
Alchemist 23's page

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Zotpox wrote:

And thus the Greater distracting and impervious rope of entanglement was invented.

You forgot to tie the other end to an Immovable Rod.

Ryan Freire wrote:
So now the real question is, if you take focused weapon from the fighter AWT or go warpriest does your net start doing damage?

Well I believe Gloves of Deliquescence add damage so I don't see why not. Kind of messed up to think about, I mean your throwing an acid soaked net on someone, but anytime you use Acid is messed up.

ErichAD wrote:

I don't think returning would activate if you held onto the rope. The weapon remained in your hand, so there's no need for it to return. Returning also requires that you be able to catch it, a feature that would render most nets useless. And the enchantment doesn't mention returning with anything stuck onto nor within the weapon, so your returning net won't return with your target anymore than a returning dagger would.

That said, I'd let it half work. Nets are sort of garbage, and an enchantment that lets you use them once per turn is fine as a +1. Letting returning also drag an opponent without making a drag combat maneuver is a bit too much though.

You should take a pass at net vs. deflect arrows while you're working through net rules.

Well I know Greater Distracting nets just end casters since they A have low strength and B entangled forces a concentration check making the whole thing effectively DC 25 + Spell level. Slap Impervious on that sucker and they can't cut their way out either.

Simple quick question. Do Nets with the returning enchantment drag the entangled target? I would assume not, but I keep seeing it pop up as a good thing to put on Nets.

Okay, think we got this hammered out. Once we figured out he was getting like 40K from the Affluent power things fell into place. He's going to get a simulacrum from the cohort for a mount. We also figured with the raw crafting power on deck he can get a Holy weapon and +5 to both shield and armor basically for free.

Definitely going felling-smash, vital strike, and then cap-stoning it with bloody assault. Just slam them to the ground and then savage them with bleed damage all while not being hit.

VoodistMonk wrote:
Since they already have Shield Focus, and a bunch of stuff to reduce the ACP to attack, Shield Brace with a polearm is an option, too. This would work well for mounted combat with a lance and the applicable feats.

I think that's part of the reason he was looking for a cool mount tbh.

Mudfoot wrote:
What happened to Power Attack? Even on a 1H build, it's +6 damage. Which he needs.

Could slot that in at lvl 5. He'd have to pick between attack and AC though with Combat Expertise

Ryan Freire wrote:
he could take literally 1 more level of paladin, get the mount bond, and then take the monstrous mount feats at 5 and 9 for a griffon or hippogriff

I already pointed that out. I think he did like the shield paladin or something. He does not get the mount option, he'd have to do his armor or a shield.

gnoams wrote:

First off: followers are intentionally not as strong as PCs because game balance, they're designed to be a class feature like an animal companion. Noble scion trades off giving you a weaker main character for a better follower. When you build a character with a follower you have to look at it as, are my two characters as good as any other player's one character. The answer almost invariably is no, two is better than one.

If you have a game issue of not having enough players, then maybe try fixing it by talking to the GM and working out an npc to travel with the party.

On to the build:
That is an extremely defensive focused character. He probably has very high AC and saves, and hits like a stiff noodle (not quite a wet noodle as he does at least have a decent attack stat). His contribution to combat is dealing minor damage, and not taking any party resources to keep him alive, that's about it. I guess he can stand in the way and block doorways and things when that is beneficial.

Part of his underpowered feeling is working as intended, he gave up some of his power to his cohort. Part of it is that he chose a sword and board build, and then doubled down on defenses with class and feat choices.

He's not going to do very much damage without major build reworks. So running with what he's got I'd say invest in some combat maneuvers. He already has combat expertise so trip would be a good one. Also consider taking stand still. His contribution then becomes locking down enemies and protecting his lower AC companions.

So something like felling smash? He's got +4 STR and almost full BAB given that Noble Scion gives +1 attack +1 damage at 5ht and 9th. We just need to work out something to make him a threat.

Background: Ignore if you just want to get to the problem.
Okay, long story short party kind of fell apart, GM dropped out, player took over GMing, another player also dropped. Since we are down a man the GM basically just called for a quick re-do of our characters so we can fill in some gaps. Paladin, who basically finished his build at 7th level decided to change a feat and go Noble Scion. He had me build the cohort since I'm a power-gaming weasel and know how to make a good wizard. Basically we ended up with a crafter blaster that likes him some quickened Enervate to counter other casters.

The Paladin feels he's under powered on his own with the Noble Scion class since the fights are only getting harder. We are playing Rise of the Runelords.

Here's what he's got to work with:
Fighter Tower Shield Specialist 3, Paladin 4, Noble Scion 2
Str 18
Dex 18
Con 12
Int 14
Wiz 11
Cha 16

Human Shield Focus
Level 1 Noble Scion of Lore
Level 2 Fighter 1 Combat Expertise
Level 3 Mobile Bulwark Style
Level 4 Fighter 2 Mobile Fortress
Level 7 Mobile Stronghold
Level 9 Noble Scion Leadership

And then he wants
Level 11 Tower Shield Specialist (for some armor check thing)
The rest is 100% Open.

Oh, and the only things that need to stay is the Style feats. Extra points if you can some how make it so he can ride a Lion or something like that. Dude wants a cool mount. But its a secondary thing.

Meirril wrote:

You don't? The biggest long term advantage of any shield build is that shields are as cheap as armor to improve with magic.

However, just because armor and shields are cheaper than natural armor and deflection bonus that doesn't mean you neglect the other easy to increase types of AC. Not only is a shield build's maximum possible AC higher, it is more cost efficient than builds that don't use shields...if you spread your gold around evenly. Trying to buy a +5 shield ASAP is a mistake. Someday you'll get a +5 shield, but probably not before you have a +4 ring, +4 necklace, and a +6 dex item.

This isn't about giving the Tank the AC this is about giving other party members +10 or more AC in addition to what they have on them. Sacred Shield already halfs all incoming damage from one enemy. Then he can give his shield bonus to allied standing next to him. The Paladins AC is fine, its already projected to get into the mid to high 30s and climbing. And that's when he isn't untargetable.

So as a bit of a experiment, my groups been looking at how to make a support tank for our Rise of the Runelords game. The goal is to give one or more party members AC and cover. Right now we’ve got a Sacred Shield Paladin going into the Mobile Stronghold feat tree. He's dipping fighter so He'll have it all by 7th level. So right now we’re looking at +10 to party AC from a +5 Tower Shield and total cover on one facing. How do we crank this higher?

VoodistMonk wrote:

I don't think there's too much of a problem with that particular Obedience. The Wizard goes off and reads her spellbook. The Witch goes and talks to his Familiar. The follower of Lymnieris goes off and gets off... so what?

What negative repercussions are really going to happen?

For one, who cares if they get +1 extra hp when they heal if it's going to be that big of a problem?

Secondly, can't a person go lay down on a rock somewhere and rub one out in peace? Everyone else seems to have no problem finding a quiet place to do their dumb $#!+...

But au contraire, you CAN'T touch yourself. Which gets back to how the hell does this work and is this the sort of thing that will have a ripple effect. If he has to say, hiring someone to help, well now we've got a player hiring an NPC and if they pissed someone off that NPC could now be an assassin. Or if they're a caster they might need to use a first level spell slot to make it work like Unseen Servant.

Yqatuba wrote:
Alchemist 23 wrote:
VoodistMonk wrote:

Nobody asks for specifics of the Wizard preparing their spells, so just don't ask what they are doing as long as they say they are doing it.

There's no Reflex save for falling in your own cat trench, or Fortitude save for difficult poo's, because nobody cares... same thing with your preparions for your spells or deities.

But that's the thing though, Obedience arn't automatic. You can fail to do them and then not get your buffs for the day. There's one for an evil god were you have to stand on a roof and if someone sees you, you need to hunt them down an violently murder them. That's the kind of thing you can't hand wave cuz its going to cause a ripple effect depending on who dies. That's why I ask cuz this is the sort of thing that can have repercussions as silly as that sounds.
Which god works this way? Just wondering.

It's Xoueron, The Horned Prince, Demon Lord of Gargoyles, Gluttony and Ruins.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Nobody asks for specifics of the Wizard preparing their spells, so just don't ask what they are doing as long as they say they are doing it.

There's no Reflex save for falling in your own cat trench, or Fortitude save for difficult poo's, because nobody cares... same thing with your preparions for your spells or deities.

But that's the thing though, Obedience arn't automatic. You can fail to do them and then not get your buffs for the day. There's one for an evil god were you have to stand on a roof and if someone sees you, you need to hunt them down an violently murder them. That's the kind of thing you can't hand wave cuz its going to cause a ripple effect depending on who dies. That's why I ask cuz this is the sort of thing that can have repercussions as silly as that sounds.

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Yqatuba wrote:
WagnerSika wrote:
Some good gods also have obediences that are nigh impossible to accomplish. Where is a Ragathiel worshipper able to find a proven wrongdoer every morning to execute? Is he going to tow a herd of criminals on his adventures and just chop one head off after breakfast?
I would just have him off a bunch of bad people in one day and say it counts for a whole month or something like that.

Party member" "Hey LG Gorge, we've got to go travel over the mountains. Make sure to stock up."

LG Gorge: "Oh yeah like 28 days there and back? Let me just stop by the gas chamber. Oh and can I borrow your wand of cloud kill again?"

Lawful Good everyone. Lawful Good.

WagnerSika wrote:
Some good gods also have obediences that are nigh impossible to accomplish. Where is a Ragathiel worshipper able to find a proven wrongdoer every morning to execute? Is he going to tow a herd of criminals on his adventures and just chop one head off after breakfast?

That one really sucks cuz I like the Crimson Templar class. Problem is there is no way to play it.

I'll cut to the chase here. I've been running a lot of short games and one of my players has decided to fallow Lymnieris and take Celestial Obedience. Pazio I must simply ask what the hell? You censor the strangest things but have this in the game? So now I have to ask cuz I have no freaking idea, how does one commit Lymnieris Celestial Obedience?

Note: Can't get the spoiler thing to work so just look it up on Nethys.

avr wrote:

A lot of psychic spells are buffs. Buff up then shoot or stab while invisible or something, collect your sneak attack damage on a hit. That'd be the way I'd do it.

Spells with attack rolls and damage on the psychic spell list: force hook charge, force punch, stricken heart, telekinesis, telekinetic projectile, umbral strike and vampiric touch. Possibly a couple of others which my quick search didn't find.

Edit: there's also some abilities and likely spells in the psychic disciplines though not necessarily directly. e.g. Rebirth lets you steal a spell from another spell list, or Rivethun discipline gives 1st level shaman spirit abilities such as the flame spirit's flame touch.

Going melee with mage hit dice always makes me very nervous.

CorvusMask wrote:

Eh, I guess it might be exaggeration yeah since grimdark refers to settings where good doesn't exist at all :p But yeah your group can have your preferences, but I'm pretty sure not all of those things you listed had sexual violence in them?(if I understood your implication right from Goblin Slayer being referenced combined with Lamashtu material in the Burnt Offerings)

Either way though, I think its okay for different groups to have different levels of how much shocking or gross material they like in their games, but if anybody does arguing that their way is better then I start eyerolling and enter the debate mode xP

Oh yeah to each their own. Anyway everyone always focuses on that aspect of Goblin Slayer but actually the Goblins are a lot worse than just that. I mean they blinded that one cleric, and that was just the tip of the ice burg."

CorvusMask wrote:

Yer gm seems to be really into grim dark huh O_o; Well if nothing else, one of comics bonus rpg content has ** spoiler omitted ** so not too out of character for Magnimar I suppose...

Either way, uh, if this is what your GM did with first book, I think second book is gonna be even worse. Not to mention book 3 which is already incredibly dark. Then again, consider that book is already dark, not sure how they can make it darker- Okay I want to stop imagining how to make incredibly shocking book even darker xD

See you say Grim Dark but this is just the kind of fantasy we all grew up on. Wheel Of Time, Solomon Kane, Conan the Barbarian, Starship Troopers. We like our monster to be monstrous and our villains to be more than black mustaches. I mean a lot of fantasy has been watered down these days. I mean look at the original Ravenloft or the Anti-Paladin class in Dragon magazine. The stronger the adversity the stronger your resolve.

Got a player who wants to do a Thought Thief. Problem is the class seems to be non-functional.

Problem: Almost nothing on the Psychic Spell list triggers sneak attack.

Mind Thrust, Explode Head, Magic Missile, almost all the psychic spells are save or suck, so none of them trigger sneak attack, at least the way I under stand it. Is there something I'm missing here?

FYI his stat line is:

He's starting Unchained Rogue then going Psychic. He doesn't want to do Psychic Sorcerer cuz he likes the Mind Thrust spells and discovered that its utterly broken with the Cunning Caster feat.

And just to capstone off this whole mess here's what happened:

We locked up the kids, bonked a few on the head with saps, and later took them to town with all other NPC's from the dungeon. They were promptly sold as indentured servants to someone in Magnimar to pay for the damages they did. We recovered 7 / 10 hostages that had been taken (GM added that part). If you want to know why hostages were taken lets just say our GM is a fan of the Spellmonger books as well as Goblin Slayer. Our game is officially rated xXx and can never be spoke of again. We actually managed to save all the 'human' I guess enemy NPCs. And two of them are now working for the party while the other two are living under the Doom of Damocles thanks to some of our party (Me and our Slayer) worshiping Ragathiel.

Paladin did not fall since he did protest the selling of the goblin children, but we all agreed we did what we could. We're only playing mortals, sometimes not losing is the best you can do.

We think we found a work around. We're just going to lock the cages, then on our way out just toss them in bags and take them back to town. We figure we can just throw them at the church. They'll either become clergy or second class citizens, either way the wild goblins are taken care of. We already agreed we were going to take the Boss (You know the one) and their cohorts alive anyway so we have already borrowed the prison wagon.

Oh and worth noting that they do pop up on the Paladins Detect Evil.

We’re playing Rise of the Runelords, so minor spoilers I guess? If you seriously haven’t played that yet? Or like seen any P1 artwork.

Long story short, we’ve got a Paladin of Iomedae who is like the rest of the party, 110% DONE with goblins. The GM has been merciless with the bastards. We’ve seen them light old people on fire, they killed the kids who were chasing butterflies, and have majorly screwed up one of our parties NPC wifues. The Paladin even tried sparing some of them from the raid and they just ended up burning a farm and killing the family in ways I can’t discuss on this forum.

So when we went rocking into the Goblin camp we have shown 0 mercy and are at times using terror tactics on the buggers. And then we get to the room with the goblin kids. General call was to just go Goblin Slayer on their little green butts. However the GM is stuck on whether or not the Paladin can take part, which he kind of wants to since his NPC sister also got badly burned and lost her house in the attack.

There is also the fact that there are no Goblins alive to take care of them and there an't none gunna come back cuz the huts are trapped. The our Oracle has been using the term Exterminatus.

Dragonchess Player wrote:

Some suggestions:

IMO, no more than 4 levels in dragon disciple.

Just remember that 1) Sneak Attack damage is not added to splash damage, 2) it's difficult to consistently gain ranged sneak attacks* before greater invisibility, 3) BAB will be low (avoid flanking in melee), and 5) bombs are not spells (so Surprise Spells has no effect on bombs).

Why only 4 levels?

And Actually there is a rogue archetype that applies sneak attack damage to your splash weapons. Its not 'ideal' for the 'optimal' arcane trickster with full caster levels but to be honestly my list of spells I like ends around 7th level, 8th and 9th just don't seem as fun. Plus you basically do double bomb damage while also spamming spells sooo...

So I'm getting to take a break from GMing soon and one of the guys is running RR after my game wraps up. I want to play something fun, but I'm a multi-classing junky. I've got a few ideas here need to know how well they fit in RR. Looking for something melee since I know the rest of our party is skittish and likes to play way back. I'll also have to do my own buffs, that's just a given.

Esoteric Knight: Either a Cavalier (Ghost Rider) and or some Fighter then Psychic.

Bloodrager into Dragon Disciple

Thought Thief (Arcane Trickster Archetype): Psychic and Unchained Rogue

Arcane Trickster Bomber: Arcanist with Rogue and Bomber talent

Holy Vindicator: Cleric / Fighter dual welding Sun Swords

Max AC Fighter using Mobile Bulwark style and a Split Bladed Sword

Swashbuckler Bard of some kind

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GM - "The party arrives in the land of the elves, glamorous woodland with waterfalls and grand archways. Your audience with the Elven king isn't until tomorrow evening, but in the mean time your free to feast at the local tavern."

GM rolls dice.

GM -"Tavar" [Dwarf Ranger], "You ah, you ate something that didn't quite agree with you. Your, your stomach is starting to cramp up."

Tavar- "Oh, I guess I'll ask for the nearest bathroom?"

GM -"Okay one of the Elven bar maids directs you to the back and you trot over to find a rather nice bathroom. Its actaully got tile and what looks to be working plumbing."

GM rolls dice and smiles.

Tavar - "Okay I guess I drop trow and use the facilities. I, ah, I 'm not
poisoned am I, I mean I have that plus two."

GM - "No, no. But ah you did fail your perception roll. So ah, as you finish you reach over for a rag and instead find only a small shelf with three seashells. Roll me a knowledge Local check."

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I think for right now they've made thing feel way too generic between the classes with Fighter, Barbarian, and Monk just kind of all looking like different flavors of hit that thing really, really hard. And yes I know that's kind of the point of melee classes but it just feels like limiting the combat feats by class has removed an element of zany fun and locked things into very ridged rolls.

The game also looks very Rocket Tag to me now.
I like what they did with spells though I'm already missing snowball just for nostalgic reasons if nothing else. But at the same time everything just seems high damage, low utility. The idea of making one spell scale with level is nice but kind of gimps the spontaneous casters for really no good reason. They should have just taken the psychic's under cast / over cast idea and made that the standard instead of making it a build playstyle.

Also are AC tanks just not a thing now?
I was going over Fighter and Champion on the web and outside the very strange thing they are doing with shields I don't see anything that really boosts your AC. No Combat Expertise, no doge, no armor focus, no shield focus, no mobile bulwark style (yes I know that came after the core but still).

Temperans wrote:

Well simulacrum is strong, and so is the tumor familiar, and other the one that let's you reduce penalties for not having the right spells.

As for how strong, the archetype is best as fluff. Unless you are able to mess with all the construct mods/templates and build yourself an army (that may or may not be able to help you make more constructs).

I think the best use of it is a 1 lvl dip to get craft construct with a CL linked to your Alchemy ranks. That way you could craft constructs and play something with more options. Use the Companion as a servant to do non-combat menial tasks.

Melkiador wrote:

It’s not the best alchemist archetype, but the homunculus apparently can benefit from some of the construct improvements.

https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/building-and-modifying-constructs/#Construct _Modifications

Wait you can mod it? That... that almost makes it worth it.

avr wrote:
No, no and no. It's its own very specific thing which is like an animal companion but not. D10 HD and full BAB can show you that if nothing else. Anything which applies to a list of things like animal companions, mounts, eidolons etc. has no particular reason it would apply to a homunculus companion.

So its another unsupported dead end class...

Is the Promethean Alchemist Homunculus an animal companion? Can you use Boon companion? Archetypes? Anything?

"To become a psychic lich, one must create and infuse a memoir, which serves a similar function to an ordinary lich’s phylactery... Each psychic lich must create its own memoir by using the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The character must be able to cast psychic spells at a caster level of 11th or higher. The memoir costs 120,000 gp to create and has a caster level equal to that of its creator at the time of creation."

So do you still have to do the Eternal Apotheosis or does the crafting of the memoir create the Psychic Lich?

TheGreatWot wrote:
So you'll be taking two prestige classes? Esoteric knight will really screw up your spellcasting. I really think that you just need to have a group talk and go over what's causing the problem rather than changing your entire build over a few PCs constantly hiding behind the psychic.

Having full Spell casting isn't the end all be all. I've rarely played anything that got 9th or even 7th level spells. Honestly most of the good stuffs around 6th level. Besides we already have 2 full casters in the party I can afford to lose the spell levels if it means more HP and BAB at this point.

Found the answer, its a prestige class called Esoteric Knight. Basically Eldritch Knight but for Psychic casters. Its in the new splat book.

Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:

I don’t quite understand the logical leap between

We are likely to be forced into combat and I therefore must be front line capable.

What is the rest of your party and what is your Discipline, both these things would be good to know.

The other two party members are a Arcane Trickster who will only use and cast illusion spells and has 7 con. And the other is a 'summoner' that literally uses his first action in combat to run as far as he can to put the rest of the party between him and the enemy. He also has never summoned anything. And by summoner I mean Conjuration Wizard. The 'leap' that I have to be front line capable is because everyone else in the party is trying to hid behind me. I at least need a good AC so I can have a chance of turning invisible or something.

TheGreatWot wrote:

Are you sure that it's entirely in character for your character to risk his neck on the front lines?

In character no. Never. He's more likely to invite his enemies to a nice dinner and slowly poison them over the four courses. But as I said the GM is really wanting to force the issue since we've circumvented every encounter and made him dance to our tune.

So we're playing a city based game and I'm getting to play for once. My character is a Lawful Evil business man who's gimmick is he is always the lesser of the two evils in the moment but worse in the long run. Right now our parties only combat focused character is an unchained monk. We've been sneaking past combat by summoning monsters and then pretending to be innocent bystanders or just being invisible. But at this rate its only a matter of time before the GM just forces the issue and has a troll kick its way into our bar or something. Right now my biggest asset is that I have armor expert which means I can wear a rather silly amount of armor for not being proficient in it.
I'm level 5 and thanks to some quick thinking in sinking a ship filled with high level NPC's we're jumping up to 7. I plan on going Diabolist at 8th level. Any ideas what I could dip into or prestige class into to make me more of a front line threat somehow?

So starting a new game for the summer GM has instituted the following rule: We get at most 4 items the total costing no more than 2,500GP. No weapons, no consumables (potions, scrolls, so on). I'm playing a 5th level psychic. Game takes place in a dark gritty hole of a city.

Right now I've got
Wayfinder (Standard) 500GP
Pouch, Pathfinder 1K
Dusty Rose Prism (Ioun Stone) 500GP
Traveler’s Any-Tool 250GP

Any better ideas?

All Mithral items are considered masterwork so does that apply the masterwork -1 to armor check? Basically do Mithral items actually have a -4 reduction in armor check or is the masterwork rolled into the normal -3?

Given how screwy Pathfinder can be I'm not sure this an unreasonable question.

Alchemist 23 wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Alchemist 23 wrote:

Problem. Conceal Spell does not work with Conceal Spell.

"When you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability, you can attempt to conceal verbal and somatic components among other speech and gestures, and to conceal the manifestation of casting the spell, so others don’t realize you’re casting a spell or using a spell-like ability until it is too late."

Verbal and Somatic components.

Conceal Spell obfuscates the verbal components, somatic components, and the manifestation of casting the spell. The third one is what a psychic caster is going to be concerned about, of course.
Yeah just read through all of it a few time to figure it out. Its poorly written but yeah I get it now. Basically psychic casters can only be detected by either sense motive if someone is close to you or spell-craft if they have it.

And actually after all that I found Cunning Caster which is over all a much better feat.

Arachnofiend wrote:
Alchemist 23 wrote:

Problem. Conceal Spell does not work with Conceal Spell.

"When you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability, you can attempt to conceal verbal and somatic components among other speech and gestures, and to conceal the manifestation of casting the spell, so others don’t realize you’re casting a spell or using a spell-like ability until it is too late."

Verbal and Somatic components.

Conceal Spell obfuscates the verbal components, somatic components, and the manifestation of casting the spell. The third one is what a psychic caster is going to be concerned about, of course.

Yeah just read through all of it a few time to figure it out. Its poorly written but yeah I get it now. Basically psychic casters can only be detected by either sense motive if someone is close to you or spell-craft if they have it.

Problem. Conceal Spell does not work with Conceal Spell.

"When you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability, you can attempt to conceal verbal and somatic components among other speech and gestures, and to conceal the manifestation of casting the spell, so others don’t realize you’re casting a spell or using a spell-like ability until it is too late."
Verbal and Somatic components

So I'm playing with Psychic casters and we can't pin down what has purple sparkle effects and what doesn't. Charm Person doesn't logically work as a spell if every time you cast it you shot heart smoke into someone's face. So what does mind thrust look like? What about Detect Thoughts?

Does it say anywhere what spells look like?

Edit: Or what spell effects can be hidden.

+2 Hide Shirt 4,170GP: +5 armor 0 armor check from masterwork AKA no proficiency penalty.
+2 Buckler 4,160GP: +3 armor 0 armor check from masterwork AKA no proficiency penalty.
For arcane caster w/ arcane armor training
+2 Leather 4,160GP: +4 armor 0 armor check.

+3 bracers of armor 9000GP?
How does this balance out?

Normally classes at least put "Gains no weapon or armor proficiency" Diabolist doesn't even have the entry. Since the other two classes get proficiency with their patron's favored weapon I can only imagine the same was meant for Diabolist ?

Artificial 20 wrote:

I wouldn't call it mechanically ideal, but this might work for you.

Caster's Champion (Combat) wrote:

You draw upon the power of an allied arcane spellcaster to enhance your weapons with magical energy.

Benefit: Three times per day as a swift action, when you are within 30 feet of an ally who is an arcane spellcaster, you can channel a portion of her arcane power into your weapons. For 1 round, you gain a +1 bonus on all weapon damage rolls, and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. When your base attack bonus reaches +4 and every 4 points thereafter, this bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of +5 at 16th level.

Special: This feat counts as Arcane Strike for the purposes of prerequisites.

That's not bad

VoodistMonk wrote:
if you are already set on the Psychic Bloodline?

Long story short our GM is a nut for guns in pathfinder and he's made this really gun heavy setting where the guards all have guns and clockwork familiars somehow even tho magic is very restricted. But they are still exotic for some reason. Basically psychic is the only way to get past the check points. As to why I'm using guns, the party agrees someone probably should. I drew the short straw. Using those feats would have let me keep most of my character intact and be okay with firearms. But since I can't meet the requirements...

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