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GIANT PARROTs. A WORLD WITHIN A BAG. AND MORE GOBLINS. Yes. This pleases me. And a truely heroic moment for the goblin heroes. After all, who would guess the same goblins that trashed a wedding and have raised some considerable chaos, would brave a dangerous dimension of unknown terrors for their noble swine. I really want to run a long running camp with these misfits.

Anguish |
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I was hoping for something else, because I'm bored mindless of the Goblins. Blah blah we have low Int and are cookoo blah blah.
The last Free RPG Day mod for any characters other than Goblins was, what, Risen from the Sands? Wasn't that 2014?
I hear you. And I personally think we've hit peak goblin in terms of enjoyment, but I think a once-a-year shorter-than-normal module is perfect for this. They're really easy to get a new group interested in, can be prepared and run on the spot, and are funny. For Free RPG Day they're the right product. For new groups.

knightnday |
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I was hoping for something else, because I'm bored mindless of the Goblins. Blah blah we have low Int and are cookoo blah blah.
The last Free RPG Day mod for any characters other than Goblins was, what, Risen from the Sands? Wasn't that 2014?
Yeah. I get that they are somewhat popular but it gets old after a while. I'd have really liked to have seen something else instead of another goblin module, especially given the recent hubbub about them being in the second edition core.

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While the Goblin series certainly has it's fans, imo the Free RPG adventures should be 1st level introductiory adventures for people who never played before.
That's why i like the "Skitter Shot" idea. I'd also like other obscure races or concepts showcased in future installments.
How about an all-Cat Folk adventure or an all Drow adventure for example?

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Running on the 16th and still waiting for the PDF & Chronicles.
The chronicles are one things, but the PDF definitely won’t be out this weekend. While I’ve never seen the other books come out 15 days later than the book, they might keep to that. This weekend is all about the printed copy.

Swiftbrook |

Kolby Sample wrote:Running on the 16th and still waiting for the PDF & Chronicles.There won't be a pdf until at least july.
If your store hasn't ordered the free rpg package with the print copies (which should have shipped by now), you sadly won't be able to run this. ;-(
It's on the schedule for Origins - and I have a ticket.

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Marco Massoudi wrote:It's on the schedule for Origins - and I have a ticket.Kolby Sample wrote:Running on the 16th and still waiting for the PDF & Chronicles.There won't be a pdf until at least july.
If your store hasn't ordered the free rpg package with the print copies (which should have shipped by now), you sadly won't be able to run this. ;-(
Then it’ll have to be a physical copy. Hope it works out.

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Chris Lambertz wrote:Pregenerated characters and sanctioning document are now available for download!A certain boon might need a bit of revision. It doesn't give a limit. I assume just a one time deal, otherwise it could be used in every encounter.
If you mean the second boon, it does say it has to be crossed off to be used.

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kevin_video wrote:If you mean the second boon, it does say it has to be crossed off to be used.Chris Lambertz wrote:Pregenerated characters and sanctioning document are now available for download!A certain boon might need a bit of revision. It doesn't give a limit. I assume just a one time deal, otherwise it could be used in every encounter.
I see it now. Not used to it being part of a sentence near the beginning. Usually it's all by itself at the end.

Kolby Sample |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I had a physical copy, I was looking for the PDF so I can print up the maps. If I can't get the PDF of the adventure can I please have the Map image. If I have to scan it and print it off the scan its going going to look like blurry ass.
Also one prep question
Are there stats with feats/tricks for Poog's animal companion or should I just do my own?
Also I think the +5 tome has the wrong price. The price listed is for the +4 version, +5 should be 137,500 I think.

Rycaut |
I was also going to note that the Animal Companion is missing from Poog which I think is a lost opportunity especially for a module intended to be played by players new to Pathfinder - they are likely going to miss that he has an animal companion let alone know how to make one up (and with a pregenerated character part of the fun is not having to do character generation to try something new). Too late now but this is also a rather large source of table variation for PFS play...
As well given that this is intended for PFS play is there a reason why 6 goblins aren't just stated out from the start? It would be great if the new Free RPG Day modules were designed to accommodate 6 player tables with ease (yes i know you just end up with multiples of a given character).
(I'm running this tomorrow...)

Kolby Sample |

I was also going to note that the Animal Companion is missing from Poog which I think is a lost opportunity especially for a module intended to be played by players new to Pathfinder - they are likely going to miss that he has an animal companion let alone know how to make one up (and with a pregenerated character part of the fun is not having to do character generation to try something new). Too late now but this is also a rather large source of table variation for PFS play...
For PFS the only variation would be with the 2 feats & tricks. This is the version I made for my table. I think toughness is must and his bite is not that good to hit so went with weapon focus.
For the Feats though Combat Riding and Throw Rider would be a funny combo for a goblin that is a god of most holy mounted combat but not good at it. Mister Licks will let him climb on top but will just hop him off when he get tired of it.
Animal Companion CR –
Giant frog (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary)
N Medium animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 19 (3d8+6)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d6+1), tongue -2 (grab)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (15 ft. with tongue)
Special Attacks pull (tongue, 5 ft.), tongue
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +3 (+7 grapple); CMD 16 (20 vs. trip)
Feats Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite)
Tricks Attack, Attack Any Target, Combat Riding, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Hunt, Throw Rider
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+11 to jump), Perception +5, Stealth +7, Swim +9
SQ attack any target, combat riding, hunt, throw rider
Special Abilities
Attack Any Target [Trick] The animal will attack any creature on command.
Combat Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider into combat.
Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save.
Grab: Tongue (Medium) (Ex) You can start a grapple as a free action if you hit with the designated weapon.
Hunt [Trick] Hunts or forages for food to bring to handler.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Pull (5 feet) (Ex) You can pull targets closer to you.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Swim (30 feet) You have a Swim speed.
Throw Rider [Trick] Attempts to throw creature riding it to ground.
Tongue (Ex) Grab with tongue does not inflict the grappled condition on a giant frog.

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I had a physical copy, I was looking for the PDF so I can print up the maps. If I can't get the PDF of the adventure can I please have the Map image. If I have to scan it and print it off the scan its going going to look like blurry ass.
Also one prep question
Are there stats with feats/tricks for Poog's animal companion or should I just do my own?Edit
Also I think the +5 tome has the wrong price. The price listed is for the +4 version, +5 should be 137,500 I think.
The animal companion is missing on purpose, I think.
Animal companions are also tricky to handle for new and casual players. Not even all GMs run animal companions the same way.

LordRcane |
Rycaut wrote:I was also going to note that the Animal Companion is missing from Poog which I think is a lost opportunity especially for a module intended to be played by players new to Pathfinder - they are likely going to miss that he has an animal companion let alone know how to make one up (and with a pregenerated character part of the fun is not having to do character generation to try something new). Too late now but this is also a rather large source of table variation for PFS play...For PFS the only variation would be with the 2 feats & tricks. This is the version I made for my table. I think toughness is must and his bite is not that good to hit so went with weapon focus.
One of my GMs pointed out that the these stats are inaccurate. Hero Lab appears to be flawed on Giant Frogs, or possibly gets them from a different source. The base stats should be Str 15 (16 due to level), Dex 13 (14 due to level), Con 16, Int 1, Wis 9, Cha 6.
This shifts its damage and hp up a bit and lowers its AC. Also, with 1 int it has fewer tricks. As soon as I get his full write up, I will post it for comparison.

LordRcane |
Alright, this is what my GM and I came up with for Mister Licks. The numbers should be accurate based on the animal companion stats (and effective druid level) from the Bestiary. If anyone finds a mistake or has a question, just holler.
Mr. Licks
Frog Animal Companion 3
N medium animal
Initiative: +2
Perception: +3
Senses: LowLight Vision, Scent
AC: 16, Touch: 13, FlatFooted: 13 (Dex: 2, Natural: 3, Dodge: 1)
HP: 25
Saves Fort: +6, Reflex: +5 (Evasion), Will: +0
Defensive Abilities: Evasion
Speed: 30 ft, Swim 30 ft
Melee: Bite +5 (1d6+3) or Tongue +5 (, grab +9, pull +5 (5 ft))
Tricks Known
Str: 16, Dex: 14, Con: 16, Int: 1, Wis: 9, Cha: 6
BAB: 2, CMB: 5 (9 to grapple), CMD: 18 (22 vs trip)
Feats: Toughness, Dodge
Special Abilities: Share Spells, Link
Skills: Climb: 7, Perception: 3, Swim: 15
Grab: If a creature with this special attack hits with the indicated attack (tongue), it deals normal
damage (none) and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
opportunity. Unless otherwise noted, grab can only be used against targets of a size equal to or
smaller than the creature with this ability. A successful hold does not deal any extra damage, but
each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the
damage indicated for the attack that established the hold (none). Creatures with the grab special
attack receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to start and maintain a grapple.
Pull: A creature with this ability can choose to make a free combat maneuver check with a
successful attack. If successful, this check pulls a creature closer. This ability only works on
creatures of a size equal to or smaller than the pulling creature.

DropBearHunter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

While the Goblin series certainly has it's fans, imo the Free RPG adventures should be 1st level introductiory adventures for people who never played before.
People who have never played before have never played „We Be Goblins“ :-p
but I‘m with you for an all Cat Folk adventure.

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but I‘m with you for an all Cat Folk adventure.
I'd be down for another kobolds game where you set up traps again. Perhaps something not requiring 5 stars. Just ran it for the first time at this year's convention because I'm a VL. My players have never had so much fun. They were didn't want it to end.
But yeah, I wouldn't be against a fun scenario where you're a completely different race that's unlikely to be playable short of a convention boon. Would love to do an underwater scenario with a merfolk, or traverse through the Darklands as a drow.
That said, very much down for continuing the tradition at our next con with yet another goblin scenario and finding out what shenanigans my players are going to get into this time. July 1st can't get here quickly enough.

C Shepard |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I was hoping for something else, because I'm bored mindless of the Goblins. Blah blah we have low Int and are cookoo blah blah.
The last Free RPG Day mod for any characters other than Goblins was, what, Risen from the Sands? Wasn't that 2014?
Same here. I love Crystal Frasier's work but can't stand the goblins and it becomes once again something I can't use at my table. It was said they would alternate non-goblin and goblin adventures but they never did.

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Some thoughts, post Con
I understand the goblin fatigue. I mean I enjoyed the scenario and the theme, but I understand it. Maybe for next year we can have a 'Master of the Fallen Fortress' like 2e scenario that introduces new PCs to the Pathfinder Society?

Zaister |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Maybe for next year we can have a 'Master of the Fallen Fortress' like 2e scenario that introduces new PCs to the Pathfinder Society?
I think we can safely assume that if the Pathfinder Free RPG Day 2019 product will be an adventure, it will be for Pathfinder First Edition.
Second Edition won't be out until August 2019, and Free RPG Day will probably be in May or June, so it's unlikely we'll get a Second Edition adventure. It's also unlikely that it will be an adventure using the Pathfinder Playtest rules, as the playtest will long be done by then, and the Second Edition final rules will have solidified at that time.
So, either we'll be getting a final First Edition adventure, or the Pathfinder Free RPG Day 2019 product will be something else entirely, such as a preview product like the the 2009 Bonus Bestiary or Starfinder's First Contact from last year.

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It was said they would alternate non-goblin and goblin adventures but they never did.
Free RPG Day adventures since 2011:
2011: We Be Goblins!2012: Dawn of the Scarlet Sun
2013: We Be Goblins Too!
2014: Risen from the Sands
2015: We Be Goblins Free!
2016: We B4 Goblins!
2017: (No Pathfinder Module; we released only Starfinder: First Contact)
2018: We Be 5uper Goblins! (also Starfinder: Skitter Shot)
So we did alternate, for a while. The problem is, Free RPG Day modules without goblins are like T-shirts in colors other than black: a lot of people say they really want them, but whenever we do them, they just plain don't sell as well.

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To be fair, both Down of the Scarlet Sun and Risen from the Sands have reputation as "You are gonna die if you play with pregens and even without them" <_<
But yeah, I definitely don't mind Goblin module on free rpg days. Though I would definitely take kobolds over them xD

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Looking at this finally, I can see there's a number of errors. Could have used one final edit before going out. Most have been brought up here and on the GM forum, but the first thing I noticed was the map was missing location C. We have A, B, D, and E. No C.
EDIT: Also, the map on the inside cover was copy/pasted on page 7. Seems unnecessary.