Goblin Plush

LordPretzels's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Venture-Agent, Colorado—Denver 57 posts (59 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 10 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Do you need a different formula for each type of spell for a scroll to craft?

Ie. Do you need 2 separate formulas to craft a scroll of magic missile and a scroll of mage armor?

Really loving the new edition. Just question regarding crafting scrolls though.

If I'm reading it right, to craft scrolls, you need a separate formula for each type of spell?

ie. To craft a scroll of magic missile and a scroll of color spray, I need a 2 different formulas, one each for a magic missile scroll and color spray.

Is that correct? Any links or quotes of the rules to support or deny this is appreciated. Thanks!

I'm just giving examples of how the damage output of a gunslinger can be mitigated by just having a melee dude stand next to him and as such he isn't as overpowered as some claim to be. I only mentioned the sneaking part as the original poster mentioned he wears goggles that see invisibility. And well it's always a general rule to everyone, allies and foes alike, to target the glass cannons first.

How is giving advice on how to deal with that build you're having a problem with jerkish?

Just have your DM to have a sneaky guy sneak around during a foggy day and stab him in the back. Seeing invisible people doesn't mean you see through concealment aka fog.

Or get him charged by someone with a reach weapon, preferably a lance, for the extra damage bonus on charge. With the reach, he won't be able to 5-foot-step far enough to do a full attack again without provoking AoO.

The last gunslinger in my party got shut down HARD when he was charged down by mounted kobold holding a lance.

Caws Rorec wrote:

I am also having trouble seeing how the gunslinger is doing that much damage if the number you quoted is correct its hard to imagine even at that level.

Factoring in his class gunslinger 11

He should have 6 feats from levels

He should have 2 bonus feats from gunslinger.

So let us assume the gunslinger has the normal feats most people would take as a gunslinger.

Dead Aim (at his level it would be -3 on attacks for a +6 damage)
Rapid Reload (free reloading with cartridges on the pistol)

Let us also assume for whatever reason he has both barrels of his double barrel enchanted at +3 (yes double barrels function like double weapons)

Let us also assume he has a dexterity of 20 so a modifier of +5 which we would add to the damage with the gun.


More realistically he maybe took rapid shot for one more attack or in this case 2 more shots with the double barreled pistol, but that would end up looking more like this:

1d8+14 / 1d8+14 - firing at +11 (bab) + 5 (dexterity) +3 (mw properties) +1 for size -4 for firing both barrels in same turn -3 for deadly aim -2 for rapid shot= +11
1d8+14 / 1d8+14 - firing at +11 (bab) + 5 (dexterity) +3 (mw properties) +1 for size -4 for firing both barrels in same turn -3 for deadly aim -2 for rapid shot= +11
1d8+14 / 1d8+14 - firing at +6 (bab) + 5 (dexterity) +3 (mw properties) +1 for size -4 for firing both barrels in same turn -3 for deadly aim -2 for rapid shot = +6
1d8+14 / 1d8+14 - firing at +1 (bab) + 5 (dexterity) +3 (mw properties) +1 for size -4 for firing both barrels in same turn -3 for deadly aim -2 for rapid shot = +1

Again assuming you hit everyone of your shots the damage would be 120 - 176...

I would add that he's probably using muskets and the Musket Master archetype, which grants a +1 bonus to damage at level 11 and the ability to reload a 2-handed firearm as a 1-handed one. And instead of +3 enhancement to weapon I'll say it's +1 flaming

So with the +6 dex belt the bonus to damage would be
+8(Dex mod) +1(Enhancement) +6(Dead Aim) +1(Musket Training) = 16

And using a double barreled musket that makes it
1d12+1d6+16/1d12+1d6+16 = 36-68 per attack
with 4 attacks that makes it: 144-272(with average 28 fire damage)

Musket master also lets you reload a two-handed firearm as a one-handed firearm, so it's a free action to reload with the Rapid Reload+catridges. If the DM ruled that he's only allowed one barrel reload per turn even with a free action then he could've had 4 +1 flaming double-barreled muskets and use Quick Draw to fire 4 shots in a single turn. There is already a precedent for full round attacks using Quick Draw using thrown weapons.

Just saying it's possible that he's not cheating.