gran rey de los dragons's page

89 posts. Alias of gran rey de los mono.


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Everyone is welcome to try their hand at it!

Then check me out!!

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Yeah, but they'd have to prove it was me.

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Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
God, I love our group sales lady. I was looking at this weekend, and noticed that we have two groups coming in. She has promised one group 13 rooms with two queen beds in each room. She promised the other group 20 rooms of the same type. We only have 30 rooms of that type in the hotel. How are we supposed to give them 33?
You need to fly CY over for emergency hotel building! Quickly! Time is running short!

I need to fly a hit man in to take out the group sales lady.

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Drejk wrote:

If anyone wondered...

(a) how does uncombed Drejk looks like
(b) how does word Koschei is pronounced
(c) how does Drejk sounds

Here is Drejk pronuncing Koschei for Mairkurion's research.

Maybe I should record a few more of those and link them on blog?

I call shenanigans. That is clearly a video of a person, not a red dragon.

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Burn! Maim! Pillage! Steal the princess! BWAHAHAHA!

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Sharoth wrote:
[ninja dragon]~slips in, snags the Pumpkin spice, then adds it to the smoke bombs to improve the smell before leaving quietly, unseen~[/ninja dragon]

Methinks you and I have different meanings for the word "improve".

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*takes a survey*

*eats knight*

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I'll allow it.

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What are cat beans, and who should I not feed them to? Can I feed them to someone in the past?

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All hail the Hypnotato!

Hmm, kinda hungry.

I wonder how baked Hypnotato tastes. With butter, cheese, and bacon of course.

Let's find out.

*lunges for the Hypnotato*

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Or burlesque?

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Yep. I ran out of jokes for now. Now you get downer gran rey, not groaner gran rey.

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Big dragons need big donkeys to carry their loot.

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It's not the size of the wyrm, but how potent it's breath is.

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Is that the one that goes: love, 15, 30, deuce, advantage, game, set, match? 'Cause that one never made sense.

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Aranna wrote:

What is a gem dragon again?

I kinda know they existed... I cut my teeth on 2nd edition.
But I have never used them or even read about them.

Gem dragons are a myth. Anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you a load of b~%@*~*#.

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Immaturity Archon wrote:

We have 'dump stats', but we do not have stats for dumps, FATAL 3pp expansions aside.

When is 'Bowel Movements of the Inner Sea' going to get released, eh?

Not sure, but when it does come out there better be a table to roll on to see how much corn there is.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Might as well assimilate to Florida culture right away.

In my experience, Florida has no culture.

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BFF: Banana Flingling Flunkies.

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Jokes on you. My spatulas are coated with a special coating to subtly poison anyone trying to spoon them. Don't be surprised when you start dropping blue, sparkly poos in the toilet.

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And now RWBY has a dargon. That spawns more Grimm. That hardly seems fair.

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Sharoth wrote:
gran rey de los dragons wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Dragons are like onions.
Yeah, we're smelly and make you cry if you cut us.
NO!!! Dragons have LAYERS!!!

Ohhh...we're like cakes, then.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Dragons are like onions.

Yeah, we're smelly and make you cry if you cut us.


Wait, do you want to mount bears on the scythe flails, or mount bears on the scythe flails?

PonyLVR, wrote:

I love ponies. Especially with barbecue sauce. I see you prefer the liver, which isn't bad with onions.

Yeah, well if wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak.

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ebon_fyre wrote:
There's something immensely satisfying about roasting enemies before slicing to ribbons.

Plus they taste better than when raw.

There is a difference between cajun blackened and burnt. It's subtle, but there.

*smashes jar on floor*

I said jam, not preserves you Smucker!

If you are going to toast me, at least get me some strawberry jam.

Did I say you could do that?

Did I say you could do that?

The Fiend Fantastic is banned for not making anything.

Hand over that win. It is mine by kingly right.

But Drejk isn't a people, he's a dragon. Shouldn't he be gainfully employed somewhere that treats him like a dragon? You know; the fear, the piling of gold and jewels for him to lay upon, the offering up of virgin princesses for sacrifice, etc.

I know that's my dream.

That was the fake win filled with a poison of dragon slaying. You might want to get to a hospital for a quick stomach pump.

Bad dragon! Hand it over now!

Quiche Lisp is banned for being in public.

So, I should take your thumbs to stop your winning?

*takes Zeriah Bindel's thumbs*

There. That ought to do it.

lucky7 is banned for being a feral which is not in my collection.

Now get in the cage!

Matt Damon Puppet wrote:

Pauley Shore?

Anthony Perkins.

lucky7 is banned because there is more than one way to skin a demon lord. And I prefer to use method number 326.

Decca, Demon Queen of Ruin is banned for ruining the ruinous powers.

lucky7 is banned for all sorts of reasons.

The clock on the wall says it's time for me to win.

I don't.

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