Riccardo Olivieri's page
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Dr. Aspects wrote: SOLDIER-1st wrote: There's a 1e book called Lands of the Linnorm Kings that has encounter tables for all the different regions starting on page 53. Thank you! Would this be roughly usable for 2e? I imagine that it would be for the most part, maybe some names or levels changed? I'm looking at those tables right now and I think they are quite fine. Almost all of the creatures have a PF2 version.
Creatures that fit the setting are giants (hill, frost, ogres and trolls), dire animals (wolves, bears and boars), feys (in particular in the Grungi Forest, such example pixies, satyrs, nymphs, rusalkas and huldras), winter wolves, drakes (frost, jungle/forest, sea and wyverns), megafauna. There are also locations with a strong presence of undeads, so you can add to the list zombie lords, skeletal champions, ghosts, wights and wraiths. And don't forget the cannibals from Kalva!
Abount the classes, I think that almost all fits. Yeah, some could appear a bit out of place (gunslinger, inventor, monk...), but is always possible to find a motivation for a character with those classes to be in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. For example a monk character could come from the Jade Quarter in Kalsgard.
About the ancestries, for sure humans (Ulfen) as the most common, followed by dwarves. In the bigger cities probabily is possible to find elves and gnomes. Due to the presence of the Jade Quarter in Kalsgard, there is a chance to find some kitsune, tengu and other Tian Xia people.
Awakened animal of Tiny size (mouse, squirrel etc) inventor with the construct innovation. The pet of an inventor, due to a manastorm they obtein a keen intellect and become the inventor's little assistent. Their master is framed for a crime by Mugland and Loveless and put in jail. To save their master, the small inventor finish to build their newest invention: a construct that they can use to interact with the outer world and go around the city.
- Marksman racket: Makes easier to build a ranged Rogue (such example easier access to ranged sneak attacks).
- Faith muse: Other to give a specific feat and muse spell, it allows the bard to cast from the divine spell list.
- Hard-Boiled methodology: Based on Intimidation, for tough investigators.
R3st8 wrote: Mystic Theurge - I'm curious on how they would do it Maybe something with a spell repertoire that you can fill with spells from different traditions. It would be cool if you can choose your combination of traditions and not just arcane+divine.
Quote: Razmiran Priest - Hilarious considering the recent developments I think I missed something in the recent lore. What happened?
It is not specified in the text, but since it is compared in size to a buckler, can I assume that the heavy rondache also leaves the hand free?
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Laclale♪ wrote: Minkai related item? Beside some ritual and monster, the book is only lore. For character options (races, archetypes, items...) there is a different book that will be released this summer.
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The Guardian has only one purpose in life: to protect their allies by taking the slaps for them. This is their niche, the thing that should distinguish them from other classes. Then comes the Commander, with 4 feats dedicated to being a tank/protector (Defensive Swap, Banner Twirl, Shield Warden and Standard-Bearer's Sacrifice). Isn't it bizarre that in the same playtest one class has feats that allow them to fit into the other's area of expertise?
exequiel759 wrote: I have read the document.
I just hope the class is better on release.
Better "weak" now with chances to be improved than too strong now and then nerfed.
The new announced class, the commander, should do what you want for your character.
When new classes are announced, in addition to thinking about what mechanics we'll see, I also like to try to imagine what Paizo and Wayne Reinolds will pull out of the hat for the new iconic characters. The playtest will start on Monday 29th April, but it's likely we'll see the iconics some days ahead (my guess is a stream on Friday 26th). Since there's still a bit of time, do you want to try to guess what we will have? Here's my two cents.
First of all, since they are both martial classes that will be released during an event concerning a great war, in my opinion both the iconic characters could come from nations with a strong military tradition. There are various, but I would like to focus on a couple that do not yet have an iconic character among their ranks.
- Commander: I would say a classic human coming from Molthune, but given that with oracle, animist and exemplar Paizo seems to have also opened up to iconics not belonging to the core ancestries, I would really like to see a hobgoblin coming from Oprak. A veteran of the Ironfang Legion.
- Guardian: A veteran soldier from Mendev. I would say dwarf, but how cool would a halfling or gnome be? A 3-foot tank with 100 pounds of armor.
Ravingdork wrote: And the entirety of the rest of the book is pretty much a really fun almanac and cultural guide that introduces hundreds of NPCs and plot hooks, but no associated stat blocks or mechanics of any kind. About the plot hooks, are they "hidden" in the description of the nations, or there is a separate section where they are listed? Like in the Guide to the River Kingdoms, where every kingdom had a paragraph called plot hooks/adventure ideas or something similiar.
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Ezekieru wrote:
Someone asked this on the Reddit AMA for TXWG, and Shao Han, the writer for the section, answered! I'll copy/paste their answer:
Shao Han wrote: Hello, I'll answer the second question here; I'm Shao Han, the author for the Songbai section; yes there are reasons for the name change in the book, and Shokuro is still around (both the historical samurai from Minkai which inspired the name, and the living samurai who named himself after Shokuro and founded this Shogunate).
Songbai isn't a person's name, per se; Song is 松 or pine,Bai is 柏 or cypress (which is also pronounced as Bo). There was a poster some time ago who pointed out Songbai sounds like the Mandarin words for pines and cypresses, and observed these trees are both symbols of longevity and vitality in traditional Chinese culture. (Sharp eye there!)
If you look at PF1 lore, Shokuro is the name given by the Minkaian warriors for these provinces which were very fertile in terms of agriculture, after they drove out the oppressors from nearby Lingshen. However, that's a Tian-Min name for this area; Songbai is the Tian-Shu name for these lands, which the local Tian-Shu farmers and settled use to refer to the provinces, a name invoking longevity... Suitable for the fertile loess of the region. There's some degree of cultural tension between the Tian-Shu and Tian-Min members of society, and... That might have some bearing on this name!
Well, I suppose that's all I'll say for now!! I hope you'll enjoy finding out more from reading the book, when you get it!"
Thanks! So we will see some struggle between the "old" Tian-Shu inhabitant and the "new" Tian-Min people who followed Shokuro.
Thank you Ravindork. I would like to ask another question. In a Twitter (X) post I've seen the list of the nations. No Shokuro, but there is one called Songbai. Is a new nation, the new name for Shokuro or something else?
Thanks again.
- In the updated map of Tian Xia, what is that "metal sphere" on the Quain/Po Li/Nagajor border?
- Is Grandmother Pei still the leader of Bachuan?
- In PF1 Dtang Ma (now Tang Mai) was ruled by a coalition of sorcerers with stormborn, fey, starsoul and maestro bloodline. Three of these bloodlines don't exist in PF2 (at least as player options). Is something changed?
Calistria. Why? Calistria is the goddess of revenge. Arazni teach you to "despise and never forgive those who have hurt you". Having two deities (among the core 20) who encourage you to bear a grudge seems a bit redundant to me.
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I would like to see Sthenos and Rougarous.
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ElementalofCuteness wrote: What could the last Archetype be!? - Wild Mimic: "The Wild Mimic is a take on the classic Tarzan or, for video game fans, Street Fighter’s Blanca. They have access to skills involving trampling, rending, and pouncing, but also generating electricity, regenerating limbs, and making shockingly loud vocalizations."
- Swarmkeeper: "Keeps a swarm of symbiotic insects on their person."
- Werecreatures: Probably like the undead archetypes from the Book of the Dead.
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Enjoy the stream guys. Here is midnight and I have the alarm clock at 6.
Can someone post here a veeeeeery quick recap about the new classes? I would really appreciate!
The Raven Black wrote: pixierose wrote: What if the iconic with the wolf spirit is a martial. Does appear to be holding some kind of weapon and has armor. Could be a hybrid of some kind.
And a sidenote the creature i thought was a wolf, seems more deer like now with these tree like antlers. Very pretty. It looks party vegetal too. Spirit of a forest is my guess : a mix of plant, prey and predator. With the new Pic the Spirit now looks more like a deer. We can also see their ears and they not look likes the ones of a Wolf
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Ok, I Think that "Animist" is somewhat correct: there is for sure some connection with the nature spirits. I mean, the iconic has a ghost Wolf/Fox floating around their head.
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The Raven Black wrote: AFAIK the new Inquisitor will not anytime come soon, but I would enjoy having the Divine 007 one day. I think the best spot for the Inquisitor is to become the third Cleric doctrine.
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My 2 cents.
First picture: we have a bulky man with no need to wear armor and cool tattoos. I don't know why, but it makes me think of mythological heroes like Hercules or Samson. Bearing in mind that the name must be three syllables, with three vowels, and the "divine" theme of forthcoming publications, I pick this as the Rare class and say Demigod/Herogod. Iconic coming from Iblydos?
Second picture: I think about a caster. The sleeve of the dress looks like it was sewn with raw material. On the front is an ornament which I believe may be made of bone or wood. All this leads me to think of a "tribal" caster (forgive the term if it may seem inappropriate). About the named, I would try with Totemist or something related to the spirits of nature and their manifestation.
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You can find an image at Page 35 of the Lost Omens: Character Guide.
I found it also on Artstation: https://images.app.goo.gl/6vRaF8rAFkg3KC3z8
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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote: We need the bunny folk! My opinion: we could see the bunny folk in the Tian Xia books. The legend of the "moon rabbit" is common in many asian countries, so maybe we could have an Usagi ancestry related to Tsukiyo.
In the Theros setting for D&D 5e, centaurs are of medium size. Maybe it will be the same even here in PF2e.
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Evan Tarlton wrote: I'd also love to see the rougarou, and to finally see the stheno. I'd love to see the Rougarou back too. And about the Sthenos, considering that are only a level 1 creature and that the total of their ability scores is +9 (like a normal PC), imho there are good chances too see them in a playable version.
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xNellynelx I would like to try to roll too.
keftiu wrote: Riccardo Olivieri wrote: keftiu wrote: I got a map of Arcadia. Very happy girl right here. Is there a map of Arcadia in the manual? Does it only show geographic features or does it also show various nations? Thank you! Map of the continent with limited terrain features and six broadly-labeled regions. One has a little more detail (the Deadshot Lands), while I think all the places we’ve seen before (Xopatl, Degasi, Port Valen, Iscadero Island) are all on there as well, but pretty much nothing else. Cool! Thank you!
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keftiu wrote: I got a map of Arcadia. Very happy girl right here. Is there a map of Arcadia in the manual? Does it only show geographic features or does it also show various nations? Thank you!
James Jacobs wrote: We WILL finally have a detailed global map though, which I'm very excited and relieved about! :P Hi mr Jabobs. Probably is too early to reveal this information, buy I try the same :) will the map show the names of ALL the nations in Golarion?**
Hi! Can a Ki Mystic take the Extra Ki feat? I ask this because the Mystic's pool is not named "Ki Pool", so RAW it should be a different feature and this make it incompatible with the feat's prerequisite.
Thank you very much!
Animal growth+permanency?
Imho the paladin: better HD, proficient in heavy armors, a lot of immunities and with lay of hands can heal himself with a swift action.
Edit: Ninjaed.
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My 2 cents.
- +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Con.
- Humanoid (hawkman).
- Speed 30 ft.
- Flight: A hawkman gains an extraordinary flight speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability. Until a hawkman is 5th level, he must end his movement on the ground at the end of each turn or fall. (As per dragonkin race).
- Low-light vision.
- +2 racial bonus to Perception and Survival checks.
Is too early to have a liiiiiittle spoiler about the lawful and neutral planetouched races?
Sorcerers gain bonus spell slots only for a high Charisma score.
Isabelle Lee wrote: J4RH34D wrote: Caleb Garofalo wrote: A nature themed book and not even one illustration of a Catfolk. Much disappoint, such sad. Yes... But there is a feat that lets you turn ANYONE into a catgirl if you want.
Orc catgirls? Sure.
Tangu catgirls? Sure (but what does that even look like?)
I think thats what the feat does at least. I think it may also have mechanical benefits, just as a little icing on the cake. ^_^ What is the feat? :)
Is your interpretation. For example:
- Bear: On your body grows fur.
- Bull: Your muscles become bigger.
- Tiger: You have stripes.
- Stag: Your legs become longer
And so no.
Mmmm... Noob question: can I apply Improved Natural Attack to the shifter's claws?
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Thank you :) only another question: if you could design a new class all by yourself, what concept would you like to explore?
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Hi James. In your opinion, what are the best regions of Golarion to find rougarous, astomois, orang-pendaks and nayads?
Mark Seifter wrote: Shifter's Edge had some issues in the process and is pending a hotfix FAQ once we can get the new FAQ page up. I'm actually surprised it took this long to come up. And that's the only FAQ topic we know of for the book so far! After the FAQ, it's basically Lethal Grace for a shifter's claws (and claw-augmented natural attacks), meaning Dex-based shifters that use Dex to hit and Str to damage can do some pretty big damage (1/2 level scaling up to +10 damage). Hi Mark. My girlfriend want to play a Dex based shifter. So, regarding the shifter's edge feat, she could select it as her first level feat and gain benefits identical to lethal grace, right? Can we use the text of lethal grace as reference until the FAQ?
Are we sure that the shifter's aspects are based only on the hunter's foci? Because in the article "Force of Nature" seems that the shifter can turn himself in a deinonycus.
KalDragon: In Bood of Fiends is said that tieflings can come from other humanoids, like halflings or elves. Simply the tieflings with human ancestors are che most common.
Hi there! Does anyone know when the Paizo will announce the new modules?
Thanks for your answers! There is a FAQ that explains if only the physical change of feral focus is a polymorph effect?
Yeah, sorry.
Quote: Feral Focus (Su)
At 1st level, a feral hunter gains a limited ability to change her shape into hybrid animal forms. This functions as the animal focus class feature, except that the hunter always applies the animal aspect to herself, and there is no limit to this ability's duration. She can end this ability as a free action.
When a feral hunter uses this ability, her body takes on cosmetic aspects of an animal, such as furry skin, longer nails, elongated teeth, and oddly colored eyes; these changes do not grant her any abilities other than what is stated in the animal focus, and end when she takes on a different aspect or ends the ability. This physical change is a polymorph effect, though the effects of the animal focus are not.
This ability alters animal focus and replaces the hunter tactics and speak with master class abilities.