Most fun class!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Obviously this is subjective and obviously what is fun for you may not be fun for others, but what class is just plain fun?

I dont care about balance or power and please , no negativity!

For me, it is the Rogue. Lots of chances to roll dice, do crazy exploits, try fun things. And when you get that perfect Sneak Attack- glorious!

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Investigators, They fight excellently, and do all the skills. Always useful.

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I'm desperately trying to convince on my friends/players that the Investigator would be ideal for him. He played the Bard Detective archetype and it worked really well. We're also trying to make him be the party leader, as well. He seems somewhat inclined to the former, less inclined to the latter.

As for me, I'm the GM ALL.THE.TIME. But when I have gotten the rarest of chances to play I usually gravitate toward Fighters. I've always loved Fighters and with the options for creating them it's easy to create a really unique one, avoiding the cookie cutter syndrome for them found in earlier editions of D&D. For me it's just great fun to wade through a mass of enemy scrubs to get to face off against the bad guy.

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Fighter has been the most fun class I've played, but it's the one class I've the most experience with. Tons of options, ways to participate in all facets of the group dynamic with the Advanced options, and feats for days!

Also, the addition of mythic for a campaign I participated in, had the group fearing the fighter more than ANY of our spell caster inclined characters.

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I am totally in love with the Medium (relic channeler). Thematically, it's great to carry around the bones of your ancestors (or their library cards or Hummel figurines or whatever) and commune with them. I like the RP opportunities as the spirit slowly gains influence (my champion medium gets REALLY pugnacious by the end of the day). And then at 2nd level, you get to start handing out bonuses to all your friends...

The few times I've gotten a chance to play one, it's been a lot of fun.

My ideal would be to be able to play a changeling medium whose "relics" were the bones of various hags. "Let's see which Aunty is going to speak to me today..." and then rip-tear-slash with the claws...

Like Cal, I wind up GMing pretty much all the time except on those rare occasions I can make it to the local game store for a PFS game (and no changelings there), so this remains a fond dream.

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The other character I'm interested in playing is the hagbound witch--I think I could make it a workeable melee witch, on account of it gets claws and periodic bonuses to strength. I like the idea of a Kellid/Ulfen whose grandmother was a hag and whose mother a changeling... and now he's getting really burly and warty...

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I really like clerics--and the Golarion canonical deities are an interesting bunch. I feel like I could play for the next few decades and just play clerics and never run out of completely different characters.

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The last character I got to play of any note was in a friend's PF homebrew game about 4 years ago. I played a Bladebound Magus who started at 3rd level and made it to 8th before the game kind of ground to a halt. I had a lot of fun with him.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

love magus and wizards
my main weakness is i normally dm and get few play chances and there are so many classes i want to try

Silver Crusade

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Haven't played a class I didn't love yet.
but I do enjoy my pallies, Oracles, Gunslingers, Kinetics...

Okay umm yeah. single funnest class... impossible task there my friend.

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love my warpriest

and wizard

and skald

and inquisitor archer

and magus ninja

and ...

well, now you see the problem

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I've had the most fun with the Occultist and Kineticist, I think.

The Exchange

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Depends on adventure GM and Group but i would say Bard!.

Shaman or Spirit Guide Oracle are ollow ups!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oracle, as usual.

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I have the most fun mechanically with druids.

I have the most fun building sorcerers.

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I think the funnest class I've actually played was (Mostly) an Alchemist... The class was also one of the main reasons I started playing Pathfinder instead of 3.5.

Since then Hunters, Kineticists, Shaman, Unchained Rogues, and Vigilantes have also become favorites of mine.

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I've been trying to come up with an answer. I am having trouble.

It would be shorter to list the classes I don't have fun with, but that is not the point of this topic.

Most of them. Clerics, paladins, rogues, wizards, sorcerers, bards, psychics, mesmers, gunslingers, alchemists, magi, ninjas, samurai, and yes even fighters... I enjoy them all. And the list goes on.

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Had a great deal of fun with my inquisitor (sanctified slayer). Other I greatly enjoyed is my magus and shaman(speaker for the past).

All of them put their noses in melee combat as its an aspect I realy enjoy but I can't resolve myself to make a spell less melee only.

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There are a lot of really great classes in PF to choose from. Adding in the archetypes (which was one of the best things they did) really makes it better for customizing a character. I'd have fun with anything I played (except for Gunslinger, I think. My fantasy doesn't go bang bang, but that's for another topic).

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The most fun class.... hmmm.... I think that I have had the most fun with my Bard. As I mentioned in the 'Why should I play a Bard' thread, Bards not only pass out goodies to the rest of the party, they get to write the ballads telling of the party's adventures (if you want to, of course)! That's pretty d*mn cool.

Plus the fact that you can have believable over-the-top backstories. Evard (the bard I'm currently playing) started his first game being chased out of town by a noble who had caught Evard in his bedchamber with his wife - and part of his backstory was that this was not the first time it had happened. Which is why his initial first-level spells included featherfall, grease, and expeditious retreat. :-)

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I absolutely love mesmerists. They're fantastic for roleplaying, and they can effortlessly make conversations go their way. One of my favourite characters of all time was a mesmerist I played in a Kingmaker game. He ended up ruling the kingdom, which he very much enjoyed.

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I don't think there's any such thing as the most fun class. I'm often the guy who plays the class the group needs but no one else wants to play. And many of these characters have been among the most enjoyable I've played.

My all time favourite was a cleric - and mechanically I hate the cleric. The class offers so few options for customization. At first level you get to pick a deity, two domains and whether to channel positive or negative energy. Otherwise all you get is two skill points per level and the basic number of feats.

For me it's all about the roleplaying.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Simeon wrote:
I absolutely love mesmerists. They're fantastic for roleplaying, and they can effortlessly make conversations go their way. One of my favourite characters of all time was a mesmerist I played in a Kingmaker game. He ended up ruling the kingdom, which he very much enjoyed.

I love the mesmerist... I... love... the... mesmerist... also, I cluck like a chicken every time someone says the number four... for some reason...

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I had a great bit of fun with an alchemist. He was never the best at anything, but he was always useful. Very high utility. Based on that an investigator may even be more fun.

I also suspect that for many people, the most fun class may be the first class they played.

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I am also playing a trump-like Swashbuckler that has been a great deal of fun. The fun in this character is the role playing. He is the jerk of the group.

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A really fun class is any where you can combine knowledge skills, intimidate, and linguistics.

Nothing gets a goblin babbling everything they know faster than threatening them with the wizard making them read.

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I second rogue. Building them well includes a lot of research, which comes natural to me (the research). In actual play I get spotlight time for acrobatic moves, scouting, opening chests and disarming (usually) harmless traps. Halflings and two-weapon fighting are choices I enjoy, and they fit well to a rogue. Ocassionally having to think about unusual battle tactics when sneak attack doesn't work is a nice diversion, too. Speaking of sneak attack: Of course I enjoy the high damage of such a hit, as many people do. But it's only a facet of several.

At low levels, I also say rogue. I'm partial to fighters and rangers too.

Shadow Lodge

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So far I've loved any class where I get to roll a ton of dice. Fireball wizards, alchemists, especially kineticists.

One day I will play my Goblin swahsbuckler though, and it will be glorious.

Most fun I've ever had with a class was as a telekineticist with conceal spell in a campaign where "at will, world's best mage hand to go with persistent flying and invisibility" was a great opportunity for michief.

The class, in general, I have the most fun with is probably the Occultist.

Sovereign Court

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My favorite class is the inquisitor, Hyper flexible, lots of skills, decent spell list, several ways to do damage or be useful and a loose code of morals depending on your god.

Plus, you can yell out things like, "No one expects the Cayden Cailean Inquisition!" in pretty much any situation.

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Our chief weapon is pedantry. Pedantry and hair-splitting. Our two chief weapons are pedantry and hair-splitting. And a ruthless parsing of linguistic minutiae. Among our weapons...

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I love a large number of classes, but to rattle off my favorites in no particular order...

1: Bloodrager: all the angry fun of a barbarian with enough spellcasting to get out from under the party wizards thumb. The Bloodrager is also the only 4th level spellcasting martial without huge caveats or confusions. No favored enemies that limit you to themed campaigns, no code for the GM to hit you with, no spirits to juggle.

2: occultist: I really like the item-mancer theme, and managing the mega currency is a ton of fun. Restrictive spell access makes each occultist different from one another, and encourages some real thought into your progression. I like them much better than Sorcerers or Oracles, who used to tie for this position. Except I'm lying, this used to be oracle.

3: slayer: If there is a class without limited spellcasting that I really like it is this one, a perfect combo of rogue and ranger to make a real combat monster. Skills, feats, and sneak attack makes this a blast to play. Very aragorn

4: Hunter: the ultimate in animal companionship, I love this class quite a bit. I especially love the class for moving into the prestige class that super sizes your companion. Finally a class that does teamwork feats well/

As others have said, a lot of classes can be fun, it's all in what you like and how you play them. I am currently having a lot of fun with my halfling sylvan blooded sorceror who rides his pteranodon into combat, because the visual on that is amazing.

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Ya know, this thread just sort of proves the rule that more people would rather gripe about something than to say something good.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Ya know, this thread just sort of proves the rule that more people would rather gripe about something than to say something good.

I like to think of it more as "there is so much good with the system that it's easier to talk about what isn't good because there is a lot more good than bad."

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Ya know, this thread just sort of proves the rule that more people would rather gripe about something than to say something good.

What Fearcypher said. It's really hard to pick a class I find most fun. It limits what I can contribute to the thread when I really can't give a specific answer.

I mean, just look at the classes in my first post. That's not even all of them I've enjoyed.

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My favorite class is the bard or the cleric. I like helping people and I'm very Pro party. lastly most of my characters have been neutral good. So that's why I like them.

Grand Lodge

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To date I've played an Arcane Trickster bad touch caster, a Life Oracle who just wants her girlfriend to not get hurt when she stabs at things, an incredibly angry Skald with an equally angry tiny dinosaur riding on his shoulder, and a Gnome Oracle that has a fondness of casting enlarge person on his crocodile animal companion. Those four have been my favorite characters I've ever played and they wouldn't exist if it werent for the specific classes they have.

I think ultimately the winner here is Oracle. Toss on the Dual-Cursed or Spirit Guide archetype on them and you have a lot of tools in your pocket to be both a great save-or-suck caster and a support/healer. In general I try to build classes that help support the party as a whole, and one of the few exceptions to that is my Arcane Trickster, and playing him is my guilty pleasure. Intensified empowered shocking grasp with Deliquescent Gloves and sneak attack. Sooo many d6's. Sooo fun.

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Yes, I like the Investigator myself. And the oracle is fun if I need a divine caster.

Merry Christmas, Cool Yule, Happy Hanukah, Sunny Solstice to all my friends.

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Well, first I have to get to play something in Pathfinder (in contrast to all the 1st Edition AD&D experience I built up long ago).

But I can make some forecasts (and have Pathfinder character ideas for these listed in my profile):

  • 1st Edition AD&D tie-in: Wizard (we used to call them Magic-Users, and these were my favorite in 1st Edition)
  • 1st Edition AD&D tie-in honorable mention: Sorcerer (see Magic-User, but with a one-track mind)
  • 1st Edition AD&D tie-in yet another honorable mention: Arcanist (see Magic-User, but best of both worlds)
  • So many potential builds, so many ways to be awesome: Oracle
  • So many other ways to be awesome: Witch
  • Ways to be awesome, with spells and class features that you can use to keep going even when you run out of spells: Almost any 6/9 caster, Bloodrager, and Witch again
  • The Dark Horse, Off the Beaten Path, Take 1: Fighter -- I want to make use of some of the cool stuff that has come out for Fighters in the last 2 - 3 years to make a Fighter that is a lot more than just a Hammer
  • The Dark Horse, Off the Beaten Path, Take 2: Rogue -- not just any Rogue, but I want to take what is probably the Messageboard's most common typo, and make it into a character concept: THE ROUGE

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Barbarian for sure, though my inquisitor was tons of fun too.

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Alchemist takes it for me. I love the mad scientist vibe, the crazy versatility in terms of builds, and the ability to bomb something into a fine mist while cackling both in and out of character.

Runners up are mostly INT-based, with occultist, magus, and witch high up there. The major exception would be shaman, because I like naturey casters but don't care for wildshape.

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For sure to me is the Summoner. It is the best pet class of them all giving you the option to put together pretty much anything as your own pet.

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Warpriest was a ton of fun

Barbarians are always fun...

I wish I could think fast enough to play a bard.

The guy who played the Bard in our last group was pretty quick thinking and often had the "Best Line of the Game" quips.

Arcane full caster or psychic. I just love controlling the universe <3

Bard has the funnest flavor but I can only do it in games where they are full casters like gestalt or 5e

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I'm having tons of fun playing an Urban Ranger in "Curse of the Crimson Throne". Otherwise I'm partial to Rogues, but I've recently become interested in playing a Wizard:-)

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