Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Run away, I will take the win.

Leave me alone with my win ! And take the insufferable bird with you...

I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart.

Not going to win, that's for certain.

But I am winning.

Were winning

AM Winning.

NOT Winning

That's right, you're not winning.

Who's the king of the castle? Ja, it's me.

You seem to have something falling off your beak, I'll just stay here for the win

You're a dead horse. I win.

*Assures the Dragon of Agnor that it's not from Olive Garden. It's all homemade, with my grandmother's recipes.*

Of course, SnowJade's grandmother learned to cook at the Olive Garden.

*does background check on SnowJade's grandmother*

Hey, stay out of Kitty-Mama's business!

*roasts up the slaadlings and serves them with a jalapeno ranch sauce.*

Well Gahhhhly, I love me some jalapeno ranch dip

Slaadlings: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5

Hmm, 5 slaadlings today.

*prefers Andy Griffith*

Andy Griffith is pretty tasty. Well, he is if you cook him properly. Poorly cooked Andy Griffith is some of the worst stuff you will ever taste.

*likes a side of Tater Slaad with his Andy Griffith*

No you don't.

You have disgusting eating habits.

Now, I'll have some moist earthworms with a cabbage salad: what a treat for a gourmet gnome !

And I win !

I win, Bob Butterball.

I see you've gone unchallenged for far too long, airborne menace...

Prepare to be defeated ! [*adopts Shaolin Monk stance, his blue pantaloon billowing from a cinematic wind*]

While you losers pose, I am winning.

Kiaaaaii ! Ki-ki-ki-kiaiiiii [*Flurry of Blows at Ed. J. Zombie*] !

I win !

Not this time.

My skunk style is no match for your drunken albatross technique.

(You ain't scared of me!)

Dark Archive

*sneaks in and eats the win*

I win!

That was the fake win filled with a poison of dragon slaying. You might want to get to a hospital for a quick stomach pump.

I'm here with a stomach pump for the win.

I wouldn't trust you to know where to put that thing.

Winner Winner chicken dinner.


*Cuddles slaadlings*

Slaadlings: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3

Apparently some of them wandered off. Ah, well. They won't be missed.

Not by me, they won't.

But you, on the other hand, missed the victory by a wide margin.

And so, I win !

And a Merry Christmas to you!

Merry Christmas Kitty-Mama!

My three brothers were very busy yesterday.

Running in circles. Shouting and pointing.

Yet there you still are, one post away from the win.

If I were a kind soul, I would say, at this end of the year:

Big love and hugs to all on these boards, and on this thread particularly, for many a inane and smart and fun comment. Be you blessed - and the same to all those you love, too !

(Good thing that I am a silken-blue-pyjamas embodiment of evil, then.)

And so: I win !

I have made a predicition and that I will win on the last day of 2013. I will win again on New Year's Day. Double win equals a big win.

I don't want to ruffle your feathers, Blue Pigeon... You seem like an okay... pigeon, I guess (if eagles looked like pigeons, that is).

But there's really only one winner here... and it's not you ! [*makes the V sign of victory while doing the happy macho gonzo dance*]

Bwahahahaha !

Don't take it personally. I have humbled many gnomish gods (especially one G. Glitter-whatever) with my virile gnomish ways.


*tappy tappy tap*

Quiche Lisp wrote:

I don't want to ruffle your feathers, Blue Pigeon... You seem like an okay... pigeon, I guess (if eagles looked like pigeons, that is).

But there's really only one winner here... and it's not you ! [*makes the V sign of victory while doing the happy macho gonzo dance*]

Bwahahahaha !

Don't take it personally. I have humbled many gnomish gods (especially one G. Glitter-whatever) with my virile gnomish ways.

So... did this humbling involve measuring tape?

We played hopscotch till one of us was exhausted and keeled other. Then the winner laughed maniacally !

What ? We're gnomes, for Gods' sake !

You humans are strange people...

So delusional, thus I win.


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