Oh Hum. I'm not seeing any minis that really interest me. I looked at the set list at MiniGallery and I'm underwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, they look nice, but I have a good size collection already and there's really nothing hear I'm interested in adding. I may get a few individual minis in the aftermarket.
On one hand I would prefer that the players of clerics of Gorum would need to figure out what is next for their PC and continue building from there. Do they become a fighter? Do they go to a new god? I think that would add a lot of good fluff to the campaign and characters. On the other hand, you may be ticking off a lot of players who have put a lot of time and money into their PC (buying books, going to game days and conventions) and the complete rebuild seems like a good compromise. I would really love to see an existing Gorum cleric PC can spend an adventure godless and earn a boon after showing their transition to a new god or class.
There was no informational email a few days or weeks ago saying when the launch date would be. There was a very limited number of "Early Bird" specials. Overall, very poorly done.
PFW1-K1 wrote:
Here is the 2011 Holiday Card and the 2012 Holiday Card
Arutema wrote:
If you wipe it off the servers to save space, then Paizo is changing it's practice/policy and customers will not be able to download previous purchased PDFs.
Ed Reppert wrote:
As I've posted before, a price increase from $3.99 to $8.99 is a 125% increase. All production costs for these scenarios has already been paid, years ago. The only ongoing cost is the cost to maintain the files on the server and the web description pages. Under Paizo's current business practices, customers have access to digital purchases on the Paizo servers until the practices change, so these are (small) ongoing costs. I suspect, the price increase on older 1e PDF scenarios is also PR related. Paizo want to steer customers to the new products, which do cost more to make. Having inexpensive first edition produces available for significantly less than current products is an incentive to purchase them and not move to the newest edition. The downside to this price increase on old products is that some customers will see this as being greedy. I suspect Paizo has picked a price point that will maintain the current cash flow of 1e PDF products even with a reduced number of sales while pushing customers to 2e. I also suspect that 1e purchases are making up a smaller and smaller amount of their sales. Overall, from what I see locally, Paizo's significantly smaller present at conventions (GenCon & Origins in particular) and the traffic I perceive on various websites, it looks like Paizo's sales are down all around. A GM needing to pay almost twice as much to get into the print remastered (2.5) edition, wont help. ($109.98 to $179.97)
Aaron Shanks wrote: Also, if you know a school, library, club, or nonprofit that does not restrict its membership and needs Pathfinder or Starfinder products to get started, please email community@paizo.com with a request! This is good to know. I appreciate that you are supporting these organizations. However, I find the raising prices on already published PFS, SFS, etc, scenarios is bad all around. It appears that all your costs for these products have been paid and any income generated from them is just profit. Under your new pricing, over half of your scenarios are more than doubling in price (125% increase) going from $3.99 to $8.99, for PFS-1e seasons 0 thru 7. These seems excessive, to say the least.
Cori Marie wrote: Or you can install via manifest URL. You get that from the module page on the Foundry site Looking at Forge created a few questions: So how big is the Kingmaker module?Will it double in size when the rest comes out? Does your licensed copy of Foundry VTT count against your Forge quota?
Several questions as I'm am new to Foundry VTT. I received the Kingmaker PDF through the crowdfunding campaign. Am I still eligible for the code only purchase? I play Pathfinder 1E and purchased the 1E Kingmaker Bestiary. While looking through the Foundry web site, I have found Pathfinder 1E tools but only through a Google search, not by navigating their site. Is Pathfinder 1E still supported? If 1E is still supported, can I use 1E rules and this 2E Kingmaker package? Thanks for all your help in advanced!
The more I read about the Remastered edition, the more it is sounding like Pathfinder 3.0, not even Pathfinder 2.5. There are so many changes, not just in mechanics, but in concept as well. I'm sure there must be some marketing reason why they are not changing the number, but the reality is that this is a new edition.
Preparing to run this at GenCon. I'm trying to figure out the BBEG tactics. The first full paragraph on page 7 tries to describe them, but there is missing text.
Bounty 19 page 7 wrote: If the PCs press against him, he uses to keep them separated, then follows-up with and to spring a trap or lockdown PCs who get close. I believe there is missing text here:: Bounty 19 page 7 wrote: If the PCs press against him, he uses missing text to keep them separated, then follows-up with missing text and to spring a trap what trap? or lockdown PCs who get close. What does he use? What does he follow up with? What is the trap he springs?
I played this a few months ago and it was fun. I'm preparing to run this soon, but I had one gripe when I played it concerning
Spoiler: the Communicate From The Beyond mechanism. Success and a Critical Success seem way to extreme. I'm thinking about adjusting the mechanic when I run it. Something like for every point you get above a success, you get two more words.
Swiftbrook wrote: Two day and over 50,000 bundles sold. By my record keeping, this is now the second biggest Pathfinder Humble Bundle, and there is still 17 days to go (plus any extension). The largest Pathfinder Humble Bundle, by my records, was the first in March of 2016 with 77,500+ sold. I think this will surpass that one. 2/13/2023 Update: 79,360+ bundles sold! Most ever with nine days to go. My estimates shows this bundle has brought in about $2,000,000, almost $140,000 for the charity.
Two day and over 50,000 bundles sold. By my record keeping, this is now the second biggest Pathfinder Humble Bundle, and there is still 17 days to go (plus any extension). The largest Pathfinder Humble Bundle, by my records, was the first in March of 2016 with 77,500+ sold. I think this will surpass that one.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Interesting. The majority of my last several purchases have been game accessories. Minis, pawns, maps, spell templates, and cards.
Seven years after printing, still finding errors. :-) First and second printing. Page 27, Hunter Animal Focus ability. The line "The companion’s aspect can be the same aspect the ranger has taken on or a different
I’ve looked for a spell-less Bard or Hunter Archetype, but couldn’t find one. I’m trying to create a character for a new player based on the Halfling Hunter art on page 52 of Ultimate Wilderness. The player isn't interested in being a spellcaster. My goal is to create a good support class with a wilderness theme. I’ve looked at many Bard, Hunter, Rogue and other class archetypes and I’m gleaning from a few of them. I’m using the Hunter as a base class. The Hunter’s spontaneous spell casting, combining the Bard’s and Ranger’s spell list, is quite good. I’m replacing the spellcasting with a form of Wild Knowledge ( ACG p.81); two Bardic Performances: Inspire Courage and Song of the Wild (ACG p.81); and four Rogue Talents. I’ve also eliminated one of the Hunter’s Teamwork Feats. Forest Singer
BAB: 2/3
Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Spells: A Forest Singer has no spell capability and no caster level. Class Features
Wild Knowledge (Ex): At 1st level, a Forest Singer adds 1/2 her level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (geography) checks. He can use Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (nature) untrained. Any thoughts and insight would be helpful.
Banedon_421 wrote:
It looks like it's a Google file of some kind. If you make a copy of it in your Google drive, you can select and delete the mono-colored hexes to uncover the terrain below.
blog wrote: Standalone Adventures $15.99–$17.99 now $19.99 Just saw a product with this price change. Now this is a real head scratcher. Pathfinder Module: Academy of Secrets
I found a similar situation with Tomb of the Iron Medusa. The new PDF price is 43% more than the print price.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
I've just looked at several 1st edition Campaign Setting supplements. They are currently listed at $13.99 for the PDF ($9.99 for the print). Are they going up to $15.99, or remaining unchanged at $13.99?
I've been looking at the companions in the First Edition Bestiary. I noticed they do not have any traits from the trait options. I was wondering if this was intentional or not. The companions in the 2E Companion Guide are built as full PCs, not NPCs. It seems like the companions in the 1E Bestiary should also be built that way. The 1E PFS Pregen sheets include traits.
Paizo/Game On Tabletop wrote:
I got caught in a Humble Bundle Humble Bundle email wrote:
They did not send me the keys for the PDFs they charged me for. Yes, Humble Bundle had no problem charging my credit card. I checked. They are YMMV
I have a few issues with the Aldori Manor Great Hall map. 1) If it is to match up with the East Wing map, there needs to be a door on the east wall of the great hall in the north most square. It opens to a storage room (?) on the East Wing map. 2) I though Paizo was allowing picture extraction from their PDFs now to allow owners use the maps in VTT games. I can't extract the map. 3) I wish that the Great Hall would have been one of the maps in the Flip-Mat: Noble Manor Multi-Pack instead of one of the two thrown rooms. note: I reposted this from the 1st edition Kingmaker forum as this is the correct forum.
Berhagen wrote:
Is the spreadsheet still available somewhere online? My searching has failed me this time.
Soon a Player’s Guide will be release for the Kingmaker Anniversary Edition. That will be for the second edition rules. I am preparing to run the AP with 1st edition rules. I suspect, but I don’t know, that an updated KM Player’s Guide will not be release for 1st edition. So, I’ve attempted to update the Campaign Traits in the original player;s guide with the new information presented in the Backgrounds for 2nd edition PCs. Your input is welcome! Kingmaker AP Campaign Traits: Bastard, now Brevic Outcast. Updated benefit: You take a –1 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks made when dealing with members of Brevic nobility but as a result of your stubbornness and individuality, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks and gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves. If you manage to establish yourself as a true noble or secure a leadership role in a kingdom, you no longer take the penalty to Charisma-based checks. Brigand, now Local Brigand. Updated benefit: You begin the campaign with an extra 100 gp in ill-gotten gains. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sleight of Hand, and one of these (your choice) becomes a class skill.
Noble Born, now Bevric Noble. Updated benefits: no change. Pioneer, now Borderland Pioneer. Updated benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature) and Survival, and one of these (your choice) becomes a class skill. Cartographer’s Apprentice (new campaign trait): Maps and the great outdoors has always interested you. You have combined your interests and spent the last several years walking the breath of Brevor in the apprenticeship of a master cartographer. You are now ready to practice your trade and an expedition into the uncharted Stolen Lands seems like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Craft (map), Knowledge (geography), and Survival, and one of these (your choice) becomes a class skill. Rostlander. No changes. Sword Scion. Updated benefits: You begin play with an Aldori dueling sword. You treat Aldori dueling swords as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons for the purpose of proficiency, and gain a +1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat maneuvers made with such weapons.
willfromamerica wrote: Might be good to make threads for each "book" so the questions in each can be more focused? I'm not sure if the new version of the AP is broken out by the original book they were a part of, though. I think it would be cleaner to ask for a GM Reference sub-folder. In that folder have a sticky thread dedicated to each chapter, in order. That would keep the main Kingmaker 2nd Ed. folder cleaner and require less scrolling through all the sticky threads to get to the new ones. Just My Thoughts.
Ed Reppert wrote: Hm. When will we be able to order it? Before street date, I hope. The way my subs are set up I probably won't get this until November anyway, but I'd like not to be the guy who tries to order and finds "sorry, out of stock". :-) I'm making an educated guess here: Jim Butler posted that they would be releasing the Kingmaker Player's Guide near the end of September. I expect there will be a big blog post announcing the release of the Kingmaker AP. At that time, I expect the Paizo store webpages to go live and you will be able to order from Paizo. That said, I have already preordered several items that are not in my backer package from Miniature Market. However, MM is already out of stock on most of the Kingmaker 2E preorder items.
Jim Butler wrote:
Awesome, looking forward to it. FWIW: When I go to my order page on the Paizo site, then click on one of the products listed in the pending Kingmaker line, I get forwarded to a page that keeps trying to load, but never gets there. I speculate that the page may exist but hasn't been released for public consumption. I was looking at my order item that shows: Pathfinder Kingmaker Bestiary (PFRPG) I clicked on it to check that it is the 1st ed Kingmaker Bestiary I ordered, not the 5E one.
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote: What is the special? GenCon Description wrote:
There is also a Starfinder special.
Signing up for the Special online. So why is there an up-charge for the online special? ($8 vs $4 for a ticket). I know that the when I've played the special in-person, the higher price appears to offset the promotional miniature that everyone gets. Are there other bonuses for playing the special online this year?
Lewy wrote: Ok, I've searched this thread, the faq's and the subscription notices. I must be missing it but I have tried. Please would someone confirm if the fans like myself who've been here since the start and spend loads still get to keep their grandfathered advantage discount? Because, if not, then it's time for me to head off. From farther up the thread: Aaron Shanks wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
From the current event listing on the GenCon site, I can find . . . Regular games cost $8 each slot
As a sample, here is listings for the Friday 2 pm slot
Most of the tables were single tables with five tickets available. I suspect that this is going to be updated before tickets go live but I have no actual intel on that. Well, I have a little intel. Only tier 1-2 of the Pathfinder Special is currently listed and there are only 24 tickets for it.
It seem with second edition that the rules are much tighter and it should be easier to write scenarios because the authors have a better idea what the skill range will be for the PCs. A third level PC is going to have a maximum bonus of +11 (+3 level, max +4 stat, +4 proficiency), and more likely a +8 (+3 level, +3 stat, +2 proficiency). That three point range is a lot tighter than I've seen in 1E. As to what tiers to offer, to me, offering the beginner range 1-2 doesn't make a lot of sense at the expenses of higher tiers. A walk in or new player don't have time to make a PC on the spot and can pick up a level 3 pregen just as easily as a level 1. Playing a level 3 will probably give them a better feel for the game and they'll have a little more fun because their PC can do more. An overall range of 3-8 seems seem a better fit for what appears to be about the same amount of work.