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Not necessarily speaking for myself besides edition fatigue and not willing to buy more of the same with some small changes sim sticking with 5E. I already own PF 1and 2 and plan to buy the Remaster.

If I had only bought 5E I would stick with it. I would only look for alternatives if and only if I was hugely disappointed in how 5 E plays and runs.

Many Rpgers stick to games they are familiar with and like to play and run. Jumping on ever new bandwagon is rare and far between.

Hopefully we do not see a new edition for at least another 8-10 years. Just started slowly getting into PF 2E and the Remaster so rather not see a new edition too early.

If and when PF3 is or if released they should go the fully generic route similar to Savage Worlds.

With sacred cows in terms of rules and design not only being butchered yet also being nuked from orbit it makes sense to make on generic system imo. With sourcebooks like for example Horror or Fantasy companions. With Golarion being a setting one can buy if one does not want to make or design homebrew worlds.

I like that sounds very fantasy Space Marines. The Emperor I mean Gorum is dead long live Gorum.

Oh well Gorum we hardly knew thee. Hopefully whomever takes up the mantle of War God is worthy.

Just leaves Torag and Abadar as the ones I hope survive.

I have always enjoyed Gorum as a god. Huge hulking god of war with Teo Handed Sword cleaving through his enemies. The art for him has always been top notch and evocative. Makes absolutely no excuses for who and what he is, does and represents.

What’s not to like about him as a God.

I’m hoping both Torag and Gorum survive as they are not by far though one of my two favored gods.

So Rovagug has died then?

Sounds like a trailer from one of the 80s horror movies.

Rovagug dead the final nightmare.

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Hopefully Torag survives one of my favourite gods.

At first and mostly my fault I had issues getting into PF2.

With the Remaster available it maybe different and from what I heard easier to get into.

If the hardcover Remaster has errata I rather buy the pocket version that incorporates the errata.

I rather not purchase the pocket editions of the core without errata if I can help it.

Is their any ETA on the errata for the pocket Remaster?

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IMHO Rise of the Runelords, Kingmaker, Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Can anyone give me a list of the dead deities?

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Castilliano wrote:
The Thing From Another World wrote:
Abadar or the less known Demi-God called Spencer.

Remember Luke & Danny too. Of the three, Danny's the only healer.

(Also it's Spenser, and he's the only one I recall with that spelling.)

I was going off knowledge when I could still count my age on two hands.

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Abadar or the less known Demi-God called Spencer.

As long as we get a good reason I may not like it I can accept it. I may have liked the amount of gods that were killed off in FR 4E yet even I knew it was needed imo. Way too many goods and not enough worshippers, 6-7!pantheons if not more.

Killing gods off for the sake of it not interested and definitely won’t be canon in my campaigns. Leave Torag alone or at least make him go out in an blaze of glory taking 2-3 evil deities,

Thanks went back and read the blog post

Honestly none I don’t like these type of events as imo it seems too arbitrary which Deity lives or dies.

Even then I want a good plausible in game reason. Not “ well we wanted to kill of some gods in our next AP or sourcebook and thought it would be cool”.

When the killed off a bunch of gods when FR 4E game out it soured me on any similar events from any rpg company. Elistraee was killed off so that we could make Loth a greater goddess no thanks.

Don’t touch Torag he is one of my favourite gods.

I am out of the loop is their something happing canon wise on April 16?

Will their eventually be older books being released as Remastered editions.

I know previous books will be compatible with the Remaster edition. Though is it better to wait for the remastered of older books or simply use the Remastered versions side by side.

They were able to get the Remaster versions out fairly quickly why not the errata.

It does not have to be in the first print run of the pocket editions. I do hope by the second or third print they have time to include it.

Kyrand wrote:

I prefer these because (hopefully) it includes all the latest errata.
Unfortunately, they have already said it will not. Probably because they would have had to send the file to the printers before the errata even came out.

That is very disappointing to hear. I specifically buy the pocket to get the errata. Oh well hopefully they get around to it.

Edit why wouldn’t Paizo be able given that the pocket versions are to be released in Feb or is it March 2024. They have two- three months of time before they get released.

Yes thank you very much Kyrand.

I prefer these because (hopefully) it includes all the latest errata.

Any idea when we Dan expect the picket version of the Remaster core books?

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I prefer L.E. Modesitt's Saga of Recluse series personally.

Worth reading? Can you give me a quick rundown of the series.

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I agree with Reza no matter how Paizo or any rpg thst has alignment mechanics in it. There will be always discussions sometimes heated about it.

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Perhaps a separate new thread instead of derailing this one is in order.

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For me the best alignment system has always been the Palladium Books version. What a character can do in point form. If a good aligned character insists on torturing or killing prisoners depending on their alignment it tells the player if they can.

Ironically enough I have found many D&D players dislike it because unlike the open ended end sometimes vague alignment system they can’t exploit it using their alignment for questionable to evil actions.

I never claimed it was financial abuse. I just don’t like using online SRD in general and even then only got an fest or class. I am not in any financial distress or broke. I just don’t feel buying the Remaster or any similar editions at this time.

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For smaller rpgs and core books and supplements so enjoy using Online SRDs. Larger set of rules like Paizo just not my thing.

Again I am lot advocating they should not do the Remaster. One should also not expect or demand full support from the fans either. I want it to succeed I also past the stage of bring an completist when it comes to rpgs. Same thing with Tales of the Valiant. I fully support KP for doing so as well even if I won’t probably buy it.

In terms of splitting the books into player and DM it should have been done way back with 1E imo. What made Paizo stand out was that it was a continuation of 3.5. not having an all I one core book. Pocket editions came much later having PHB and DMG separate would have made it easier to read and carry from table to table. The opportunity was missed with PF 2E and finally being done in the Remaster.

What really get me interested in buying more from Paizo, KP or Wotc is them going fully generic like Savage Worlds, Gurps and Heyo System. If Sacred cows mean nothing anymore just go the fully generic route. With one core book for the rules and setting expansions.

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Just because Wotc forced their hand does not mean one should simply shrug and accept the Remaster

I’m not against them doing it. I totally understand and respect it . It’s not going to make me want to just ignore my budget and blindly buy the Remaster. In the same way I m not getting zone D&D. Budget and an unwillingness to learn another system.

As much as I want to I can’t justify it financially. No matter that Wotc forced Paizo hand.

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ShinHakkaider wrote:

I'm not a fan of the removal of Alignment.

I'm also not a fan of the removal of ability scores.
I'm also not a fan of splitting the core into two books.

I understand and support that Paizo has to move away from the OGL and they absolutely should.

But I think the remaster project will be my jumping-off point with Pathfinder and probably Paizo. I've been around since the Dungeon / Dragon Magazine days. And that's fine. Maybe I'll change my mind once it's in the wild I'm not completely inflexible.

I see the positives for all of the things that I'm not a fan of. I just disagree with those changes.

I feel the same way. Totally understand why they did it. Just dislike many of the changes. As well as a cost issue in that I can’t justify buying another version.

I have a few editions of D&D and Pathfinder 1and 2 I have years if not decades with those rpgs.

I may change my mind once air hear/watch and read reviews of the Remaster as never say never.

For me when Core is used in an rpg it means just using material ( feats, classes etc) from the main core handbook.

I always read it that the Goblins were annoying pests that keep trying to hurt, maim and murder both simply because they can. So not respond in kind. I never felt it to be because of a divine issue at least in my campaigns.

Thank you very much Dancing Wind.

While I know that one can use the 2E books can be used with the Remaster Edition I was wondering if I could get an Lyft of all the 2E books that are released and will be released. At this point I’m still on the fence whether I want to get the Remaster and may want to stick with 2E

I’m looking mainly for core titles though if anyone wants to include the setting books in the list it would be greatly appreciated.

So far I have Pocket editions of the Core, Bestiary 1 and the screen.

Ok thanks ☺️

Is their a section in the forums where we create an ad to possibly sell rpg books in the future?

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I tend to ignore the flavour text as it makes look so much more impressive than what the rule is.

If the flavour text is. You smash easily through objects with the force of your might. With the actual rule being + 1 to actually Sunder objects. No amount of flavour text is going to change it. Make the flavour text actually match the bonus or power of the ability.

If fonts cannot be changed maybe put the text in an another color so it stands out.

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I am in agreement with the OP keep flab or text and rules separate.

Many options sound great as flavour text them when looked at objectively come off as a simple +1 to attack/skill etc. no amount of flavour text is going to make it look any better than adding one to the dice roll.

So yes my vote for keeping both separate.

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PF1E even if it ports over all the flaws of3.5. With very small attempts to fix those flaws at that.

I was going to get into PF2E with the remaster on the horizon will switch to thst instead.

I still have fond and not do fond memories of the similar Bag of Beans.

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While I don’t like all the changes I tend to agree thst there is a difference with how Wotc handled 4E lire vs Paizo handling of the situation.

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AceofMoxen wrote:
The Thing From Another World wrote:
Not a fan of that particular novels series. The ending especially swore me off almost buying 4E because the major change was done to make FR more in line with 4E. I won’t say more because I dislike how it was handled to this day and because it would require major spoilers.
It's about the only positive experience I have had with FR fiction, so we clearly have very different tastes.

What was promised and what we received ended up totally being different. The ending especially was an huge bait and switch imo. I could say more I just don’t want to spoil it for other readers.

I understand that 4E changed, altered and removed much of the previous FR lore. What could have been done surgically with a scalpel with precision. Was instead run over with a bulldozer so it conformed to what Wotc wanted the 4E lore to be.

They are not an horrible read by any means though it felt like an also to older FR fans.

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Not a fan of that particular novels series. The ending especially swore me off almost buying 4E because the major change was done to make FR more in line with 4E. I won’t say more because I dislike how it was handled to this day and because it would require major spoilers.

AceofMoxen wrote:
The Thing From Another World wrote:

I don’t blame Corellion for not apologizing . If my wife at the time worked with my mortal enemy of the Orcish gods (Grumsh) to plan my death all so that she could gain more power at my expense. I wouldn’t be apologizing either. It’s amazing people forget that she not only was willing to betray Corellion the rest of the elvish pantheon as well simply for power and prestige. She was also responsible for causing elistraee to be banished because she magically cursed her daughter bow to hit her own father.

Corellion is no saint neither is Lolth.

Let's rewind to the start of the conflict. Corellion created the elves. Lolth was enamored with corellion and everything he/they touched. She saw mosquitos biting the elves and created spiders to protect them. She said "look Corellion, I can create things, too." He yelled and abused her for this. He abused his 'wife.' She went to the one safe place from his wrath and took comfort with Grumsh.

It's an abuse story, and like all abusers, Corellion is all "Look what you made me do" about the drow.

Also, Mr. Thing, saying "neither is a saint" is missing the point that the abuser is CG.

Unless they changed the history I would need a link to verify as nothing in the Wotc wiki points to any of that. If anything Lolth comes off as a power hungry abuser by FR lore even more so to her own people.

The link if anyone wants to read the wiki :

I think it would more so long and thanks for all the Arachninds

I’m not sure why you asking me about the whys and how’s of Drow Lore. I’m not the person who created or wrote it. Maybe check with Wotc.

It just seemed to myself at least that Corellion was made to be the main and only antagonist by some posters in the thread with Lolth being absolutely blameless in the entire situation.

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I don’t blame Corellion for not apologizing . If my wife at the time worked with my mortal enemy of the Orcish gods (Grumsh) to plan my death all so that she could gain more power at my expense. I wouldn’t be apologizing either. It’s amazing people forget that she not only was willing to betray Corellion the rest of the elvish pantheon as well simply for power and prestige. She was also responsible for causing elistraee to be banished because she magically cursed her daughter bow to hit her own father.

Corellion is no saint neither is Lolth.

Makes me so happy words cannot express it.

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I never was against guns in fantasy I just found Paizo 1E implementation of them badly done.

Note they were warned about how strong targeting Touch AC would be by their own playtesters and decided to simply ignore the feedback presenting them as is and making one ranged weapon better than the rest.

Touch Ac for many creatures is simply too easy to hit and even a minimally maxed out Gunslinger never missed. Sure one can target or take away the weapon. Smart posters carried or made sure to save enough money to buy or craft a new one.

If they are going to target regular AC in either PF2E or the Remaster is a bonus to me.

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Oh, I'm so glad ghouls made it! Honestly, they're probably my favorite Darklands baddy alongside algholthus.

I’m not sure if you play 5E, you may like an adventure/sourcebook from Kobold Press called Empire of the Ghouls(I think). I never read it myself though have heard if you like Ghouls in D&D and want a fresh take it’s an excellent sourcebook.

Full Name

Baâr Bizon




Cavalier 7 (Beastrider and Gendarme achetypes)




1.65 m



Special Abilities

Challenge 1/d, Order of the sword, Mount, Bonus feat











Strength 20
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10