Ramona Avandth

Rose Claymore's page

17 posts. Alias of Dust Raven.


Dark Archive 4/5 *

Alex Speidel wrote:

I believe there was a charity boon for access to the Mosquito Witch patron at some point in the past couple of years. I can't recall if it was a major convention exclusive or not, but I do recall that it exists.

So it is possible, just in a very limited fashion and likely not for any new players at this time.

Good to know it's out there. and hopefully transferable? I haven't been able to make it to any of the past few charity events here in Colorado but maybe if someone local got one we can trade.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Hi Hilary!

I was looking at making a poppet character who was made as a Mosquito Witch doll, and a witch with her as a patron just seemed natural. I'm not really tied to the witch class as part of her concept though, so might just go in another direction.

Also, thank you for that link! I had no idea that site even existed!

Dark Archive 4/5 *

I have an idea for a poppet who is a mysteriously animated Mosquito Witch doll, who naturally would be a witch with the Mosquito Witch patron. I can't seem to find a boon of any kind that will allow access to the Mosquito Witch patron though. Could anyone please direct me to one, or at least tell me there isn't one (at this time) so I can stop looking?

Dark Archive

I'm looking for a way to delete/remove old locations when entering a new event for Organized Play. I click to select a location and I'm given a list that trails down the entire page, appearing overlaid on top of everything else making some locations difficult to read. I'm afraid if I add yet another location it will trail all the way down and off the page, which would make creating new events impossible as the new locations always appear at the bottom of the list.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Resurrecting once again.

I'm still looking for a way to delete/remove old locations when entering a new event. I click to select a location and I'm given a list that trails down the entire page, appearing overlaid on top of everything else making some locations difficult to read. I'm afraid if I add yet another location it will trail all the way down and off the page, which would make creating new events impossible as the new locations always appear at the bottom of the list.

Dark Archive

So, I was given a gift of a beautiful set of dice with tiny rubber duckies in them. They are adorable and must be used. This means I must play a duckfolk sort of ancestry. Except there really isn't one.

This Post by James Jacobs from forever ago implies there is such as thing as "duckbill tengu" but of course no other mention of them anywhere as it was probably just a joke.

So is there such a heritage or ethnicity for tengu? Wavediver heritage seems a good fit, but nothing rules or lore -wise indicate they don't look like any other sharp beak tengu.

My only other obvious option is the beastkin versatile heritage, but the shapeshifting and beastkin feats have nothing to offer (such as a swim speed).

With GM permission I could just reskin tengu however is necessary, but I'm hoping there is anything canon in Golarion's lore for duck people.

Anyone know of something I don't?

Dark Archive

I have a concept for a character that is some kind of "reversible caster". The idea is that any spell she can cast, she can cast an opposite version of it. So if she can cast bless, she can also cast bane. Or if she can cast light, she can cast darkness. Heal and harm, etc. I'm wondering if that is any sort of easy way to sort the list of spells into groups like this without going through each of them one by one or taking guesses based on the names of each spell. Or if anyone could just point me in the direction of a tradition that has a good number of such spells.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance!

Dark Archive

This heritage says a conrasu’s exoskeleton is medium armor. Specifically

Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse wrote:
Your woven exoskeleton rivals the hardest armors that can be found. Your exoskeleton is medium armor in the plate armor group that grants a +4 item bonus to AC, a Dex cap of +1, a check penalty of –2, a speed penalty of –5 feet, and a Strength value of 16, and has the comfort trait. You can never wear other armor or remove your exoskeleton. You can etch armor runes onto your exoskeleton as normal.

For feats and class abilities, and most importantly proficiency, is this actually armor? Is it considered wearing armor for a monk? Is it using medium armor proficiency or unarmored?

Any help or guidance is appreciated. Thanks!

Dark Archive

Could anyone post what scenarios the boon applies to, please? I could read all of them but the descriptions alone aren’t much help.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Has this been answered anywhere? I moved from Phoenix to Colorado Springs over 5 years ago and still see all the locations from Phoenix and would rather not have to search through a list I never use when looking for my current FLGS.

Dark Archive 4/5 *

Doing a search failed to bring this thread up. Glad I came across it before posting. Thank you!

Dark Archive 4/5 *

I just finished running a Quest where all the players used level 5 pregens (Quest 5: The Dragon Who Stole Evoking Day). I know from the guide they may apply credit to a 1st level character receiving 1st level gold, but how does that affect Earn Income rolls? Seems like it's almost an automatic success for the pegens to make a check appropriate to a level 1 character, but would be receiving way to much gold if rolling a check appropriate to a level 5.

So, how are Earn Income checks resolved using high level pregens when applying credit to a level 1 character?

Dark Archive

The treasure table seems to list rewards for levels 1-4 even though this is a level 3-6 quest.

Dark Archive

When using the alchemist discovery Explosive Missile using a Merciful weapon, does the bomb damage convert to nonlethal?

Dark Archive

Ediwir wrote:

You should probably talk to your GM. Keepjng the character is mostly a matter of continuity, so it’s not mandatory, but working things out is best for all.

Monk/rogue sounds pretty neat anyways. What’s stopping you?

Mainly the multiclass archetypes kinda suck. If I start as a rogue, I have zero options for monk stuff. Not even lethal unarmed strikes. If I start as a monk, I miss out on much of what makes a monk neat (ki abilities and a large enough ki pool to use them), and don't ever get the stuff that makes a rogue neat (dex to damage, skills, etc). The original character is way more rogue than monk, but if I'm a rogue I can't ever be a monk too.

Dark Archive

As I understand it, when I play part 4, I'm to level up the character I played in part 1. What if I had a bad experience playing that character and want to play something else? For playtesting purposes am I stuck?

For my personal situation, I was lacking for ideas and so just attempted to build one of my existing characters and now realize it is just impossible to actually level him up to be the same character character (who is a multiclass monk/rogue).

Dark Archive

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I think I'll be drawing the maps in crayon...