
NoxiousMiasma's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Some more ideas:

Kellid Elemental Sorceror (Winter's Child or Foreign Diplomat background) representing a loose collection of clans along routes from Belkzen to Icestair, who are interested in the potential for trade all the way to Tian Xia. (taking just about every cold-associated spell on the Primal list, and probably contrasting that with a fiery confident personality, just for fun)

Orc Untamed Order Druid (Badlands Scout background) - a member of the Gutspear Hold, this orc was young when Eight Fingers Hold took Deepgate, and while they've done well for themselves as a nomad of the badlands, their kin need a territory to survive - perhaps a great service to Ardax could grant such a boon.

Dwarven Dromaar Empiricist Investigator (Belkzen Anthropologist background) - flavoured more as a historian/archaeologist rather than a detective, this follower of Dranngvit is attempting to untangle the history of Belkzen and the Quest for the Sky, to properly account the restitution both their peoples owe each other, and as such find a path that has the potential for a lasting peace. (I really hope Dranngvit stops being "may choose unholy" once Divine Mysteries drops - it doesn't really vibe with her edicts and anathema)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
Are we really going to tell people how they should play their PC ?

When it is this loaded an issue, advising caution and sensitivity in order to avoid upsetting or potentially triggering your fellow players is generally a good idea - the game is only fun if the whole table's having fun.

Anyway, more character ideas! How about a taciturn talos dwarven gunslinger (way of the drifter), sent as part of a small delegation from Dongun Hold, sent both to scout out the potential of diplomatic overtures, and to open up purchasing opportunities for the orcs of Belkzen. Would probably want to check with the GM if the concept is a bit awkard for the AP, but I think it could be fun to play.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
CastleDour wrote:
I like that they have a centaur hellknight, it looks cool! Not a fan of colonizing in general, but taming the wild and savage lands of Belkzen does have a certain appeal.

Uhhh, mate, please don't take this as an insult, but that thing you just said is in fact extremely colonialist. Calling an environment where people live wild and untamed, with the implication of taming it by turning it to agricultural land that can be better exploited by state powers as an unambiguous positive is pretty much colonialism 101.

Like, if you want to play this character, absolutely sure, go have fun! But do be aware that the organisation your character serves is monstrous.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Alright, now that the Curtain Call Player's Guide is out, what kind of characters are people interested in bringing to this AP? It seems like it'll be best experienced with a party consisting of both Belkzen natives and foreign diplomats, which is cool.

The idea I'm most interested in is an Exemplar who was once a symbol or tool of Gorum's faithful, awakened to sapience by gaining a shard of Gorum's power, using one of tsukogami poppet, object yaoguai (for a former magic sword or holy symbol), or potentially automaton (for a statue brought to life) as a base, with the choice probably coming down to what Exemplar ends up looking like (please may we have an unarmed strike supporting ikon)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Further question: can you use a Bow Staff to make melee attacks in Monastic Archer? It's a combination weapon where both the melee and ranged options have the monk trait.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I don't know how dumb it is, but I've got a Fleshwarp Dragonblood Ranger, based around "Wow, Ranger has really good Class DC progression, and doesn't really, like, do anything with it" where you use the dragonblooded breath weapon feats and fleshwarp's Gaping Flesh to have a bunch of options using your class DC.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I think a coatl option won't be a Nephilim option, for the same reason Hungerseed are their own thing now - Coatl are Holy Beasts, not actually any kind of Outer Plane entity, so they don't fit in Nephilim's Outer Planetouched bag. I still really hope we see them though (c'mon, Lost Omens: Arcadia!)

On another note, it would be interesting if spitespawn (if Div are in fact still around), actually ended up being their own thing, patterned off the various elemental Planetouched (if remaster Div retain being corrupted elementals), rather than being a nephilim lineage. Admittedly I am suggesting this at least partly because nephilim is already so packed with lineage feats.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Oh yeah, I'd also like to see more poison spells on the primal list (Life/Matter is the perfect overlap space for nasty venom tricks, and druids would exploit the heck out of that), and also more ice-related spells in general - cold is a pretty uncommon option right now.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I've only really started posting on the forums fairly recently, but I think the frequent chorus of "New Wizard is Bad! We Don't Like Oracle Anymore!" is uh... somewhat discouraging if you're interested in discussing builds or further character options.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Okay some actual ideas:

Fleshwarp Investigator, Framed in Ferrous Quarter background - a hardboiled, laconic private eye, whose efforts to find missing persons from the Ferrous Quarter led to their being framed for murder, and now they're laying low and looking for an opportunity to prove their innocence, and take down the crooked shieldmarshal who framed them

Halfling Rogue, Snubbed Out Stoolie background - a former infiltrator and informant for the shieldmarshals, this cheerfully unflappable rogue did good work infiltrating gangs of bootleggers, gun runners, and assassins, with their talents for appearing unassuming - as well as a sharp pair of ears and clever fingers - but now their former colleagues are out for their arrest. They're gonna need every scrap of cunning - and more than a few of their criminal connections - to get even.

Talos Champion (Justice Oath), Guard or Night Watch background - a would-be shieldmarshal too honest for such a corrupt captain, this silver-veined stalwart was both fired from the force and accosted by their former colleagues in a dark alleyway that very night. Deciding it would be too risky to return to their former lodgings, they instead attempted to rely upon the generosity of an old friend (old friend in question could maybe be another PC, or perhaps the starting questgiver)

Ancestry for all of these is vibes-based, none are particularly optimised picks (though a Filcher's Fork is a pretty good rogue weapon)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Do any of the backgrounds in the Player's Guide spark any joy? AP backgrounds often come with plot hooks, so they're probably a good idea. Outlaws of Alkenstar is also fairly urban, so you can get a bit Prohibition-era with your concepts, too

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
BotBrain wrote:
I did consider putting them alongside the divspawn in my post, but they are the only creatures that I know of in pf2e that comes with a content warning, so it might not be one Paizo want to put out for general use.

Nah, the content warning sidebar in Monster Core is pretty extensive, including basically all the demons, a number of the devils, and a fair spread of other creature types. While "embodiment of human(oid) fears" is a fairly edgy pick for an unpleasant ancestor, so is "embodiment of horrible ways to die" and yet Grimspawn are in Player Core! Besides, on a PC versatile heritage, the whole body horror aspect gets fairly toned down.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I've got another character idea, for if I want the rest of the table to throw things at me (again). Ifrit Skeleton Investigator (potentially with Wizard Archetype), named Skullduggery Pleasant.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Do we have a Dominion-vs-GOO AP for 2e? It could be interesting to spend at least one book trying to either pit the two against each other so they don't squash the PCs, or trying to juggle their goals such that neither manages to start an open war front right where all the character's friends are.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I do think we are probably getting the already existing Outer Planetouched remastered, but I do hope we also get a sahkil lineage - fear-based outsiders are really evocative, conceptually, and it's a shame we've gone two editions without getting a planetouched option for them.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Alright, poking over the 1e list of Great Old Ones... I will confess to a soft spot for both Bokrug and Yig, but I'm not sure either of them makes for a very good center of a campaign - considering one is a big sleepy lizard and the other literally doesn't care unless you're mean to snakes. Maybe we could do something with Atlach-Nacha and Leng Spiders, poking about with webs of dreaming minds and lucid dreamers? Or go back to the Lands of Black Blood, with Orgesh (bonus points for giving a perfect excuse for a 2e version of the Black Blood Oracle, and a look at the Darklands now that they're not full of drow. Black Blood serpentfolk could be cool).

Though, if we do get a Dominion and Numeria AP, I kinda hope Paizo invents an original Great Old One about it? A lot of the literary set of great old ones don't really suit, and I bet the Paizo team could come up with something properly nightmarish.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Considering there's a big humble bundle for Blood Lords, I kinda want to bring this thread back.

Because I am often a contrarian about things, here's a druid: Fragrant Bloom of Rot is a fungal leshy druid, Untamed order (if that works out for the campaign, because Untamed's anathema is a bit strict). They resemble an octopus stinkhorn mushroom, and any form they take has some manner of visible fungal infection. They were formerly a familiar to a remote blight druid who worked with zombie construction of irrigation systems, and ended up becoming skilled as a corpse stitcher. After their master's death, they wandered Geb for a time, before ending up in Graydirge.

If untamed druid is inappropriate, maybe a grimspawn nephilim bones oracle? Just going all in on being creepy as heck (I kinda want them to have Quick-Dead Coalition sympathies and an actual set of moral principles? Possibly a follower of Arazni) Maybe, um... Morana Amadi, who enjoyed work as a carter, where few would stare at her blood-red skin, snakelike features, or vestigial spider legs, until the accusations of Pharasmin worship among the Carter's made it safer to seek alternate employment.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Any particular class options people are really hoping to see in the future? Like, druid orders, rogue rackets, barbarian instincts or anything? There's a fair few conceptual spaces from first edition that don't have any equivalent in the new edition, or just crazy new things that haven't been done at all yet.

I personally really want to see a blight order for druid, because detritivores deserve respect too, danggit! Or a Lunar mystery oracle, though I'm not sure if I'd prefer to see a lycanthropic curse or a moonstruck lunatic. More wizard Arcane Schools would also be really cool (Whispering Way, anyone?)

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

And I can't believe I forgot about skelms! They're legitimately my favourite new monster category from PF2e, but none of the existing skelms are really the right vibe, plus most of them are a bit low-level...

Maybe some kind of Dojo Skelm? One dealing with toxic masculinity and the monopoly on violence, through the lens of every terrible martial arts guy ever? That could definitely work...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Castilliano wrote:

There are many humanoid NPCs in Golarion lore who have changed into fiendish or other monstrous forms due to their wickedness or ritual, w/o the mechanics spelled out. Do you have a need to spell out the mechanics?

There's a PF1 villain that PCs meet three times in an AP, even after killing him, because of his post-death transformations.

I don't need mechanics, but if there's any particular, like, categories in which villains tend to return? Obviously undead (which I'm personally not going to use on account of my players just finished up a Big Undead Story, and I want to play around with something different), but like, is it more likely for someone to come back as a rakshasa (at least before the lore update), or an asura, or a devil?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Okay, so I was wondering if there were any particular methods by which a thoroughly unpleasant, wicked, and vicious individual could end up turning into some form of demon (or other monstrous and much stronger and nonhuman creature) while still alive and retaining at least the broad strokes of their personality?
I want a plot element to reference things like the real-world Buddhist story of very wicked people managing to become an oni while still alive, and i was curious if there was already an existing creature or ritual based around that.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Okay, so giving an ancestry attack a combat trait like shove or grapple does actually do something, though - it allows you to add the item bonus from Handwraps of Mighty Blows to your checks, rather than needing a separate item to boost your Athletics.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Honestly, the thing I currently find weirdest about Barathu, is that they have the ability to retrain lineage feats. Mostly this is a cool way of implementing how crazy adaptive they are, sure, but it also means that Barathu with a versatile heritage can uh... retrain their versatile heritage? So Barathu Borai can, Rules As Written, change from being resurrected by botched magic, to just being too stubborn to die. Makes for a pretty funny edge case.