The Hammer of Death's page
43 posts. Alias of Emperor7.
Aberzombie wrote: What's next clubbing baby seals? I'm in!
Celestial Healer wrote: Angel Fish wrote: DSXMachina wrote: Angel Fish wrote: *Glub*
Anybody got a squirrel or something to feed to me?
There's plenty of turnips!
*drops one n Angel Fishs' tank & gets out flame-thrower*
Do you want your turnip boiled? *Lighting bolt hits DXSMachina*
Get. The Turnip. Out. Of. My. Fishbowl. I got that for you...
*removes the turnip from the fishbowl. Puts a dazed halfling in its place*
Enjoy. "Ooh, ooh! Can I play?"
holds dazed halfling by one leg, dipping him in and out of the water. chunks of turnips fly out of his mouth as he laughs.
"Hey! There be turnips here!"
"I'm not really dead. Just between bodies right now."
starts munching on turnips
Djuhah the Djinn wrote: "I see," he wheezes, clutching his chest where his broken ribs ache fiercely. Not to mention the rest of his wounds. He wasn't sure if he was going to burn or freeze, but he needed help soon. "Well, then, if you will please excuse me, I believe it is time for me to return home." The broken rib moves towards your heart. The scrapes begin to fester. Death is persistant.
Djuhah the Djinn wrote: Djuhah breathes heavily, sorely wounded. "Well, that was interesting. I came to fight, but I didn't realize it was as bad as that. Is it always like this around here?" Your wounds burn, yet you feel chilled. Magical healing is needed.
HoD collapses from the combined attacks, and falls to the ground dead. His form dissolves, leaving the floor beneath him devoid of all life. Even stone becomes brittle. Cleaning will not remove the stain. It can only be covered.
When his earthbreaker falls the ground seems to open up to accept it, swallowing it quickly. Those sharp of eye see a deep chasm of red light before it winks out of existence.
Did that battle satisfy your bloodlust? ;)
Corin Wisp wrote: Stepping out from HoD's visual periphery, stands a rather paculiar half-elf with two soulforged swords. He swings at Hod, one blade aiming for his throat and the other for his torso. The soulforged blades strike true, but have an odd effect of HoD. He shrinks in size, but at the same time seems to draw energy from the swords. He continues to shrink, the bands of light connecting his form to that of the blades.
I taste...
One strike shocks Corin, the other burns him. They both damage HoD, but seem to excite him as well.
Nirellia Dimonia wrote: The elven woman appears on the scene, looking scared but determined. She is holding a snakeskin glove crafted from the white hide of one of the most dangerous of constricting snakes of all, an Elysian Snow Boa. To those able to see such things, it radiates potent magic. (Artifact level sort of Bigby's hand item.)
Hammer of Death: ** spoiler omitted **
HoD looks upon the newcomer and his rage deepens. He straightens under the onslaught of the robot's guns. The black mist snaking towards Alaina becomes a spear, stretching to her collapsed form. It passes thru the djinn with no effect, and connects into a cord of black btwn the foes.
For Nirellia:
Acme Robot wrote: The Hammer of Death wrote: HoD turns his back on Acme, and steps towards Alaina.
Join with me woman of fire. When HoD turns his back, Acme reforms his chain guns and fires both at HoD's midsection HoD is staggered by the attack. He stretches an arm out towards Alaina.
Feed me!
a black mist snakes forth
Nirellia Dimonia wrote: Taking 10 for approximately 50 on a Knowledge check. Is Hammer of death immune to force or not? Force, no. Elements heal him. Bullets (piercing) really hurt him, as did slashing.
Sunny Godhead wrote: Down steeping into the Sanctum, dressed in fine togas and attire of a by-gone roman stands a man in what appears to bronzed platemail. His hair is slick, long golden and combed back. He carries a large shield in hand. His other hand is adorn in a ceremonial gauntlet, plated all the way up to his forearm.
"It semms you have earned my attention, and through violence no less. Something no one has done in two score millennium. Cease desecrating my sanctum or suffer the consequences."
Begone, diety. Lest you find your immortality at an end. Death is Master of all. And I am his Reaper.
HoD turns his back on Acme, and steps towards Alaina.
Join with me woman of fire.
Acme Robot wrote: Acme's spikes seem to collect the elemental fury. Acme's armor seems to glow with a dozens of blue-white stars.
I may not command the energy, but I can certainly channel it.
Acme's spikes discharge the energy HoD sent over in an arc of fury straight back at him.
HoD basks in the elemental discharge, and grows. His wounds heal.
He releases bolts of energy in all directions, relishing in the destruction. He laughs if he is lucky enough to strike someone down.
Djuhah the Djinn wrote: "Thank you, Sun God," the djinn says, feeling much better. He slashes at the berserker one more time with his scimitar, but stops mid-stroke as he sees the priestess heading towards the behemoth. He tries to position himself between her and the berserker. HoD has gotten stronger since the last strike. Electricity blasts Djuhah as his weapon connects. It's like striking a lightning bolt.
Acme Robot wrote: The Hammer of Death wrote: Feed me! Give me your life and your souls.
The berserker seems to call to the Bouncer and Alaina, and the soulforged blades the Bouncer wields. They feel compelled to obey.
He ignores yet another sabre slash, but the wound heals more slowly. Acme is the center of his attention. Acme punches his two glowing runeblades into HoD's midsection. A crackling electricity travels off the blades into the Hammer of Death. The HoD smiles at the blades stuck inside him. More electricity is drawn in. His eyes crackle with the energy.
He laughs.
Your runes are young. You do not command the elements as I do. Begone.
A blast of blue fire erupts from HoD's mouth and strikes Acme, both shocking and burning his metal body.
Alaina, the Fire Flower wrote: The Hammer of Death wrote: Alaina, the Fire Flower wrote: Bouncer the Solar Elemental wrote:
He enters melee with the Hammer of Death.
Seeing that her flame strike is ineffective, Alaina feeds energy to Bouncer as he wades into battle Alaina notices that some of her power flows to HoD. Seeing Hod siphon off her energy, Alaina prays to Sunny G. Suddenly a wave of pure Positive Material Energy washes over HoD. He is struck by a bolt of pure life force energy. It is uncertain if the energy helps or hurts the behemoth.
Feed me! Give me your life and your souls.
The berserker seems to call to the Bouncer and Alaina, and the soulforged blades the Bouncer wields. They feel compelled to obey.
He ignores yet another sabre slash, but the wound heals more slowly. Acme is the center of his attention.
Bullets fly everywhere, as some are deflected by the earthbreaker, but many get thru. HoD is strengthened by the Hot of the hot lead, but not the lead part.
He races towards Acme.
Alaina, the Fire Flower wrote: Bouncer the Solar Elemental wrote:
He enters melee with the Hammer of Death.
Seeing that her flame strike is ineffective, Alaina feeds energy to Bouncer as he wades into battle Alaina notices that some of her power flows to HoD.
Perhaps you will do. These 'kittens' bore me.
HoD engages, using both hands on his earthbreaker. Head or butt, each end deals a strong blow. Ice, wind, and cold accompany each strike.
Alaina, the Fire Flower wrote: The Hammer of Death wrote: The berserker ignores the sabre slash and grins at the pending fire attack. He begins swinging his earthbreaker in large sweeps, crushing anything in its path.
Puny insects. Do you not know the Face of Death?
Alaina smiles a grim smile
Are you ready to face a mirror?
Flame Strike!
A burning arc of flame shoots from Alaina's outstretched arms and smites HoD HoD grimaces as the divine energy blasts him, but the flames he sheds as a duck sheds water. Motes of flame are flung around the area in double the standard radius.
The berserker begins a sustained whirlwind attack, moving around the room like a spiining top. Blue jets of flame gout from the whirling dervish. The flames cling to all they strike. The furnishings begin to burn.

Djuhah the Djinn wrote: The Hammer of Death wrote: The berserker ignores the sabre slash and grins at the pending fire attack. He begins swinging his earthbreaker in large sweeps, crushing anything in its path.
Puny insects. Do you not know the Face of Death?
"Well that certainly explains why your face is so ugly," he says conversationally as he dodges out of the way of the hammer, wincing a bit as he doesn't dodge quite far enough and takes a glancing blow along his side. "I've always wanted to laugh in the face of death," he wheezes, trying to catch his breath. "Ha. Hahaha."
He takes advantage of a momentary opening to deliver another small slash to the crazed berseker. 'Happy to oblige', the berserker growls. The earthbreaker begins to glow with black energy. HoD's wounds begin to close slowly. Each step he takes causes damage to the floor, stress or scorching. He looks upon his opponent for the real first time, his eyes glowing with fire. As he looks at Alaina his eyes glow blue. The speed of his strikes increases. The elemental power that accompanies each changes with each opponent mid-swing.
The berserker ignores the sabre slash and grins at the pending fire attack. He begins swinging his earthbreaker in large sweeps, crushing anything in its path.
Puny insects. Do you not know the Face of Death?
Djuhah the Djinn wrote: The Hammer of Death wrote:
HoD continues his advance, reaching to swat the interloper with the fist of his off-hand. Though it seems too large to wield single-handed the earthbreaker still moves smoothly for the berzerker.
With the swiftness of wind, the djinn glides out of the way of the powerful blow.
"You see, this is exactly the sort of thing I am speaking about. A civilized person does not respond to a spot of conversation by trying to smash someone into the carpeting." HoD swings the earthbreaker in his other hand. He misses the quick opponent, but the ground beneath the blow explodes into a shower of debris wounding anyone close.
lynora wrote: The Hammer of Death wrote:
Remember this is the guy that was trapped in JH's hammer, and gave JH elemental resistance/control. Raging, powerful, and brutal. No finesse. So Djuhah can at least keep dodging until somebody stronger shows up:) Oh, he could slash him pretty good. HoD is dense enough to ignore it for a while. Maybe too long.
Djuhah the Djinn wrote: "I am quite certain that such actions are entirely outside the bounds of allowable behavior here, sir, and I do use that term loosely," says a somewhat foppish looking djinn drawing a scimitar as he speaks. "I do believe that you require a lesson in manners." HoD continues his advance, reaching to swat the interloper with the fist of his off-hand. Though it seems too large to wield single-handed the earthbreaker still moves smoothly for the berzerker, as he scans for his intended target.
lynora wrote: The Hammer of Death wrote: Kamikaze run on the Sanctum. Anyone up to banishing Death for a while?
Gotta think of a good spot for the Hangman's Tree to get turned loose. He won't go near the Grove. He'd probably get his butt kicked without some backup, but Djuhah is up for a fight. :) Hopefully some backup will show before he gets killed... Remember this is the guy that was trapped in JH's hammer, and gave JH elemental resistance/control. Raging, powerful, and brutal. No finesse.
Kamikaze run on the Sanctum. Anyone up to banishing Death for a while?
Gotta think of a good spot for the Hangman's Tree to get turned loose. He won't go near the Grove.
No sooner than JH and LJ leave does the omniportal flash again. A large, angry, blue-skinned behemoth wielding an earthbreaker steps thru.
Where is that poppinjay Jack Hammer?! Him and me have some unfinished business!
He storms towards the main hall, trickles of energy flowing off his skin. Lightning, fire, and motes of wind and earth. The floor shakes beneath his feet, and he bowls over anyone in his way.
I'm available to kill, and be killed!
The sound of a hammer striking is heard. Closer to the source the ground shakes with every stroke. A new attraction is added.
The lure of Death is too much for HoD to ignore. He charges with reckless abandon straight for the hallowed inner circle.
Peace LVR wrote: I still miss the wittle bitty kitty cat I used to have. I luved that kitty. He was sooooo cute. And tasty too. Mmmmm...kitty....
Why did you not help the shark kill this one too?!
Posturing. With that power you could simply kill them.
A small boom reverberates the room as the Hammer of Death appears.
Ahh, Priestess. I wondered how long it would take before your mistress sent in a bigger dog.
*puff of smoke*
Is SHE here?! Is she?
I have unfinished business with your Mistress. When you next commune with her tell her the genie is out of the bottle.
I'll be back.
*puff of smoke*
The HoD smiles at the thought of spreading Chaos and Fear, and turns to leave as the Pale One drones on. His eyes glance over the zombie attendants. They do not interest them. They have no Life, No Un-Life. As he nears the exit he spots a vampire guard. This one does not know better than to keep his eye on a retreating foe. Before the guard can react HoD swings his hammer overhand and flattens him in a flash of bright light. There is nothing left of him but smoke and the smell of sulfur.
Get better guards Pale One.
He walks out without looking over his shoulder.

Ebony Jaguar wrote: The Hammer of Death wrote: ... Dead Ones! Evil Ones! Why do you tarry? Do not fear. Embrace Death! Embrace my Master! The shadowed figure chuckles, a raspy sibilant sound
I have embraced Death for centuries bezerker. I hold Death close and stroke her rotted hair. I kiss her pale, bloated lips. She keeps no secrets from me, her favorite paramour.
The Hammer of Death wrote: Do you hunger to be alive once again? Or do you hunger for all the living to be truly dead? Not shades, but truly dead. If you hunger for true Death for the living then I will help. Afterwards we can 'talk' about your kind. The shadow form hisses its disturbing chuckle once again.
I hunger for power, berzerker. Simply that. I wish to have dominion over the Threads of Light. I wish to see them brought to the Black. I wish to see the Scales of Balance broken and its shards hammered into spikes upon which I shall impale the Elemental Champion's heads when all of this is through.
The shadow leans forward on its throne of bones.
I care not if you desire to kill, bezerker, just aim your power in the right direction and we shall get along famously.... Then we have an agreement Pale One. The hammer flares when the words are spoken.
But be careful. My strokes swing wide, and my thirst runs deep.
A large being appears at the edge of the Palace of Skulls. He walks slowly towards the gathering. Dragging on the ground behind him, screeching and sparking is a black hammer with the runes of power circling a scythe. The ground is scarred by its path.
Dead Ones! Evil Ones! Why do you tarry? Do not fear. Embrace Death! Embrace my Master!
Do you hunger to be alive once again? Or do you hunger for all the living to be truly dead? Not shades, but truly dead. If you hunger for true Death for the living then I will help. Afterwards we can 'talk' about your kind.
If this is simply a battle of Evil vs. Good I will gladly take lives from both sides.