The great Smurf experiment

Off-Topic Discussions

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I love smurfs :)


Just checking...

The Exchange


Lantern Lodge

Smurfin' it up!

Severed Ronin wrote:
Smurfin' it up!

Ah, simply quoting it is sufficient.

What the smurf?

I heard it said that all the smurfing madness occurs in here !

Hooooo, the thread has died... All hail Zombo the Zombie Smurf !!

CourtFool wrote:

why smurf then?

let me try

hey why im the girl smurf?

wow this change every time you write smurf!!

Silver Crusade

I just wanted to join the smurf wagon!

Holy necro-smurf Smurfman.


I'll bite...


1 person marked this as a favorite.



EDIT: Boo.

Smurf the smurfing smurfers!

The smurf of the smurf

Smurfs over Innsmurf

There is no way typing "smurf" into your message will change your avatar.

See? I told you. It's just another rumor...what th'???

The Exchange

smurf. whatever.

The Exchange

דרדסים? דרדס?

The Exchange

nah, it only works when you write smurf in English...

Or French.

Also Swedish, but Swedish is the same as English in this case, so...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber



Behold the rise of the SMURF!
... again. Behold the rise of the Smurf, but again. Because it already rose once.

It's morphing time

I thought it was smurfing time.

Of all the dead threads on these boards, they had to necro this...

Sissyl wrote:
Of all the dead threads on these boards, they had to necro this...

Are you a necrosmurf or a smurfmancer?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What's Murphy's law got to do with it?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
What's Murphy's law got to do with it?

Perhaps it's the "Murph" part?

[EDIT] Yep, that's it!

Wait, this is a thing? Being a smurf is a thing? WHY WASN'T I TOLD ABOUT THIS!?!?

Mythic +10 Artifact Toaster wrote:
It's morphing time

Wait, how did you... why are you papa S when you didn't write the s-word?

[EDIT] I wonder if the avatars stay the same way if you edit your post to not contain any small blue creatures that are 3 apples high...

[EDIT] Looks like that's it, unless it was something about morphing time that did it.

Does smølf work? I don't care if it's because they're called the same in Swedish as in English, I will not stand for the Swedish word being good enough and the Danish being rejected!

[EDIT] It didn't work. Smurf you, Sweden!

Silver Crusade

Lordy Lordy I feelin smurfy today

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
fretgod99 wrote:
Wait, this is a thing? Being a smurf is a thing? WHY WASN'T I TOLD ABOUT THIS!?!?

Well, most of us assume that everyone smurfs about this.

for a second i thought i remembered "Paizo" at the end of the smurf episodes (or was it the beginning?). I looked on wiki and it was peyo.

Grand Lodge

What the hell, smurf.

Shadow Lodge

What if you Smurf out of character?

EDIT:By golly, its TRUE

Shadow Lodge

Smurfy's Law

Sovereign Court

s morph


(just to show my daughter)

Ooh, sweet thread necro-smerphery!

It's just a smurf to the left...

And then a smurf to the right.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

With your hand on your smurfs...

You bring your smurfs in tiiiiiiiiiight!

The Exchange

Smurf awesome. Smurf hard.

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