
The Hangman's Tree's page

38 posts. Alias of Emperor7.


I'm hung like a tree

The Hangman's Tree wrote:
EMU the Sparkly Vampyre wrote:
What? No love for sparkles?!
Sure! Come over and hang with me!

Nekkid and hung, hehe

EMU the Sparkly Vampyre wrote:
What? No love for sparkles?!

Sure! Come over and hang with me!

I'm hung

A Flaming Angry Fan Mob wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
looking back at the mob we and under his breath we do understand them right?.


What's hanging? Oh, that's me. ;)

Aberzombie wrote:
curls up in a corner and cries

Sissy. It ain't snow'd enough 'til you et all your chillins', and all your neighbor's chillins'

Here we'll just hang you. :)

Well, since Halloween is in 5 days...

I like Elbow Macaroni, made with real elbows.

David Fryer wrote:
Too late.

Can I be a fan of Gary today then Erik tomorrow?

Mah Aunt Esmarelda wrote:
The Hangman's Tree wrote:

The blast partially pushes thru the wards on HT, and his braches and vines sizzle as if they were aflame.

As he screams in pain, spores shoot from his mouth to MUM and Esmeralda.

Esmerelda, with some difficulty, blocks the attack. A bit hits her, but she manages to protect Meepo. She sends forth another blast of positive energy, mixed with some force to damage the barrier.

The vines surrounding them burst into full flame, searing them with its evil. HT laughs as he is consumed by the flames himself.

The blast partially pushes thru the wards on HT, and his braches and vines sizzle as if they were aflame.

As he screams in pain, spores shoot from his mouth to MUM and Esmeralda.

Mah Uncle Meepo wrote:
The Hangman's Tree wrote:
Mah Uncle Meepo wrote:
The Hangman's Tree wrote:
More vines wrap Beren as HT continues the attack. Eventually vines erupt from within the Bear Lord's body itself.

Meepo glares.

"You're mine, tree."
He charges, firing his machine gun at the tree.

The bullets strike true, but the holes do not bleed. Holes appear upon Beren, and they bleed profusely.

If a tree could smile HT would be

Meepo glares.

"Not bad. I'm about you hit you with positive energy, so you just tell me when it hurts, 'kay?"
The bullets turn to pure positive energy as Meepo fires. They will not harm Beren.

HT does manage a smile

We have wards against that type of thing too, fool.

Vines erupt around MUM, and attempt to entangle him. The thorns upon the vines lengthen, as if drawn to his blood.

Mah Uncle Meepo wrote:
The Hangman's Tree wrote:
More vines wrap Beren as HT continues the attack. Eventually vines erupt from within the Bear Lord's body itself.

Meepo glares.

"You're mine, tree."
He charges, firing his machine gun at the tree.

The bullets strike true, but the holes do not bleed. Holes appear upon Beren, and they bleed profusely.

If a tree could smile HT would be

More vines wrap Beren as HT continues the attack. Eventually vines erupt from within the Bear Lord's body itself.

Thorny vines of dripping blood erupt from the ground and ensnare Beren Fishfinder.

Hidden by the fog, trees, flowers and vines begin to sprout. Twisted forms of their natural counterparts.

Having joined the undead army's campaign HT presses his roots into the soil of the Place of Winds, expecting to relish in the corruption. His eyes bulge and he quickly withdraws his smoking roots.

Arrrgh! We may have a problem here Mistress.

He looks to be avoiding the ground. It's a comical view.

Drawn by the powers, an old friend is freed and reborn. He surveys the scene of destruction.

Ahh, so sweet.

Behind the wheel is a dead tree. Hanging from its branches are various 'prizes', all strung from nooses. Animals, children, heroes, and demons. Dragons and damsels. Knights and wights.

The Witch Hunter General wrote:
The Hangman's Tree wrote:

On some distant plane...

Denied. Another foe has been born.

Hmmph. If I weren't engaged in a life-or-death-for-the-north-of-Avistan-struggle with Baba Yaga right now, I'd take the time out to come after you with a cold iron axe.

Yeah, right. If I had an acorn for every time I've heard that...

Spring Sapling wrote:
Sunny Godhead wrote:

...then all is silent once more

Spring Sapling's skin looks to be a more burnished brown hue. She stands tall and straight, and the green aura is now shot through with veins of gold

"Thank you Sun God." She says

On some distant plane...

Denied. Another foe has been born.

LJ begins to feel her lungs fill with rank water, for just a moment, before she resists the spell. She notices that she has attracted the attention of one of the elementals. These elementals are made of unpure water, drawn from some unholy source.

lynora-Jill wrote:
The Hangman's Tree wrote:
lynora-Jill wrote:
LJ draws her bow and fires positive energy arrows into the wraiths again and again. The arrows are stronger than the ones she had the last time.

The ground beneath LJ's feet rebels against the positive energy, and begins to roil.

Guess what comes next.

Just to point out, I'm flying. Doesn't mean I'm flying high enough, but it is an important distinction. :)

Figured, but had to draw the parallel.

The ground erupts as numerous graves expel their occupants. Even under the lava sections. Those undead are quickly consumed by the molten rock. (Terminator 2 visual for AoV.) Undead of all types join the fray.

lynora-Jill wrote:
LJ draws her bow and fires positive energy arrows into the wraiths again and again. The arrows are stronger than the ones she had the last time.

The ground beneath LJ's feet rebels against the positive energy, and begins to roil.

Guess what comes next.

As he is torn apart a voice is heard hissing over the winds

You know that this isn't the end for me. I shall come back for your granddaughter...

Well played Umpire. How about you come out from your circle and battle me one on one?

One of the elementals turns to fight the newcomers, and lands a punch in JH's back sending him spralling across the floor. A swarm of undead spirits descend upon the prone hero. It is eerily reminiscient of his recent battle with the wraiths.

The Hangman's Tree continues to slash at the living, small and large alike. The blood from the wounds he inflicts flow up into him.

A large dire bear tries to rip into him and is skewered by several braches at once. It flails and snaps at the branches, succeeding on a few, but the blood from its body is visibly drained each moment. New branches sprout to replace the destroyed ones.

4 huge water elementals apear in each corner of the room. Two move towards the various undead, one towards the Mask, and the last one moves to Alaina. They bludgeon their foes with fists as hard as ice, stretching to avoid the lava.

One hit grazes Alaina hissing as it does.

Two fists of water strike at the Mask.

Lesser undead are torn asunder by the assault. Incorporeal spirits are safe.

The Hangman's Tree finishes his spell, and commands the 4 huge water elemetals before he is whisked away -

Kill all in this place.

The Mask wrote:
"It could cause suspicion, though. I believe that the Emperor is probably too risky, he has been around for a long time, and the trees are wise."

Death has been around longer.

The voice sounds exactly like E7, and continues...

'Begone foul trickster', HT mimes. He summons 4 trees, which begin
to move towards the Mask. Chuckling, he dismisses them.

We have missed an opportunity with the Earth. It has strengthened its protections. The block I placed upon the guardian has been torn down. The Nut has been hidden, even from my eyes.

Now, we seem divided. Discord touches even us.

I ate a vegetarian once...tasted like chicken...weird...

The Earth draws back into itself. There is an opportunity here.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
The Hangman's Tree wrote:

I sense life...plant life...and power...

The Hangman's Tree begins searching the area. Soon he spots the small seedling. He sends a root out to enwrap the seedling and pull it from the floor.

Read the previous spoiler.

As the seedling is touched Board essence explodes and hits the Hangman's Tree

Does the seedling come free? Is the power like a blast of negative energy in this plane? Not sure how to describe. HT is a negative energy being, but shares some traits with plants. Does the root get blasted and shriveled, or does it spread/travel? Feel free to post the outcome. Even death. HT is expendable, but can also be regrown.

I sense life...plant life...and power...

The Hangman's Tree begins searching the area. Soon he spots the small seedling. He sends a root out to enwrap the seedling and pull it from the floor.

He was summoning me.

A large evil looking tree appears, fresh blood drips from its branches. The blood trails behind as it approaches.

No more shall the life trees go unchallenged. My kind will bloom whenever one of theirs fall.