Manyshot is bow only, right? Thanks for doing the math on this one.
Edit: yeah, I'm expecting to keep track of ammunition costs and at 6 gold a shot for cartridges and 1 for normal bullets that will add up.
Hi everyone, Creating a level 5 Gun Chemist, and I'm looking at +8 to hit unbuffed (3 BAB, 1 from +1 gun, 3 from dex, and 1 from Point Blank Shot). This jumps to +10 when chugging my mutagen because of the dex increase. For normal shots its 1d8+2 (magic gun and PBS), for Alchemical ordinance its 1d8 +3d6 +9 (Int to damage and Tiefling favored class bonus). With all the strange options to sacrifice To Hit for more damage (Rapid Shot/Large Gun/Deadly Aim/probably many more), I'm curious about your experience: Only targeting touch attack, what is a High/OK/Low/crap To Hit bonus at LVL 5? Rapid shot is an extra 1d8+2, a larger gun swaps the 1d8 with 2d6, Deadly Aim is +4 damage. All 3 options gives a -2 To Hit. Which, if any, of these options would you choose? At level 5 what was your To Hit, and did you have problems shooting things? Thank you in advance for any advice you have.
Looking to take our group from lvl 4 to lvl 5, where another player takes over as GM and I jump in to play. I'm looking for advice on pre made stuff to get the team through that one level. So players/game masters, which was your favorite story from lvl 4 to 5? A new player is joining at lvl 4, and I was thinking about them being a Pathfinder society member looking for new recruits, opening up the possibility for PFS scenarios. 3 of those are one level, right?
Got Ninjaed while typing up my last post. Louise Bishop: I'm looking at that one. RAW it works, but I do not think I would allow it as a GM. You dance moves make you able to bluff yourself into remembering things? I just have a problem getting the logic fluff wise. @Trevor that is good advice. Was already looking at the diefic obedience irori, will pick that up when I have a free feat.
@Darksol the Painbringer For the Maestro of the Society trait it was just that I imagine myself using bardic performance every battle, but you are right, it's overkill. Especially when I get lingering performance. Did not think about the alignment implications for Infernal healing, was just thinking it was a way to double potential healing. In the current team the barbarian usually require a fair amount of patching up after battle. And it would be fun to freak out the paladin. For the whip my impression was that the bard proficiency with whip covered scorpion whip. Seems as if I was wrong about that. Probably be borring and go for a short sword. I'm not expecting to use it much, but I like the fact that the whip gives reach with one hand free for buckler. Planing to stay out of melee range when possible. The rest of the team is a paladin, ranged inquisitor, barbarian and rogue/wizard. I will be replacing a unchained rouge who takes my spot as GM.
Hi everyone, thanks for the help. For stats I'm looking at:
One level oracle spells
3 levels bard spells:
Feats: lvl 1 Noble Sion (war) lvl 3 extra revelation. Lvl 6 lingering performance. Curse: deep one.
Gear: +2 cha headband, +1 leather armor, masterwork buckler, scorpion whip, spiked gauntlet.
Hi everyone, I just had a team of 5 adventurers play through Crown of the Kobold king, and they are on their way back to town. The paladin ended up with two of the most expensive items (mitral armor and the crown), so I wanted the town magician to offer items in trade for the crown so they could distribute the wealth. But looking at the pricing it does not make sense to me. The crown is a combined: Amulet of natural armor 2 = 8000 gold.
For the price off 15000 gold. Am I right? Should this be way higher? Can someone break down what this item should cost by raw?
Hi everyone, I'm looking at creating a lvl 4 character to join an ongoing homegame, and considered bard since the existing team are melee/ranged heavy. I really want to play up the master of knowledge, so going catfolk for the favored class bonus. Other than that he will be the face out of combat and buffer in combat. I'm thinking about a 1 lvl dip in lore oracle with deep one curse and extra revelation to get charisma to AC and knowledge skills. 20 point buy, and standard WBL so planing to start with a +2 charisma item for a total of 20 cha (15 base +2 race +1 lvl 4 +2 item). The other feet goes to lingering performance. The question part:
Hi everyone. GMing a non PfS group of lvl 3 players, and the inquisitor is looking at getting an adoptive composite longbow. Acording to the rules it needs a +1/+1 enchantment before adoptive can be added, pushing it past his budget. So I'm considering allowing enchantments to be added to weapons without needing the +1 enchantment. If I do this I want it to be consistent, not just giving preferential treatment to one player. What are your experiences with this? Is it game breaking? Are there a bunch of enchantments that needs to be balanced out if I do this? Just trying to make sure that being nice now does not bite me later.
Hi everyone. Joining a home game as a far strike monk/warpriest. Was planing to stay human, but ended up trading skilled for dark vision and using the feat on dodge. So I started looking for a class that boosts wis and Dex, and gives dark vision. GM seems fine with strange races, will be joining a Dhampire and a Kitsune. So which +Dex and Wis races are there,and what do they bring to the table?
Creating a farstrike monk 1/warpriest x. Looking at buff spells, and most off them are round/Level or minute/Level. Am I correct in assuming that this only refers to my warpriest level? Bonus question about fervor. If a spell has duration 1 round per level, I'm a lvl 1 warpriest and I use fervor to change casting time from standard action to swift, does that mean that I will benefit from the spell on the round i cast it, and until the end of my next turn?
As part of the spell description it says:
Does this mean that feats like Point blank Shot would be used with this attack? This weapon takes the shape of your deity’s favored weapon
My impression is that it would work as a normal thrown dagger, just that it has 30 feet range, the damage dice is 2d6 and its force damage. So for a 18 dex 13 strength lvl 1 warpriest with weapon focus daggers, river rat trait and Point Blank shot feat it would be: To hit: +6 Damage: 2d6 +3.
Thanks for the tips Gummy Bear. This is for a non Pfs game, playing with people from the office (geeky company, so many potential players). I might try to rope in another player. Two of the players have experience with D&D, but not Pathfinder, and one has no experience at all. The main problem with that fight in my mind is that the if the players choose non magical/Devine classes there really is not much the extra body can do in the fight. I think I will have the shadow stall a bit, giving them a chance to pick up the weapon before it attacks. The damage dealt will also stay with them until they find the healing area on the next level I hate to limit the players but I feel a cleric is almost essential for this module.
Hi everyone. I will be GMing crypt of the everflame in a week or two from now. I ran it once before, and I'm looking for some advice on two of the accounters that my old players had problems with: Spoilers from Crypt of the everflame:
The shadow and the construct that holds the two tower shields. Last time I was generous on knowledge check results for the shadow, and encouraged the paladin and cleric to deal with it while the non magic users stood back. For the construct the damage surprised me, luckily they ran away, I deactivated it and they used a grappling hook to dislodge the shields. Those two slam attacks hurt on a lvl 1 character. The team this time around is 3 players, one going unchained Rogue, the others have not decided. So.. Any advice? Switch out the first encounter with another monster? Pull punches on the second one, and spread the damage out?
Wasum: This game is only going to lvl 3, and I'm doing Far Strike monk for lvl 1, and Warpriest for lvl 2 and 3 (yes, I still stick to people throwing daggers). If I had space for more multiplayer shenanigans I would probably go for Vermin hunter and kill my scorpion companion asap. Chess Pwn: I do like your interpretation, and the wording on this racial trait seem to be different than the "standard", which seems to be: This racial trait replaces skilled. Which might just be because of the fact that it adds an extra feature for Human players.
Thanks to everyone for the feedback. One stupid question: Dimdweller (2 RP): Whenever characters with this trait benefit from concealment or full concealment due to darkness or dim light, they gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, and Stealth checks. Humans can take this trait in place of the skilled trait, also gaining darkvision to a range of 60 feet. Source PPC:BoS Does the "can" in the last bolded part mean that a human can either pay for this with 2 RP OR with Skilled trait? Or is it pay with skilled trait AND 2 RP? Don't want to pull a fast one with my GM, and unsure if adding RP will be allowed.
Hi everyone. I'm looking at making a low level bard, and I seem to remember a trait or feat that gives a bonus to all knowledge skills that you do not have a rank in. Tried finding it, but my google fu is weak. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I was planing to use the Historian (Human) trait to boost bardic knowledge to 2, so searching for other things that will boost all my knowledge skills.
Fuzzy-Wuzzy: selling it did cross my mind :)
What is the "best" starting weapon for a Bolt Ace? Light? Heavy? Repeating? It's for a low level campaign, will probably never reach lvl 4.
"Crossbow Maven A bolt ace is proficient with all crossbows instead of all firearms and begins play with a masterwork crossbow of her choice. This ability alters the gunslinger’s weapon proficiencies and replaces gunsmith." Can a Bolt Ace start with any weapon called "crossbow", independent of the price of the item? Asking since the price ranges from 35gp for a light crossbow to 800 gp for a repeating hand crossbow (not counting the masterwork property). Since your starting weapon will most likely be swaped out for a magical one when you level up, it seems sensible to go for the most expensive one. Or am I missing something?
I do agree with you Lady-J, but I'm not the GM for this one. For once ☺️ Going on holiday with some other people that want to play, but the GM wants to keep things simple so lvl 1 it is. My gutfeeling is avoid magic users except maybe kinethesist, just wanted to check if other people had suggestions.
Which class would you choose for a game that starts at lvl 1 and continues for 3-4 sessions? Most likely 4 players, won't know what two of the other players choose. The third player is my wife, and I will most likely create her character also. So looking for either 2 classes that plays well together at lvl 1, or 2 that are a bit front loaded. Was konsidering far strike monk for myself, or a mouser swashbuckler/Unchained Rouge combo for me and the wife. The gimmicks would be for the mouser to fight in the enemies square, debuffing attacks on other players and giving the Rouge sneak attack. Which classes have you had fun with at low levels, and which ones would you shy away from?
Feats with Blinkback belt:
Feats with Ricochet Toss:
PossibleCabbage: "Swashbuckler weapon training" does not count as "Weapon training" for feats that have it as a prerequisite? Fluff wise the belt seems more appealing than Ricochet Toss (throwing one daggers that teleport back vs one dagger doing the magic bullet thing), and if I'm going for Ricochet Toss it will not come online before lvl 6 at the earliest, while it seems like the belt will be available at lvl 4. I will probably create a feat list with and without the belt, and try to compare them tomorrow.
Ok, tried to take on board the advice you guys came with: Stats: Going Dex
With this layout, where would I aim to increase my stats? Wis for spells or Dex for higher hit? Is there a way to get Dex to damage with thrown weapons? Agile is only for melee weapons? Feats:
Added Rapid Shot, removed Ricochet Toss. Taking Deific Obedience and Quick Draw earlier, pushing Startoss style back. Weapon Specialization is there for Point Blank Master, should I swap those two out for something else? Items: Starting with Cold Iron daggers, Chain Mail and Buckler.
Looking at the wording of Rapid Shot and Blinkback belt, it seems to allow using 1 dagger for all attacks in a round. Am I understanding that correctly? Skills: Maxed Acrobatic to move into position, maxed Diplomacy and Sense motive to do something out of combat, and 1 skill point left over for those skills that usually only need 1 point (swimming, climbing,?). No class bonus to Perseption, and not enough skills to keeping it maxed, so I would hope that someone else in the team would keep an eye out for me.
Returning was the ability I mixed up with the blinkback belt. Dagger returns at the end of your turn, and you can't move. When I started looking at this character, I was thinking off a agile person with high mobility, but with only 4 skills per level keeping acrobatics maxed will be complicated (always played high skill classes before). Already had to fight myself when I noticed that I had to drop perception. So maybe I should seriously consider going strength/heavy armor. Does anyone know at what lvl a PS character can expect to afford a belt of mighty hurling/blinkback? Will create a modified build tomorrow when I have the time.
Again, thanks for the advice.
I'll drop TWF, seem like it will go against the main part of the build. Sorry, made a mistake. Weapon specialization is there for pointing blank master. The concern about enchanting multiple weapons were most about the static enchantments, not about the secret weapon options. Having to enchant two would mean less gold for other things.
First of all, thanks to everyone for their advice, this stuff is really helpful. Second of all, you guys type fast :P So lets try to catch up: Weapon choice: Sorry, but I'm sold on daggers. To be honest the reason I started looking at Warpriest to begin with was to make a character that could actually use daggers instead of other weapons like chackrams/starknifes (then I became feat starved and needed to go with the Arsenal Chaplain to get the prerequisites for Ricochet Toss). Early level damage: At LVL 1 I'm looking at +1 for STR, +1 for River Rat, +1 for Point Blank Shot and +1 for sharpening the daggers with the whetstone. So that is 1d6 +4 for my 8 first attacks. To hit bonus would be 6 (4 Dex, 1 weapon focus, and 1 from Point Blank Shot). Strength vs Dex: I might be horrible wrong, but I feel that Dex gives the better boost, at lvl 1 my build would have 19 AC, bonuses to some skills, and a high to hit bonus. The strength build would be lagging behind until I get the 14000 needed to get the belt of mighty hurling. Rapid Shot: Honestly did not get that this one applied to thrown weapons, just assumed it was for archery stile combat. Weapon spec: I'll take the bonus to damage, but the main reason for grabbing it is that I need it for Ricochet Toss. Range: The enemy of my build it seems. Mighty hurling belt would help with this. Argh... why do the designers hate daggers. Spring loaded wrist sheets: This would just be a lvl 1 tool, to make sure I can re-arm myself before I can pull a weapon as part of a move action. Startoss Style: At the moment the only way I have found to get around the problem with only wanting to enchant 1 weapon for a thrown weapon build/taking advantage of the warpriest sacred weapon ability. But I just re-read the Blinkback belt, and it seems to be better than I remembered. For some reason I believed it would only teleport the weapons back at the end of the turn, and only if the character did not move from where he threw the weapons. Would blink back belt allow you to TWF throw with just one dagger? For higher level I was thinking to activate startoss on round one, attack, then start buffing on round 2. But I might have to rethink this. Thank again guys, you have given me much to think about. I might end up rebuilding this guy with Blinkback belt in mind.
Hi everyone, I'm creating a Human Arsenal Chaplain for PFS, and wondered if the hive mind on these forums could help me out with critiquing/giving advice/make sure what I made so far is PFS valid (first time I create a PFS character). The character will be fighting exclusively with throwing daggers. I know that archery is better crunch wise, but I always had a soft spot for this fighting style in comics/books. Starting stats: Str 13 Dex 16 +2 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 8 Traits: River Rat and Fate's Favored Books: at the moment I have the humble bundle pack. If I go with this character I would have to pick up Adventurers Armory and Weapon Masters handbook. Anything else I'm missing? Tactics: At LVL 1 he would use Spring loaded wrist sheets to replace the daggers he throws. After this the goal would be to pull a weapon while moving each round, until getting Quick draw/Ricochet toss. Starting Equipment: Starts with 8 Cold Iron Daggers, a Whetstone to sharpen them when given the chance, a buckler and chain Shirt for armor, Spiked Gauntlet and sling as backup weapons. A Pickpockets outfit to help hide those daggers, and 2 wooden holly symbols. Skills: 4 skill points per level until 7, when it increases to 5. Maxing Diplomacy, sense motive and Knowledge:religion, with one point on different skills. Feats:
Any help is welcome :)
Hi everyone, Creating a Human Warpriest, and was planing to take the racial Favored Class Bonus for more feats: Human - Gain ⅙ of a new bonus combat feat. I assumed I could start doing this at lvl 1, getting the bonus feats at lvl 6/12/18. But I read on another forum that you cant take the favored class bonus before you get your first normal bonus feat at lvl 3, meaning that the bonus feat's are given at lvl 9/15. Which of these interpretations are correct? Or is this not cut and dry, so its up to the GM?