Got a rules question about Pathfinder Second Edition? Post it here! And we might answer them on stream!

Rules Discussion

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Can a player make Kobolds and Dragon Instinct barbarians of esoteric, imperial, planar, and primal dragons?

Grand Lodge

During character creation if an ability score would exceed 18 and the ability boost modifier is +0 the ability boost changes to a free boost of any ability. If there are 2 ability boosts to choose from, for example a Champion can choose Strength or Dexterity, do both Strength and Dexterity boosts have to equal +0 to change the choice to a free boost of any ability or does only 1 ability change the choice to a free ability, for example just Strength +0 or Dexterity +0, not both Strength and Dexterity?

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Ygravainne wrote:
During character creation if an ability score would exceed 18 and the ability boost modifier is +0 the ability boost changes to a free boost of any ability. If there are 2 ability boosts to choose from, for example a Champion can choose Strength or Dexterity, do both Strength and Dexterity boosts have to equal +0 to change the choice to a free boost of any ability or does only 1 ability change the choice to a free ability, for example just Strength +0 or Dexterity +0, not both Strength and Dexterity?

How could an ability exceed 18 during character creation?

Taking your champion example :

10 ( base)

+2 ability boost ( 4 of your choice. They must be different stats)
+2 class boost ( one specific or a choice between 2,for example dex or str. If you are a rogue, one between 5 depends your racket )
+2 background boost ( one between the 2 your background offers)
+2 race boost ( it might come from a free boost or a race specific one. They don't stack)

Total 18

HumbleGamer wrote:
Ygravainne wrote:
During character creation if an ability score would exceed 18 and the ability boost modifier is +0 the ability boost changes to a free boost of any ability. If there are 2 ability boosts to choose from, for example a Champion can choose Strength or Dexterity, do both Strength and Dexterity boosts have to equal +0 to change the choice to a free boost of any ability or does only 1 ability change the choice to a free ability, for example just Strength +0 or Dexterity +0, not both Strength and Dexterity?

How could an ability exceed 18 during character creation?

Taking your champion example :

10 ( base)

+2 ability boost ( 4 of your choice. They must be different stats)
+2 class boost ( one specific or a choice between 2,for example dex or str. If you are a rogue, one between 5 depends your racket )
+2 background boost ( one between the 2 your background offers)
+2 race boost ( it might come from a free boost or a race specific one. They don't stack)

Total 18


For clarification I want to add for Ygravainne (et al) that +2 in a stage is the maximum in one stat. One can't stack a +2 on top of another +2 to get a +4, not in the same stage. Ex. if your Background lets you choose between Str & Wis and you get another +2 of your choice, you can't choose Str and Str again for that background.
Four stages, four +2s maximum in a stat = 18 max at character creation.

HumbleGamer wrote:
Ygravainne wrote:
During character creation if an ability score would exceed 18 and the ability boost modifier is +0 the ability boost changes to a free boost of any ability. If there are 2 ability boosts to choose from, for example a Champion can choose Strength or Dexterity, do both Strength and Dexterity boosts have to equal +0 to change the choice to a free boost of any ability or does only 1 ability change the choice to a free ability, for example just Strength +0 or Dexterity +0, not both Strength and Dexterity?
How could an ability exceed 18 during character creation?

The only way I can think of would be the rolling for stats variant rule, which if that's what's being referred to it would be helpful to mention it in the original post. If that's not the case, then see the two posts above this one, as they explain the situation quite well.

On the other hand, if it is talking about rolling for stats, then I'd say ask your GM. Variant rules are already GM fiat territory, and in both scenarios you're getting the same amount of ability boosts, so it's not a huge deal which one the GM decides. Personally I'd say only one has to be already maxed out, but then again, I'd never have my players roll for stats in the first place.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Aw3som3-117 wrote:
Personally I'd say only one has to be already maxed out, but then again, I'd never have my players roll for stats in the first place.

I'd agree, and add that since they were asking specifically about the Champion's boost as an example—a Champion doesn't choose between two boosts. They choose their key ability score, and the class boost goes there. It's not like they could choose to be a Strength-based Champion and then choose to put the class boost in Dexterity.

In PF2, fundamental runes cannot automatically bypass non-rare-metal damage resistance like in PF1, right?
As such, the golf bag of obscure material weapons are necessary to make it manageable in an environment with foes of mixed weaknesses and resistances, am I right?

Lucas Yew wrote:

In PF2, fundamental runes cannot automatically bypass non-rare-metal damage resistance like in PF1, right?

As such, the golf bag of obscure material weapons are necessary to make it manageable in an environment with foes of mixed weaknesses and resistances, am I right?


If you're carrying a big weapon, it's unlikely you'll carry several types, and swapping to a weapon with weaker Runes isn't necessarily worth it. Feats like Power Attack can make up the difference.

If wielding two weapons, you'll often have a Doubling Ring which bypasses that drawback and the weapons can often be L Bulk, so yes, you'd often have Cold Iron & Silver/Mithril available (Adamantine & Orichalcum being late game materials). Yet drawing two weapons or worse, swapping out two, can use lots of actions so one might want to have one of each to begin battles with.
Same w/ shield builds since you can put a Rune on the shield's boss or spikes.

Those with a weapon and a free hand can use a gauntlet to carry the Runes and swap out the other weapon a lot easier, so there's that.

Thing is materials in PF2 have to be upgraded to handle better Runes and this can get expensive! One has to gauge whether the difference in damage is sufficient enough to warrant investment or to choose a flavor and run with it.

And then there are bludgeoning, slashing, & piercing Weaknesses & Resistances too (and some immunities). How many of those will you cover, especially if a Fighter whose weapon groups likely only features one or two of those?

While there's something to gain with a golf bag of weapons, the payoff doesn't make it mandatory in PF2, and the actions lost may even make it subpar depending on each battle's set up. Though for a themed adventure, i.e. Devils, one should certainly go in with silver/mithril & Holy too if possible.

1) Familiars feeding items like elixirs/potions to other characters ( or even themselves ).

Is this legit or not?

2) With The "Mwangi Expanse" and the introduction of new dragons, we are currently facing a huge issue with the physical DR provided by the Dragon Claws Spell

This issue concerns mostly the Piercing damage DR given by Forest and Crystal Dragons, but it also affects the Sea Dragon ( even if bludgeoning damage is less present in this 2e )

Characters can now afford a permanent 5/- DR starting from lvl 4, by simply taking sorcerer dedication + Dragon Claw.

The provided DR is better than a shield block:


- No raise shield requirement ( Action managemenet, even if a +2 AC is never a waste. I am talking about a possibility here. To benefit from the shield block, you have to raise it first ).

- No reaction needed to use the shield block reaction ( Reaction which might be used for AoO or anything else )
- No item required ( a character could invest the golds in something else instead of buying a sturdy shield )
- No limited numer of times to benefit from it ( it lasts 1 minute )
- Characters are able to stack it ( using Shieldblock to cover from slashing/bludgeoning damage and tanking Piercing damage because of the spell )

The spell also scales in an excellent way, increasing the DR at lvl 9 ( 10/- DR ) and 17 ( 15/- DR ).

Finally, a character might also take the Dragon Disciple dedication in order to even enhance it by 5 point per level, resulting into:

15/- Piercing DR from lvl 10 and 20/- Piercing DR from lvl 17.

I also tried some fights we faced in either AoA and EC, and the difference was that neat it was absurd.

Here's a little comparison with other skills/spells in terms of balance, before Mwangi Expanse:

- Armor DR: kicks in at lvl 13 or lvl 7 for the champion class, and gives 2 or 3 DR depends the armor. It caps lvl 19 with 4 or 5 DR.

- Stoneskin (lvl 4 spell): The target's skin hardens like stone. It gains resistance 5 to physical damage, except adamantine. Each time the target is hit by a bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing attack, stoneskin's duration decreases by 1 minute.

- Oracle Armor of bones (FOCUS 3) : You ossify your physical form, mimicking the durability of bone. You gain resistance 3 to cold, electricity, fire, piercing, and slashing damage. Consider that this one is given to a divine spellcaster with no weapon nor armor proficiency. If taken as a MC, the character will suffer from permanent flat footed condition ( -2 AC ).

We are currently forbidding Physical Dragons because they mess up all our AP, but it would be nice if some adjustements would be given with the next errata.

Silver Crusade

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How is being super resistant to Arrows messing up your APs?

There’s a good number of Piercing damage, yes, namely Arrows and Spears and things with Teeth. But it’s definitely not the majority of the damage in game. That’s still Slashing, just like Fire for Elemental.

Rysky wrote:
How is being super resistant to Arrows messing up your APs?

Piercing given to any non weapon user creature ( though there are plenty of weapons which deal piercing damage ).

It occours in any fight, and it's the most common damage in the whole bestiary ( second is slashing, while bludgeoning damaga might be considerer pretty rare ).

"Resistant to Arrows" is beyond incorrect.

Silver Crusade

“and it's the most common damage in the whole bestiary”

Given the prevalence of Claws i’m disinclined to believe this without proof.

You’re resistant to arrows and spear and fangs, not immune to all damage.

Against creatures with only a Bite this is useful, but that’s usually not the case with something trying to kill you. You’re Resistant to that particular attack, not all their attacks.

Nobody said you are immune to all damage, but given the bestiary you are going to use it in almost all combats.

And the DR provided ( which is part of the spell, beware, since the main role is to give claws to attack which also deal a really good extra damage, regardless it's elemental, physical, etc... ) is off if compared to the other DR provided by any other perk ( ability, skill, spell, item, etc ) in the game ( examples already provided ).

Finally, if a creature has a bite attack, it also has claw attacks and viceversa.

I am fine with the character being resistant to a specific attack ( as said before, we already have different possibilities ), but the DR is required to match the alternatives.

And currently it's not.
Sometimes it allows you to almost absorb the whole damage.

Rite of Reinforcement
You still have to take an armour proficiency feat to use this effectively don't you?

Silver Crusade

“Sometimes it allows you to almost absorb the whole damage.”

On some attacks starting out yes, but the dice grow and again, it’s usually not the creature’s only mean of attack.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
HumbleGamer wrote:

Finally, a character might also take the Dragon Disciple dedication in order to even enhance it by 5 point per level, resulting into:

15/- Piercing DR from lvl 10 and 20/- Piercing DR from lvl 17.

I'm not sure this is true. Different sources of the same resistance type don't usually stack. You'd just take the highest resistance. Has this changed somewhere?

And the Dragon Disciple resistance appears to be half your level, not your level.

TomParker wrote:
HumbleGamer wrote:

Finally, a character might also take the Dragon Disciple dedication in order to even enhance it by 5 point per level, resulting into:

15/- Piercing DR from lvl 10 and 20/- Piercing DR from lvl 17.

I'm not sure this is true. Different sources of the same resistance type don't usually stack. You'd just take the highest resistance. Has this changed somewhere?

And the Dragon Disciple resistance appears to be half your level, not your level.

I am not referring to the base DR, but to the feat

Claws of the Dragon


Your fingernails grow into razor-sharp claws, and scales speckle your fingers, hands, and wrists. Your claws are agile, finesse unarmed attacks that deal 1d6 slashing damage and are in the brawling weapon group.

If you're a draconic sorcerer, when you cast dragon claws, increase the spell's slashing damage die from d4 to d6 and increase the resistance to 10 at 1st level, 15 at 5th level, and 20 at 9th level.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
HumbleGamer wrote:

I am not referring to the base DR, but to the feat

Claws of the Dragon


Your fingernails grow into razor-sharp claws, and scales speckle your fingers, hands, and wrists. Your claws are agile, finesse unarmed attacks that deal 1d6 slashing damage and are in the brawling weapon group.

If you're a draconic sorcerer, when you cast dragon claws, increase the spell's slashing damage die from d4 to d6 and increase the resistance to 10 at 1st level, 15 at 5th level, and 20 at 9th level.

Sorry, your original post only mentioned the spell and Dragon Disciple, not Claws of the Dragon. So you're saying they could take Dragon Disciple and then they'd have to take the Claws of the Dragon feat, and if they're a draconic sorcerer they get some increased resistance when using Dragon Claws?

I don't feel spending two feats for a sorcerer to get some extra resistance to a single damage type is very OP.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It's not.

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Since “You have to either Cast that Spell during the crafting process, or someone else must do so in your presence.”-CRB pg.565, can a magus/summoner with, for example, 5th and 6th level spell slots craft magic items that require 4th and lower level spells to create?

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
DryRibGaming wrote:
Since “You have to either Cast that Spell during the crafting process, or someone else must do so in your presence.”-CRB pg.565, can a magus/summoner with, for example, 5th and 6th level spell slots craft magic items that require 4th and lower level spells to create?

Sure, if he has someone else cast the spell for him.

TheRiska wrote:

Investigator can choose Alchemical Sciences as their methodology at level 1 and start learning elixir or tool formulas, 1 common alchemical elixir or tool per level. At level 4 they can choose Alchemical Discoveries class which increases the amount to 2 instead.

Do I retroactively add the additional formulas for common alchemical elixirs or tools from level 1 through 3 to my formula book?

I would love to know that too. It’s not very clearly worded… as in: do I get an additional formula for level 2, 3 and 4 each?

(For Level 1 you get 6: 4 from Alchemical Crafting and 2 from the methodology. Then you get 1 at level 2, 3 and 4 each. The question is, if with you retroactively get one at these levels. And if you retroactively will get more when you increase your crafting to master and legendary… it would mean a lot of “free” formulae…… which you could theoretically also gain by learning them… so my hunch is “no”)

Hi there! Just had a quick question involving the drained condition and the dhampir lineage, svetocher. I am attempting to make an Oracle of Bones Dhampir and it's leading to a lot of interesting interactions with negative healing and drained effects in particular.

The svetocher text says, "when you have the drained condition, calculate the penalty to your Fortitude saves and your Hit Point reduction as though the condition value were 1 lower."

If my character has the drained 1 condition (as they would with the moderate curse of Bones), is it calculated as if it were "drained 0?" Meaning I effectively do not take any negative effects from the drained 1 condition? Or does the svetocher lineage only take effect when I am drained 2 or higher?

Thank you for the clarification!

Using the Crafting Skill Action: Repair and what it can and cant do.

So this is the repair action as in the core book.
Requirements You are holding or wearing a repair kit
(page 291).
You spend 10 minutes attempting to fix a damaged item, placing the item on a stable surface and using the repair kit with both hands. The GM sets the DC, but it’s usually about the same DC to Repair a given item as it is to Craft it in the first
place. You can’t Repair a destroyed item. Critical Success You restore 10 Hit Points to the item, plus an additional 10 Hit Points per proficiency rank you have in
Crafting (a total of 20 HP if you’re trained, 30 HP if you’re an expert, 40 HP if you’re a master, or 50 HP if you’re legendary). Success You restore 5 Hit Points to the item, plus an additional 5 per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (for a total of
10 HP if you are trained, 15 HP if you’re an expert, 20 HP if you’re a master, or 25 HP if you’re legendary). Critical Failure You deal 2d6 damage to the item. Apply the
item’s Hardness to this damage.

My question is, what is the limitation on the item that can be repaired.

1) Can damaged magic items be repaired? Do you need the ability to be able to make magic items in order to repair them?

2) Is there a size limitation on the item or can you repair anything you have the space and tools for? Such as a boat or wall?

3) Does a construct count as an item? If not, how are they repaired as they are listed as immune to healing and the 1st edition spells for it are no longer around.

4) If there any limitation on how often this can be done if used to heal or because its restricted to this one action instead of the myriad of other healing options, its fine?

My Apologies if this is in the wrong section, this is my first time posting on the forums although I have read numerous debates and conversations looking for answers.

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Shigg1ty wrote:

Hi there! Just had a quick question involving the drained condition and the dhampir lineage, svetocher. I am attempting to make an Oracle of Bones Dhampir and it's leading to a lot of interesting interactions with negative healing and drained effects in particular.

The svetocher text says, "when you have the drained condition, calculate the penalty to your Fortitude saves and your Hit Point reduction as though the condition value were 1 lower."

If my character has the drained 1 condition (as they would with the moderate curse of Bones), is it calculated as if it were "drained 0?" Meaning I effectively do not take any negative effects from the drained 1 condition? Or does the svetocher lineage only take effect when I am drained 2 or higher?

Thank you for the clarification!

From Oracular Curse:

Your curse has the curse, divine, and necromancy traits. You can't mitigate, reduce, or remove the effects of your oracular curse by any means other than Refocusing and resting for 8 hours

So, the drained condition you get from your curse cannot be mitigated, but if something else drains you on top of it, you would count that externally applied drain as 1 less.

I've posted this here, but I was hoping to get someone's attention here too.

In some locations (Badger + Ape animal companion, Ranger precision strike) the ability specifies "hitting" rather than a "Successful Strike". I was wondering if there is a ruling or definition for what a "hit" entails - is it another way of saying Strike, any attack roll, or any damaging effect you initiated with an action that had a chance of success or failure (to include spells requiring saves). If there is half-damage on a successful save, is that still a hit?

Thanks in advance - been a long while since I had to post in here with a question.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Could a wild shape Druid/Monk use his monk abilities while shape shifted?

Liberty's Edge

Do eidolons need to eat, drink, or sleep? Can they do these things? (In general, it seems they probably can and should, but for some types - construct, phantom, plant, for instance - it seems less clear.)

Does Mobility work only with Stride as an single action, or, if you Stride as part of activity (for example Sudden charge) it will work too?

Liberty's Edge

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Hey, CS/Mod team (or anyone else with the power...) this doesn't need to be stickied anymore and the whole thread serves more or less no purpose whatsoever beyond being misleading to the point that many users are pointed here to ask questions that the Paizo team has already clarified will NOT be answered during the Twitch Streams.

Please unsticky, close, and lock this thread already, this is like having a "Feedback Box" to leave notes for a business that leads directly into a shredder.

Either that or find the time and staff to dedicate at least 30 minutes every couple of weeks to actually go through the questions that are posted here on a Paizo Offical Twitch Stream segment.

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Themetricsystem wrote:
many users are pointed here to ask questions that the Paizo team has already clarified will NOT be answered during the Twitch Streams.

IMO, it's a bigger problem that things are clarified on Twitch Streams and not done so here. If something is truly officially clarified, Twitch is an incredibly poor place to do so IMO. I know I'll never find out about it unless someone tells me about it here in the forums and since I'm not going to use Twitch, I'll have to hear about it second hand.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Snipper wrote:
Does Mobility work only with Stride as an single action, or, if you Stride as part of activity (for example Sudden charge) it will work too?

The former. It specifies the Stride action. Sudden Charge is its own activity. This is covered under subordinate actions.

Core Rulebook, page 462 sidebar wrote:
Using an activity is not the same as using any of its subordinate actions. For example, the quickened condition you get from the haste spell lets you spend an extra action each turn to Stride or Strike, but you couldn’t use the extra action for an activity that includes a Stride or Strike. As another example, if you used an action that speci!ed, “If the next action you use is a Strike,” an activity that includes a Strike wouldn’t count, because the next thing you are doing is starting an activity, not using the Strike basic action.

I have 3 questions:

Which level are the spells you get from the Magus feat Arcane Shroud?
Can you switch your grip with a free action in the middle of a Spinning Staff if you are in Arcane Cascade?
Does the effects of 6th level Chromatic Ray force a save or does it get the failure effect on hit?

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I am unclear on something with the Harrow-Led background. When rolling to determine the two harrow suits, it states: "the first suit is your aligned score, and the second suit is your misaligned score." What exactly does aligned/misaligned mean? How does this impact the character?

I put these questions on another post, just to be sure I'm putting here too, in case someone knows the answer here:

1) Ostentatious Arrivel (SoM /69) creates an explosion (emanation) surronding the Eidolon. Manifest Eidolon demands I manifest the Eidolon adjacent to me. If we take this RAW (rules as written) my Eidolon will burn me too, right? Which sounds counterintuitive since we share the same HP. On Core Rulebook, rules on emanation says "the caster choses if the creature at the center is also subjected to the effect". Do I count on this or only if I have Meld Into Eidolon? And finally, what if my Eidolon is small or a mount and we share a square at the moment of the manifestation? That would keep me out of the "line of fire", right? Please say yes.

2) Master Summoner (SoM /69) says I can prepare two slots for summoning spells. Does it have to be the same spell? Like both of them has to be Summon Elemental?

3) The "summoning" and "incarnate" spells that are covered by Master Summoner appears on a box on SoM page 73. However it does not include the primal 10th level spell Summon Kaiju. Which makes sense, since originally, Summoners don't have access to 10th level spells. HOWEVER, at 20th level we get Legendary Summoner, which allows me to trade one level 9th spell for two level 10 summoning spells. The only 10th level summoning spell is Summon Kaiju. But Summon Kaiju isn't on the list on page 73. But it's the only 10th level YOU GET IT! I got into a loop and I REALLY want to summon a Kaiju and make it explode it's surrondings when it arrives. Can we all agree (this is more a request than a question) that Summon Kaiju was forgotten on the list on page 73 and a primal summoner could summon it if he had Legendary Summoner? Please say yes.

Thank you very much for the taking the time to answer.

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Familiar ability masters form, requires manual dexterity and speech. Masters form is a granted ability for shadow familiars but speech is not. I'm guessing since its a granted ability, shadow familiars get master's form whether they have speech or not. Is speech intended to be a granted ability for shadow familiars or does the familiar get master's form without speech?

Invictus Spartan wrote:

I put these questions on another post, just to be sure I'm putting here too, in case someone knows the answer here:

1) Ostentatious Arrivel (SoM /69) creates an explosion (emanation) surronding the Eidolon. Manifest Eidolon demands I manifest the Eidolon adjacent to me. If we take this RAW (rules as written) my Eidolon will burn me too, right? Which sounds counterintuitive since we share the same HP. On Core Rulebook, rules on emanation says "the caster choses if the creature at the center is also subjected to the effect". Do I count on this or only if I have Meld Into Eidolon?

Sadly correct, the caster burns if not excluded from the area.

Invictus Spartan wrote:

And finally, what if my Eidolon is small or a mount and we share a square at the moment of the manifestation? That would keep me out of the "line of fire", right? Please say yes.

If you share a square then yes you can probably do it by the emantion rules. I say probably because the rules say the creature and not any creature - however the effect clearly originates from the edge of the square so you should be OK. But there are all sorts of rules about sharing space with another creature and they are relevant. I'm thinking if you (Sprite) or your eidolon is tiny, then it works, or if you are both small I think there is a Ratfolk ability to share space.... So maybe not as useful as you would have liked.

Talk to your GM but arriving mounted at it is not something talked about in the rules and they could reasonably object and require that to be an action - or not. Honestly arriving mounted is so cool I'd allow it but that s just me being nice.
Invictus Spartan wrote:

2) Master Summoner (SoM /69) says I can prepare two slots for summoning spells. Does it have to be the same spell? Like both of them has to be Summon Elemental?

Nothing says that, so you are free to do either.

Invictus Spartan wrote:

3) The "summoning" and "incarnate" spells that are covered by Master Summoner appears on a box on SoM page 73. However it does not include the primal 10th level spell Summon Kaiju. Which makes sense, since originally, Summoners don't have access to 10th level spells. HOWEVER, at 20th level we get Legendary Summoner, which allows me to trade one level 9th spell for two level 10 summoning spells. The only 10th level summoning spell is Summon Kaiju. But Summon Kaiju isn't on the list on page 73. But it's the only 10th level YOU GET IT! I got into a loop and I REALLY want to summon a Kaiju and make it explode it's surrondings when it arrives. Can we all agree (this is more a request than a question) that Summon Kaiju was forgotten on the list on page 73 and a primal summoner could summon it if he had Legendary Summoner? Please say yes.

Summon Kaiju shows up as Incarnate online so its OK. I think they left it off as its Rare and they didn't want to enable it by default. So you have to ask your GM anyway. I don't see a problem.

My main problem with the Incarnate spells is that they are all level 7 and up. It would be nice if there was so low level ones. Say a horde of bats to pester people for two rounds then leave....

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Themetricsystem wrote:
Please unsticky, close, and lock this thread already, this is like having a "Feedback Box" to leave notes for a business that leads directly into a shredder.

That is probably the point.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Summoners have no way to learn 10th level spells so Summon Kaiju not being included is probably intentional.

Squiggit wrote:
Summoners have no way to learn 10th level spells so Summon Kaiju not being included is probably intentional.

Legendary Summoner gives you 10th level spells.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Legendary Summoner gives you 10th level spell slots

But there's still no way to add 10th level spells to your repertoire.

The feat even says you use those slots to heighten spells.

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Squiggit wrote:

Legendary Summoner gives you 10th level spell slots

But there's still no way to add 10th level spells to your repertoire.

The feat even says you use those slots to heighten spells.

Wait, what? *Checks again*

*Ranting* Gosh dang it, Paizo! The Cleric is a Herald of a literal god, the Investigator is omniscient, and the Wizard has a thermonuclear staff!!

They're 20th level! Why can't the Summoner do one cool thing with their summon spells!!
*Rant over*

Ahem, you appear to be correct. Thank you for pointing that out.

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Squiggit wrote:

Legendary Summoner gives you 10th level spell slots

But there's still no way to add 10th level spells to your repertoire.

The feat even says you use those slots to heighten spells.

That a very narrow interpretation

The rules say:Each time you get a spell slot (see Table 2–4:
Summoner Spells per Day), you add a spell of the
same level to your spell repertoire

Yes I left in the reference to the table but its not exclusive expresison. I'm also aware of the reference to slots in the Legendary Summoner feat.

All the level 10 spell slot rules across PF2 are deeply inconsistent and illogical, so I am always house ruling in this situation. But I don't play at this level so not hugely relevant.

swoosh wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:
Please unsticky, close, and lock this thread already, this is like having a "Feedback Box" to leave notes for a business that leads directly into a shredder.
That is probably the point.

So... How do we get our questions answered now?

Starocious wrote:
swoosh wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:
Please unsticky, close, and lock this thread already, this is like having a "Feedback Box" to leave notes for a business that leads directly into a shredder.
That is probably the point.
So... How do we get our questions answered now?

They never answered rules questions that didn't already have an obvious answer on stream afaik, so if you have a question, you raise it on the Rules forum and get an answer by consensus, or, very, very rarely, by developer.

There might be some hope as it seems that they have started answering some of the more commonly asked issues occasionally on the How It's Played YouTube channel, though no guarantee this will be regular or answer what you need answered.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Hm. Does the guy who does "how it's played" work for Paizo now, or have a "deep throat" among the devs feeding him info? :-)

I think he got lucky after inviting Mark Seifter on to chat about other stuff, and Paizo's devs wanting a way to get information out without publishing a full blown FAQ/errata set yet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ed Reppert wrote:
Hm. Does the guy who does "how it's played" work for Paizo now, or have a "deep throat" among the devs feeding him info? :-)


Protect Companion:
'You extend your aura, as a magical shield that protects your eidolon or minion. The target gains a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. You gain the following reaction; after using the reaction, the spell ends and you can't cast protect companion again for 10 minutes.'

I feel kinda sad that I cannot use it for 10 full minutes after using it on Eidolon; not even on My Animal Companion or Familiar or Summoned Creatures.

I think like the immunity would be better per creature like in Battle Medicine.

I play Gnome Ifrit Summoner Aegon Targaryen (Dragon Eidolon), who has Beastmaster Archetype with a Mature Riding Drake Animal Companion. :)

Envoy's Alliance

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What traditions actually get Warding Aggression?

The spell text (SoM, Page 140) says "arcane, divine, occult".

The Arcane Spell List lists it (SoM, page 81).

The Divine Spell List lists it (SoM, page 82).

The Occult Spell List does NOT list it (SoM, would be on page 85).

The Primal Spell List lists it (SoM, page 87).

Should I trust the individual spell lists, or the spell description?

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