plays with alchemy at its core power structure. Possibly within the starfinder system instead of PF2, to present how alchemy has advanced in the last several centuries and what new wrinkles science fantasy has added as a result.

But before that, I’d like to see a class archetype that gives the alchemist temporary item creation kit to more overtly magical items, like scrolls, potions, staves, and wands.

A magical alchemist would be lovely. Less potency and productivity, but more control and secondary effects, like being able to turn a bomb into a liquid whip or having an elixir grow legs to crawl over to an ally and pour itself down their throat.

I'd be curious to know if there's room for a martial bomber, in the way a alchemical science investigator is a martial mutagenist. Full martial progression on attacks at the cost of not being able to make anything else.

Likewise, I'd like either a subclass or archetype focused on making spell catalysts more usable. They currently are only worth doing once, by starting battle with one in hand, which is a shame.

Gunslingers could totally use a spellgun focused archetype, or maybe split the difference between spellguns and magical ammunition. Would need a level 1 spellgun to be printed to make it worthwhile, but that shouldn't be hard.

wizard (Worldseeker) - I love the idea of being a wizard focused on traveling the planes and interacting with outsiders, because I prefer stories that take place in the great beyond dealing with outsiders and alien creatures than the mundane golarion (I know its weird to call a fantasy world mundane but you get the point)

Shifter - Specially dragon blood shifter just because I like dragon

Pure Legion Enforcer - I know its not that good of a prestige class but I like it

Prophet of Kalistrade - Not that good either but I think the idea of buying spells is funny

Mystic Theurge - I'm curious on how they would do it

Razmiran Priest - Hilarious considering the recent developments

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Class archetypes that allow the Magus to use other spell lists
Warden - Primal, focus spells that give bonuses to dual wielding weapons
Sainted - Divine focus spells that enhance onehanded bludgeoning weapons
Haunted Soul - Occult focus spells give bonuses to uncommon weapons

A Cleric subclass about defense, that gives the shield block reaction and enhances armor.

An ancestry or perhaps versatile heritage tied to be a dream from the astral plane that got pulled into the Universe by the Godsrain or some other event. Building either shapeshifting or intangibility the way others build flying. basically an imaginary friend.

martial class or archetype entirely focused on polymorph and morph effect

wild druid dragon and animal barbarian and merge summoner all missing something to make it fully work

paizo should be able to make it pretty easily if they want to

R3st8 wrote:
Mystic Theurge - I'm curious on how they would do it

Maybe something with a spell repertoire that you can fill with spells from different traditions. It would be cool if you can choose your combination of traditions and not just arcane+divine.

Razmiran Priest - Hilarious considering the recent developments

I think I missed something in the recent lore. What happened?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Mangaholic13 wrote:
And a Gunkata way that lets the Gunslinger treat pistol whipping as unarmed strikes?

Just pointing out that this already exists as the Bullet Dancer archetype.

It's not *great*, but it is a lot of fun.

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

A monk class archetype, that lower's attack proficiency to let them become legendary in unarmored defense, allow the monk dodge tank to be fully realized.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would love to see more love for the Psychic. I feel like they've been languishing for a good while after their initial debut.

I'm also down for any additional kineticist elements. Void, Vitality, Light, Darkness...

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Zoken44 wrote:
A monk class archetype, that lower's attack proficiency to let them become legendary in unarmored defense, allow the monk dodge tank to be fully realized.

The monk already gets legendary in unarmored defense.

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I would love to see the Bladebound archtype for the Magus It would be so simple to do with runes. I made my own but it isnot nearly as good as what Pazio would do.

Liberty's Edge

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I hope we will one day get a Magus Hybrid Study based on reload weapons where you have both a conflux spell that mixes recharge and reload and an Arcane Cascade Stance that enhances your ranged attacks.

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The Raven Black wrote:
I hope we will one day get a Magus Hybrid Study based on reload weapons where you have both a conflux spell that mixes recharge and reload and an Arcane Cascade Stance that enhances your ranged attacks.

I dream of a day Starlit Span has a non-niche reason to use Arcane Cascade too.

Zoken44 wrote:
A monk class archetype, that lower's attack proficiency to let them become legendary in unarmored defense, allow the monk dodge tank to be fully realized.

An unarmoured Guardian. That is an unique pick.

Personally I'm keen to see what they end up doing with the Guardian as the playtest version was not loved.

- Marksman racket: Makes easier to build a ranged Rogue (such example easier access to ranged sneak attacks).
- Faith muse: Other to give a specific feat and muse spell, it allows the bard to cast from the divine spell list.
- Hard-Boiled methodology: Based on Intimidation, for tough investigators.

Dark Archive

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Riccardo Olivieri wrote:

- Hard-Boiled methodology: Based on Intimidation, for tough investigators.

This is fun.

Gains the reaction "Roll with the punches" that allows them to reduce incoming bludgeoning by their Int mod.

I would really like to see some new Eidolon types for summoner that are not creature types like the others, but actually change how the summoner plays a bit.

One thing could be a "clone" eidolon that is a translucent copy of your character and uses your weapon runes rather than your unarmed runes.

Another could be an "animated armour" eidolon which would give you unique options and proficiencies when you use the Meld Into Eidolon feat (maybe with a new feat chain to make melding more interesting for players with other eidolon types too).

Last idea I had was a "time" eidolon which could let you store actions into it when you Act Together, in order to cash them in later and have a crazy turn - along with adding some time and space options like Blur, Haste, Slow etc. to the spell list for more flavour and power.

Dark Archive

Old_Man_Robot wrote:
Riccardo Olivieri wrote:

- Hard-Boiled methodology: Based on Intimidation, for tough investigators.

This is fun.

Gains the reaction "Roll with the punches" that allows them to reduce incoming bludgeoning by their Int mod.

We can do deeper:

A new class archetype only for Gnomes that have undergone the bleaching. Turns their KAS to Constitution. Gains a bonus to RK checks based on the amount of damage they've taken recently.

I'd like Way of the Spellshot to gain access to the new Eldritch Reload feat of the Eldritch Archer Archetype, specifically for the Activate an Item into a free reload interaction.

I'm having a bit of an unpleasant time trying to mix the Gunslinger with the Eldritch Archer archetype.
- Spellshot means I have to take the archetype at 8th (to get at least 2 feats out of the class archetype) which delays both Magic Arrow and
Munitions Machinist past level 10. Either would have paired nicely with that feat.
- The other ways either spread out your stats pretty thin, limit you to one handed crossbows or asks you to invest into skills I wouldn't want to use for an ammunition focused playstyle.
- Sniper is the notable exception but you kind of have to ignore Eldritch Shot and potentially even Vital Shot due to the action economy of activating items. Thematically I'd also rather invest in crafting to make more consumable items during downtime.

Typing this out made me realize that alternatively, I'd quite like a new crafting based Gunslinger Way that has a reload and activate an item compressor at base.

Dark Archive

All these posts about a X magus. The magus chassis is so restrictive. Its focused on a 2+1 action loop set that can be split between rounds with relatively meh off turns. We don't need new stuff to be burdened by the weakest points of the only existing martial wave caster (I don't think the summoner counts here).

Beyond that the biggest reason why that implementation isn't great is because there are TONs of great feats for wave casting gishes already sitting in baseline classes that would be great on a martial progression with access at the level it first becomes available (i.e., not the delayed 1/2 level progression of a MC dedication). They are way better than magus feats which are mostly built around spell strike and of course we don't suffer any 'hell levels' like L5/6, L13/14/15/16/17/18 on the warpriest where we aren't as competitive in math space at doing the main thing we want (i.e., hitting things with non spell things)

When I did the count of applicable feats it was easily 20+ for each of the options below without any additional feats so really adding 1-2 more page(s) of feats to suggest different gameplay loops would be all you really need for each to feel 'implemented' and not 'tacked on'.

What we need are:

Wave caster subclasses for Bard (i.e., Skald, Mesmerist, etc.)

- Mechanics focused on buffing others as your action compression and actually doing buff+ strikex2 or strike + spell/cantrip well. A very flexible concept.

- There are a ton of awesome non inspire courage songs that make a lot of sense if you were a front-liner with martial proficiency scaling that are otherwise less great on a caster bard (think house of the imaginary wall wall of forces in tight dungeons). That new inspire courage + strike action compression is already right there form the remaster.

Wave caster subclass for Cleric (i.e.,PF1e Warpriest, inquisitor, etc.)

- Mechanics focused on buffing yourself or healing others as part of your action compression. The feats already exist. Sounds like we are maybe getting this as a class archetype instead of just a subclass which sort of sucks since it'll eat your L2 feat and keep you out of archetypes for no real good reason. But the cleric has so many awesome feats for martials in it that you probably won't mind.

Wave caster subclass for Druid (i.e.,shifter, etc.)

- Mechanics focused on buffing wildshapes to be competitive and getting action compression while in wild shape (animal themed stances or move plus strikes, etc.).

- The +2 status bonus on a martial proficiency means it triggers on more than 3 levels on the best form.

- A way to add in damage runes to wildshape or otherwise modify it in ways others can't like being able to activate items, cast spells/cantrips/focus spells while wildshaped, or sub AC for your AC, etc.

- Getting the best wildshape at any given level is huge to staying relevant in wildshapes at the best of time.

I just hope they don't make them all class archetypes because I'd still love to be a shifter AND multiclasses into something fun/flavourful before L8 without paying the opportunity cost of all my feats without GM caveat. The majority of class archetypes that are going to be Class X + Caster X Dedication aren't super inspiring mechanically and I think an in class wave caster version of the caster is a significantly better implementation.

Most will need a similar L6+ feature to get some low level spell slots back like the magus but that isn't hard to do.

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The Musical Instinct Barbarian
Music pounds in your very soul, keeping time and tempo pounding in your ears. It crescendos as your RAGE using that music to express your fury!

Instinct Ability: WAIL! increase the extra damage from your rage from 2 to 4, and this damage may be sonic damage as you are screaming with each strike. While Raging all skill activities that involve intimidation or performance gain a circumstance bonus equal to the number of damage die of your weapon.

Specialization ability When you use Musical rage, you increase the additional damage from Rage from 4 to 6. If you have greater weapon specialization, instead increase the damage from Rage when using Musical rage from 8 to 12.

Raging Resistance (9th) You resist Sonic damage, as well as the effects of spells that have the auditory trait.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'd love to see a few themed barbarian inspired by some of those options that existed in 1E for barbarians and bloodragers. Beyond that I just want to see whatever Paizo comes up with.

so death metal barbarian using guitar axe

Actually instead of a world seeker I feel like it would be better to have a full planar explorer class so it doesn't get ruined by the spell cost on the power budget, something like a cartographer or geologist would also be good.

Grand Lodge

Old_Man_Robot wrote:
Riccardo Olivieri wrote:

- Hard-Boiled methodology: Based on Intimidation, for tough investigators.

This is fun.

Gains the reaction "Roll with the punches" that allows them to reduce incoming bludgeoning by their Int mod.

Maybe throw in the ability to use a version of Monk's Mighty Blows when using your Attack Stratagem and the ability to use Skill Stratagem to Grapple, Shove, Trip, and Disarm.

For the Kineticist:
- Melee Blasts as Strikes;

- Ranged Blasts as Spells;

- The ability to swap damage types if you know more than one element; (ex: Aerial Boomerang dealing Fire damage)

- Expanded elemental damage types;
* FEAT: Expanded Versatile Blasts
* EFFECT: add "air sonic, earth acid, fire electricity, metal poison, water fire, wood acid."

- Expanded weapon traits;
* FEAT: Expanded Weapon Infusion
* EFFECT: add more traits, like Razing, Backstabber, Disarm, Trip, etc...

- More composite impulses;
* 3-element impulses, if doable
* 6-element impulse

- Aether Element

- Void Element

- Spiritual Element, or "Light", with impulses related to illusion spells

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I would like a lot more fighting options.

Not so much new feats and abilities necessarily but structures describing different approaches to fights. For example: Cinematic, realistic, historical (i.e. Roman), etc. This should provide the necessary help to support GMs and players to adopt the approach in their games and the feats, weapons etc that help bring these to life.

New feats etc could then be brought in to allow for better adoption of these approaches.

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Deriven Firelion wrote:

I want an unchained book with:

Unchained Wizard

Unchained Summoner...

While I am unsure about Wizards as I have never played one I would dearly like an Unchained Summoner that didn’t have the janky shared Action Economy and shared HP pool.

My experiences of PF2 make me feel that the much vaunted 3 Actions are mostly illusory as many activities are 2 Actions, and thus there aren’t that many things you can actually do to be narratively interesting. Act Together feels like more of what I feel is PF2’s dominant paradigm of “No, but…” (where, you can’t generally, but if you take this feat…at this higher level…you….can!) rather than “Yes, and…”.

Dark Archive

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OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
Deriven Firelion wrote:

I want an unchained book with:

Unchained Wizard

Unchained Summoner...

While I am unsure about Wizards as I have never played one I would dearly like an Unchained Summoner that didn’t have the janky shared Action Economy and shared HP pool.

My experiences of PF2 make me feel that the much vaunted 3 Actions are mostly illusory as many activities are 2 Actions, and thus there aren’t that many things you can actually do to be narratively interesting. Act Together feels like more of what I feel is PF2’s dominant paradigm of “No, but…” (where, you can’t generally, but if you take this feat…at this higher level…you….can!) rather than “Yes, and…”.

Wizard, Magus and Summoner are biggest 3 in need of "unchaining".

Grand Lodge

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An archetype built around using the Bladed Scarf.

Old_Man_Robot wrote:
OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
Deriven Firelion wrote:

I want an unchained book with:

Unchained Wizard

Unchained Summoner...

While I am unsure about Wizards as I have never played one I would dearly like an Unchained Summoner that didn’t have the janky shared Action Economy and shared HP pool.

My experiences of PF2 make me feel that the much vaunted 3 Actions are mostly illusory as many activities are 2 Actions, and thus there aren’t that many things you can actually do to be narratively interesting. Act Together feels like more of what I feel is PF2’s dominant paradigm of “No, but…” (where, you can’t generally, but if you take this feat…at this higher level…you….can!) rather than “Yes, and…”.

Wizard, Magus and Summoner are biggest 3 in need of "unchaining".

...Okay, apologies, but I'm about to rant:


Will the people who are "I want Magus/Summoner Unchained" please GO MAKE YOUR OWN THREAD ABOUT IT!?!?
It is too early to be asking for an Unchained Magus/Summoner! They haven't even been remastered yet! Wait until Paizo makes a remastered version before talking about a theoretical 'Unchained' Version!

I admit, the Wizard could use some buffs, but if you want buffs for the Wizard, just say what you'd like to see.

This thread is about CLASS OPTIONS we want to see in the future, not 'The Wizard/Magus/Summoner class need to be Unchained!'
You want to talk about rebuilding those classes from the ground up, GO MAKE A THREAD ABOUT IT!

Sorry for the ranting. This is just really getting on my nerves.

Regarding things I'd like to see for Wizards goes, I'd like to see Wizards get some Class Feats related to their Arcane Thesis. As an example: Improved Familiar Wizards could get access to versions of the Familiar Master feats.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'd like to see class archetypes for Summoner, one to support meld with eidolon/synthesist style gameplay in a more streamlined fashion, and one to better support tandem strike/both characters are martials styling.

Both of these are really cool conceptual spaces that just don't work right now, but also wouldn't really need a ton of work to get functional either.

I'm not big on checklists but I'd like to see an occultic barbarian. Aberration Barb or Star Barb tapping into great beyond powers sounds fun.

I'd like to see some more adventurous options for Alchemists in terms of personal modification... it feels like such an easy class to give some body-horror or spooky science self-mutations, or a minion in the form of some constructed animal companion with unique abilities.

I want an ice druid too.

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