Marvin the Martian's page

10 posts. Alias of Emperor7.


Ewww, I wasn't looking for THAT!

Has anyone seen my Acme Disintegrator Ray?

Of course you are, Earthling

When my nucleo-destabilizer 2020 reaches full charge

I like turtles

Has anyone see my Nucleo-Thread-Eliminator 2010? How about my Galvatronic-Thread-Rerouter-V*?

Pardon me? Have you seen my neutranium quasi-inductor #23?

It will be mine!


What do you mean the bottom of the page isn't what we were racing for?

I shall have to destroy the earth now.

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Marvin the Martian wrote:

A strange little man walks into the Clubhouse.

'Excuse me. Has anyone found my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator? It's my last one.'

Yeah, I saw it over at the Poodle's Clubhouse.

Goes to leave but spots the lit Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator is CJ's drink

"Oh my."

He walks over and snuffs out the lit wick and removes the Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator from the drink.

"Thank you, sir. This would have been bad if it went off. Now I can get back to my work. We have a demolition job on a planet called Earth."

He walks out.

A strange little man walks into the Clubhouse.

'Excuse me. Has anyone found my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator? It's my last one.'