Shady Stranger's page
139 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Well... If you don't mind half-orc there's always that. Half-orc heritage and the Orc Sight ancestry feat at level 1.
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I suppose you could cast it as a readied action, as well?
With a trigger such as "If the enemy attacks the party".
Wouldn't the spell basically last the whole enemy's turn + until the start of its next turn?
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I built a Sword Saint-kind of character once for a level 10/12 one- shot.
I basically just used a Fighter with a Katana going the one-handed feat line of the fighter, using feats such as Knockdown, Dueling Parry, Power Attack, Dual-Handed Assault(for the 2h Katana damage).
Worked out pretty well, imo. Was fun to play, too.
Well... For one, you'd be able to carry a lot more around. Once combat breaks loose you Rage so you're not encumbered during combat.
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HammerJack wrote: Shady Stranger wrote: I mean... You just have to be trained in Medicine. It doesn't say you need healers' tools or anything like that. I honestly just imagined it being someone tearing a strip of cloth from their clothes, using it as a kind of makeshift bandage or turniquet(or however you spell it).
It doesn't sound too unreasonable to me. That's an interesting take after this many posts arguing in circles over an errata entry that specifically says otherwise. Yup. I suffer from something many people suffer from, as well. Laziness. I've read up on it now. It requires you to wear healing tools. It doesn't, however, require you to wield the tools. So I don't quite think it require 2 hands either, as some people seem to think.
I guess we'll have to see what Paizo says on the matter. This clearly needs to be cleared up, just look at this thread.
I mean... You just have to be trained in Medicine. It doesn't say you need healers' tools or anything like that. I honestly just imagined it being someone tearing a strip of cloth from their clothes, using it as a kind of makeshift bandage or turniquet(or however you spell it).
It doesn't sound too unreasonable to me.
Cori Marie wrote: It seems like her skin is lighter in the new art, and I'm not a huge fan of that :( Pretty much all the colors are brighter in the newer renditions. So no surprise there, tbh. :P
The colors are more saturated and somewhat brighter. Not sure if I'm a fan of it either, but I'm sure it'll grow on me. Nevertheless, that's all I have a problem with. The art is great as usual. I love Wayne Reynolds' style, so... The colors can be fixed easily, with some kind of editing software. :)
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ChibiNyan wrote: 3Doubloons wrote: ChibiNyan wrote: 3Doubloons wrote: ChibiNyan wrote: What level were these chars? I know Kyra had a +2 on STR but nothing else. Everyone was level 1 ... Valeros has a +10 to attack rolls at some point. What's the math here? 4 (18 str) + 4 (Expert in weapons) + 1 (level) + 1 (Magic Weapon) works out for the maths. This feels... Wrong. Wtf, that's insane!! Nothing else can come close to Fighter DPT with this. Well, the Fighter should be unrivaled in terms of melee proficiency, imho
Garfaulk Sharpstone wrote: Do cantrips scale? Automatically. ;)
Loving it! More, more, more!
Mellored wrote: I'd like to see single action cantrip. But only if the single action didn't do any damage.
For instance, a single action ray of frost could make a patch of ground slippery, or put out a torch.
I'm fine with martial classes doing the damage.
That would be pretty cool.
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Playtest Rulebook 1.6 PDF
I suggest you download this PDF. Some dedicated people have been working on this throughout the Playtest.
It's basically an updated version of the Rulebook where they've been adding all the changes that have been made to the Playtest Rulebook.
They've added the changes up to and including 1.6.
Mark Seifter wrote:
...Journey before destination!
~Mark Ah... How I love that series...
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Atalius wrote: Good advice thanks. Sorry for the noobery but what is this fighter dedication you speak of? Does that mean multiclassing into Fighter? Kind of, yes. The way it works in the Playtest is that instead of picking a Class feat at any level AFTER level 1, you can pick up a Dedication feat instead. So at level 2, a cleric could pick up the fighter dedication feat, which grants the cleric access to fighter feats, through other fighter dedication feats, such as the fighter dedication feat "Basic Maneuver" which lets the cleric pick a level 1 or 2 fighter class feat(such as power attack, sudden charge or double slice).

If people are so keen on having CON matter with the new Dying Rules, which totally makes sense, I guess they could add something like "A character dies when they reach a dying value equal to 3(or 4)+CON, or something...
thewastedwalrus wrote: TheFinish wrote: GM OfAnything wrote: I like the Rage mechanic. The static three rounds on, one off was too predictable and mechanically same-y. The "Oh s%*@"s and "Hell yeah!"s of the dice rolls keep the barbarian interesting. While I disliked the original Rage mechanic, I do have a question: why is it the fact that it was predictable bad? Is the Fighter bad because his Feats always work in the same way, predictably? Is the Rogue's sneak attack bad because he knows when and how he can use it?
Every single class feature is "predictable". And that's good. I don't really see much fun in have some poor dice rolling and making me get out of Rage early twice in a row.
And I sure do hope everyone taking Dragon Totem invests in Catfall and Acrobatics. Because boy oh boy is it gonna hurt bad when your Wings/Dragon Form cuts off randomly after two rounds when you're in mid-air. dragon wings wrote: When it ends, you float to the ground, with the effect of feather fall. So you'd actually be fine. I'm also not a huge fan of completely random duration to rage, it feels like it should take your constitution into account somehow. Maybe something like adding your Con to the flat check? Would it be a flat check if you add modifiers to it, though? I mean, it seems okay like it is now. It has a small chance of lasting less than it used to, a decent chance of lasting as long as it used to, a small chance lasting a little longer than it used to and a very small chance of lasting almost double the amount of rounds as it used to.
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dmerceless wrote:
Yes, that's basically my point. I don't think they are a bad tank, after 1.6 they're great tanks and defenders (although I'd still like something that extended your reach for Ret Strike if your weapon doesn't have reach, so that it isn't required, something like an extention of your weapon made of holy energy)...
Well, with the Ranged Reprisal Feat at level 1, you get the extended range you wanted. :) It lets you Step towards anyone within 5ft of your reach to make a Retributive Strike.
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I have reported a mistake you've made regarding the feat "Read Lips" on your bug report page.
Currently, as of Pathfbuilder2e v1.5, the feat is listed as a General feat only. However it is a Skill feat as well, as it is listed under the Society Skill feats list on page 162 in the Pathfinder Playtest PDF.
Please let my rogue pick the feat at level 1, pretty please. :)
Could tie it to Spell Powers? :P
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Smite Evil wrote:
Verbal action
Target: One evil creature, within 100ft
Sometimes, a swift death is the only way.
Every strike you make against your target has the wrath of your deity behind it.
Benefit: Your weapon counts as if its potency was one higher than what it is, against the target of your Smite Evil. A mundane weapon would become a +1 weapon, a +1 weapon would become a +2 weapon and so on, providing all the benefits a weapon, of that potency, would provide. Furthermore, the effect of Smite Evil is not limited by the usual limit of Potency Runes, which means using a +5 weapon against the target of your Smite Evil will make it count as a +6 weapon.
Additionally, all the damage you deal to the target of your Smite Evil ability bypasses DR of any kind.
These effects last until the target is dead, unconscious or until the Paladin announces a new target.
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A food genius! The Lard. His specialty is pig fat.
Boosts: STR or CON, and one free boost.
Trained in Execution Lore skill
Feat: Quick Repair(for that executioner axe sharpening)
Yeah, this is awesome! :)

Well, as a Human you can get a Class Feat at level 1, which is pretty huge, considering you wanna go a Greatsword, since it lets you get the Emblazon Symbol feat at level 1.
Level 1 Human Cleric of Gorum
HP: 18
TAC: 14(with Breastplate) | 15(with Breastplate and Shield Cantrip)
AC: 16(with Breastplate) | 17(with Breastplate and Shield Cantrip)
REF: 2
STR: 16
DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 10
WIS: 16(wisdom might not be THAT important if you're focusing on buffing instead of attacking enemies with spells, which is why it's only at 16)
CHA: 10
Ancestry Feat: Natural Ambition(lets you get a Class Feat at level 1)
Class Feat: Emblazon Symbol(lets you cast spells even though you're gripping your greatsword with two hands)
Attacks: Greatsword +4(1d12+3 slashing or piercing damage)
You can 1 action heal yourself, 1 action cast shield(and use the shield block reaction in a pinch, though this puts the shield cantrip on a pretty long cooldown(10minutes, I believe?)) and attack once.
At least, this seems good to me. Happy gaming!
Mats Öhrman wrote: Shady Stranger wrote:
Isn't the Rapier deadly d8? Did they change that? Is that something I've missed? Shouldn't it be 3d8?
The Fatal trait replaces the dice size and adds one die. The Deadly trait just adds one die.
d6 weapon with Fatal d8 = 3d8 on crit.
d6 weapon with Deadly d8 = 2d6+d8 on crit.
(excluding precision damage and damage bonus)
I think having two so similar traits is just confusing, especially as only pick and great pick have the fatal trait.
But deadly d8 adds the listed die "deadly d8" on a crit. On a Master quality weapon, this becomes 2d8, and on Legendary this becomes 3d8, no?
So a +1 Legendary Rapier on a crit would be 4d6 + 3d8 + mods + sneak attack dice, or am I taking a walk in the forest right now?
master_marshmallow wrote:
The rapier seems like the obvious best weapon, because a legendary quality rapier will add an extra 3d6 on your sneak attack which will be doubled on a crit.
Isn't the Rapier deadly d8? Did they change that? Is that something I've missed? Shouldn't it be 3d8?
DataLoreRPG wrote: Shady Stranger wrote:
Definitely DO NOT get rid of Bulk
Ya, Bulk is fine. DMs that want to ignore it can do so just like many DMs ignored encumbrance before.
The way I see it, Bulk is just a decent way to track encumbrance if you DON'T want to ignore it. And it allows for characters with less strength to carry more. Being a Rogue in 1e kinda sucked, because of that. It was always a balancing act.
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graystone wrote: Joe M. wrote: This thread has THE BEST news Now if we can just murder resonance and bulk, we'll be on our way to a fun game. ;) Definitely DO NOT get rid of Bulk, imo. Dunno about Resonance.
Has anyone tried out a DEX monk? Unarmed attacks do have the Finesse trait, so I could see a DEX 18, STR 14 Monk be viable tbh.
Most of your damage will come from damage dice in this edition, anyways, so it might just be good.

Ok, so I was wondering...
Titan Mauler lets a Small or Medium character wield a Large weapon, which doubles the conditional
damage you get from rage, at the cost of being 'Sluggish 1'.
At level 6 you can grab the GIANT'S STATURE Feat which says:
GIANT'S STATURE wrote: Prerequisites giant totem
Requirements You are Medium or smaller.
You grow to incredible size. You become Large
and increase your reach by 5 feet until you stop
raging. You have the sluggish 1 condition (see
page 324) while your size is increased.
Your equipment grows with you. If you’re using the titan
mauler ability, your weapon’s even larger size causes it to have
the same effects as normal for that ability.
Now, I was just wondering. The 'Sluggish 1' doesn't stack, right? They're just two seperate 'Sluggish' conditions that you have to keep track off, I guess?
Also, it says "...your weapon’s even larger size causes it to have the same effects as normal for that ability." Does this mean you double the already doubled conditional damage you get from using the Titan Mauler ability and wielding a Large weapon, from Rage? Or am I misunderstanding something? Perhaps you just double the BASE conditional damage you receive from Rage again and add it to the conditional damage you already have?
Also, are you able to wield a Two-handed weapon(sized for your size) in one hand as a Giant Totem Barbarian? Or is that a No-no now?
Under Armor and Weapon Proficiencies:
The Fighter is actually an Expert at Simple and Martial weapons and not Trained. And Trained in Exotic weapons. :)
Might I also suggest you use a different background color on every other line to make it easier to follow the same line to the end. Something not too different from white, perhaps light grey or something...
Nicely done, btw.
shroudb wrote: To tell the truth, I'm disappointed with the errata. There has been numerous issues reported from day 1 that aren't even mentioned in it, what's in it is the very obvious stuff (and not even all of that) that most people I know were already running with already.
In short, I expected more.
Then I guess you exptected too much?
Anywho, I'm sure more will be done in the future.
Mbertorch wrote: But why would a Bastard Sword be only Slashing, and a Greatsword versatile? That makes no sense to me... Balancing :/
Captain Morgan wrote: I feel like changing it from Piercing to Slashing is the only change it NEEDS right now. Assuming weaknesses and resistances are common enough to make the versatile trait worth the loss in hand flexibility for using a greatsword.
If the damage needs to be lowered to d10 when two handed, some testing will probably reveal it.
I can see it being ONLY ONE damage type making it easier to justify picking the Longsword over it. But as you say, testing will reveal any faults in our logic, eventually. It might even be fine at d12 with ONLY, say, Slashing damage.

Mark Seifter wrote: Shady Stranger wrote: Mark Seifter wrote: Shady Stranger wrote: Cantriped wrote: Hythlodeus wrote: So, the bastard sword is still piercing damage only?
I was positivly sure that was an honest mistake, now it seems just like another one of the weird design choices The 5th level Barbarian pregen indicates Bastard Swords are actually Slashing, with Versatile P and Two-Hand d12. So is the Bastard Sword just straight up better than the Greasword then, since you can one-hand the Bastard Sword, as well? It's supposed to have only one damage type (though seems to me probably would be slashing, would need to check notes further) to prevent it from being slightly but strictly superior to the longsword and greatsword. We could also give it versatile and make it exotic; being a bit more versatile than a martial weapon with its traits but not more damaging is kind of exactly exotic's wheelhouse. I guess lowering the Two-handed damage to d10 could be an option, as well? And perhaps add another trait to the Longsword to make it an attractive choice to avoid picking the Bastard Sword over it, all the time. Agile, maybe? Though, I guess Agile wouldn't make very much sense on a Longsword, hmm... Yeah, longsword is doing fine overall with what it has. We don't want to unbalance it compared to the other one-handed weapons. The answer has to come from the bastard sword itself. Fair enough, I find it hard to imagine a Bastard Sword dealing as much Damage as a Greasword, though. d10 Damage, keep the Versatility trait and make it harder to come by?

Mark Seifter wrote: Shady Stranger wrote: Cantriped wrote: Hythlodeus wrote: So, the bastard sword is still piercing damage only?
I was positivly sure that was an honest mistake, now it seems just like another one of the weird design choices The 5th level Barbarian pregen indicates Bastard Swords are actually Slashing, with Versatile P and Two-Hand d12. So is the Bastard Sword just straight up better than the Greasword then, since you can one-hand the Bastard Sword, as well? It's supposed to have only one damage type (though seems to me probably would be slashing, would need to check notes further) to prevent it from being slightly but strictly superior to the longsword and greatsword. We could also give it versatile and make it exotic; being a bit more versatile than a martial weapon with its traits but not more damaging is kind of exactly exotic's wheelhouse. I guess lowering the Two-handed damage to d10 could be an option, as well? And perhaps add another trait to the Longsword to make it an attractive choice to avoid picking the Bastard Sword over it, all the time. Agile, maybe? Though, I guess Agile wouldn't make very much sense on a Longsword, hmm...
Cantriped wrote: Hythlodeus wrote: So, the bastard sword is still piercing damage only?
I was positivly sure that was an honest mistake, now it seems just like another one of the weird design choices The 5th level Barbarian pregen indicates Bastard Swords are actually Slashing, with Versatile P and Two-Hand d12. So is the Bastard Sword just straight up better than the Greasword then, since you can one-hand the Bastard Sword, as well?
I just need to know. Is the Bastard Sword supposed to be Piercing ONLY?
Aadgarvven wrote: O. N. wrote: Shady Stranger wrote: I really like the Class Dedication feats. They open up a LOT of options.
I wonder how a Wizard with Cleric Dedication would be like? If that's even possible? Well it should be. "Sure, I like praying to my god for the spells they think I'll need, but it never hurts to try to work it out yourself, you know?" I would love to know whether a Wizard with Wizard Dedication is possible?
Would I have some decent number of spells? You can't pick a Dedication feat of the same Class you're playing. :\
Page 279: under MULTICLASS ARCHETYPES wrote: ...You can’t select a multiclass archetype’s dedication feat if you are a member of the class of the same name (for instance, a fighter can’t select the Fighter Dedication feat).
Rysky wrote: Reading the blogs I was really keen on making a dual wielding Barbarian cause Double Slice made it look really cool, only to be saddened to find out they don't have access to the Double Slice feat. And lots of the classes were in that predicament.
But... But... Fighter Dedication feat! Suddenly a whole new world opens up.
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On page 180, I noticed that the Bastard Sword only deals d8 Piercing Damage, is this correct? Or is it supposed to be Versatile like the Short Sword, Longsword and Greatsword?
So I was just wondering...
Has anyone made any cool characters that they'd like to share? Or do you have any cool ideas or concepts for characters you'll be trying to make in PF2e? What characters have you made for Doomsday Dawn?
master_marshmallow wrote: Double Slice is a feat available exclusively to fighters and rangers. You can get the Double Slice Feat on ANY class by level 4, through the Fighter Dedication feat line.
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For anyone not aware, by the way, this exists; Playtest Awesome stuff! Happy reading!
Well, in order to Dual Wield as a Rogue, you just take the Fighter Dedication Feat at level 2, then pick up the Double Slice Fighter feat through the Basic Maneuver feat at level 4. You can be anything and still get this feat at level 4.
Sure, it's slower than the Fighter, but it's still possible.
I really like the Class Dedication feats. They open up a LOT of options.
I wonder how a Wizard with Cleric Dedication would be like? If that's even possible?
Arutema wrote: Just finished building a gnome paladin of Shelyn. Her gimmick will be having a songbird familiar capable of delivering the touch for her lay on hands.
Also pondering a unarmored, glaive-wielding paladin of Shelyn, but looks like it will need clarification on LoH with two-handers, as well as the monk multiclass, released first.
I am pretty sure, if you pick up the Warded Touch level 1 Paladin feat, you can cast LoH without taking your hands off the two-handed weapon.
*EDIT* Upon further reading, maybe not after all. Somatic Casting still requires a free hand. :\ However, since it gets rid of the Manipulate trait, it would possibly trigger less reactions. */EDIT*
I want to play an Elven Rogue with the Fighter Dedication to grab some of those sweet Fighter Feats that makes opponents Flat-footed. ;)
Captain Morgan wrote: Can anyone link me to the sheet? It's on roll20. :)