Pathfinder Player Core 2

Pathfinder Player Core 2

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Survival in a world beset by magic and evil takes more than a lucky roll of the dice. Pathfinder Player Core 2 significantly expands options available to Pathfinder players, giving them the edge to take on any adventure. This 320-page hardcover rulebook remasters 8 classes from Pathfinder Second Edition, providing everything you need to create a wide array of new characters, ready to take on the world. It also includes more than 40 archetypes, expanded ancestries, and tons of feats, spells, and alchemical items to provide a near-endless array of exciting options for every Pathfinder character! The ideal character option resource for players looking to move beyond the Pathfinder Player Core.

Pathfinder Player Core 2 is the fourth core rulebook for the fully remastered Pathfinder Second Edition RPG! These rules are compatible with previous Pathfinder Second Edition rulebooks, incorporating comprehensive errata and rules updates and some of the best additions from later books into new, easier-to-access volumes with new presentations inspired by years of player feedback. Along with the Player Core, GM Core, and Monster Core, these books provide a new foundation for the future of tabletop gaming!

Pathfinder Player Core 2 includes:

  • Eight fully detailed classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, champion, investigator, monk, oracle, sorcerer, and swashbuckler, each containing multiple character paths, multiclassing options, and dozens of feats!
  • Expanded ancestry options include the catfolk, gnoll, hobgoblin, kobold, lizardfolk, ratfolk, and tengu, alongside three versatile heritages—the dhampir, duskwalker, and an all-new heritage debuting in this volume!
  • More than 40 archetypes, allowing you to further customize your character’s story and abilities. Turn your hero into an aerial acrobat, a high-riding cavalier, a treacherous pirate, and so much more!
  • Spells, alchemical items, and magic items to round out the new classes and to provide some new tricks to the classes from Pathfinder Player Core.
  • Fully integrated errata from the first 4 years of Pathfinder Second Edition, including a revised alchemist, champion, and oracle!
  • Published under the new Open RPG Creative (ORC) license, giving players and Game Masters even more freedom for making their own creations based on Pathfinder Second Edition.

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Liberty's Edge

Elfteiroh wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Jürgen Hubert wrote:
Has there been any indication what sorcerer bloodlines will be included?
The Draconic is a pretty sure bet.

Draconic might change a lot, depending on how they do it... It *might* become a "tradition wildcard" bloodline, where the specific type of dragon would decide your tradition, as new "main" Dragons are not only "arcane" anymore, but split across the 4 traditions.

It might even be split into 4 bloodlines!

I could see that. Much like the Witch has different spell casting traditions like Divine Witches (apparently someone in Salem, Mass got ahold of someone in Mass) and not just Occult. Divine Witches just seems like a Druid to me but that would really be a Primal Witch. Giving myself a headache.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gil "Gilt-tongue" wrote:

I could see that. Much like the Witch has different spell casting traditions like Divine Witches (apparently someone in Salem, Mass got ahold of someone in Mass) and not just Occult. Divine Witches just seems like a Druid to me but that would really be a Primal Witch. Giving myself a headache.

I've actually played two Divine Witches (one in PFS2, one in a home conversion of Rime of the Frostmaiden to PF2 ReMaster) and they're more like 'blasty cleric' with the ability to spur folks on to acts of great violence.

So closer to Divine Bard, almost.

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Elfteiroh wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Jürgen Hubert wrote:
Has there been any indication what sorcerer bloodlines will be included?
The Draconic is a pretty sure bet.

Draconic might change a lot, depending on how they do it... It *might* become a "tradition wildcard" bloodline, where the specific type of dragon would decide your tradition, as new "main" Dragons are not only "arcane" anymore, but split across the 4 traditions.

It might even be split into 4 bloodlines!

I hope they find a way to merge Wyrmblessed and Draconic into a single bloodline.

So PRE-ORDER is expected in July, so we can likely expect this in our hands in... what, September?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

August. It's a planned Gencon release.

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Street date is August 1st. Preorders and subscriptions will start shipping late July.

Is there any chance that we will be seeing more cleric doctrines? Something beyond cloistered cleric or war priest?

Not in this product, I am afraid.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pagan priest wrote:
Is there any chance that we will be seeing more cleric doctrines? Something beyond cloistered cleric or war priest?

IIRC a Paizo designer explained a few months ago that they were not interested in creating new doctrines beyond the 2 we have.

The Raven Black wrote:
Pagan priest wrote:
Is there any chance that we will be seeing more cleric doctrines? Something beyond cloistered cleric or war priest?
IIRC a Paizo designer explained a few months ago that they were not interested in creating new doctrines beyond the 2 we have.

Alas. Guess I have to get creative.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

IIRC I've seen some 3rd party doctrines on Pathfinder Infinite.

Ed Reppert wrote:
IIRC I've seen some 3rd party doctrines on Pathfinder Infinite.

I'll have to go look for them. Thanks.

James Jacobs wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Curious what this version of Champion looks like with Alignment gone. I do hope what we would’ve called Neutral Champions can still sneak in somehow; a very classic LN-style “Judge” is definitely missing.

I hope this isn't excuse to avoid doing LN/N/CN champions :'D I want to have "this can be adapted as LN/N/CN champions if you use alignments" champion tenets at least...

Anyway, I'm surprised that term gnoll isn't ogl huh

"Gnoll" is from public domain literature, so the name is fine. The sticky issue is that the idea of Gnoll = hyena people is definitely a WotC idea, as prior versions of the Gnoll were either only vaguely defined or more like monstrous dwarves.

The word "Gnoll" in said referenced literature has nothing to do with hyena people though. That's 100% D&D. (And in that original reference it was spelled gnole, to boot.)

When we pick up public domain stuff, we prefer to use it in the way that the original author intended, so if we were to bring gnoles into the game, they would not be hyena people. And that would confuse a lot of gamers who have spent the last several decades being used to it meaning "hyena person." So... it's not a word that does the job we need it to do.

hi, i wanted to know if the team has ever consider making champions not get their powers from gods but from their oaths. Maybe not the standard for champions but maybe a lvl 1 feat? i really wanted to play a holy warrior that is not tied to a church (tryed the war oracle and felt wierd)

Liberty's Edge

wizard1999 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Curious what this version of Champion looks like with Alignment gone. I do hope what we would’ve called Neutral Champions can still sneak in somehow; a very classic LN-style “Judge” is definitely missing.

I hope this isn't excuse to avoid doing LN/N/CN champions :'D I want to have "this can be adapted as LN/N/CN champions if you use alignments" champion tenets at least...

Anyway, I'm surprised that term gnoll isn't ogl huh

"Gnoll" is from public domain literature, so the name is fine. The sticky issue is that the idea of Gnoll = hyena people is definitely a WotC idea, as prior versions of the Gnoll were either only vaguely defined or more like monstrous dwarves.

The word "Gnoll" in said referenced literature has nothing to do with hyena people though. That's 100% D&D. (And in that original reference it was spelled gnole, to boot.)

When we pick up public domain stuff, we prefer to use it in the way that the original author intended, so if we were to bring gnoles into the game, they would not be hyena people. And that would confuse a lot of gamers who have spent the last several decades being used to it meaning "hyena person." So... it's not a word that does the job we need it to do.

hi, i wanted to know if the team has ever consider making champions not get their powers from gods but from their oaths. Maybe not the standard for champions but maybe a lvl 1 feat? i really wanted to play a holy warrior that is not tied to a church (tryed the war oracle and felt wierd)

I feel Exemplars are going to be the Divine martial not linked to a given deity.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I just noticed the new cover art. Was wondering why there was only two iconics, why Seoni's staff was in view but Seoni wasn't, and what sort of animal companion shenanigans might lead to that dragon's inclusion. Then I realized Seoni WAS the dragon. Nice.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Applied_People wrote:
I predict no more easy dipping into Champion for heavy armor and the champion's reaction.

It is almost strictly better than Sentinel, yeah. I could see them dropping it down to match Sentinel.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I'd love an Anarchist Champion now that we are fully divorcing from alignment.

As an anarchist, I approve.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Apparently the Amazon page for this book reveals the new versatile heritage to be the dragonblood heritage.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Blave wrote:
Apparently the Amazon page for this book reveals the new versatile heritage to be the dragonblood heritage.

So it does! Nice to see that finally confirmed; I hope Wyvarans get a subsection in there.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It would be a neat and efficient way to step 'away' from 'Dragon Disciple' (which is probably OGL on some level) plus hearken back to Legacy of Dragons (from PF1)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And now there's art of a Dragonsblood character on the Paizo accounts for Twitter and Instagram.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Paizo: “We’re not going to retool Drow.”

Also Paizo: “But we are going to finally add Dragonborn.”

*Said in jest*

3 people marked this as a favorite.

very nice

When do you suppose Paizo will start posting blogs on the contents of this book? June?
Can’t wait to hear about the changes to the classes, new items, archetypes, spells, etc…

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Iron_Matt17 wrote:

When do you suppose Paizo will start posting blogs on the contents of this book? June?

Can’t wait to hear about the changes to the classes, new items, archetypes, spells, etc…

They're almost certainly going to do some kind of preview at PaizoCon, so I wouldn't expect much before then. Proper blogs should start in June.

As long as things remain on schedule.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Iron_Matt17 wrote:

When do you suppose Paizo will start posting blogs on the contents of this book? June?

Can’t wait to hear about the changes to the classes, new items, archetypes, spells, etc…

This year is pretty packed since there's some stuff from last year. We have the Battlecry playtest, probably for about a month, followed by PaizoCon and Howl of the Wild at the end of May. Once that's out, it'll probably be time to start doing hype for PC2 stuff.

I didn’t see anything on the PaizoCon schedule to talk about Player Core 2, so I’m guessing June as well. I’m just excited for this book…

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Iron_Matt17 wrote:
I didn’t see anything on the PaizoCon schedule to talk about Player Core 2, so I’m guessing June as well. I’m just excited for this book…

On the schedule there is a posting on Saturday for Pathfinder Project Remaster.

Onkonk wrote:
Iron_Matt17 wrote:
I didn’t see anything on the PaizoCon schedule to talk about Player Core 2, so I’m guessing June as well. I’m just excited for this book…
On the schedule there is a posting on Saturday for Pathfinder Project Remaster.

Right. That’d most likely be the place. I was looking for something more bold to jump out at me. My bad.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I only have 3 questions in regards to this book...

1) When they announced that they removed traps from the Ranger Class (and everywhere else, I know) in order to rework all trap related rules and stuff, they announced that Traps would be coming back in this book (Pretty sure they said the Rangers would get them again as well). However, the little blurb doesn't mention Traps or trap rules at all, much less if they will role back into class stuff or not, so I am left wondering about this entire subject.. Aka, Are traps coming back and will they be rolled back into the Ranger class (currently the new Ranger class lost traps and pretty much gained nothing to replace those choices)? I am hoping that it will be covered under then entire Alchemical and Magical Items section, but not all traps fell into either of those categories before, so who knows..

2) Why do they keep pushing the release of this book further and further? Originally they announced the book to be coming out in Either March or May (Can't remember for sure, but I believe it was March), but now we are looking at late July early Aug? Hopefully it is to add more stuff.. BUT, this leads me to the next question..

3) Why in the world are they releasing other Books (especially books with class and race related content) BEFORE this one is released? I mean, half the classes and some of the Ancestries are not even going to be available, which means that any other book released (Like the upcoming Wild Book) will either be released with content for classes we can't actually really use them in, or those same classes will just be ignored and get nothing, and so be behind the first 8 in terms of developement.

Havinf said all of that, I really am looking forward to the book (and the Wild one as well), but I am just concerned about some of these decisions and the impacts they might have. Hopefully my concerns are all for naught but still..

Thank you in advance for any possible clarifications and information to help me understand (and alleviate these worries).

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Janos1 wrote:

I only have 3 questions in regards to this book...

1) When they announced that they removed traps from the Ranger Class (and everywhere else, I know) in order to rework all trap related rules and stuff, they announced that Traps would be coming back in this book (Pretty sure they said the Rangers would get them again as well). However, the little blurb doesn't mention Traps or trap rules at all, much less if they will role back into class stuff or not, so I am left wondering about this entire subject.. Aka, Are traps coming back and will they be rolled back into the Ranger class (currently the new Ranger class lost traps and pretty much gained nothing to replace those choices)? I am hoping that it will be covered under then entire Alchemical and Magical Items section, but not all traps fell into either of those categories before, so who knows..

2) Why do they keep pushing the release of this book further and further? Originally they announced the book to be coming out in Either March or May (Can't remember for sure, but I believe it was March), but now we are looking at late July early Aug? Hopefully it is to add more stuff.. BUT, this leads me to the next question..

3) Why in the world are they releasing other Books (especially books with class and race related content) BEFORE this one is released? I mean, half the classes and some of the Ancestries are not even going to be available, which means that any other book released (Like the upcoming Wild Book) will either be released with content for classes we can't actually really use them in, or those same classes will just be ignored and get nothing, and so be behind the first 8 in terms of developement.

Havinf said all of that, I really am looking forward to the book (and the Wild one as well), but I am just concerned about some of these decisions and the impacts they might have. Hopefully my concerns are all for naught but still..

Thank you in advance for any possible clarifications and information to help me understand (and alleviate these...

For 1: That blurb have been up since last year. They can't put every details of the books in them, so yeah. We can't take omission from the blurb as omission from the book.

For 2: Look back at the first post of this thread. From the start, it was announced for July of this year. It was never pushed back.

3: It's the other books that were pushed back for the remaster project, and they knew the remaster would take time to write, and people would complain if there was not still at least *some* books covering new stuff. And these books were started writing two years ago or more... so yeah. Not releasing them would just have them... laying around unused. While they would still need to write the remaster. So yeah. Remaster wouldn't have come out significantly faster, and there would have been a big hole in their publications, which would have hurt the cashflow.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It also must be stated again, that while there will be slight changes to some, none of the classes or ancestries in this book are "new" or "missing". All of them are playable in the current edition of the game because they all were already published. All of them are on Archives of Nethys or available in the original CRB or APG. (or Lost Omens Character Guide for ancestries).

Elfteiroh wrote:
Janos1 wrote:

I only have 3 questions in regards to this book...

1) When they announced that they removed traps from the Ranger Class (and everywhere else, I know) in order to rework all trap related rules and stuff, they announced that Traps would be coming back in this book (Pretty sure they said the Rangers would get them again as well). However, the little blurb doesn't mention Traps or trap rules at all, much less if they will role back into class stuff or not, so I am left wondering about this entire subject.. Aka, Are traps coming back and will they be rolled back into the Ranger class (currently the new Ranger class lost traps and pretty much gained nothing to replace those choices)? I am hoping that it will be covered under then entire Alchemical and Magical Items section, but not all traps fell into either of those categories before, so who knows..

2) Why do they keep pushing the release of this book further and further? Originally they announced the book to be coming out in Either March or May (Can't remember for sure, but I believe it was March), but now we are looking at late July early Aug? Hopefully it is to add more stuff.. BUT, this leads me to the next question..

3) Why in the world are they releasing other Books (especially books with class and race related content) BEFORE this one is released? I mean, half the classes and some of the Ancestries are not even going to be available, which means that any other book released (Like the upcoming Wild Book) will either be released with content for classes we can't actually really use them in, or those same classes will just be ignored and get nothing, and so be behind the first 8 in terms of developement.

Havinf said all of that, I really am looking forward to the book (and the Wild one as well), but I am just concerned about some of these decisions and the impacts they might have. Hopefully my concerns are all for naught but still..

Thank you in advance for any possible clarifications and information to help me


In Regards to your replies;

#1 I am very aware that we can not take omissions from the blurbs to mean omissions in the book, which is I asked if they were coming back or not. If you take a moment and look back at my post, you will see that I was asking a question as to if they were or not, not making a statement that they were not. So yeah, It is also why I even stated that I was hoping it was covered under the entire Alchemical and Magical Items parts, to show that I did not say they were not at all, but rather that I was wanting to know (and hoping so as well).

#2 I would have sworn on an oath in a Courthouse that I remember it being said BEFORE this post was put up about a March Date... HOWEVER, I am a grown Adult and am not afraid to admit when I am wrong, and in this case, I was very wrong. I went back to check the Announcement that I remembered reading, and I got the release times for Core 2 and the Monster Core mixed up/backwards. To be perfectly honest though, I swore I remembered that Announcement being from early 2022...and instead it was from later in 2023.. talk about being waaayyy off base lol. In my meager defense however, I suffer Dischronometria due to Cerebellar Ataxia (brain tumor and surrounding tissue in my Cerebellum left some narly scarring) and so my ability to properly keep track of time is shall we say, very, very bad. Therefore, I have to beg forgiveness from everyone on this particular Mistake as I was wwwaaayyy off base on the time I remembered reading the article (Hell, I still catch myself thinking that the whole OGL/ORC thing became an issue in Jan 2022 and thinking we are still in 2023 lol).

#3 You are very, very correct here, and I admit.. I did not even think about the Interruption to cash flow by holding out, or that the other books had been in the writing/written stage for awhile longer. So I honestly thank you for pointing this one out as I really did not even think to look at it from a Financial Perspective.

Cori Marie wrote:
It also must be stated again, that while there will be slight changes to some, none of the classes or ancestries in this book are "new" or "missing". All of them are playable in the current edition of the game because they all were already published. All of them are on Archives of Nethys or available in the original CRB or APG. (or Lost Omens Character Guide for ancestries).

I agree with you, and I do not believe that I stated that any were missing, and definitely none were New, but rather that they were not going to be released in their newly remastered forms by the time these other books came out (Wilds, etc). Which I meant to mean was that depending on what all is introduced in these books (as well as what all was changed/updated with those classes), not all of it might be compatible just yet.

However, I have been thinking since I posted (mainly because I got a hold of the Elements book combined with the 3rd point from Elfteiroh about books having been written so far in advance) that With the books coming out so close together, it is unreasonable of me to think that they would not have written the new books (Wilds and such) to be using the new stuff already designed for the Core 2 book, since the book is basically done anyways and is likely just going through Proofreading and such.

Anywhos, All in all, I am still wanting/hoping to find out that the New Trap Stuff will be in the Core 2 Book, as well as see it being put back into the Rangers in some fashion or another. Until then, I just have to sit here and wait patiently like every other Good Little Boy or Girl lol.

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Anyone else wishing for Summoner and disappointed they aren't on the list?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Avigor wrote:
Anyone else wishing for Summoner and disappointed they aren't on the list?

Player Core 1 and 2 only cover the Player's Handbook and the Advanced Player's Guide, so I don't think too many people were expecting anything from other books to make an appearance.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
QuidEst wrote:
Avigor wrote:
Anyone else wishing for Summoner and disappointed they aren't on the list?
Player Core 1 and 2 only cover the Player's Handbook and the Advanced Player's Guide, so I don't think too many people were expecting anything from other books to make an appearance.

True, but let us not forget that they also added the Leshy, Lizardfolk, and Hobgoblin ancestries from the Lost Omens Character Guide… and the brand new Dragonblooded versatile heritage. Oh! And the Gnoll/Kholo and Grippli/Trypkee from The Mwangi Expanse! :)

But,yeah, I kind of doubt they had any extra space for a large page-count class like Summoner.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Things appearing in PC2 referenced in Howl of the Wild:

Archetypes- Beastmaster

Feats- Crane Stance, Gorilla Stance, Tiger Stance, Wolf Stance, Crane Flutter, Gorilla Pound, Tiger Slash, Wolf Drag

Spells- chilling spray

All are reprints from prior books. Will need to see actual text to see changes.

Ashanderai wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Avigor wrote:
Anyone else wishing for Summoner and disappointed they aren't on the list?
Player Core 1 and 2 only cover the Player's Handbook and the Advanced Player's Guide, so I don't think too many people were expecting anything from other books to make an appearance.

True, but let us not forget that they also added the Leshy, Lizardfolk, and Hobgoblin ancestries from the Lost Omens Character Guide… and the brand new Dragonblooded versatile heritage. Oh! And the Gnoll/Kholo and Grippli/Trypkee from The Mwangi Expanse! :)

But,yeah, I kind of doubt they had any extra space for a large page-count class like Summoner.

We're getting the Grippli/Trypkee ancestry in this book?

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ashanderai wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Avigor wrote:
Anyone else wishing for Summoner and disappointed they aren't on the list?
Player Core 1 and 2 only cover the Player's Handbook and the Advanced Player's Guide, so I don't think too many people were expecting anything from other books to make an appearance.

True, but let us not forget that they also added the Leshy, Lizardfolk, and Hobgoblin ancestries from the Lost Omens Character Guide… and the brand new Dragonblooded versatile heritage. Oh! And the Gnoll/Kholo and Grippli/Trypkee from The Mwangi Expanse! :)

But,yeah, I kind of doubt they had any extra space for a large page-count class like Summoner.

Even more so considering that together, Player Core + GM Core + Player Core 2 have about 60ish less pages than CRB + Gamemastery Guide + Advanced Player Guide.

Elfteiroh wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Avigor wrote:
Anyone else wishing for Summoner and disappointed they aren't on the list?
Player Core 1 and 2 only cover the Player's Handbook and the Advanced Player's Guide, so I don't think too many people were expecting anything from other books to make an appearance.

True, but let us not forget that they also added the Leshy, Lizardfolk, and Hobgoblin ancestries from the Lost Omens Character Guide… and the brand new Dragonblooded versatile heritage. Oh! And the Gnoll/Kholo and Grippli/Trypkee from The Mwangi Expanse! :)

But,yeah, I kind of doubt they had any extra space for a large page-count class like Summoner.

Even more so considering that together, Player Core + GM Core + Player Core 2 have about 60ish less pages than CRB + Gamemastery Guide + Advanced Player Guide.

So what are we losing? There has to be some stuff that was cut.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The NPC section from the GM Guide was cut.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

There were twelve classes in the CRB. There were four classes in the APG. Total sixteen. There are eight classes in PC and eight in PC2. Sixteen classes. Looking at the lists, the sixteen in the PCs are the same as the sixteen in the CRB & APG. Which is what they've been telling us would be the case since day one. The seven plus classes in the later (than APG) books would have to wait for an as yet unannounced PC3, but I don't think that's ever going to happen.

Ed Reppert wrote:
There were twelve classes in the CRB. There were four classes in the APG. Total sixteen. There are eight classes in PC and eight in PC2. Sixteen classes. Looking at the lists, the sixteen in the PCs are the same as the sixteen in the CRB & APG. Which is what they've been telling us would be the case since day one. The seven plus classes in the later (than APG) books would have to wait for an as yet unannounced PC3, but I don't think that's ever going to happen.

Just saying, there likely won't be a "Player Core 3", given that the remaining classes that have yet to be Remastered (Magus, Summoner, Gunslinger, Inventor, Psychic and Thaumaturge) aren't considered "core" to the game (either Pre- or Post-Remaster). Maybe it'd be called something else, but very, VERY unlikely to be called PC3.

More likely, the previous books will probably get Remastered like they did with the Beginner Box. I have no idea how they'll go about Remastering Secrets of Magic, given how much OGL content are in that book. But that's to be seen.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They've repeatedly said they don't plan to do Player Core 3. The point of Player Core 1 and 2 is to provide the CORE rules. Nothing more than that.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

12 people marked this as a favorite.
The Raven Black wrote:
Pagan priest wrote:
Is there any chance that we will be seeing more cleric doctrines? Something beyond cloistered cleric or war priest?
IIRC a Paizo designer explained a few months ago that they were not interested in creating new doctrines beyond the 2 we have.

More that they're not made to be expandable in the way people think they are. People tend to view them as "subclasses" but they're really a party positioning toggle with an A and B setting; do you want to stand up front next to the fighter, or in the back next to the wizard? Both doctrines still need to advance your Fortitude save to at least expert, your weapon proficiencies to at least expert, your spellcasting proficiencies to at least master, and set your starting loadout to ensure you have the basic tools available to your job adequately.

There's not actually a lot you can completely swap out of there without leaving the character painfully lagging in a critical way; most of each doctrine is giving the same basic stuff at different intervals based on where your anticipated combat positioning is.

Making a larger thematic change requires extending beyond the simple framework of a doctrine and into a more robust mechanical space like a class archetype where you can change more of the class architecture to accommodate the needed adjustments.

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Michael Sayre wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Pagan priest wrote:
Is there any chance that we will be seeing more cleric doctrines? Something beyond cloistered cleric or war priest?
IIRC a Paizo designer explained a few months ago that they were not interested in creating new doctrines beyond the 2 we have.

More that they're not made to be expandable in the way people think they are. People tend to view them as "subclasses" but they're really a party positioning toggle with an A and B setting; do you want to stand up front next to the fighter, or in the back next to the wizard? Both doctrines still need to advance your Fortitude save to at least expert, your weapon proficiencies to at least expert, your spellcasting proficiencies to at least master, and set your starting loadout to ensure you have the basic tools available to your job adequately.

There's not actually a lot you can completely swap out of there without leaving the character painfully lagging in a critical way; most of each doctrine is giving the same basic stuff at different intervals based on where your anticipated combat positioning is.

Making a larger thematic change requires extending beyond the simple framework of a doctrine and into a more robust mechanical space like a class archetype where you can change more of the class architecture to accommodate the needed adjustments.

Thank you very much for the info, Michael.

I had not realized the doctrines were based on frontliner vs backliner. Even though, now that you told us so, it feels extremely obvious.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
GGSigmar wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
Ashanderai wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Avigor wrote:
Anyone else wishing for Summoner and disappointed they aren't on the list?
Player Core 1 and 2 only cover the Player's Handbook and the Advanced Player's Guide, so I don't think too many people were expecting anything from other books to make an appearance.

True, but let us not forget that they also added the Leshy, Lizardfolk, and Hobgoblin ancestries from the Lost Omens Character Guide… and the brand new Dragonblooded versatile heritage. Oh! And the Gnoll/Kholo and Grippli/Trypkee from The Mwangi Expanse! :)

But,yeah, I kind of doubt they had any extra space for a large page-count class like Summoner.

Even more so considering that together, Player Core + GM Core + Player Core 2 have about 60ish less pages than CRB + Gamemastery Guide + Advanced Player Guide.
So what are we losing? There has to be some stuff that was cut.

For now, It's mostly GMG stuff that were the most visible stuff to be "cut".

TL;DR: Actually, thanks for asking the question. Doing the work of looking through this, it seems like there's not much that would really "need" to be removed from APG to fit into PC2... There's some CRB spells that will need to be sqeezed in, and the 3 pages of snares, plus some page space to add them back to Rangers, but yeah, that could fill some OGL stuff void.

Still too tight for hoping too much stuff from other books to be added. There will probably be some, but I wouldn't hold my breath hoping for specific ones.

Approximated Calculations:
Rest: GMing stuff from CRB was moved here, like DCs, encounter budgets, Environments, Settings stuff, magic items, etc. Hard to evaluate how many pages added that was, cause there's also a lot of reordering... From a quick count, around 150 pages added to GMC that was "removed" from PC1. They seem to be 1:1 with previous pagecounts, or close enough.
Variant Rules: GMG: ~20 pages; GMC: 4 pages
NPC Gallery: GMG: 47 pages; GMC: 0 pages, cut
Drugs: GMG: 2 pages; GMC: 0 pages, cut
Item Quirks: GMG: 2 pages; GMC: 0 pages, cut
Cursed Items: GMG: 4 pages; GMC: 2 pages, half of cursed items cut, half of item curses cut
Artifacts: GMG: 8 pages; GMC: 4 pages
Vehicules: GMG: 6 pages; 8 pages (more vehicules, mostly extra flying ones)

Considering that most of what was removed from PC1 ended up in GMG, and that we know that some of the missing spells will be in PC2, I'll just count the stuff we know were removed from GMG to GMC, modified by the truly new stuff:
variant (-16) + NPC (-47) + Drugs (-2) + Quirks (-2) + Cursed (-2) + Artifacts (-4) + Vehicules (+2) = ~70 pages cut from GMG.

So it would appear that the "lost" pages might all be from the GMG. Some of the things lost from teh GMG could reappear in PC2, like the items stuff (quirks, curses, drugs (them being alchemical could go well with Alchemist being in PC2). But they are the minority, and even ignoring them, we have 63 lost pages, which fit what is missing between GRB+GMG+APG and PC+GMC+PC2.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I don't like the cover art.
It's bombarding, and it doesn't display what's actually contained within the book. Looks more like the cover of a short rip off adventure quest of King Kong.

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