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User6263 wrote: To be clear though, is there consensus about whether things like Cyclonic Ascent use your base land Speed or your modified land Speed? If you have base Speed 30, with +10 from Tailwind, is your fly Speed from Cyclonic Ascent then 30, or 40? Your fly speed would be 40. The only gotcha is that, if you have, say, a status bonus to all Speeds, or seperate status bonuses to land Speed and fly speed, you cannot stack them this way - ie you cannot do 30ft + 10ft status land speed, get 40ft fly speed, then status bonus +10ft to 50. If you have a +10ft item bonus to land speed, and a +10ft status bonus to fly speed, however, enjoy your 50ft fly speed.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
I could have sworn there's a version of the "increasing and decreasing dice" chart that lists "1" as a die, but I can't find it. I suspect it may have only been in the playtest.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
The fact that it explicitly makes Fly and Strike actions (rather than merely moving and attacking) implies it is a creature. In which case it could presumably be grappled. In the absence of anything better, I'd probably use save DCs for the weapon's level (the wielder's saves would also be reasonable). If it could Escape, I'd use its attack bonus, but the problem is that it can explicitly take Fly and Strike actions and therefore plausibly can't do any other actions. Then again, "The weapon can't use reactions" implies there's some reason to think it could. Unfortunately I think this one is well into GM interpretation territory.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Yes, an argument can be made that, by RAW, teleporting out of a grapple doesn't remove the grabbed condition. However, this is clearly absurd and not RAI - though there are some ways of inflicting grabbed that you plausibly couldn't shake by teleporting, like Grasp of the Deep.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Finoan wrote:
IMO, The simple (if odd) answer is that an "increase" is not a "bonus". Rage damage and Powerful Leap are not bonuses, therefore typing is not applicable (as opposed to being "untyped" bonuses).
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Rogue dedication is great on any cloth-caster; light armor, skill, and skill feat is good value. I made a sorcerer / rogue that opened combats with maxed Deception + Incredible Initiative whenever possible and dropped a scorching ray / blazing bolt on anyone I beat. It was fun. Getting Sneak Attack on spells is a huge investment and not worth it, but Surprise Attack is built in.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Trip.H wrote:
A caster can only prepare one staff, so staves don't need to also count against the 10-item limit. Staves effectively are their own item slot. You can hand a staff to another caster if you want. It will be a stick they can bonk people with, unless and until they prepare it themselves at their next daily preparations. And you can take it back and begin casting from it immediately at any time until daily prep happens. (There is an argument you could use Trick Magic Item to use someone else's staff; this isn't clear IMO)
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Seravix wrote:
He gets greater cover against anyone the wall would give him standard cover against, which is nobody in this scenario. Putting your back to a wall means only 5 enemies can be adjacent to you, and only 2 of them can flank you; that's it. Seravix wrote:
He can Take Cover for +4 AC vs ranged. The ground is not in the way of any enemy's attacks, therefore he doesn't get any cover except via the special case listed in the Prone condition. Seravix wrote:
The rules don't say that Take Cover with a tower shield *only* grants AC. I parse it as "Take Cover, and gain +4 circumstance to AC". My reading is yes, Taking Cover using a tower shield gets you +4 AC and +2 to Reflex saves, and people taking cover behind him get +2 AC & +2 Reflex - but the enemy can just drop the Fireball behind him to bypass the Reflex bonus.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
"You must have a spell in your spell repertoire at the level you want to cast in order to heighten it to that level." This means that, in order to *cast* Haste (7th), you must have Haste(7th) in your repertoire; ie you cannot pick only Haste(3rd) then cast Haste(7th).
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
LoreMonger13 wrote:
I think and hope so! Universalist is by far my favorite. WWHsmackdown wrote: I wonder if curriculum slots can be used with heightened versions of lower level curriculum spells I'd be very surprised if you couldn't - it would go against how all prepared casters work in PF2.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Horgruff wrote: I’m a bit confused by the feat. It sounds like it’s meant as battlefield control. I don’t see it ever doing damage because taking a minimum of 7d6 to your allies so that the creatures stay in the area seems like mutually assured destruction. Doing this at range with no allies guarantees that the bad guys move. I’m guessing the intent here is to have it make bad guys use an action. Seems awful high level of a feat for this though. Seems like decent area-denial to me. Say you've got 2 allies and 2 enemies in melee. You cast a Howling Blizzard (or Fireball 5th, or whatever) such that it hits the 2 enemies but stops short of the allies. You spend an extra action to place an impending 5d6 explosion right behind the enemies as well; now they must spend at least 1 action to Step out of the explosion. And, of course, if your melee allies go first, they can grab or trip the enemies to make this more difficult, or they may have already done so. Placing it so it won't friendly-fire isn't any harder than your usual fireball targeting, easier in fact. Arachnofiend wrote:
Being able to both create the zone and trap the enemy in it, in one round, would seem somewhat broken. (Of course you can do it at level 20 with Quickened Spell and Metamagic Mastery, but that's 20). Also, if you're casting an area spell, probably you are catching two enemies in it, so it's probably 2:1.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Kyrone wrote:
So it's not per damage die? That seems quite weak.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Build 46: Raging Dragon Monk
1. Skilled Human -> Whatever
12. Advanced Fury -> Cleave 14. Advanced Fury -> AoO 16. Shattering Strike 18. Diamond Fists (dragon tail Strikes gain forceful) 20. Enduring Quickness Stride or Demoralize, flurry at 0,-5 with dragon tail strikes + rage damage, and raise a shield.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Uchuujin wrote: Only class change that really bothers me is the Champion/Paladin losing Smite Evil for the Champion's Reaction(s). I think some sort of alternate class feature could be possible in the future though (though that would end up being more like 1E archetypes, so maybe that's a can of worms they don't want to open.) The CRB does have rules for class archetypes, even though none currently exist.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Getting spells when raging and getting the sorcerer dedication at level 1 seems too strong to me. Not to mention that those innate spells are higher level than you could cast at level 1. Perhaps give the sorcerer dedication only, and grant the spells in Specialization ability.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
The ShadowShackleton wrote:
Traveling in exploration mode does not use actions. You look at your mount's speed and compare it to the travel speed table.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Shinigami02 wrote:
Large weapons have increased bulk and cost, as detailed in the equipment chapter.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
I had a monk PC climb a cliff, up to a kobold that was on the edge shooting down. He wanted to yank him off. I ruled that was a Grab and a Shove. He made the grab but missed the shove; the rogue immediately killed the flat-footed kobold with a shortbow. Everyone seemed content with that.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Lucas Yew wrote:
Assuming malice on the part of a game developer because you don't like the class is entirely uncalled for.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Vallarthis wrote: The Kraken also says its tentacle attacks are magical, which left us scratching our heads when a player had Freedom of Movement on themselves and got grabbed a kraken. The spell says "...they automatically succeed...unless the effect is magical", so I had to figure out if that applies to the grab as well. I don't think that's a magical grab.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ubertron_X wrote:
There is no action to re-grip a bow. Bows are not 2-handed weapons, they are 1+.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ubertron_X wrote:
Someone using a bow has a hand free to trip. They only need both hands when they shoot.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
james014Aura wrote:
Clerics can't use Divine Weapon after a cantrip either. Cantrips don't use spell slots.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Phntm888 wrote:
Casting both spells for one font slot is far too strong.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Micheal Smith wrote:
A focus point to simultaneously cast both bursts, still paying both slots, is strong. But I don't think it's broken. Perhaps it would need to nerf the spell level of the channels.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
I tried to post this last week, but the forum ate it. I ran a session last week (level 1 oneshot, 4 players), and it went well. The biggest problem I noticed is that everyone, including me, found the diagonal movement rules to be cumbersome. I like that it's more realistic, but how much does it really matter in practice? Has anyone tried houseruling 5e-style movement in? Alternatively, what about hexes?
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
WatersLethe wrote:
"Same range increment" is nearly irrelevant, given the massive range. "not while mounted" is irrelevant to most characters in most fights."Strenuous" seems to me to encourage boring strike-strike-strike turreting.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Particle_Man wrote:
Correct, either/or. Lunge is an action which allows you to make a strike, modified with +5 reach. It doesn't passively modify all strikes you make. Same with Certain Strike.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Siro wrote:
You can never get a 14 in anything at the Ancestry stage. You can only put the extra boost from voluntary flaws in a stat you boosted if it's also your ancestry flaw.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
I ran a game yesterday, with four players. Two had played 5e a lot, and not PF2; one had played PbtA RPGs but not d20, and one had never played an RPG. None of them had any real trouble with their character sheets after a minute of explanation. The two new players were rogues, btw, and the party was level 1.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
SuperBidi wrote:
Having the strength for the armor reduces the move penalty by 5. So light and medium won't slow you down at all, given you have the strength. Heavy armor would be -10ft but is only -5ft if you have the strength.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
I think that Resilient Bulwark is very strong, and also a bit too complicated, though I like the idea. At level 1 with medium armor and no shield, you could resist 5 damage, which is the same as a steel shield. Unlike shield, this doesn't take a hand nor damage a shield. I would make it either your item bonus to AC, or your proficiency, not both. Proficiency would probably be better, since it would not unduly punish behemoths wearing, say, hide. I would also cut the shield aspect, and maybe make something like it a level 1 class feat. It's also unclear how this should interact with the armor specialization abilities.