There was a saying about 3.5:
Thanks I hope Paizo does a better job refencing these items in the future. It would probably be help if they had a "data Dictionary" in one place. I Guess I am another one of those old farts who was excited about the second edition, only to find it disappointing. Frustrating items like this are not helping. ![]()
BigNorseWolf wrote: A straight strength or dex build wouldn't use shifters edge. Its really only for a good mix of both. Unless I am missing something, it is perfectly designed for a Dex build, assuming you don't dump STR too hard. By eighth level, it is already as good as having both Weapon Specialization and Greater Weapon Specialization. ![]()
I have a question about Shifter's Edge. What was involved with the decision to treat this as a feat rather than making it a feature of the class? Even the recent version of this seems to be a must-have feat. One last thing, was there a reason you went with half the class as a bonus as opposed to keeping the damage the same as the class level, but making the damage bonus a precision bonus, much like the Swashbuckler? Thanks ![]()
Even if I painted minis, there seems to be more than enough bad history to make me reluctant. I am exceedingly disappointed they do not have a painted option. Speculation on my part; the money for this kickstarter is going to be used to fund additional production of the painted packs. They still do not have an expected date. Vic did say to not expect them before November. More speculation on my part; if ninja division had a better KS track record, they would probably have three times the funding they have now (55K now). ![]()
Back in the day (nearly three decades), when we played WFRP(1st Edition) we used a house rule that I believe came from an early edition of Rune Quest where Actions and then character initiative determined when actions occurred. I believe it was 1) Magic; 2) Missile Weapons, 3)Movement; and lastly 4) Melee Combat. Warhammer was a low fantasy, magic poor world. Letting magic users go first was not as big of an advantage as it would be in high fantasy, magic rich games most you kids play now. :P ![]()
There is a rule that arcanists cannot learn spells from a divine scroll. My GM referenced this from some where. Alchemists and Witches are arcane "Casters" (yes I know Alchemists don't technically cast) with spells that are usually divine on their spell list. Does the rule about not crossing the streams apply to arcane classes that have typically divine spells on there spell list? Can a witch or alchemist learn the cure serious spell from a divine scroll? Thanks ![]()
The old what is evil Paladin-can-of-worms. You should talk to your GM as to what is evil and what is not. Unless the GM is forcing a split second decision, your character should be able to pray to the god your paladin worships. If your god has a strong opinion on the topic, then he or she will let you know, otherwise you are simply going to have to use your best judgment. Perhaps this is a test? A character like a paladin should, from time to time, be unsure they chose the right decision. It really depends on how your GM is playing the game-world. In the end your character is mortal and therefore prone to make mistakes. If the decision was reached by good and honest intentions, then any punishment should not be too severe. ![]()
Healing bomb uses a bomb and either a cure extract or a cure potion.
Can you throw multiple healing bombs? It is potentially even better with haste. Rules as written, I don't see anything wrong with it. It feels a bit munchkiny to have the alchemist out-heal the cleric, even if it is just for a round or two. Is this just good resource management or do I have stinky cheese on my hands? ![]()
TarkXT wrote:
Good article. Sick minds think alike :) ![]()
I am assigning the discovery of mummification to my alchemist. I want to describe how the process has changed the appearance of the character. The rules are silent on this, so changing appearance is fluff I am adding. So far I am thinking of making his skin leathery and change the color of his blood to green (more like anti-freeze). Alchemists are generally creepy. I want to turn the creep factor up a bit without making him monstrous looking. How have other players described the change? Did your character change appearance at all? Thanks ![]()
I hate to sound like a cheapskate, but the price of the PDF is a bit of a put-off. $27.99 is a bit much for a PDF. The book is selling on Amazon* for $28.06. Paizo is one of the few larger companies that treats their customers well. The price on this PDF feels like a departure from the normal treatment. *Release date on Amazon is May 13. ![]()
To quote the pod-faded City of Doors, "Don't erase your stat, embrace your stat". You should be able to function just fine, although math skills and your vocabulary should be somewhat limited. You are not going to be able to come up with ten different words to something , and you probably should not be put in charge of handling dividing the group's loot. An INT of 7 makes me think of Mongo from Blazing Saddles, although I believe he would also have had a low WILL as well. - Mongo only Pawn in the game of life. Other things to make the character fun to play are mispronouncing or using the wrong words. I.e.: I'm so mad, I'm rivid (livid). You should have fun with your character. As a good rule of thumb, always check with your GM to make sure you are both on same page as to what your character can do and what he will struggle with. ![]()
Patrick Renie wrote:
Thank you for responding. [I do not mean to sound snarky, but it may come out that way]I find your response a bit unsatisfying. A spell should be wizard-y, witchy, or Magus-y on its own merit, not by what classes do not have access to it. I thought some of the spells were very alchemist-y. Again; thank you for the response, even if I disagree with it, I do appreciate you taking the time to respond. ![]()
I had the same issue with Droid bionic, but I don't think the issue is with the PDF reader. I believe the issue is that when you download the files, you are downloading a zip file. Droid does not seem to be able to deal with them. If you down the load the file to a laptop or desktop computer, extract the files and then copy the actual PDF files on to your device, you should not have a problem. ![]()
Matthew Morris wrote: