Who plans to still play 1E after 2E?

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necromental wrote:
thflame wrote:

I wonder if some gaming company is going to do what Paizo did with 3.5, but with Pathfinder.

I'd be interested.

Purple Duck Games is doing that, called Porphyra RPG.

Thanks for the info.

Grand Lodge

So far, the people who are active in my live PFS lodges have been very interested in PF 2.0. We plan to move some table slots away from 1.0 and into 2.0 in September 2019. Right now the plan is to play that way for about six months and then see what the players want to do.

We are projecting to move almost all of our tables to 2.0 at the end of a three year window and if we offer 1.0 after that it will be at the desires of the players.

As for online play, I will probably do both for a year, but my focus will be primarily upon 2.0 play. I may do some 1.0 to knock out scenarios I have not ran, but I expect that to be a dwindling process over time.

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As a GM I'll probably stick with some PF1 games over the years, at least until PF2 gets some time to grow. PF1 has so many GM tools and references that I can draw from when making a game and use as a point of reference when dealing with a situation in-game that moving over to a system where I have a lot more corners cases to make judgement calls in is going to be hard. I started RPGs with Pathfinder after it already had a sizable line of hardcover books printed, so a transition to a new system will take time for me.

As a player, I'll probably still try to play PF1 because I have years worth of character concepts that I don't want to wait for PF2 to enable. Oozemorph, I'm looking at you. Not to mention a bunch of fun mechanics that I doubt will translate to PF2 which I would like to try out. Of course, it depends on what system my group wants to use pretty heavily.

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My entire group is sticking with PF1E. We're happy with the rule set, and see no reason to change. Never mind that most of us own every 1E hardcover, and we have endless years worth of AP and original adventures to run, we're fine. We don't see any reason to change since we like 1E.

I am currently running three PbP games, and playing in one. All use Pathfinder 1.0 rules. I was running six and playing in two for a while and almost "broke" myself (mentally, not monetarily).

  • V3.5 box set that I convert on the fly, and will probably wrap up September 2018, as they are 17th level and going into the final encounter next week.
  • Rise of the Runelords - Chapter 3 (near end)
  • Wrath of the Righteous - Chapter 3 (near end)
  • Giantslayer (playing) - Chapter 2

I suspect the last three will continue for many years, as well as use Pathfinder 1.0 rules.

When the first ends, I will most likely take a break till the end of 2018 from running another, then start up Return of the Runelords. Whether it is PF1 or PF2 depends on how PF2 will be able to handle PbP, especially combat. From what I have seen of the Three Action, and the Reaction rules, that might be an issue for a PbP.

-- david

Silver Crusade

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Lord Fyre wrote:
My problem is that the more I am hearing about Pathfinder II, the less I am liking it. :(

Same here.

The Exchange

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I think in the meantime, it has become a bit more probable that I'll play both editions in the future. PF 2 seems different enough that it might be easier to use old stuff with PF 1 instead of adapting it to PF 2. And I have an awful lot of PF1 stuff due to all the great 3PPs out there (and some stuff yet to come, I'm sure). And with PbP around here, I guess it will be easy to find willing PF 1 players in the next few years.

I'm still looking forward to the PF2 experience and absolutely plan to play the new edition as well; I liked most changes I've seen so far and can't wait to give it a try with the playtest to come.

I'm an early adopter in our group. I adopted Pathfinder, D&D 5th edition (only one from my current group) and Starfinder. I'm always pushing for trying a new system because there's flaws in the current one (always are) and I enjoy trying to find systems that fix those flaws (inevitably they produce their own flaws though).

I will push for my group to do a few one shots of the beta. Once it gets published, unless it looks significantly different, I won't be pushing for PF2 adoption.

We're currently playing:
* Strange Aeons (it will finish by the end of this year)
* War of the Crown (likely to finish end of next year)
* Ruins of Azlant (likely to finish end of 2020)
* Ironfang Invasion (likely to finish end of 2020)
* 1st Starfinder AP (it will finish by end of next year)

IF PF2e changes dramatically and is seen as a clear successor of PF1e and not a brand new game in Pathfinder clothes, my group will immediately move over to PF2e after the Starfinder AP and just finish the above games in PF1e.

Otherwise we will likely move on to:
* Rise of the Runelords (possible this has been finished already. Otherwise it will finish by end of 2021)
* Return of the Runelords (This will finish by end of 2021 if RotR is already done. Otherwise it will be 2023).
* 2018b AP (This will finish by end of 2021)
* 2019a AP (this will finish by 2023).
* Miscellaneous Starfinder APs during this time (the shine has worn off on this and it's seen as too close to D&D 4e. This is just to give people a context on my group's appetite for 4e elements in their gaming).

Come the start of 2022 we will have run out of PF1e APs. At this time my group will either decrease their gaming schedule, move onto D&D 5e or just suck up the things we don't like and play PF2e. I think decreasing the gaming schedule is the most likely scenario at this point. I will attempt to convert a PF2e AP to PF1e to avoid that happening.

I don't want to play both editions, I definitely wanna settle with one and keep tinkering with it. That said, it's a matter of will I keep DMing with 1st ed adapting some stuff that I like from 2nd or will I transition to 2nd edition and adapt some stuff from 1st ed. into it? Ultimately it's a question of what requires less work. I would love to not have to adapt anything and just jump into 2nd. But while I'm loving a lot of things (action economy, weapon traits, backgrounds, skill feats), I'm hating others (spellcasting, resonance, sorcerers, bards as occult instead of arcane spellcasters, reducing the number of spell/day, spell points, the four padronized spell lists). It's very possible that NASS (Non-Automatically Scaling Spells) will make me not adhere to the new edition, and keep me in 1st ed.

The Exchange

My group is tired of the rules bloat and power creep in PF1. If PF2 does not pan out we will stick with 5E

Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

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I may play PF1E for old times sake for a couple sessions but I have honestly moved on from that system. As much as I love PF1's build complexity and its extensively library of rules and options, the rocket tag and weird balancing issues more generally kind of grate on me now.

Even beyond that, I am just kind of bored of PF1E now. I have been playing some version of 3.5 DnD off and on for about 15 years now and I am burned out on it.

PF2E seems like a game that I really want to play, though. It promises to be different from the crowd of rules light and retroclone fantasy TTRPGs that I have also had quite enough of (5e included).

I'm not playing or running Pathfinder 1e now, and I'm not likely to in the foreseeable future. Well, our group technically has a Rise of the Runelords campaign on hiatus, but it's been on hiatus for a year or so, so it seems unlikely that we'll continue with it. In the meantime, we've mostly been playing 5e and Mutant: Year Zero, with some dashes of other games here and there (TORG: Eternity and a Swedish game called Eon).

We'll be giving the PF2 playtest a whirl and see if it's any good. The timing is fairly good, seeing as the party will likely be clearing the first of the temples in Princes of the Apocalypse the coming week or the week after that. I'm growing somewhat weary of that campaign, seeing as it is highly dungeon-focused, so depending on how the playtest goes we'll see if we keep on Apocalypting, focus more on PF2, or maybe I'll drum up some more TORG content. Or possibly play some Hjältarnas Tid, another Swedish RPG that's fairly simplistic and may fit the vague Quest For Glory-inspired campaign I've had in mind for a long time.

I fought against moving from PF1 to 5E with my group 4 years ago and lost, so I'm not currently playing it. I floated the idea of trying out PF2, and got a weak "yes" and a strong "no", so it's not looking good for me. To do it I'd probably have to change groups, and that's just not something I want to do since I really like the one I'm in. 5E isn't THAT bad.

I can't even convince my players to play Pathfinder 1e now, and my attempt to pitch eventually playing 2e was met with extreme skepticism due to it being called the same thing as 1e. I had to point out that it is likely to more closely resemble the system they are already playing (starfinder) to get them on board with the idea.

Tender Tendrils wrote:
I can't even convince my players to play Pathfinder 1e now, and my attempt to pitch eventually playing 2e was met with extreme skepticism due to it being called the same thing as 1e. I had to point out that it is likely to more closely resemble the system they are already playing (starfinder) to get them on board with the idea.

Good luck with your persuasioning. I'll confess to hyping up my players, though at least one already wanted to pathfinderify things.

I'll check out the book right away, but I suspect there won't be enough content at launch to satisfy my building tendencies. I like having the huge number of options you can get from a mature game like PF1.

Elleth wrote:
Tender Tendrils wrote:
I can't even convince my players to play Pathfinder 1e now, and my attempt to pitch eventually playing 2e was met with extreme skepticism due to it being called the same thing as 1e. I had to point out that it is likely to more closely resemble the system they are already playing (starfinder) to get them on board with the idea.
Good luck with your persuasioning. I'll confess to hyping up my players, though at least one already wanted to pathfinderify things.

I have managed to pique their interest, at this point I just have to convince them it won't be as hard to learn/play as PF1 is. Telling them about cool cinematic stuff like the shield raising thing and about various quality of life changes has helped to hype them up a lot. I won't be running my group through a campaign until the full release (as that will be when adventure design stuff comes out), as my group (in their words) "would rather I kill their characters than paizo or wizards". But I'll probably run a few one shots for the playtest when we are down a few members for starfinder.

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