Jiminy Sunwake |

Well, we're almmost to 50,00 posts. Is that a lot? I'm not sure, 'cause I can't count that high, but everyone acts like it is so it must be. Will there be a party, and candy? I like candy, especially the sticky kind, 'cause it tastes good but sweet kind of good not the people kind of good, 'cause people say that I'm not very good, but that's just 'cause they're mean and don't like the things I do, and that makes me sad, but not really, as being bad can be fun, and I like fun, and Fun should be my middle name, 'cause then everyone would know how much fun they would have if they played with me, so then people would play with me more, and I'd be happy and they wouldn't have to get put in places that hurt, 'cause that's what happens to people that are mean and won't play with someone as adorable as me.

Freehold DM |

Gruumash . wrote:Not sure I am a fan of any fast food place. I know hersey AZ. But we disagreed on other tiems like football as well I think it was a civil manner. I don't like Popeye's or KFC. Or McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Arby's, Golden Coral, Applebee's, TGIF, Taco Bell, Red Lobster, Sonic, Cheesecake Factory ... Did I get most of them?Yes. Well you did leave out a few, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, Papa Murphy, and ll the rest of the Pizza places...
A&W, oh what the hey ** spoiler omitted **...
I have not heard of many of these places but would love to try them.

Tempest, Sister of the Trident |

Well, kidlet had a good day at school, and I can stand on my foot for short periods of time before the pain gets to be too much (I tripped over a stool and sliced open the bottom of my foot yesterday), and the cold seems to be over with...so I think it's actually a not altogether bad day. :)