Same class party!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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What classes do you guys think would work in a 5 man party consisting entirely of them?
Druid was my first thought - melee is easy, face is tougher but possible, they can heal pretty well, and have amazing utility and battlefield control.
Fighter, for example, won't work - a face fighter is bassically useless. Plus, no spells means no easy ways out AND no healing.

What do ya think?

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Bard: with the archetypes, you can get buffs that all stack.
Occultist: Trappings of the Warrior frontline, healing access, a few other nice things.

Yup, bard was my next top pick as far as versatility goes.
Occultist is one I've never actually considered before- my knowledge with the occult classes isn't much, so it's nice to know that it can work!

Potato disciple wrote:
Fighter, for example, won't work - a face fighter is bassically useless.

Well, at least Intimidate is not that bad:

Social Bravery adds your bravery bonus to the check => +5 at level 18
Undaunted Bravery stacks with that (at least as written) => +5 at level 18
Dazzling Intimidation adds weapon training on top => +4 at level 19
Two-Handed Menace allows you to always take 10
Versatile Training or Martial Dominance counts your BAB as ranks

The Exchange

With or without Archetypes?
I would ad Cleric/Oracle and Vigilante.

The Exchange

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We do Alchemists...

Melee is an Oraid Alchemist (Beast Morph) with Feral Mutigen.

Traps are covered with a Sylph Alchemist (Cryptbraker).

Face is covered with an Ifrit Alchemist (Grenadier)...

We all have Bombs, Extracts, Various Knowledge skills, Healing, Stealth, Buffs, and Alchemical Crafting...

And at 6th level we all took the Wings Discovery - which means we all have flight now (6+ minutes in 1 minute increments).

Originally we had another Alchemist (an Undean to get one of each element) - but now we just adventure as Earth, Wind and Fire.

Alchemist, Oracle, Skald, Inquisitor, Vigilante was basically designed for this, Druid, Summoner, maybe clerics or warpriests.

Silver Crusade

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I'd add Paladins and Shamans to the list.

Heck, ANY 9 level caster would work at about level 5+ (they'd have difficulty below that).

A group of all rogues would play very differently but could easily work as long as the GM allowed them to basically surprise everything :-)

Are you talking no multiclass? I played in a game where there were only three players. We were each multiclassed Thief (Rogue when we converted to 3e) and something else. One illusionist. One Fighter and one cleric. We worked really well together.
Not trying to change the thread, but I ran a game of all dwarves once. That was cool.

Lantern Lodge

Pretty much any 3/4 class is going to be pretty adaptable. Apart from maybe a rogue. Although until high level they can fake the healing/casting with UMD.

And with archetypes, even fighters can cover virtually every base. There was an all fighter campaign started here a while back, and you can get pretty decent arcane casting from the right archetype. I don't recall a good divine caster archetype so some status removal may be difficult, but throw in a Samsuran with the right past life and even that isn't an issue.

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barbarian you will have all your bases covered, the one who smashes stuff, the one who stabs stuff, the one who slashes stuff and the one who yells at things and most importantly they all kill them squishy castys

Go, Team Cleric!

pauljathome wrote:
A group of all rogues would play very differently but could easily work as long as the GM allowed them to basically surprise everything :-)

This would be problematic, but I’d love to see a situation where it works. Maybe a bit of multiclassing, or some rogue hybrid classes.

Silver Crusade

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Ciaran Barnes wrote:
pauljathome wrote:
A group of all rogues would play very differently but could easily work as long as the GM allowed them to basically surprise everything :-)
This would be problematic, but I’d love to see a situation where it works. Maybe a bit of multiclassing, or some rogue hybrid classes.

I ran a campaign once that was close to an all rogue party. Everybody in the party was VERY stealthy and VERY good at getting into places. Damage was so-so. Worked out pretty well in a non standard way.

But rogues have UMD to handle at least the basics of magic (some healing, some buffs). An all rogue party would get lots of flanks :-).

i once had a party with 3 rogue likes and a character that was planning on going mystic thurge. 2 rogues, different archetypes one was the party face the other a skill monkey, then a rogue like vigilante, thankfully more players joined in later on or it would have been very interesting seeing as how the mystic thurge character didn't get to be a thurge cuz the story line ended b4 level 8(they wanted a sorc/oracle)

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In AD&D 2e we had a game where everyone was a wizard or multiclassed wizard which worked well. There was a similar one we ran in D&D 3.0 where all but one (a ranger) was which also worked.

Arcanist could do it, between different school specialties and some ATs.
Magus could do it, given a variety of arcana choices, and some different ATs again.

pauljathome wrote:

I'd add Paladins and Shamans to the list.

So few skills. It would hurt.

Inquisitor is a great choice. They can heal, some spells, and fight quite well.

DrDeth wrote:
pauljathome wrote:

I'd add Paladins and Shamans to the list.

So few skills. It would hurt.

Can a shaman's spirit animal take familiar archetypes? A couple of people having a sage familiar would take care of all of the knowledges in the shaman case.

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Occultist can easily make a mono-class party.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
DrDeth wrote:
pauljathome wrote:

I'd add Paladins and Shamans to the list.

So few skills. It would hurt.
Can a shaman's spirit animal take familiar archetypes? A couple of people having a sage familiar would take care of all of the knowledges in the shaman case.

they can :) i prefer the option of nature oracle with a mauler familiar archetype, makes for a better companion then an animal companion but still not quite as good as an edolon

PossibleCabbage wrote:
DrDeth wrote:
pauljathome wrote:

I'd add Paladins and Shamans to the list.

So few skills. It would hurt.
Can a shaman's spirit animal take familiar archetypes? A couple of people having a sage familiar would take care of all of the knowledges in the shaman case.

Besides, you can just have an extremely intelligent Abadaran paladin who focuses on knowing everything he can about his enemies or something. You already have heals, face and melee covered (maybe even by a single paladin), just have fun with it.

Previous thread about this.

Another previous (but more recent) thread about this.

Thread necromancy welcome.

Druids, Bards, Clerics, and Inquisitors

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Pretty sure with the right traits a Fighter can get to UMD of some level so just stock a couple wands.

Side note I stumbled over "The All Guardsman Party" and it's a hoot.

^Also see Cartmanbeck's Guide to the Iron Caster.

I guess the question would be "what classes would be the least effective in these situations" since most classes can succeed for some definition of "success" if built properly.

My suggestions for ones that will not work very well would be:
Cavalier, Brawler, Gunslinger, Swashbuckler, Shifter.

The Magus and Barbarian I'm not sure about since, while they are strong classes, they're not necessarily easy to build to fill a lot of different roles. The Monk could maybe work if there was a sufficiently generous point buy that someone could play an Invested Regent. The Rogue could work, it would just be a different kind of game entirely.

^(Suddenly reminded that I want to see a party of 3 Ratfolk Mouser Musketeer Swashbucklers -- the Three Mouseketeers!)

Potato disciple wrote:

What classes do you guys think would work in a 5 man party consisting entirely of them?

Druid was my first thought - melee is easy, face is tougher but possible, they can heal pretty well, and have amazing utility and battlefield control.
Fighter, for example, won't work - a face fighter is bassically useless. Plus, no spells means no easy ways out AND no healing.

What do ya think?

Face druid is easy with the Feyspeaker archetype.

Ouachitonian wrote:
Potato disciple wrote:

What classes do you guys think would work in a 5 man party consisting entirely of them?

Druid was my first thought - melee is easy, face is tougher but possible, they can heal pretty well, and have amazing utility and battlefield control.
Fighter, for example, won't work - a face fighter is bassically useless. Plus, no spells means no easy ways out AND no healing.

What do ya think?

Face druid is easy with the Feyspeaker archetype.

Wow, okay. How did I not know about this? This archetype is basically perfect.

Yup druids win this one you guys.

Potato disciple wrote:
What classes do you guys think would work in a 5 man party consisting entirely of them? Druid was my first thought - melee is easy, face is tougher but possible, they can heal pretty well, and have amazing utility and battlefield control. Fighter, for example, won't work - a face fighter is basically useless. Plus, no spells means no easy ways out AND no healing.

What level?

...If you say 1st, then five Cavaliers get you:

* 5 BAB1 tanks doing double-damage with lances
* 5 horses with three attacks each
* Entire party move 50'
* 5 Teamwork feats shared with all the others

Give them a standard-action to get Tactician going, and they'll wreck any level-appropriate challenge almost instantly thereafter.

Potato disciple wrote:

Wow, okay. How did I not know about this? This archetype is basically perfect.

Yup druids win this one you guys.

Oh, Druids are certainly a solid contender, especially with the Nature Fang Druid archetype allowing for Rogue+ niches to be filled. In fact, I'm pretty sure that an entire group of Nature Fangs could fill every niche, given access to the variant multi class options.

Slim Jim wrote:
Give them a standard-action to get Tactician going, and they'll wreck any level-appropriate challenge almost instantly thereafter.

Only if they all had swarmbane clasps. Pretty sure a dragon keeping to the air would lay waste to them too...

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DeathlessOne wrote:
Slim Jim wrote:
Give them a standard-action to get Tactician going, and they'll wreck any level-appropriate challenge almost instantly thereafter.
Only if they all had swarmbane clasps. Pretty sure a dragon keeping to the air would lay waste to them too...

Hence why Slim Jim mentioned the level. At level 1 dragons are unlikely to be major opponents unless they're pseudodragons or similar, which aren't going to be strafing with fire or lightning. CR 1 swarms can probably be handled with torches etc.

Vigilante is probably the best.

Alchemist should be doable, thinking about it. There's traits & feats to make social skills based off Int. They can certainly do the sneaking/trapfinding stuff, healing is possible, they can handle melee, ranged and/or battlefield control well.

As far as fighters go - with the curative mastery feat they can do a bit of healing, a couple of archetypes reward int or cha enough that they could be reasonable faces, and feats can make you decent at sneaking, owl style etc. Handling traps would be a problem though as would battlefield control beyond polearm-reach, and general magic utility is going to be limited to UMD/other item mastery feats. All fighters wouldn't be impossible but they'd be punching below their level in many ways.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Just... if you do vigilante, don't have the vigilantes changing in and out of their different identities every five to ten minutes. That gets kind of confusing and old fast...

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Just... if you do vigilante, don't have the vigilantes changing in and out of their different identities every five to ten minutes. That gets kind of confusing and old fast...

Only confusing if they're not doing it as a group.

I second Investigator. Everyone has all skills, can fight, buff, most necessary utility spells and healing is not a problem.

League of gentlemen!

Inquisitor: Works too.
Bards: Fun cloud.

lol, vigilante teams = power rangers

Any class works. Though bard would be pretty redundant unless you really need a lot of performance rounds.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Just... if you do vigilante, don't have the vigilantes changing in and out of their different identities every five to ten minutes. That gets kind of confusing and old fast...

I mean, if you're all Vigilantes you can be open about your secret identities with people you trust. Batman and Superman call the other one Clark and Bruce in the (non-dysfunctional) Justice League stuff all the time.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Kineticists of different elements can fulfill:

Telekineticist: Rogue
Geokineticist: Fighter
Hydrokineticist: Cleric
Pyrokineticist: Wizard
Aerokineticist: Archer
Kaokineticist: Anti-Paladin
Phytokineticist: Druid

Very Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra inspired. It's sort of a dream of mine.

If I have two classes and mythic then I want Kineticists and Vigilantes, and really lean into a Superheroic style campaign.

The Exchange

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I really can't believe no one has mentioned Mediums. Like they are one class that can mimic six classes!!

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I'll be the odd man out and say Arcanist. White mage gets healing, the Unlettered gets you assess to the witch spells and all the divine spells on that list, Blade bound with arcane armor for your melee, Occultist for your summons to aid the melee, and then either a brown fur for another melee or a standard Arcanist for the extra exploits. If you build them right the melee Arcanists can have Arcane Barrier and False life at the same time for the extra HP then add toughness and the White / Unlettered mages and you should be just as beefy as any other front line up to a point. Once you break into like the CR 7 range start hanging back and play hit and run with spring attack and Dimensional Slide. It may be a challenge at times but it will probably work. If you allow going into a prestige class then it defiantly will. Adding 1 level dips and its a cake walk.

Liberty's Edge

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blahpers wrote:
Any class works. Though bard would be pretty redundant unless you really need a lot of performance rounds.

Actually, with all the Archetypes available, you can stack rather large benefits on a Bard party.

For example, at 7th level, a Bard Party featuring an Inspire Courage Bard, an Archivist, a First World Minstrel, a Flame Singer, and a Court Bard can have +4 to hit, +2 damage, +2 AC, +2 to many saves, any three people can have invisibility or evasion, and everyone can add +2d4 fire damage on all attacks. Oh, and all language speaking enemies are at -2 to attack and damage.

None of those alternatives are quite as good as Inspire Courage, IMO, but they exist and can be very nice stacked on top of it.

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If the characters can differ via archetypes, then there are a lot of classes that could work.

The idea of a party of Inquisitors REALLY made me smile when I saw it above.
Think about it....They could travel the countryside, using fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, fanatical devotion to their deity, and nice red uniforms...

I'll add Witch. If all have the coven hex, you get great spell level boosts for any long term spell. Yeah, the BAB ain't that great, but if you can play smart, and get past the first few levels, I think you can do well.

Back in 2e, I played on a all-religious party. We had a monk, a paladin, and numerous clerics and druids. Plenty of healing available, so no 10 minute days.


PodTrooper wrote:

If the characters can differ via archetypes, then there are a lot of classes that could work.

The idea of a party of Inquisitors REALLY made me smile when I saw it above.
Think about it....They could travel the countryside, using fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, fanatical devotion to their deity, and nice red uniforms...

And NOBODY would expect it!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Naseem Hamed wrote:
I really can't believe no one has mentioned Mediums. Like they are one class that can mimic six classes!!

I thought of it, but then I realized that each party member would need to perform his daily seance in a different location, with the result that they wouldn't be able to share their seance boons. A party of all Mediums would be way too vulnerable during their morning prep.

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