GRuzom's page
290 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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GRuzom wrote: Just got my core book pdf - so far it looks very good! It is great! I'm stoked!
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Dragon78 wrote: Savage Worlds? Really cool system, check it out ...
It plays fast, lets you customize and is can be used for science fiction too.
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ckdragons wrote: My interest would be Adventure Paths. I believe we have enough rules already. Paizo would have my money if they 1) produced more PF1 APs, 2) produced PF2 APs with notes on how to convert the encounters to PF1, and 3) produced PF1 rules and spell compendiums (like 3.5 did previously, break them up by class).
I've started to play Savage Worlds, not too shabby at all! I've been a backer of the their "Pathfinder for Savage Worlds" and it has turned out realy nice. Got the Core pdf, bestiary and companion. he pinted books are due in september.
So far it's a blast and Rise of the Runelords plays better I think, than in the original (freer and faster).
But I would still buy Pathfinder AP's - *they are great*
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Just got my core book pdf - so far it looks very good!
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Just downloaded the Core book!
Can't wait to dive into it durring the weekend:-)
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mikeawmids wrote: GRuzom wrote: I've run RotRL two times as a GM, once all the way and then one campaign that died quietely after the first three books. Have you run any other Adventure Paths, besides RotRL? I ran the first two books of Curse of the Crimson Throne - but the campaign died due to practical RL issues.
Now I'm a player in Curse and enjoying it. My only problen is that fights can drag out over several sessions. We're playing online now, because of Corona and it is Ok, but it's more rollplay than roleplay.
I've started to read through your campaign and having fun - SWADE would be awesome for this.
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Thanks, Mikeamids, I will go and read your take on the campaign.
I've run RotRL two times as a GM, once all the way and then one campaign that died quietely after the first three books.
The first three chapters are (for me) the best, as oposed to "another room, another giant", which this is what almost killed it for me. That and the great backstories to enemies who enemies that the players will never know.
Now I would probably run it as "Save Sandpoint from Lammasthu" with material from the first three (brilliant) books.
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mikeawmids wrote: ... I've already run a group through Rise of the Runelords using the SW rules ... So how did that work out? Did you have more time to roleplay? (as opposed to rollplay). What was good, what less so ?
I'd be very interested in hearing what you think about the match.
Looking forward to this!
I've been playing a lot of SWADE this last year and I love Paizo's stories.
I just hope that the SWADE version won't be "too clean". I really like the Graul ogres in RotRL. Sick, nasty and 100% not wholesome ...
Name Violation wrote: these? Yes! Thank you!!!
Hi there
I can't find the the discussion forrums concerning the first edition AP's!
My old links lead to ads for second Ed.
There used to be these great threads, each dedicated to a single AP with advise fo GMs.
Thanks in advance
gnoams wrote: TriOmegaZero wrote: I’m honestly amazed that there aren’t more stories of players having an insane time playing Blood Pig. Our last session of CotCT was three hours of hilarious madness. Let me tell you, starving wolverines can really help even a playing field quickly when you roll well. I have a friend who made a pfs character that was a bloodpig coach. He was a wizard with a pig familiar. I would have liked to play Blood Pig, but we started fighting as soon as we got near the You Know Who and his Little Nasty friend ...
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I don't concern myself with being fruitful in the moment of the debate, the debate is like tilling the fields and planting the seeds, it's hard messy and painful even, and it's only later when the return comes in can you determine if the debate was valuable to you.
I generally contest the idea that casters are better than martial classes at high levels, as that has never been my experience. Except for that mythic sorceress that dominated everyone, still it wasn't hard to block her spells.
Perhaps, but I'm a mechanical kinda guy so I judge that on mechanical proofs. Please, be fruitful, and multiply your posts ...
Melkiador wrote: I think a “book” should probably be dropped entirely. PF1 suffered too much from issues of spacing and formatting. We’re living in the future. The rules should be all digital. Nah, books are cool and nice to read:-)
For me, that is - people differ, but I like to touch and feeeel ....
Dragon78 wrote: So who else here has enjoyed getting the pocket editions of 1E books?
Any plans to get Pathfinder Unchained pocket edition?
Are there any hardcover books that will not get a pocket edition?
Love the Pocket Editions, though I have to use my glasses for reading them.
You're probably better off just not abandoning the extra +1 Damage if you are not allowed the Adaptive Enchantment. You're probably right, he's already doing a lot of damage - :-)
I'll put the munchkin on hold.
thanks, guys
Claxon wrote: Yeah, the best way (if you know in the beginning) is to buy a str +0 bow and make one of your first purchases a +1 adaptive bow.
I only recommend doing it with a str +0 bow because it's cheaper.
Not an option for me though, as we only play with Core and APG.
I probably should've said that from the start.
Wonderstell wrote: You'd probably have to add the Adaptive weapon ability for 1000 gp.
Thank you for your answer:-)
Hi there,
My ranger has a composite longbow, str 4. It has been enchanted to +3 magic.
The ranger has gone up in strength, so he can now shoot a str. 5 bow.
my question is: can I have the bow go from str. 4 to str. 5 for 200 gp AND still keep the +3 enchantment?
OR, do I have to have a completely new bow?
I can't find anything in the book about this.
thanks in advance
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Dragon78 wrote: So who hear still playing Pathfinder 1st Ed, play together in person(not online) with your gaming group? Me - two different groups on alternete tuesdays.
Is this compatible with PF?
hope so:-)
We're two groups playing PF1. Not going to Play the new game.
But ... we started to play Savage Worlds Adventure Edition - pretty cool!
GRuzom wrote: GRuzom wrote: GRuzom wrote: mr3 wrote: Just wanted to pop in and say I've recently found this and really enjoy it. Keep up the good work. Excited to see the next update. As am I:-) bump bumpety-bump bump
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Reckless wrote: Welcome to this thread, intended to be a happy place to come when all the negativity in other threads has got you down.
Please only post happy thoughts about 2E here. You have the rest of these boards to air your complaints/suggestions/contrary positions.
My happy thought of the day.
My wife has said and I quote "This is the first time in over 20 years of gaming that I have enjoyed making a character."
I'm happy that I can still play Pathfinder First Edition ...
MercLordDeadboy wrote: Feeling a little sad as well as I continue working through 2e. Not liking a majority so far. Multiclassing, spells, etc. To me it feels they took alot from 5e but didn't make it better. They could have taken the saves from 5e. That would have been a nice change. Most likely will continue to buy the 1st edition mini books and play with what 3pp bring out and start converting to 5e. Although on a bright side, this gives me a reason to try a level less game. Thanks for listening to me rant. So much anticipation and I feel it was dashed. +1
nighttree wrote: So I just purchased the last two items on my wish-list.....a wish-list that has always had a large number of items on it for many years. It's going to be strange to not constantly look to see what is coming out....not anticipating the next months release, and realize the game I loved is no longer producing content. I get it:-)
But, our group has so many AP's to go through and with the Pathfinder Cthulhu book we're looking at a looong happy run!
We wont be playing the new system, but are hoping for someone to tweek Pathfinder (Looking at you, Stealth and Light!)
Good Gaming to all of you
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DungeonmasterCal wrote: I don't know if you're interested in 3rd party works (Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos) but these are designed and statted for Pathfinder 1. I like these better than the "official" stats.
Cthulhu Mythos for Pathfinder
I cannot recommend this brilliant book enough!
Uncle_T wrote: Why was a 2nd edition created when Paizo said they would never do this? "Smells trolling" (sorry, if I'm wrong, OP!)
Paizo said nothing like that. Ever.
They stayed with 1 ed for 10 years and that's a decent long run - kudos for that!
I'm not a fan of the new system - but nobody got cheated, or lied to -
Good gaming to you all:-)
Lord Fyre wrote: GRuzom wrote: Lord Fyre wrote: Not that a critical mass of people now have their books, I want to ask a general question.
Is Pathfinder 2 a better game then its predicessor Pathfinder 1?
"THAN", not then.
those are different words with VASTLY different meanings ... Thank You. I missed that error.
Grammar matters! Ha ha, that was fun:-)
I really like the classic look - very nice!
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Lord Fyre wrote: Not that a critical mass of people now have their books, I want to ask a general question.
Is Pathfinder 2 a better game then its predicessor Pathfinder 1?
"THAN", not then.
those are different words with VASTLY different meanings ...
Will be playing Pathfinder for years to come:-)
Not done yet!
level 50?
What kind of game is this? Doesn't sound like Pathfinder at all.
Maybe you could explain a bit.
Joana wrote: GRuzom wrote: I know that this is off-topic, but I can't get into the "general discussions forum". All I get is a comercial for the new edition - what's happening?!
sorry for derailing. [derail]Links on the pages are randomly redirecting to the homepage since Friday afternoon. It will hopefully be fixed today when staff is back in the office.[/derail] Thanks, Joana. I'll just have to be patient
I know that this is off-topic, but I can't get into the "general discussions forum". All I get is a comercial for the new edition - what's happening?!
sorry for derailing.
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I'll keep playing PF1 for many years to come. Sandy Petersen's "Pathfinder Cthulhu" is veeery good!
Steve Geddes wrote: PossibleCabbage wrote: I'm sort of concerned that I'm going to be left behind when this hobby goes overly digital, to be honest. Yeah, me too. I can see why people like it, but to me the pencils, the flipping through books and the grubby, overly-erased sheets of paper is part of what makes the hobby. Absolutely!
I have enough screens in my life and creating the visuals in my head is a big part of why I love pen & paper:-)
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It's Than, not "Then"
different words with different meanings.
Seisho wrote: If 'you have a couple of first edition books' was a reason to not go to second edition there would be no second editions whatsoever Oh dear ...
Given your preferences and the fact that you already have a couple PF1 books, I'd say stay with PF1 - I will
On the other hand - it sounds like your group wants something simpler and PF2 might be the thing. You could buy the core rules as a pdf and see what you think.
good Gaming!
GRuzom wrote: GRuzom wrote: mr3 wrote: Just wanted to pop in and say I've recently found this and really enjoy it. Keep up the good work. Excited to see the next update. As am I:-) bump bumpety-bump
GRuzom wrote: mr3 wrote: Just wanted to pop in and say I've recently found this and really enjoy it. Keep up the good work. Excited to see the next update. As am I:-) bump
I dislike having my levels handed to me by the GM. Earning my XPs is a source of satisfaction for me and I have to feel that I EARNED each and every one of them:-)
We never let anyone lag behind the rest of the group by more than one level. Works for us - but then again, we ARE old farts. Our sons play the same way, but that's probably due to them being influenced by us ...
Davor Firetusk wrote: I would consider buying a straight reprint. I don't have the original, it is not high on my list of APs, but the value proposition in a hard back might tip the scales. I would buy a straight reprint!
Derklord: "To put it bluntly, he doesn't really understand the game much, than." THEN! ("than and "then" are two different words, they don't mean the same:-)
mr3 wrote: Just wanted to pop in and say I've recently found this and really enjoy it. Keep up the good work. Excited to see the next update. As am I:-)
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I use books all the time, when gaming. I love books and spend far too much time by the screen when I'm working.
For me, getting away from screens is a big part of why I love gaming:-)
Thank you all - very informative!
As in ; Slow, Medium and Fast - like in Pathfinder 1 ?