WormysQueue |
Well, assuming, 2E will meet my taste, I'm not sure if I'm still starting to run 1E games, but I would certainly not be averse to partake in future 1E games as a player.
But then, I was still running 3.5 games for a while when PF 1E was already a thing, so I wouldn't count it out, especially as there a an awful lot of adventure paths I still want to run.
Malwing |
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It depends on what 2e looks like. If it's as simple as D&D but more options then D&D is dead to me and I'll be playing to work Pathfinders. If it has the same capacity to go as Gonzo as 1e then I have some books to sell. That's assuming it's to my liking but so far it looks pretty promising. If that's the case anyone wanna buy some books?
Greylurker |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Depends on what PF2 looks like. If I can convert my old stuff with a bit of effort and PF2 is actually better I'll probably move forward with and drag my old books kicking and screaming with me.
On the other hand if PF2 is too different for me to convert my old books into it(or is just really bad), I'll stick with PF1
Hrothgar Rannúlfr |
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I'll probably play both...
Our home game is a homebrew of many editions, as it is. PFRPG2E will likely be mined for all that it will offer to enhance our game.
Two of our group have been playing since the 80's and the rest have played since 3.5.
We've got a long running game that is primarily ran under the PF ruleset with other stuff from other editions homebrewed in. It works very well. So, the key question for us regarding PF2E will be concerning how easily it plays with everything else.
Ultimately, as a GM, I have got to love the ruleset in order to make the switch to 2E. Also, the other player that has played since the 80's would have to agree to switch. Without both of us buying in, the switch won't work for the group, since we are the only GMs and if we don't build the characters and prepare the game, the game does not happen.
I do plan to give PF2E a try, though. However, I'm strongly tempted to continue buying all the stuff I still want from PF1E. There are so many adventures and what not that we have not had a chance to play (Strange Aeons and Occult Adventures, for instance).
But, like I said, I've played since the 80's; almost every edition except D&D4E. I don't expect to leave PF2E out as I love Paizo and trust that they will make the game even better, as they did with Pathfinder.
Seems |
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I'm running two campaigns, one an AP and the other a 4-module campaign. Both will last at least another year and I certainly don't want to bother with conversion. I left D&D for Pathfinder specifically because it offered a stable, ongoing system based on D&D 3.5. I really have no desire to change that.
blahpers |
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Considering it looks like New 'n' Pathy! is a very different game from a mechanical standpoint, it's likely I'll play whichever makes sense for the feel of the game I want to run. Probably 1E unless 2E really makes my day. I suspect it's easier to play 1E with house rules to fix its issues than it is to contort 2E to have the good stuff that no longer exists.
bonebrah |
It depends. If it's easy enough to convert modules to 2e and it's pretty accessible, I will go solely 2e.
The biggest thing is I've only been playing for about a year and I'm deeply invested - like 8gb worth of PDF's (thanks humble bundle, etc). If I can't easily convert things, I'm going to feel obligated to continue playing what I have without dropping everything and starting from scratch again.
David knott 242 |
A lot depends on just when our current Pathfinder campaign ends. If it ends before the official 2.0 rules even come out, we will have little choice but to start our next campaign with the original rules (albeit with the knowledge that these rules are now "complete"). If it ends later, we will have to see what 2.0 options are available (or can cleanly be converted from 1.0) at that time and weigh them against the final state of the 1.0 rules.
seekerofshadowlight |
I do not plan to play PF1 after 04/14, my last day of Reign of Winter. Not because of 2nd edition, but I was getting tired of anything d20/3.x flavored. PF2 might coax me back into making good use of the Hell's Rebels books I have after I'm done with Reign of Winter, but otherwise I'm pretty burnt.
This is what happened to me, I simply burnt out on 3.x. 5e got me playing D&D again and I hope PF 2e makes me want to play PF again
Brew Bird |
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I don't really have any plans on quitting 1E any time soon. I don't know what 2E's gonna be like, but I doubt it's going to be able to work for the kinds of 1E campaigns I run right now. I'm certainly going to play 2E, but I think the campaign world I've put so many years of work into is going to have to remain exclusively in 1st edition, and I'm not about to abandon it completely.
Grey Sage |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
I will certainly check out 2e, but will probably only do so in order to pick out the best parts (if there are any) and will then incorporate them into my 1e games.
Reasons for doing so:
1 Really enjoy the 1e/3.5/d20 style of play
2 Have been playing the game since 1974 and do not wish, at this time, to learn a new system (which from everything I have read is what this will be, just old labels slapped onto new mechanics)
3 Have enough 1e/3.5/d20 stuff to last me until my grandson has grandkids... :)
4 There will probably be LOTS of 3 party publishers still doing 1e for years.
Kalindlara Contributor |
Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
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My problem is that the more I am hearing about Pathfinder II, the less I am liking it. :(
Greylurker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
My problem is that the more I am hearing about Pathfinder II, the less I am liking it. :(
bare in mind most of what you're hearing is us speculating about the few scraps of info from 2 Blogs and a Podcast.
There are a lot of assumptions going around and very little actual informationSkeld |
By the time this comes out, I'll be ~2/3 through my CotCT campaign. I have no intention of switching editions in the middle of a campaign, unless PF2e is so amazeballs that we have to switch.
I do fully intend to participate in the playtest because the playtest dates line up pretty good with an intermission adventure I planned to give us a break at the campaign's halfway point.
After we finish CotCt, well probably switch to PF2e, but it will depend on how we like 2e and it's option depth at that point.
Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
Charlie Brooks RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 |
Bloodrealm |
My problem is that the more I am hearing about Pathfinder II, the less I am liking it. :(
Same here. The new action economy sounds like an anxiety nightmare and makes combat half-again as slow, and the rumours about the way skills will work, if true, would alone guarantee that I never play PF2.
Kalindlara Contributor |
GM Rednal |
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I'm likely to keep playing 1E for quite some time. One of the things I like most is the incredible variety of options that 1E has - classes, feats, spells, you name it. Doubly so when the flexibility of some 3PP systems like Spheres are added in. I LIKE having choices and being able to build very diverse characters, especially to certain themes. ^^ A new edition may do that someday - I hope it does, really - but at least at the start, it simply won't have what I'm looking for in a game. And there's really no practical way to change that without a truly absurd CRB.