
mortellan's page

Organized Play Member. 221 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Ring of Five Questions: Greg Vaughan

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My review of this new article:

Kas & Vecna

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Seems Wizards had a change of heart about canceling their magic item book named after Mordy. I like the concepts in the accessory but I dislike the title implications. What's next? Robilar's Robust Armory? Eh.

Mordenkainen's Book is Back?

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2010 Needfest Special

Mort brings another Needfest miracle in time for all good Greyhawk and Paizo fans.

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This week I feature some olllld D&D ads and an insightful look on the origins of Greyhawk. It's a doozy to read but worth it.

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Mort's 5th Annual Needfest Special

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Awwwww yeeeah!

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From my long running Greyhawk comic, just thought I'd share with yall. Enjoy. ;)

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I'm not a reader of ASM but recently Joe Quesada did an event in the Spiderman titles called One More Day, which resulted in the worst and most unbelievable retcon I've ever seen in comics (Brand New Day). Google or Wiki around and I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

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It has a good blurb on the plot that makes me want to read it now.

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I have been running mods out of Dungeon recently and something is nagging me about the design of NPC wizards. Rings of Protection and Bracers of Armor/Mage Armor have been ubiquitous for a long time, but I see a new trend: precast False Life. This isn't necessarily the fault of the adventure writers, maybe it's just an indicator of the way the game is now. It's real minor but it nags at me in a way I can't explain just right.

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Well I checked back in on the gencon event lists and paizo is finally on there.

Writing for Dungeon Magazine: Come see what Dragon magazine has in store for the next year and get tips and tricks for getting your ideas published in the pages of the oldest D&D magazine around. Hosted by Erik Mona and Jason Bulmahn.

What's New With Paizo Publishing: Along with Dragon and Dungeon magazines, Paizo Publishing has a lot on the drawing board. Come take a peek at our newest developments, like GameMastery Item Cards, Compleat Encounters, Map Packs, and more. Hosted by Erik Mona and Jason Bulmahn.

Writing for Dragon Magazine:Join the Dungeon editorial staff to learn how to get published in the pages of our magazine. We'll review the submission guidelines and workshop a query taking suggestions for the audience. Hosted by Erik Mona and James Jacobs.

Getting on the Adventure Path:Join the Dungeon editorial staff in a discussion of the Shackled City, Age of Worms, and Savage Tide Adventure Paths. Meet other DMs and players involved in the campaigns and learn tips on how to improve your Adventure Path games. Hosted by Erik Mona, James Jacobs, Jason Bulman, Jeremy Walker, and more!

The last one looks interesting, I'm going to try for that. See yas there if so!

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The cover of the latest issue was cool, but...the inside thumbnail shows a white dragon with blue highlights. My cover has a white dragon in some purplish amethyst highlight. I didn't even know it was a white dragon until I looked inside the mag. Then on the page with Zogonia much to my dismay I saw the color printing was offset resulting in a drunken blur. Yup, I think I got a bad copy. Anyone else?

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Dungeon 112 was followed by 124, issue 136 is over the horizon! Anyone on staff can confirm if 136 will feature a new Maure level? I still haven't ran Chamber of Antiquities :S

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Thursday night is upon us! Don't be afraid, come inside the Greytalk Inn, grab a drink, and pull up a stool. Join the local Greysages and your Host Gary Holian as they share tales of canon both popular and heretical. Be assured that any Greyhawk topic is welcomed and maybe, if you make your Gather Information check, you can also glean some insider rumors on upcoming published material.

Speaking of Topics, heres a few in case things stall:

Titles of Greyhawk: What are the differences in titles across the Flanaess' nations? Is an Earl in Keoland the same as a Jarl in Jotsplat? And just what is a Herzog anyways?

Triple Postfest: Brainstorm ideas and discuss how to go about writing for this ongoing Canonfire event. This time around there are three topics spread throughout the summer. See if any of them spark your creative juices.

Age of Worms: Take the bait and discuss the new Greyhawk themed adventure path in Dungeon magazine. This series certainly holds some insight on Oerth's past and future.

The chat starts at 8pm EST to whenever. Go to on your IRC program of choice and goto #greytalk to join in the festivities with the Greysages.
If you dont have an IRC or java chat program then join with us here:
and select the Canonfire(Greytalk)-#greytalk too join in on the fun.
Or check here for IRC programs:

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Just joining up on these forums. Hope to see some familiar faces here soon. Carry on.